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Update 15.2.0


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I just did an Archwing mission and noticed Repel consumed 100 energy. It did not used to consume that much. Was this intended as I did not see any mention of energy consumption for Archwings in the patch notes.


"Fixed the activation of Odonata Archwing abilities not properly issuing 25/50/75/100 Affinity respective of ability used (1/2/3/4)."


under Archwing Fixes

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Warframe Changes:

  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).
  • Banish / Rift Walk will no longer stack energy regeneration when used on targets in a Cataclysm bubble.

Wow that's so incredibly lame of you DE. Just go ahead and ruin excal and mag based on a lack of oversight on your game mode.

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Another person who doesn't understand what line of sight means. Oh joy. OUR LINE OF SIGHT, NOT THEIRS. If we are the space ninjas you claim we are (we're not, by the way) then we can see them, hit them, kill them, before they even look at us. Line of sight. Now do you get it?



It means having a unobstructed view of something, IE, a "line" of sight. To stare a high level enemy in the face is death. Hence why its useful for line of sight to not be a mechanic of a Ultimate ability.

Edited by Calsius
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GG guys, games now ruined. interception is dead. mod farming is now dead for lowbies. Founders excal prime is now a wasted chunk of cash spent.
XP is now next to gone. will take over a year to master up. 

I hope you've relised you've killed the game with putting in this whole syndicate function that i now have to honestly say, I hate with a passion. 

I feel ever so sorry for people who bought Excalibur Prime....

Once more. i Vote back trace these crap nurfs and remove that god awfull creation of Syndicates. that was the route of this evil, and the mods werent even helpfull... the only cool things were the sigils and thats pretty much it....

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I think its funny you nerfed raidal blind making it be affected by cover and Yet you have already implimented that there is no cover system in the game in a much earlier forum WAY TO GO. Make a game hella cool everyone loves then turn it into a game no one can play cause you continue to nerf Frames and Weapons But not Enemies. You go DE or should I say Subsiderary of PWE.



( to edit yes i'm a little emotional at this as I'm still upset at the reconfiguration of Ash's Blade Storm. Death to the clones. And the hundreds of other nerf's in the game that no one needed or wanted. )

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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Why frame nerf?


You have to change the misson Syndicate point.

Syndicate point must change kill to mission fix point, not good frame nerf.




This whole Viver disaster wouldn't have existed at the first place if the Syndicate system was any reasonable than a mindless grindfest giving minimal points per mission.


This is just collateral damage, and looks like DE loves to cause collateral damage.

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Well, looks like being the Poster Boy didn't save Excalibur's two best skills from now being way less strong. Why go to making Radial Javelin usable to now making it have the same effect as before, except that it now has a sphere of influence instead of striking along one plane? Seriously wondering if you guys are willing to make your most recognizable and most seen character very unviable in the name of discouraging players from using a certain node. If you don't want people to use Viver that much, there's a much simpler and less damaging fix-just change Viver to an Infested mission. I don't even know why it's a Corpus mission in the first place.

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Trinity, already kinda crap from previous nerf... was still enjoying playing her. This nerf. **** this ****. Im done.


Oh oh... ohh... forgot to tell ya. I kinda started using excalibur again after year or so. When I thought that buff was fair. Now I wonder why its even taking space in my inventory again.


Whoever is making all these awfull design decisions over and over again one updated after another. Will never learn the lesson eh? Not sure if they saddistically enjoy this even... >:c

Edited by StarScribe
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...these line-of-sight changes are unwarranted and inexplicably horrible. Excaliburs MAY make sense as that's what it used to be before they changed it but when they changed it it became so much more useful. Slightly ridiculous to make all these changes, now Mag is pretty much useless, at least shield polarize. Find better ways to fix Viver and maybe you'll get a better response from the community. I know I'm not the only one just by reading one or two pages of comments.

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Well this is the worse thing you guys ever done... I am realy disapointed


I play this game since it was released on steam, coincidentally it got released just a day after I finished the game Darksector (I loved the game, realy wanted to see a sequel, the game lost so much potential because of the publishers, and even so we can see that the game was made with a lot of dedication by DE). And then I saw warframe on steam, I played and fell in love with it, by the awesome design and graphics, realy well polished engine, awesome and fluid gameplay and by the awesome developers(patching bugs,adding new stuff, realy interactive with the community etc...I am a gamer since I was a kid and for me DE were some of the best devs out there) and then I became a founder,for me warframe was the best F2P and TPS out there, I was realy proud to suport the game and see it grows, even with some frustating drops and bugs never stoped playing (reaching mastery 17 was the best thing ever XD).


And then Viver happend, the reputation system the way it is now it would take forever to gather the XP just to level one syndicate, they at least could have put the power mods not to be the last rewards for every syndicate, it is a good change for some warframes, would be nice to have them sooner... 

I indeed played a lot of Viver runs(not much to do when you already got and leveled-up everything), even staying there for hours doing the exact same thing over and over again (definition of insanity xD), I was having fun, grabing all that loot in the end realy felt rewarding for the time and work spend there, I loved seing all frames working together with high level builds to reach one goal. I knew DE would do something to fix that, but never tough they would change something that negatively affects the entire game! the mod drop cap to 50 is ridiculous, in high defense missions and survivals we will lose a lot of mods... and now this completely unnecesary frames Nerf! I never felt that disapointed with DE this is the worse decision they ever had. 


Now I can't even go play my favorite game... Please DE the nerf and mod cap is not the right decision, change it back before is too late, I hope you guys see that this is the right thing to do... Sincerely a Founder and a fan of Warframe. [sorry for my bad english...]

Edited by XxIngridxX
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GG guys, games now ruined. interception is dead. mod farming is now dead for lowbies. Founders excal prime is now a wasted chunk of cash spent.

XP is now next to gone. will take over a year to master up. 

I hope you've relised you've killed the game with putting in this whole syndicate function that i now have to honestly say, I hate with a passion. 

I feel ever so sorry for people who bought Excalibur Prime....

Once more. i Vote back trace these crap nurfs and remove that god awfull creation of Syndicates. that was the route of this evil, and the mods werent even helpfull... the only cool things were the sigils and thats pretty much it....

I forgot Excalibur Prime.

If i cry for my Excalibur, that must be a heart attack


Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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I like Excalibur, not because of the freaking viver farm or anything but because of his ability and play style. I dumped a bunch of forma and reactor for him and a bunch of hours to level up him again and again.....and again. And this is what I get just because of a broken map? seriously DEV?


U nerf his radical blind and now this? pls revert this. I'm very DISAPPOINTED that U didn't really think how to seriously solve the issue. Why don't you just reduce spawn rate or make the map bigger? or how about just delete that map?



PLS fix this. Not only Excalibur but also Mag and Trinity too. I don't think there is any reason to nerf them

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I read through the patch notes srolling down in anticipation of the rep boost of some type (sigils, increased gain, etc.).  Nope nothing.  So disapointed.  I honestly do not care to try out the new quest or weapons.  Just seems pointless knowing we are being punished.


We have the ability as customers to punish as well.  My 50% coupon I just got as a daily reward will not be used.


The problem was never fixed, and that is the horrible reputation gain. 

Edited by Educated_Beast
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The mag/cali/trin nerf just has to be a coincidence right? I can't comprehend how stupid you would have to be to think that nerfing them would fix the whole viver situation (which is a whole other can of worms). I mean, DE have done some pretty idiotic changes in the past, but this would be really going above and beyond.

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Thanks! thanks for fixing the NONEXISTENT problem we had with warframes, there is MANY ways to fix this viver "problem", changing viver map to a larger one, turning it infected, changing spawn rate.... and now my trinity for void is far from ruined!.... please get a proper "fix" to viver and do a rollback on the frame nerfs you guys did

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