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Anyone Else Burned Out?


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yeah, a bit.  I still run about 3-5 missions a week, but otherwise kind of had my fill.


I have wanted campaigns or stories or something more meaningful than just running the same missions over and again with no further anything than an end of mission reward.

Edited by Hezekiah
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I feel you dude, ever since that event I've been feeling really bored of warframe and been anxiously waiting for archwing! No pressure DE, i hope you do your best on the update and don't go and kill yourselves like you did with u14...but i really want it to come out soon :c

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I was, but I've since come back. 


I came back for the tactical alerts and realized I had a huge pile of stuff sitting in my foundry unclaimed. I've been getting back to basics, instead of pushing for longer and longer survival runs. Definitely a lot more fun.

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I have more then 1200 hours of Warframe, i have all Frames and weapons with the exception of Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal. Currently feeling too lazy to finish ranking up the Tibetron, Hikou Prime and Scindo Prime. I have been loging in mostly lately to keep my Kubro alive and claim the items my collectors have gathered for me.

Every now and then i try doing Sechura to see if i cheer up or get the weapons i still have ranked up but i end up logging out when seeing the taxes the current clan that has Solar Railed it (75% On both Credits and Materials!).

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i think we've all burned ourselves out atleast a few times.


spent too long in one Mission, played one game too much in N time, Et Cetera.



it's always healthy to take breaks and to spend your time doing more than one thing.

that's how i've accumulated what's approaching 2500Hrs and am still able to play the game. i play it to play it, nothing more.

i generally avoid the boring and completely unfun things, like levelling Equipment i don't want to use(and save it all for nolife grinding sessions for a day here and there), grinding for some item in particular, Et Cetera. i just play the game. choose Equipment that i feel like using, and play some Missions. whatever sounds interesting.

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But don't worry Tenno this is the year of endgame. I am sure you can enjoy one of the many exciting projects that is going to turn up this year. 


*Looks at a calendar* 


OH!... we must have received at least... one.... by now.... oh. 


Ummm errrr.....     Tier 4?


One day we will have content and endgame and fun... one day. 

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I need to make the full jump to destiny and come back at update 30 when DE adds in endgame. Wonder if we will still be in beta? I'm not even sour, I just know that I am bored and have been this way since I got all frames and forma'd my favourite weapons. Back round nova's release. The pointless grind has gotten to me. I stopped feeling a sense of progression a long time ago. Is there a reason I should even bother completing the starchart (rhetorical question, there isn't). Its just the same mission all over with possibly a new tileset that I saw a few nodes or planets back. I need a WHY? DE, not just a new WHAT? every few months. I'm not even sour.

Edited by Shreiko
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I want to do missions but they're all boring.

This is actually a valid complaint. Nothing much to do besides grind, no fun.

^agreed....there isnt much for me to grind anymore either


i already formaed all that i could....potato all that i wanted....rank up all the weapons that are currently possible for me


all i find myself doing now is going on once every 2 days to farm for 1 kubrow egg and consign all the fugly kubrows that hatch


* and once everyday for daily rewards......but ill never get anything good from dailies anyway


i burn out after every major update due to the boring grind....but i try to keep myself around cause i dont want to miss one time items...

Edited by sekushiiandee
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I can get that way, so I just stop for a while until new content is released.  I've acquired every frame and every prime weapon, along with most of the others, barring the S#&$ty ones, so it's mostly just playing when I feel like it and whenever a good alert or event comes long.  I still play on mostly a daily basis, but only up to the point where I get tired of it.  If I'm just grinding and not having fun, there's no reason to keep playing.

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I have more then 1200 hours of Warframe, i have all Frames and weapons with the exception of Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal. Currently feeling too lazy to finish ranking up the Tibetron, Hikou Prime and Scindo Prime. I have been loging in mostly lately to keep my Kubro alive and claim the items my collectors have gathered for me.

Every now and then i try doing Sechura to see if i cheer up or get the weapons i still have ranked up but i end up logging out when seeing the taxes the current clan that has Solar Railed it (75% On both Credits and Materials!).


Why not just put your kubrow in statis until you get back?

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I'm super interested in the lore and the game aesthetic and game design but the grind is just too monotonous sometimes. Ive come from WoW (quit after Lich) and GW2 and the likes. I've had my fair share of grinding and even i cannot stand the grind. They need some way to break up the monotony like a meta objective within the missions. Thats at least my opinion, which may or may not contain value.

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Yeah kindda, been grinding MR to 14, maybe that's why I feel burn out doing the same things over and over again with stuff I don't even like. Thank god the last event gave exp booster.

I often hang out in the recruiting channel wanted to see if there's something I can do or join, but was just not interested or my mood was just not there. The farming, grinding and RNG are becoming a turn off. Buy plat and trade it for prime parts? Sure I can, but it's not the same feel if you got it yourself from running void missions, but I just don't have the drive to do it constantly. For now I just do what fun is left for me in Warframe, killing things with melee with my dog.

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