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Update 15.2.0


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This sucks too cause I recently dusted off Excal and Trinity again, and I've been loving them. Not to mention MAG has pretty been my main against the Corpus for a long time. Now they're dead. Atleast now I have an excuse to only play Rhino P now, unless you're gonna go and nerf him too, which you probably will.

But they've got him (Rhino) in the community hot topics as a subject for discussion for a buff!  How cool is that!   Nerf underpowered warframes, buff the ones that dont need it, and ignore the ones that need the help the most.


I love the logic.

Edited by Malikon
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Nope, you know what, contemplating this for some time prior to this patch, Warframe is done for me.


I had a lot of fun with this game. I came in when Hydroid was released and I remember having awesome moments with my friend who was a vet. I actually liked using Excal, and my favorite frame was Trinity in spite of the fact I never got to witness the golden age of her existence. 


This game isn't in Beta. If it was beta, things would actually be fixed instead of hamfisted. 


I doubt DE will even do anything in response to the comments in this thread. They'll probably just continue along like nothing happened. It's just like what happened with Blacklight: Retribution.

Edited by Glitchesarecool
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I finally potato'd Trinity recently and finally enjoyed playing her.


Guess that's ruined now.



I finally got Excalibur, thus completing my collection of every Warframe. I found him really fun, and his Javelin was pretty neat.


Guess that's ruined now.



I finally potato'd Mag Prime and really got to enjoy using her.


Guess that's ruined now.



I have nothing positive to say about this update except for this:


yay, Nyx mind control is now useful because your target doesn't die from teammates thinking "see shiny thing, shoot shiny thing"

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Okay so I'm not gonna go spam with another thread but I'll post it here.

If the game type has broken spawns that allow for crazy XP, you nerf the spawns.
You don't kneecap the players.

I would propose reverting the warframe changes and making interception have a set number of spawns per wave, spread out over the course of the wave.

Right now, from what I gather, it checks the area for enemies, then spawns a bunch if there are none. This means that players will find a way to kill instantly. Once they're dead they just spawn more, which allows you to kill them again. I'm sure they don't care if you nerf this or that, it will be exploited even if it ends up with people standing just outside the spawn rooms with pentas.

I can already think of ways to exploit it still, and as much as I don't intend to use them, other people will, which means that if the intent is to fix interception having insane xp rates we're going to end up with every frame and weapon nerfed, and it will still have insane xp, unless you actually just fix spawn rates, which is the problem that's actually responsible for the insane xp.

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But they've got him (Rhino) in the community hot topics as a subject for discussion for a buff!  How cool is that!   Nerf underpowered warframes, buff the ones that dont need it, and ignore the ones that need the help the most.


I love the logic.

Rhino doesn't need a buff lmao. He's perfectly fine atm, really balanced and really good at utility. No clearly the best thing is to buff a warframe that doesn't need a buff, and then the nerf the ones that where always under performing because they actually found a map where all three of them where worthwhile. Should we expect nerfs to Banshee as well? She's not that well seen, yet I love playing as her. Wait I better stop giving them ideas. 

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Update 15.2.0

  • Eximus units in the Void now require 3 scans for a Codex entry, as opposed to the original 20.



This doesn't seem to be the case, at least for me. Codex still reports needing 20 total scans for a few of the Void Eximus enemies I haven't finished yet.

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I see the Update says that Players MUST do Vor's Prize to Open up the NEW Infested Quest.  

--My problem I have is -- I HAVE Vor's Prize Completed (a while back actually, when it first came out) - BUT --> it is Showing up NOT Completed (showing Begin).  I did the Quest already and was wondering if someone can look into this.


Are others receiving this problem too?


--Not sure if this was the right place to post.

Thank you always for everyone's and DE's help.

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DE, you're really killing the loyalty of your own player base. I've already talked with at least six players who have uninstalled the game just now.


You've fixed the "problem" (read : there was never one) with the worst attempt possible. This is like trying to free a man with a handcuff by firing shotgun at him, and then not only the cuff remained intact, the man will end up bleeding to death.

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Simple solution to the who Viver thing that's got both Devs and Players alike running around like headless chickens:


Flat per mission rep depending on the type of mission and enemy level.
Multiply that rate by 20 when there's a syndicate mission.
Amounts multiplied by the sigil rank.
Oh and DE, please please be sensible and take out the idea that ranking up blows away all your gathered rep. If I get a promotion in a company I don't start from square one...

Less grind, no exploits, players get the rep buffs to keep them happy, it's still a challenge (but do-able) and DE no longer have to nerf frames, weapons, or mechanics.

We all want you to succeed DE, but you make it so hard when you kick the "honest" players in the nads...

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I am noticing that people are upset with DE for this update, and how their actions are overreactions to Vivir... But the players are overreacting as well. This will obviously not be a final outcome to their idea of a "fix." Too many players are upset, and when players are upset, DE finds a way to make it all right. Give them some time, you don't know what may actually be at work or in mind for them.

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What I don't understand is  how a company can make something as grindy as Syndicates are...


Gaming in nature is for killing time.. Even if someones full time job was to play warframe.. That person still wouldn't be able to max a syndicate. How is someone that play from 1-8 hours ever going to get a max syndicate? You never tought of that did you?


Oh look here are some facts:

1- Trinity was the least played warframe until the discovery of Viver. Because of Viver trinity became even more useless.

2- Excalbur was only usefull on Viver, now they are being put on the shelf.

3- When DE see something is overpowered. They will nerf it as soon as possible. But when players ask for neccesary updates, such as the defense bugs at wave 35. We don't even know they are even being considered.


There are many ways to fix a map like viver.. 

You could change the map

Change how the capture points work.. Like you just did.

Change the mission itself to anything else.

Delete the node. Too many on Eris anyway. Not everyone unlocks every node.


Probably alot more than I can think of..


But instead you rather nerf 4 Warframes in 1 update, not to mention the fact that they all got nerfed based on 1 node.. Not overall performance.


Last post.. Because I know nothing players write are ever read by any devs.. Something I hate about every game company..

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