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Devstream 37: More Bows!


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Before we start I LOVE BOWS!




The new bow the that is being design by concept artist. Am hoping the to be status weapon instead another criting monster like Dread or Paris prime. Nor to be weak like the Cernos.

I like the look of bow 7. Because weapon is meant to be tenno bow as well i don't like it to be intimidating. Plus tenno weapons meant to look sleek and elegant curves.


Cheat sheet:http://youtu.be/xRx6ANi_c9s

Edited by Ibro156
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Davestream?...welll ...sounds kinda like Devstream :3


little tip for your links: you should link to the exact time where the bow concept was shown ;)

( around the 26min)



And to make it a little bit easier about what concept this thread is:



I like 6 and 5. (5 because some sweet bow-melee combos would be nice xD, and 6 because...welll...just looks awesome^^)



Edited by Fabpsi
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 I kinda want to see DE do a Greatbow. It'd be interesting, even if it wouldn't stand a chance of being one of the top tier weapons.


 I don't imagine the majority of people think this way, I'll admit most of the time I don't show it outwardly in the way I play myself, but I'm a big advocate of DE covering certain weird or niche weapons just for the sake of that option existing. I mean, even if it doesn't turn out to be the next big deal there is bound to be a bunch of people who like it.


 It's like saying "Who wants some Nunchuks?" - Not everybody would. Most people would probably think "That's not likely to be a great weapon numbers wise." But nonetheless there is going to be a healthy number of people who say "Hell yes!" or are unsure but could get won over if they're cool.


 I find this, in particular, to be true of melee weaponry were flash and style is just as important to some people as stats - but this is also something that can matter in firearms.

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Uhm...[DE]Dave? Ever heard of? :D


Anyways, I really agree with OP. A status-based bow would be awesome, especially with piercing arrows...what if there was a Cryotic bow which fired energy arrows/bolts and deal electricity damage? AOE bows <3

Doesn't arttica count :)

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I'm a little irritated that it's going to be a Tenno bow. If it's a slash bow, then sure - we've got Cernos for Impact and Paris for Puncture already so it'll be good to complete the trio, since Dread doesn't count as Tenno - but I wish we could have something like a Grineer compound bow, or a Corpus bow that fires cryotic-tipped arrows, or even a pure Toxin / Gas Infested bow.


I just wish we had some variation in faction weapons for the bows, really.

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At the moment Paris Prime beats every other bow. 

It is easy to aquire and does not have cumbersome mastery requirements as other "power primaries" have.


Sure, a Boltor prime can easily outperform a Paris Prime at close to medium range since properly modded it can easily mow down any number of enemies in front of you in a matter of moments. 


But the Paris Prime won't manage to outperform the Vectis. The Vectis is a tenno sniper rifle and superior to the Paris prime at long range since it has no bullet drop and a much better zoom and doesn't need to be charged to do full damage. And it can gain full advantage of charged/primed chamber mods as each shot counts as first shot in the mag.

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#6 looks like it could be the primed version of the cernos, it has a slight resemblance of  the bones on the bottom. release it asap it would make me such a happy camper. more status please and well balanced as the cernos in the damage type dept. give it that Olympic tension we all crave on the bows.

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 I kinda want to see DE do a Greatbow. It'd be interesting, even if it wouldn't stand a chance of being one of the top tier weapons.


 I don't imagine the majority of people think this way, I'll admit most of the time I don't show it outwardly in the way I play myself, but I'm a big advocate of DE covering certain weird or niche weapons just for the sake of that option existing. I mean, even if it doesn't turn out to be the next big deal there is bound to be a bunch of people who like it.


 It's like saying "Who wants some Nunchuks?" - Not everybody would. Most people would probably think "That's not likely to be a great weapon numbers wise." But nonetheless there is going to be a healthy number of people who say "Hell yes!" or are unsure but could get won over if they're cool.


 I find this, in particular, to be true of melee weaponry were flash and style is just as important to some people as stats - but this is also something that can matter in firearms.

Great Bow from Dark Soul 1 or 2

Arrow shooting from normal bow

Missiles Lance Flying At Fast Speed from a Great Bow

the size of a Great Bow ammo = the size of rhino body + taller 

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