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Reached Max Syndicate Rank... But The Grind Isn't Over


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Congrats. Personally, I'm just doing the daily missions (that's around 2k rep a day at rank 1, maybe a bit more at rank 2, since I'm with Red Veil and I can only do Steel Meridian in addition). I've stopped caring about being "first" or just rushing through content in general. Warframe has taught me a lot of patience with the 1-3+ days wait just to craft something. Plus 2k or so rep per day doesn't seem too bad for me for just doing 6 quick missions. I'm sure they will add more and better ways to get rep as well in the future.


It would take a while if that's ALL I did on Warframe every day but in addition to other random missions I'm progressing at a pace I can say is reasonable. Just hit rank 2 recently (and almost rank 2 with Meridian), guess we'll see how the rest goes.


It would also be nice if the restore blueprints were tradeable but I'm still not sure how I feel about that. I would say they should be unique only to players in that Syndicate but I assume the mods are tradeable anyway.

Edited by Seraphyx
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they fixed that bug. Now no matter what you have you'll get around 8-900 per Cerberus up to round 4 this is with the booster, and I am not even sure if they fixed the booster or not to not give us extra points as well.

Yes you can a 16 wave in cerberus without booster is 2336 points

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I'm honestly disappointed about how people are hyping that stuff up even there's no difference in what we have to do now compared to what we have been doing before that. If people feel satisfied with the same dull grind in a different shade of color already then they are really easy to satisfy.

Sorry for being a disappointment to you. But, friend, I hope you don't truly feel that way because it's self-righteous. With how you stated it, it looks as if you step on other people's sense of fun and excitement. Also, please, don't make it sound like that the people who are easy to please are inferior. But, I digress. You are entitled to have your own opinion.

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Sorry for being a disappointment to you. But, friend, I hope you don't truly feel that way because it's self-righteous. With how you stated it, it looks as if you step on other people's sense of fun and excitement. Also, please, don't make it sound like that the people who are easy to please are inferior. But, I digress. You are entitled to have your own opinion.


I don't think easy-to-please people are inferior since I've been one myself at the beginning. Otherwise I wouldn't have started playing the game when it turned open beta and when there wasn't much to see yet because back then only 2 or 3 tilesets existed and nearly no variety in enemies, and only a handful weapons and warframes.


But it wouldn't be too bad to increase ones expectations about additions to the game over time, especially if the game is in Open Beta for more than 1.5 years already (slowly approaching the 2 years mark) and even more if one invested money to help founding it in believe that the developers will eventually use that money to exhaust the possible potential of the game.


So you may or may not understand my dissapointment when they were announcing endgame content at the beginning of the year and when it finally gets released as a last minute addition it turns out that we keep on getting the same bland and mindrotting grindwall gameplay presented just in a few different costumes.


And this is not only a developers fault but also of the community. Because many people were complaining about the lack of "endgame" content and things to do beyond the grind back last year (also at various times throughout this year) and now many are acting like this addition is one the best things that ever happened to Warframe while in fact DE didn't really add any of the promised "endgame"-content, just a few more subpar baits hidden behind even more of the same grind gameplay we already did before and is just there to hold us over even further.


To come to the point where I clarify what I exactly meant... a newer player may not have many expectations about the game yet, I can relate to that, but it's mostly the older, veteran players I targeted with the last sentence of that post.


So we may bury the problem now if some have fun with it. Fine. But I wouldn't be surprised if in a month or two from now many people are sick of the grind again (some are already, just look at OP) because many of them chose to take the bitter pill or not to have expectations now.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Yes you can a 16 wave in cerberus without booster is 2336 points

16 wave? Jeeze you must have had an epic team, BUT 2336 means you did something wrong. If at wave 3 I get around 800 with full gear by 16 that is like multiple times of that. Like... 3 goes into 16 about 5 times. So 800x5=4000 So it wouldn't be 2336. You might've done something wrong.

Edited by Arlayn
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16 wave? Jeeze you must have had an epic team, BUT 2336 means you did something wrong. If at wave 3 I get around 800 with full gear by 16 that is like multiple times of that. Like... 3 goes into 16 about 5 times. So 800x5=4000 So it wouldn't be 2336. You might've don something wrong.

You might have a affinity booster on which doubles the rep gained. He got that amount without a booster.

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Congratulations OP, you win the game.


Congrats. Personally, I'm just doing the daily missions (that's around 2k rep a day at rank 1, maybe a bit more at rank 2, since I'm with Red Veil and I can only do Steel Meridian in addition). I've stopped caring about being "first" or just rushing through content in general. Warframe has taught me a lot of patience with the 1-3+ days wait just to craft something. Plus 2k or so rep per day doesn't seem too bad for me for just doing 6 quick missions. I'm sure they will add more and better ways to get rep as well in the future.


It would take a while if that's ALL I did on Warframe every day but in addition to other random missions I'm progressing at a pace I can say is reasonable. Just hit rank 2 recently (and almost rank 2 with Meridian), guess we'll see how the rest goes.


It would also be nice if the restore blueprints were tradeable but I'm still not sure how I feel about that. I would say they should be unique only to players in that Syndicate but I assume the mods are tradeable anyway.


A voice of reason on these forums? Now I've seen it all and can die happily.








No, you're not invited to help me with that Mr. Stalker. Go away, shoo! Seriously, I will sue you!

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You might have a affinity booster on which doubles the rep gained. He got that amount without a booster.

yes but this also means their point is null against mine. I was talking about DE fixed it so you can't go in with one weapon, and get more than with a full arsenal on. Before you could do 3 waves, and get 1000-2000. Now that was done away with. So now the person has only proven what I said earlier with the fix since if you had reached wave 16 previously before the fix you would have had 12-28,000

Edited by Arlayn
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But that's all they really know. They can't think of a better way to prolong gameplay other than RNGating and grinding. That's their sense of "fun". ^^


That's the reason why the Syndicates are the most boring, uninspired and uncreative addition to the game yet even it has been proposed as an "endgame"-feature beyond the day-to-day grind at the beginning of this year. But as the Syndicates are now they serve actually no purpose... If they wouldn't be there nobody would miss anything because we were be doing the same godforsaken grindfest before that already.


It's just another "shut up, take the rewards and grind some more"-feature, but with the difference that this time the rewards aren't worth wasting your time with. Even if the rewards would be half-decent... it doesn't change the fact that it's the same old worn out grind story.


I'm honestly disappointed about how people are hyping that stuff up even there's no difference in what we have to do now compared to what we have been doing before that. If people feel satisfied with the same dull grind in a different shade of color already then they are really easy to satisfy.

I have to admit that so far it is kind of disappointing. It would be nice if at least the syndicate alerts offered something unique in terms of gameplay.

Hopefully that is coming soon. I'm sure a lot of resources went into archwing development, which is a drastic new type of gameplay. I trust DE will eventually flesh out the syndicate system.

That said- I'm still having fun grinding for the for some odd reason.

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For everyone calling syndicates grinding: you don't know what grinding is. Go hit max level in any AAA MMORPG and then tell me syndicates are "2 much grind :'("

Your complaints are "wah I don't like that they added ameta game and did nothing to change the actual game. The gameplay feels like grinding.". Really? If the gameplay isn't fun then why are you playing?

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For everyone calling syndicates grinding: you don't know what grinding is. Go hit max level in any AAA MMORPG and then tell me syndicates are "2 much grind :'("

Your complaints are "wah I don't like that they added ameta game and did nothing to change the actual game. The gameplay feels like grinding.". Really? If the gameplay isn't fun then why are you playing?

this more bearable than... just about every other game ever... Doesn't even have to be AAA it can be FFF MORPG... THEY ALL DO IT!!!

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I don't understand the OP. If you didn't want to grind then why DID you grind? I'm not saying that some syndicate rewards don't require too much work but it looks like you went out of your way to spend all your waking hours grinding to the max level as fast as you could. If anything you made it look like there is very little grind since you got to max so fast.

Edited by EetNotErn
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The 132k rep is probably just a cap that you can reach (as someone statet before). If there would (currently) be another rank, you would see the "next title/next rank/sacrifice" (not ingame right now, can't remember the name...) button next to the "offerings" button. Maybe there will be more ranks at some point, who knows.


As for the ones who asked: yes, you can lose ranks, when your rep goes below 0/x. As soon as your current reputation drops below 0, you go 1 rank down and it begins to count down from the FULL bar of the next lower rank. I did that with Steel meridian to test that. Got them to Rank 1, then gained rep for New Loka and Perrin Sequence. As soon as I did a mission for either of them, I was back to neutral with Steel meridian with 49xx/5000 reputation. I like that they did it this way. That makes sure, you can't max all syndicates at once (stop wanting everything ;-) ).

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do u still rmb the offerings for each rank after rank 1? can u list them? thanks





I'm curious to what your point standing with Red Veil are after maxing Steel Meridian since they are allied?

Rank 3, 27,000 right now (I had used 25,000 for the large ammo restore)


How much rep do you get from rank 5 dailies?

I'll have to check again when they pop up, but i got 3.2k in total from them.

Edited by FireEclipse
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Come on, be gratefull.

Lmao. For the pointless grind for pointless equipment that hardly changes gameplay in any shape or form?


The pointless addition to farmframe which has no use to most- if not, all- players?


The pointless "end-game" addition which is about as "end-game" as sitting at navigation and hoping something nice will happen to the planets?


Balls to it.

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