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Now That Papa Hayden Has Been Confirmed, What Do You Think The Connection Between Us And Him Is?


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Maybe I grammar'd correctly. 

Anywho, now that it's all but confirmed -- https://warframe.com/news/tenno-language-decoded

What do you think the connection between us is?  Are we some form of clone?  Did he live so long to see the Orokin empire?

Hell, what are the Orokin? 

But back to us, are we some form of descendants, genetically?  Perhaps.  But maybe not in the conventional way.  Maybe we had some dormant Technocyte in us, the same strain Hayden had..  That was supercharged by the Void.


Maybe we follow his model, containing and mastering a terrible power like he did.  But there's gotta be some sort of technocyte in us -- Our suits are certainly biomechanical and a Tenno has never gotten infested.  Hell, our suits are definitely technocyte, they're just like his.

What do you all think?

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Distant history.


He's not directly related to our tenno. He's more of a legendary figure our tenno were patterned after.

...or if we take into account when all written references to Hayden were made(early beta/alpha) we could safely argue they're just easter eggs.

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@ Gaminus .. just because "Hayden Tenno" is inscribed on warframes doesn't establish biological paternity

It may be DE just paying homage to Dark Sectors - understandable given their passion for wanting to make a science fiction story about "space ninjas"


A Lore consistent alternative that allows for a direct link between Dark Sector and Warframe would be that the Tenno themselves are paying homage to Hayden Tenno - remember this is roughly 20,000 years in the future


However, IF Hayden Tenno is indeed the "first Tenno" then there may be a serious conflict in the Lore as it already exists

1. In Mag Prime's Codex, the Tenno are "phantoms" to the general populace (or at least the military - which might have been conscripted)

Yet, presumably the "Tenno" have existed ALL ALONG


After millennia, one would think that something as big as "supersoldiers" wouldn't be a well kept secret ...

Maybe the "Tenno" nearly died out over the period leading up to The Old War

Maybe the "Tenno" became a very secretive society

Maybe, maybe, maybe ... A lot of 'splainin to do if you ask me


2. In Excalibur's Codex, the Orokin created the warframe to enshroud the Tenno who were now exposed to The Void

Yet, there was an exosuit for Nemesis and Hayden millennia earlier


So ... is the Codex "incomplete" as a history, a "sham" as it may have been written by the Orokin (who are suspect) or is it the ability of the Orokin warframe to control Void energy that makes it sufficiently different from the original exosuit that the two really aren't the same thing?


In conclusion, what DE has masterfully done AGAIN is give us hints but not the answers

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So ... is the Codex "incomplete" as a history, a "sham" as it may have been written by the Orokin (who are suspect) or is it the ability of the Orokin warframe to control Void energy that makes it sufficiently different from the original exosuit that the two really aren't the same thing?


In conclusion, what DE has masterfully done AGAIN is give us hints but not the answers

I feel like I'm watching lost all over again. You get one answer, a few hints, and a million more questions after each episode.

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Think of Master Chief. Him and the other Spartans of the Spartan 2 program were patterned after the Spartans of the Greek City-State of Sparta to be the Elite Soldiers of the human race.


The Tenno are similar. They were patterned off of Hayden once the Orokin figured out how to utilize the people who were altered by the void and the technocyte virus like Hayden was. This was long after Hayden was already dead.

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Think of Master Chief. Him and the other Spartans of the Spartan 2 program were patterned after the Spartans of the Greek City-State of Sparta to be the Elite Soldiers of the human race.


The Tenno are similar. They were patterned off of Hayden once the Orokin figured out how to utilize the people who were altered by the void and the technocyte virus like Hayden was. This was long after Hayden was already dead.


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just remember... i don't like to repeat old discussions ;)




really confusing, so many theories going on, seriously can warframe have a story BETA???


It seems that there is one. Considering these references have been in place for a very long time now, there might be more of a story than we think.

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I have not played Dark Sector yet, so I'm truly sorry if what I say contradicts something.


My two cents is that the "present" Tennos (us, the players) are all clones of the original humans that inhabited the Warframes. Hayden was the first Tenno and, thus, the first Excalibur. All Excaliburs that exists are his clones.


Now, who were the other humans? In Ember's codex, it mentions a ship full of children. My theory is that the Technocyte took its toll on Earth and, as a form of salvation, sent a ship full of people that ended up in the Void. The reason why it was ONLY children could be because the others (both adults and children) didn't have the immunity to the virus/Void and ended up dying. The Orokin (who are probably some sentient alien species, similar to humans in appearance) found these children and noticed that each had peculiar powers (Kaleen would have been burned by accident by the original Ember). These powers were thanks to the Technocyte and exposure of the Void, so the Orokin found use of this to fight against the Sentients. They created the Warframes to enhance their powers and become super soldiers and saved their DNA to clone more of these soldiers and to win the war.


Of course, like someone else said, the first "Warframe" should have been from Hayden, and not originally from Orokin. How Hayden enters in all of this? Maybe one of these children was his descendent? If so, then how come the modern Excalibur bears so much similarity to Hayden's suit? Also, why did the Tenno betray the Orokin?


So many questions, so many hints but no answers! I really, really hope DE adds more lore. It keeps me up at night just thinking about it.

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"Hayden Tenno, I'm sorry, I owe you one."

That line is just so amazing. DE's tribute to the First.


I dunno, they said on a Devstream that Hayden Tenno was the first, but to say that the Warframes were only patterned after him wouldn't be inconsistent with that in my opinion. It sounds more fitting.

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