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Will Dual Greatswords Be Ever A Thing?


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I just sort of like the idea and think it'd be neat. No I ain't talking about Dual Galatines or Dual Grams, preferably these be unique dual greatswords like how Nami Skyla was a just a pair of dual swords on its own before Nami Solo came.


Anyone would like it as well? :D Sure it'll probably come with a grindy stance but I think the combos would be smashing.



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As cool as that would be, the only frame that I can possibly even imagine wielding 2 heavy weapons would be Rhino/prime.  Maybe Frost/prime as well. Maybe.


The rest? No chance. They already have trouble lifting 1.

I mean, really, they are heavy weapons for a reason.

Well my Nova isn't complaining much bout holding her Jat Kittag...

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As cool as that would be, the only frame that I can possibly even imagine wielding 2 heavy weapons would be Rhino/prime.  Maybe Frost/prime as well. Maybe.


The rest? No chance. They already have trouble lifting 1.

I mean, really, they are heavy weapons for a reason.

Trouble? Since when?

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Well clearly all Warframes have the strength to wield 2 greatswords on each hand.  Even if they don't, dual greatswords would be made of lighter materials.  The important aspect to a greatsword is mainly the length, especially in a fantasy setting when you don't have take into account its durability.  So literally you could just make up a a really long sword with lighter materials and that would be suitable for dual wielding (ether greatsword?).  The question is why.   And how to justify it with the moveset.  Honestly to me it sounds dumb.  There's no need for dual wield greatswords.  What you get out of it is long reach and wide swing arcs, that's it.  You're better off using a weapon better designed for that, like a pike, or spear or even twinblades.      Or just a greatsword.

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Actually, here's a thought. The ships and asteroids the Tenno navigate through evidently have artificial gravity, considering there's no spinning of chambers to create centripetal force. Knowing that, it's easy to assume that gravitational generators exist. Knowing THAT, could we not equip a small gravity generator to a greatsword, and dual wield them?


Also the swords/axes equipped to the archwings are enormous, you can watch gameplay to see that. That's because it's in the dead of space; therefore it's not inconceivable to think that archwings might someday have dual greatswords.

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Rhino Prime Prime can dual wield Scindos and copter with them as they were zorens.

Also, Rhino Prime Prime uses Ash as secondary weapons: he throws ash, which explode on impact causing each a bladestorm.

And his primary weapons are his fists.

Edited by Zuijin
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Rhino Prime Prime can dual wield Scindos and copter with them as they were zorens.

Also, Rhino Prime Prime uses Ash as secondary weapons: he throws ash, which explode on impact causing each a bladestorm.

And his primary weapons are his fists.

Oh my that's terribly OP. You know what that means?


Better nerf Trinity.


I don't want dual greatswords, I want a skyla solo.


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