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Warframe Ability Mods: Coming Changes


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What if I don't want to max rank an ability? For Example - Right now, I run with unranked blessing. I don't want to rank that mod up. I use the ability a lot. With the new system, I will have no choice but the ability will be ranked up slowly. Is there an option or slider you can provide where we can select what rank the ability will be at?


The reason I do this with blessing is that I use it as spammable heal

There is no reason to run an unranked blessing anymore.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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What if I Forma’d/Polarized the 2 slots being removed?

Any Forma spent on Polarizing these 2 slots will be reimbursed.



So, basically you're removing forma from ALL MY WARFRAMES, and in exchange I get one or two forma. You could've let us pick the slots, or forma slots to be rearranged, but instead you choose to throw away all our time. This SUCKS, BIG. 


This is by far THE WORST DECISION you've ever made since you started the closed beta. Even worse than destroying void tables and credits on update 7 or 8.


Is this a PW decision? Do they think we will buy boosters so we can level those 60 levels of EACH warframe again?? Well, ever since PW problems started in the game I've not bought plat and I will NEVER BUY AGAIN UNLESS YOU STOP DOING THINGS LIKE THIS.


I don't care about the formas, I want my levels. PW won't have any impact on the game you said... sure...

Edited by Agua
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So, basically you're removing forma from ALL MY WARFRAMES, and in exchange I get one or two forma. You could've let us pick the slots, or forma slots to be rearranged, but instead you choose to throw away all our time. This SUCKS, BIG. 


This is by far THE WORST DECISION you've ever made since you started the closed beta. Even worse than destroying void tables and credits on update 7 or 8.


Is this a PW decision? Do they think we will buy boosters so we can level those 60 levels of EACH warframe again?? Well, ever since PW problems started in the game I've not bought plat and I will NEVER BUY AGAIN UNLESS YOU STOP DOING THINGS LIKE THIS.


I don't care about the formas, I want my levels. PW won't have any impact on the game you said... sure...


This is kinda typical of DE  a complete 360 turn around that throws away a lot of player invested time   , happen in 8 ,  10 , 12 ,  the forma - strait reimbursement seems like a huge slap to the face , and it does feel like a middle finger to the player base .


that being said  I am not re-forma-ing 20 frames again - 15 is not looking off to a good start , maby a bad finish  

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Of course it matters. The forma'd ones will be removed, and you will be "reimbursed" with a Forma. I don't want a Forma, i want to keep my polarity.



Please tell us which will be the slots. 60 levels on each WF is A LOT of time.

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Is this a PW decision? Do they think we will buy boosters so we can level those 60 levels of EACH warframe again?? Well, ever since PW problems started in the game I've not bought plat and I will NEVER BUY AGAIN UNLESS YOU STOP DOING THINGS LIKE THIS.


I don't care about the formas, I want my levels. PW won't have any impact on the game you said... sure...


Couldn't possibly be. The deal hasn't gone through yet.

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I heard that the reimbursed Forma isn't an ordinary Forma... It might me a legendary Forma that doesn't require a level 30 frame to use it. It will allow you to use this legendary Forma regardless of frame level. 


If that isn't the case, it should be. It only makes sense that they would do that.

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I heard that the reimbursed Forma isn't an ordinary Forma... It might me a legendary Forma that doesn't require a level 30 frame to use it. It will allow you to use this legendary Forma regardless of frame level. 


If that isn't the case, it should be. It only makes sense that they would do that.


Oh if that's ttrue, then i would be ok with that.

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Ugh, couple of gripes here...


A week or so ago you guys(DE) said that Warframe abilities were going away, so I sold them. Why did I sell them? Because you(DE) have been known to outright delete and remove things without warning. So I took my chance and sold them for credits(netted around 1.5 million I think, not bad).


So how about in the future, can we please have some damn transparency next time? Not everything needs to be "Oh so secret! Teehee!". So I just lost out of thousands of Fusion Cores. Again, it's "my" fault, but I'm going to blame DE on this one for not giving us a heads up(they never do, so do I even bother?). And I'm not going to go through support over this, I'm not going to have them waste their time responding to my ticket when all it's going to be is "Well you waited to long, so you're SOL.".


My second gripe is, really DE you're gimping my Warframe by two slots? I can count, 10 slots turning into 8 slots = nerf. 10 slots remaining 10 slots while previous items that were taking up slot space have been removed = fixing/balance. 10 slots going up to 12 slots for example = buff.


Also, great devstream, fell asleep twice through it because of how boring it was. How about next time give us some meat instead of the bone? Thanks.

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My second gripe is, really DE you're gimping my Warframe by two slots? I can count, 10 slots turning into 8 slots = nerf. 10 slots remaining 10 slots while previous items that were taking up slot space have been removed = fixing/balance. 10 slots going up to 12 slots for example = buff.


Depends on how many abilities you're using. If you use 3 or 4 abilities, you actually get more slots. The only time you actually lose slots is if you only use one ability, and even then you're only losing one.

Edited by vaugahn
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Also, learn what a "generalized statement" means. Obviously, I wasn't talking about EXACT builds for EXACT warframes using EXACT mods. I didn't even mention Loki, so really I have no idea why you went off on such a tangent, and then tried, in the most blundering of ways, to insult me. Also, if you're going to play Loki, try a Radial Disarm build. Alot more fun with just a tiny bit extra challenge.


ROFL, this dude accuses me of not reading his post, then suggests I use a Radial Disarm build, even though I already mentioned Radial Disarm in the post he responded to. Maybe he really is intentionally trying to make himself look more and more ridiculous with each post he makes? Also, he apparently has the attention span/memory of a goldfish, since he's conveniently forgotten that his initial "generalised statement" was an attack on all single ability builds, conveniently generalised by him as "stand still and press 4" players. (Which he then explained as a "general statement" that also includes single ability users who maximise for abilties other than their 4 - hence including Invisibility-only Loki).


Also in regards to your generalised statements, its precisely because you're making such statements as a means to attack other people's concerns that you are making such a fool of yourself.


"You use only 1 ability on a warframe? Hah. Then you MUST be a no-skill loser who deserves to get your hard work wasted!" (the gist of your "general statements") is not bringing constructive commentary to the debate, its just you airing your prejudices. And if they are really so "generalised" that it does not cover single-ability users who DON'T spam massive AoE damage dealing abilities while standing still, then maybe you shouldn't have made that initial "generalised" statement about single ability users being second-class citizens of the Tenno world in the first place.


It's understandable if the players who have spent time forma-ing that 3rd ability slot into a different polarity are upset, they did invest time in re-ranking the warframe after applying the forma, and this time investment would apply to however many frames they upgraded this way.


Someone's suggested a "polarity do-over" item that bypasses the reranking for a polarity change for those installed forma which are removed. That might be intresting. (I also agree it may be better to make them non-tradeable to prevent some enterprising individuals from going crazy with formas on their warframe ability slots during the interim period before this change is made...)

Edited by 413X
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I do not think that removing two abilitiy slots is a good idea.

I think it is a large loss for the community.


As it stands there are a lot of single ability builds. With the limitation adding on mods being either capacity (overcome by forma, which is a "good" grind) or mod slots.


Removing slots causes the following issues:

Less reason to Forma.

Less diversity in Builds.

-- Need to redesign the UI to only use 8 Slots.

-- Need to develop the forma reinbursement system.


By keeping 10 slots but not increasing the overall capacity of a frame

More reason to Forma.

More diversity in builds, letting things like Handspring maybe be used.

-- No need to redesign anything.

-- No need to reimburse forma.


Letting us keep 10 slots only adds longetivity and customization. As it stands now it doesnt really break the game. We can already spec 9 ability slots to fully power a miasma or mprime. Letting us have 1 additional slot that requires massive forma'ing to use (and may not even provide the necessary capacity to use a "power mod" ) is not a bad thing. It only allows slightly more power, at the cost of a lot of work to re-level and use the forma, and gives us some upward growth.

Taking it away just shortens the cap of the game which many of us are already at. Reimbursing forma (unless legendary forma) does not really seem like its efficient because as stated, there are other costs of a forma (time, boosters) that would be lost. Whereas keeping the current customized polarity slots would only require removing the ability polarity leaving those slots blank and not all this rearraging.

I really agree that this is a good move, but you should really think about re-planning the steps taken to do it. Most of the community has touched on these topics, I just hope by summarizing we can get the point accross better.

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Quick question: When DE.R. said "next major update" does that means update 16?


or (less  likely) update 15. I WANT IT SOOOO BADLY




living in the middle east at the moment and my heart achs as i watch events and updates pass by as i can do nothinge my heart filled with hope as i return to US around march for ASH prime (XD)


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Depends on how many abilities you're using. If you use 3 or 4 abilities, you actually get more slots. The only time you actually lose slots is if you only use one ability, and even then you're only losing one.

Actually, most of my Warframes only do use one ability. To me, each ability is entirely dependent on something else unless it mixes well with both the gametype and the other ability.


So for me, I either losing 1 slot or gaining/losing nothing since at max I only use 2 abilities.


Oh another huge gripe is the fact that I will have to level my Warframes up again unless we get some type of Legendary Forma that ranks up your Warframe to 30 instantly after polarizing a slot.

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I'm sure others have mentioned some or all of these, but here are my present concerns:


1. Which slots are being removed?

2. Will I have to go through the process of applying forma and leveling up again if a previously converted ability slot is removed and "reimbursed"?

3. If the ability slots have been moved around, will it mess things up? Should I move them back if I have moved them?

4. Will Sentinel and Kubrows have their ability mods converted as well?

5. How will this affect obtaining and using abilities in Dark Sector Conflicts?

6. When you forma, do you have to rank up your abilities again as well as your frame?

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I totally agree with the above statement about the logistics of this decision. Leave the 10 slots alone. Pull the ability polarity if you like but leave the slots. This makes the "Legendary Forma" not relevant so all in all its less work, less hours spent on something that is so controversial, and the ability to customize frames even more.

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There are 2 major problems with this change:


1)  Most frames only have 1 good ability and 3 situational and/or useless abilities.  


2)  Frames with more than 1 good ability usually require a different mod layout to specifically buff 1 of them, leaving the other useless.


The devs say "we built all these skills for the frame, you should use them" so they enforce it.  The problem is, the skills just aren't any good or have been neutered due to modding for the core skill.  They should go with 1 aura + 9 slots to prevent damaging the 1 skill wonders.

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This isn't something we have control over and I'm still waiting for more info on it.


The real question is: Do we max all of our rare ability mods or not?


I assume they are going to be converted into cores and I've got S#&$ tons of sentinel ability mods I could use a fodder for maxing all the rare ability mods I've accumilated and never even used for transmutation.

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There are 2 major problems with this change:


1)  Most frames only have 1 good ability and 3 situational and/or useless abilities.  


2)  Frames with more than 1 good ability usually require a different mod layout to specifically buff 1 of them, leaving the other useless.


The devs say "we built all these skills for the frame, you should use them" so they enforce it.  The problem is, the skills just aren't any good or have been neutered due to modding for the core skill.  They should go with 1 aura + 9 slots to prevent damaging the 1 skill wonders.

yeah +1 on this

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That's just plain unfortunate. I had SEVERAL builds which required those extra slots which are being taken away. I usually only use one or maybe two of the warframe powers. I unequip the ones I won't be using so I don't accidentally trigger them. Then I forma those slots so they can be useful. Now I'm going to lose some of those slots and I'll be forced to equip things I will never use and will accidentally trigger ALL OF THE TIME.


(not to mention the fact now I have to go through and rebuild all of my existing warframe loadouts)


!!!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE at least give us the ability to disable powers we're never going to use!!!!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...



There I thought I was "hardcore" ._.

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There are 2 major problems with this change:


1)  Most frames only have 1 good ability and 3 situational and/or useless abilities.  


2)  Frames with more than 1 good ability usually require a different mod layout to specifically buff 1 of them, leaving the other useless.


The devs say "we built all these skills for the frame, you should use them" so they enforce it.  The problem is, the skills just aren't any good or have been neutered due to modding for the core skill.  They should go with 1 aura + 9 slots to prevent damaging the 1 skill wonders.


There are frames that have only one really useful skill yes (for example Nekros), but I've found that many Warframes do work well if all 4 skills are used (recent frames like Hydroid and Mirage do this quite well).


As someone who believes in using all of a Warframe's skills due to being a mostly solo player, using only a single skill for the majority of Warframes is just gimping yourself imho, and makes the game less fun in general. Hence why this change in removing abilities from the mod system is extremely welcome for me, since it allows me to finally be able to make as many mod combinations as I wish without having to sacrifice any of my powers.

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