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Rhino Prime's Codex


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Here's a transcription (I copied it from another post, not sure if it's word-for-word):


Sorry for the white, don't know how to fix it. I suggest quoting this post and reading it in the quote.

Edit Yaer: Fixed that for you, Tenno. Use Ctrl+Shift+V to paste without any format.


Here it is without the white: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/346158-rhino-primes-codex/?p=3867968 (or just scroll down a bit, same thread)
Red lights flashing on stark, white walls.  Davis is running ahead of me, dropping his notes.  We're running for our lives.  The fear gives me a strange perspective - I'm out of my body.  I've forgotten how I got here.  I don't recognize this place.
Davis and I slam pinned against a cell door and he shouts at me.  I give him a dumb look.  I can't hear him, the sirens, anything, only the muffled throb of terror in my head.  I turn away from Davis down the hall and I see it.  The hulking mass, flickering red, glinting like steel and fresh blood.  Its skin changes, flowing like mercury when I'm blinded by the sudden muzzle-flashes.  They do no good.  The beast surges forward and the security men become crimson mist and gore.
I'm a statue, a cornered animal.  A gate opens inside me and recognition floods in.  I have seen this monster before.  I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers.  I have given it pain and measured its response.  I have crafted then rejected countless like it.  But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints.  I have never seen it... free.
I know I will die so I just watch with curious acceptance.  The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth.  It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory.  It knows who I am and what I've done.  It rears up like a bear and roars, shattering the lights and casting us into darkness.  I can hear it lumbering toward me, its metal fingers rending the walls, but I know I am dead.  I close my eyes stand ready to pay.
I feel the pull on my arm and realize Davis got the cell open.  He tugs me into the cell beyond and I fall on my bacl.  I see Davis standing at the open door, waiting, as the monster tears towards us.
Suddenly I could live through this I shout, Davis, close the goddamn door!" - But he shakes his head eyes wide as moons.  He shouts, "Watch!" over the roaring and rending of metal.
Then silence.  Davis is panting, laughing?  The beast fills the doorway, inches from him, dripping in blood, but still without violence.  It stands there, looking at its hands.  Davis whispers, "No one would have believed me."
I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door.  I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves.  A morgue?  "Where are we, Davis?"
"This is where they keep them.  The ones from Zariman."  I'm thrown, what was the Zariman?  The ship that never returned?  "Davis, what's going on?"
Davis turns to me, a smile forming - "What's going on is..." he turns back to the beast now silent and calm.
"...big fat promotions."

So... What do we make of this? What is there to make of this?
This settles the Tenno have bodies once and for all - you put bodies in the Morgue, after all, not ghosts -  imo, but other than that... I don't even know what to think. These guys are Orokin (Orokin Davis is my new favorite character, fyi).
Best I can figure: that thing is a Rhino without its frame. It stays out of the morgue because it doesn't want to go near its own dead. The flesh changes, so maybe we are indeed shape shifters of some kind? A living metal?
Edited by Yaer
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Here's a transcription (I copied it from another post, not sure if it's word-for-word):


Sorry for the white, don't know how to fix it. I suggest quoting this post and reading it in the quote.


Red lights flashing on stark, white walls.  Davis is running ahead of me, dropping his notes.  We're running for our lives.  The fear gives me a strange perspective - I'm out of my body.  I've forgotten how I got here.  I don't recognize this place.
Davis and I slam pinned against a cell door and he shouts at me.  I give him a dumb look.  I can't hear him, the sirens, anything, only the muffled throb of terror in my head.  I turn away from Davis down the hall and I see it.  The hulking mass, flickering red, glinting like steel and fresh blood.  Its skin changes, flowing like mercury when I'm blinded by the sudden muzzle-flashes.  They do no good.  The beast surges forward and the security men become crimson mist and gore.
I'm a statue, a cornered animal.  A gate opens inside me and recognition floods in.  I have seen this monster before.  I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers.  I have given it pain and measured its response.  I have crafted then rejected countless like it.  But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints.  I have never seen it... free.
I know I will die so I just watch with curious acceptance.  The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth.  It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory.  It knows who I am and what I've done.  It rears up like a bear and roars, shattering the lights and casting us into darkness.  I can hear it lumbering toward me, its metal fingers rending the walls, but I know I am dead.  I close my eyes stand ready to pay.
I feel the pull on my arm and realize Davis got the cell open.  He tugs me into the cell beyond and I fall on my bacl.  I see Davis standing at the open door, waiting, as the monster tears towards us.
Suddenly I could live through this I shout, Davis, close the goddamn door!" - But he shakes his head eyes wide as moons.  He shouts, "Watch!" over the roaring and rending of metal.
Then silence.  Davis is panting, laughing?  The beast fills the doorway, inches from him, dripping in blood, but still without violence.  It stands there, looking at its hands.  Davis whispers, "No one would have believed me."
I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door.  I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves.  A morgue?  "Where are we, Davis?"
"This is where they keep them.  The ones from Zariman."  I'm thrown, what was the Zariman?  The ship that never returned?  "Davis, what's going on?"
Davis turns to me, a smile forming - "What's going on is..." he turns back to the beast now silent and calm.
"...big fat promotions."

So... What do we make of this? What is there to make of this?
This settles the Tenno have bodies once and for all - you put bodies in the Morgue, after all, not ghosts -  imo, but other than that... I don't even know what to think. These guys are Orokin (Orokin Davis is my new favorite character, fyi).
Best I can figure: that thing is a Rhino without its frame. It stays out of the morgue because it doesn't want to go near its own dead. The flesh changes, so maybe we are indeed shape shifters of some kind? A living metal?



Certainly interesting and raises a lot of questions, could it mean the infested as the beasts, or the tenno like Alad V with Valkyr with a control collar? (Also quoted to help get rid of the white.)


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My thoughts. May be a spoiler, so proceed with caution.

I actually thought that the creature was Phorid, due to the mention of it glowing red, though now that I think of it that could be attributed to the alarm lights or something else because all the glowy bits on Phorid are blue in color.

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A couple main points:


(spoilers ahoy)


1. mono-tenno seems to be somewhat confirmed.

2. tenno are not energy

3. tenno eat dead bodies (why??)

4. the Orokin are most likely human


1. Definitely seems confirmed.

2. Eyup.

3. Sustenance?

4. Definitely.


The strange thing, looking at it again, is the Rhino's reaction. He goes into the morgue and has a "what have I done" sort of response to the previous events. I can't understand why, it's boggling my mind.




Certainly interesting and raises a lot of questions, could it mean the infested as the beasts, or the tenno like Alad V with Valkyr with a control collar? (Also quoted to help get rid of the white.)




My first thought was it was an Infested as well, but looking at the talk of the Roar and the Zariman and stuff, it seems like it's meant to be a Rhino for sure. I am COMPLETELY baffled by what is going on.

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A couple main points:


(spoilers ahoy)


1. mono-tenno seems to be somewhat confirmed.

2. tenno are not energy

3. tenno eat dead bodies (why??)

4. the Orokin are most likely human

Tenno that have succumbed to their technocyte eat bodies... like infested do (supposedly.)


From what I can gather, the originals from the Ember codex are all corpses at this point, and now the Orokin are attempting to replicate them.  As for the shape shifting theory, the codex mentions "flowing mercury" which I interpreted as the beast attempting a crude form of Iron Skin.  A lot of the description suggests its a Rhino really, just not the kind we know.


Just thought of something else: the morgue might not exactly have dead bodies in it, so much as just the bodies of the children... and one of them is REALLY pissed off at these two dudes.

Edited by Littleman88
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Tenno that have succumbed to their technocyte eat bodies... like infested do (supposedly.)


From what I can gather, the originals from the Ember codex are all corpses at this point, and now the Orokin are attempting to replicate them.  As for the shape shifting theory, the codex mentions "flowing mercury" which I interpreted as the beast attempting a crude form of Iron Skin.  A lot of the description suggests its a Rhino really, just not the kind we know.


That fits with what Vor said, that the frames refine the abilities. Rhino can do a crude approximation of iron skin without the warframe on. 


Also, this codex has effectively nixed the "tenno-as-attractive-people" fan art theories. 

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Maybe the the tenno are actually "controlled" infested.

Well, that would depend on your definition of "infested." If you define it as "infected with the Technocyte Virus" then yes, Tenno are "controlled" infested. If you define it as the faction including Phorid and Lephantis, then I don't think so. 

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That fits with what Vor said, that the frames refine the abilities. Rhino can do a crude approximation of iron skin without the warframe on. 


Also, this codex has effectively nixed the "tenno-as-attractive-people" fan art theories. 


I am COMPLETELY okay with that.

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I thought that Mono-Tenno theory stated one Tenno per ACCOUNT, hinted by the end of the Limbo Theorem. 


Ah ok then I misunderstood, thank you^^


Yes, you're right Imaru. I am SO sorry, Iushu, I completely got that mixed up.


Mono-Tenno theory states that our player character us just one Tenno switching frames, and likewise for all other player characters. So my Tenno is one Tenno, your Tenno is one Tenno.

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I am COMPLETELY okay with that.


I mean, maybe they're "people", as the Rhino did have a mouth. 


But they're definitely not attractive people, probably horribly mutated and stuff. If we go by the Dark Sector technocyte mutations, then they probably look like they're made out of flowing living metal.

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I mean, maybe they're "people", as the Rhino did have a mouth. 


But they're definitely not attractive people, probably horribly mutated and stuff. If we go by the Dark Sector technocyte mutations, then they probably look like they're made out of flowing living metal.


We all know there's nothing pretty under there. Doesn't mean we won't draw it though :D

We'll always see our Tenno through Beer Goggles.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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We all know there's nothing pretty under there. Doesn't mean we won't draw it though :D

We'll always see our Tenno through Beer Goggles.

Well that's the beauty of a "faceless" protagonist. The player can choose how they look and project some of their selves onto it. 

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In all honestly, it's nothing surprising...


There were large hints about the Tenno not really being right in the head after void exposure...


...and that the Orokin fully deserved what they got.


The only disappointing bit, is that they talked a little too cheap compared the formal way of other Codex entries...

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I agree that the "flowing mercury" is a reference to Rhino's Iron Skin-- furthermore, it only reinforces Vor's idea that the Warframes are a "lens." Their powers must be crude at best (yet still incredible) and they must be able to survive more than a normal human (which makes more sense when you consider that it is Rhino.) I definitely think that those in the morgue were the children sent into the Void, whose powers awoke, but only too late; their deaths followed on the ship, and the Orokin cloned them to make them human weapons. They basically admit to torturing and doing live experiments with the Tenno, so I think that pretty much sums up exactly why the Tenno slaughter the Orokin afterwards.


I can't tell why Rhino won't enter the room, though. I suspect it has to do with it being the morgue of the other Tenno-- there's some amount of guilt and disgust with itself, since we know it looks at its own hands and stops its attack. Maybe that had to do with the fact that Rhino literally started eating one of the enemies (which, yes, does imply they have "mouths" and are more than just their suits). I'm definitely starting to think cloning is involved in what we're doing...


This kinda drops the straight Mono-Tenno theory that claims that one "Tenno" can control multiple Warframes, because this shows that the powers are tied to the Tenno before they're even in their suits.

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