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So... Worst Weapon Ever?


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Aklato, mainly because it still deals 12 damage despite the single Lato being buffed up to 18. Although just about all single daggers are pretty awful too, both in terms of damage and actually hitting enemies with their attack animations that fling you across the room half the time.

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The Miter is not a bad weapon, it's just tricky to use "well", and has a few issues that need ironing out. It can hit near 100% proc chance with one event mod (see here.) However, as you can see from the footfall on that thread, it is far from the most popular weapon in the community.


In terms of poorest performance the award has to go to Aklato or Machete.

Edited by Dualice
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I used the Burston yesterday so i can lvl it and sell it but its mainly the recoil l dont like and the whole burst trigger type. I like the Tiberon cause its accurate.

Try Burston Prime if you haven't. There isn't any noticeable recoil and it's a fair bit more accurate. Plus it has an increased fire rate compared to the regular Burston.


And I'm right there with you on the Tiberon, that was the fourth major selling point for me, right after accuracy, damage output, and aesthetics.

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Feels wise i can't stand tysis, it feels like a water pistol that spits venom, its just not a nice feeling for a pistol. Im also not a fan of hek =|. Stats wise, i don't really care....i'll use a weapon as long as its fun to use :)

Edited by kiteohatto
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Miter is a literally a downgraded Dread, ain't too bad tho (excluding how @(*()$ painful it is to get all of it's parts from the Phoboss battle)


IMO the worst weapon in the game HAS to be Karyst. I mean, just so bad. So freakin' bad.

Karyst, are you kidding me? I reach 25,000 dmg almost in every hit ._.

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I absolutely and completely despise the Amprex, and I will take a stand that, for me, it is the worst weapon in the game. All the damage min/max DPS numbercruncher l33t tryhards might disagree with me, but that's what I think of that gun.

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I personally found the Tysis to give me absolutely no joy whatsoever.


But the Karyst and the Sheev are... wow. Impressively bad.

tysis is a gimmick weapon and isn't meant to be strong it has the 50% status chance and that's all it needs

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I will say the Karyst and Sheev are NOT terrible weapons, i know they don't have a very high attack speed, but for some reason when im swingin' it still seems to be pretty quick.


And they're also decent copter weapons.



I would say the absolute worst weapon, not including prologue choice weapons, is definitely the Ballistica.


Just used it farming Nef Anyo for Gallium, and it was HORRID.



Pretty sure DE has not touched it since it's release, which was over a year ago (Gradivus was it's release i believe).


This weapon really needs like a straight up damage buff, maybe a dual variant (a la Huntress), or at the very least a syndicate mod.



EDIT: Oh and for those saying the Machete ain't so useful, at least it does well against the infested with the sundering weave stance, the ballistica on the other hand is not good for ANY situation.

Edited by OmegaDas
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Corvas. No matter what you do to it, it'll always be useless.


A shot gun in space. Oi...


Believe it or not, I ran into a faction in another game that has mounted shotguns to their tanks AND their VTOL jet aircraft. Look up "New Conglomerate". I think you'll get a giggle out of it.

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