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How Would Your Dream Gun Function?


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Let's say you could make a weapon that did competitive DPS with the big dogs (Boltor P, Amprex, etc).

How would you make it function? What would be the most enjoyable / most comfortable setup for you?

Maybe a pump shotgun? A railgun? A charge laser?

I'm curious to see what people look for in their guns when DPS isn't a concern! Perhaps DE could find some of this information useful.

Edited by HolidayPi3
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A highly accurate rifle with a fast 3 or 5 round burst (faster than burston currently can be modded to, so basically, only limited by how fast I can pull the trigger) and the capability to swap to full auto if needed. Extended mag (60 rounds), innate punch through, and a heavier caliber round to pack a real punch.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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infector, turns enemies into infested units

shooting infested makes him ally, max stack 10x of allies. Shooting also heals allied infesfed units


Shield filled with hooks,  slam enemy and start carrying enemy as extra shield, enemy nailed into shield shoots random direction without need to reload. Nailed enemy on shield also bleeds 10% of hp / sec which also heals you 100%.

Now image slamming spiky shield into bombard. x.x  Nailed enemy deals dmg to enemies also.


Skinner blade,  stealth attacks rips enemy out of armor and wears suit. Enemies seeing you  think you as ally as long they are not closer than 10 meter radius.

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i know we're getting something like this but here it goes anyway:

(did not seem to be working so heres link)


i'd like an explosive weapon that punches through/embeds into an enemy/surface and explodes after a certain distance is between the explosive and the thing that launches it. preferably with an obnoxiously large explosion with falloff(the closer you are, the more likely you are to go splat). status chance would be nice, or an always-procs for the explosive damage. fired similarly to a bow in that you can fire it sooner for less flight speed on the projectile. probably should do the same damage all around and have the base flight speed be quite low whereas the max charge flies similarly fast to the high flight speed projectile weapons (dera/lanka) with some kind of stupidly low fire rate

Edited by Retrikaethan
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A straightforward, visually front-heavy Tenno automatic rifle. Not much fancy about it, not wildly favouring one damage type over another, no quirks (ie. flight time), gimmicks (crit builds) or anything else to have to factor in. Just good old reliable aim and fire action, viable at endgame levels. Unimpressive crit chance, decent ability to proc status conditions (obviously not constantly), very deep, crackly firing sound.

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I don't know if anybody here has played crusader no regret back in 1996ish, I loved the different weapon types on that game but my favorite one has to be the UV-9 (forgot if it's the full name of the gun). I would love to see that on warframe. It disintegrates the enemy's flesh leaving nothing but bones.

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A fully automatic hit-scan rifle without gimmicks. It would excel a mid range while able to do long range reasonable well and spray and pray too. A magazine of about 50 rounds and a reload time of maybe 2 seconds. A fire rate of around 8-10 would be nice. Damage spread out evenly as to be a jack-of-all-trades. It would be decently accurate as to reward careful aiming at mid ranges. 


What what's that I hear? I'm not sure but I think I heard "Silly rabbit, you're describing the braton" Well, I was. I think the braton is the perfect weapon in the game, IF IT ONLY DID DECENT DAMAGE!


No but really, I don't need crits, I don't need procs, I don't need homing crap, all I would want from my favorite primary is what the braton already does but with real damage. Buff it already DE.

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A pump action shotgun with no damage falloff, with ridiculous base damage but a terrible fire rate. 


Something along the lines of like 400 base damage spread across 6 pellets, 0.5 rate of fire, magazine size of 8. Crit total of 25% and multiplier of 2.0x


DPS might not be brilliant but the point is to actually kill things in one shot, like a shotgun is supposed to.

Edited by Arabaxus
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mine would be a semi automatic sniper rifle that would be utterly huge and length but short in width. it would have 5 separate zoom stages for all your sniping convenience. and when you fired it it would make the most satisfying "BLAMM!! echo-echo..." sound there ever was. it would also sound like guns do when you've got Loki's invisibility on or are in an airlock when you fully upgrade the silence mod.


it would have 5 bullets in the clip and 10 with a maxed out clip mod. the downsides would be slow reload low crit chance and low crit damage. also slightly bad status chance.as for the name I think I would call it the Ictus.

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Go big or go home.


My dad loves his sniper nuke in that


Lets everything pile on me so he can kill them


I throw up a shield and survive most times....


My dream gun would be a sniper pistol with high accuracy, low noise, little to no recoil,solid fire rate, and high status chance


Damage wouldnt matter too terribly much for me if it had the other things

Edited by Azawarau
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A big nasty Grineer heavy machinegun, high damage per shot, high recoil, hitscan, slow firerate and mid/high status (base 15-20ish).


Yes I was kinda letdown with the non-fitting gimmick of the Buzlock because I thought that I got my dream weapon :(  

Edited by StickyBaseline
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