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I Figured Out What The Rhino Prime Codex Was Talking About! Update: Regarding Tenno "physicality"


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Hayden's condition was Congenital Analgesia, the lack of ability to feel pain.


As for 'laser guided rage', Valkyr(s?) may be in a state somewhere between Tranquil Fury and Rage Breaking Point. Between the Tenno ascetic, stoic spirituality and her traumatic experience, she walks that fine line between control and abject berserk rage.


Hence, I suspect that for Valkyr, she looks at her surroundings on a scale of targets. Hit her, her allies, generally get in the way of the mission, you move up the target ladder. These are entirely acceptable for her to disembowel with her energy claws should she so desire. And, funnily enough, Rage, Anger and Hatred are actually very useful as motivational fuel. Just depends how you go about using them.


After all, hatred of injustice is a virtue, is it not?


Thus, Valkyr(s?) could simply use Tenno meditations to give herself a direction to point the roiling tide of fury, making it work for her, rather then drag her along with it.

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I agree for the most part, but I don't think it's right to just blame the rampage on the infestation. If Rhino was cannibalizing corpses because he was berserk like infestation, why would he have the mental capacity to stop when approaching the chamber used to house the original bodies of the Tenno? I think Rhino was in full possession of his faculties, however small those faculties were. I think what we saw here was a Tenno in its rawest form: the crazed ghost of a terrified kid-turned-void-demon by a society he was likely raised to trust. Subjected to such extreme mental pain and physical duress that he's been reduced to his most primal faculties, and the torture pseudo-science probably didn't help at all. 


Sure, that's a huge difference from the disciplined Tenno we control today... but I think that goes to suggest that this whole "discipline, spiritual balance, and martial prowess" culture we've been given is more of an indoctrination. An indirect control measure, so to speak. Something that both bends us to Orokin will, and conveniently molds us into something better suited for their purposes. 


Also, I have to question us actually being made out of Infestation, because the Ether Sword(s) specifically mention Tenno "cleansing" infested allies. How would the infestation take over something that is already infested? 


Just some thoughts. 

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I agree for the most part, but I don't think it's right to just blame the rampage on the infestation. If Rhino was cannibalizing corpses because he was berserk like infestation, why would he have the mental capacity to stop when approaching the chamber used to house the original bodies of the Tenno? I think Rhino was in full possession of his faculties, however small those faculties were. I think what we saw here was a Tenno in its rawest form: the crazed ghost of a terrified kid-turned-void-demon by a society he was likely raised to trust. Subjected to such extreme mental pain and physical duress that he's been reduced to his most primal faculties, and the torture pseudo-science probably didn't help at all. 


Sure, that's a huge difference from the disciplined Tenno we control today... but I think that goes to suggest that this whole "discipline, spiritual balance, and martial prowess" culture we've been given is more of an indoctrination. An indirect control measure, so to speak. Something that both bends us to Orokin will, and conveniently molds us into something better suited for their purposes. 


Also, I have to question us actually being made out of Infestation, because the Ether Sword(s) specifically mention Tenno "cleansing" infested allies. How would the infestation take over something that is already infested? 


Just some thoughts. 


The Tenno cultural discipline is very much a good candidate to keep them sane. I've got a few theories on the matter, but in regards to your note about the betrayal of trust the Orokin dealt the Tenno...honestly it boils down to a Traitor's Reward sort of deal. The Tenno trust having been thoroughly abused in their history, honour decrees only a handful of actions for the proper treatment of the Orokin 'traitors'. Especially considering what they're brought up in the context of.


As for the Ether Swords, 'infested allies' could refer to ordinary humans. However, I suppose the possibility that Tenno who completely lost their humanity are dubbed 'Infected' by the Orokin so as to keep the Tenno from questioning; it's an act of mercy, not a sin, to slay your former friend as they writhe in madness, is it not?


I need an Orokin punching bag...

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Also, I have to question us actually being made out of Infestation, because the Ether Sword(s) specifically mention Tenno "cleansing" infested allies. How would the infestation take over something that is already infested? 


Just some thoughts. 


You realize "allies" can refer to...




As for the Ether Swords, 'infested allies' could refer to ordinary humans.


Beat to it. After all: I'm sure that soldier that Mag helped wasn't Tenno. And if the Sentients were already turning Orokin weapons (like the Technocyte) against them...

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The Tenno cultural discipline is very much a good candidate to keep them sane. I've got a few theories on the matter, but in regards to your note about the betrayal of trust the Orokin dealt the Tenno...honestly it boils down to a Traitor's Reward sort of deal. The Tenno trust having been thoroughly abused in their history, honour decrees only a handful of actions for the proper treatment of the Orokin 'traitors'. Especially considering what they're brought up in the context of.


As for the Ether Swords, 'infested allies' could refer to ordinary humans. However, I suppose the possibility that Tenno who completely lost their humanity are dubbed 'Infected' by the Orokin so as to keep the Tenno from questioning; it's an act of mercy, not a sin, to slay your former friend as they writhe in madness, is it not?


I need an Orokin punching bag...


Interesting; I hadn't thought of the Ether flavor text that way. That said, I'll be majorly disappointed if DE goes with the "Warframes are filled with Infestation" cop-out. They're already playing at some dark horror themes here, and I think we can all admit that the Infestation is kind of a neutered concept at this point. It's easy to psychologically disconnect them from their victims. When I see a charger, I don't think "that was a Grineer," and when I see a volatile runner, I don't think "that was a crewman..." 


Maybe if they showed us the Infestation actually taking over an organism in a horrifying manner - plenty of screaming and writhing - and found a way to help the faction build up some more suspense and anxiety, I'd be more ready to accept "Warframes are sacks of Infestation" theory. As it is now, though, I feel like that reveal would kind of fall a bit flat. 


Edit: Though, goddammit, that would explain why we can understand Infested bosses when they speak to us, and Golem's old "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh" line pretty much confirms it. I'm sad now.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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Very fair. One of the things I liked about darkSector was playing really did get you paying attention to Hayden's arm as it changed and progressed...


It's a tricky thing to manage, though. Try too hard or not hard enough, and you miss.


Personally, I just want to know if a Warframe has a rudimentary cognition of its own, which could have interesting repercussions for Tenno culture; the measure of implied respect they show to their weaponry, equipment and general possessions, where applicable, is quite strong. How much of that is 'look after it, it'll get you home' mentality, or paying respect where it's due?


Admittedly, one way or the other it won't stop me making the odd allusion to such when writing fics, but that's a different argument I suppose.

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Interesting; I hadn't thought of the Ether flavor text that way. That said, I'll be majorly disappointed if DE goes with the "Warframes are filled with Infestation" cop-out. They're already playing at some dark horror themes here, and I think we can all admit that the Infestation is kind of a neutered concept at this point. It's easy to psychologically disconnect them from their victims. When I see a charger, I don't think "that was a Grineer," and when I see a volatile runner, I don't think "that was a crewman..." 


Maybe if they showed us the Infestation actually take over an organism in a horrifying manner - plenty of screaming and writing - and found a way to help the faction build up some more suspense and anxiety, I'd be more ready to accept "Warframes are sacks of Infestation" theory. As it is now, though, I feel like that reveal would kind of fall a bit flat. 


Edit: Though, goddammit, that would explain why we can understand Infested bosses when they speak to us, and Golem's old "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh" line pretty much confirms it. I'm sad now.


Well I don't really think that's DE's fault. Familiarity breeds contempt, and this goes doubly so for horror, which relies primarily on the weird or unusual. The moment you look at something for tho 100th+ time, it stops being weird and unusual, it's just "oh, there's that again."


Even IF they had the Chargers and Runner's choke out "h-help" "killlllll meeeee" when you're around them, after two dozen or so runs your thoughts'll go from "F*** that's creepy" to "okay okay, I'll kill you!" to "What do you think I'm here for! HA HA! Genocide is fun!" to "god damnit these lines are annoying". It's the same problem we see ourselves experiencing with.. anytime the Lotus speaks really - which is why we gravitate so much towards the idea of alternate Announcers.


So, DE COULD throw a lot of resources and stuff into trying to make the Infested scary and demonic and change it up after free weeks or so JUST for the sake of horror - OR DE could maintain that "this is an action game, and you're here to kill stuff" and maintain a moderate level of grotesqueness to the Infested via body horror and mutation while also making them more of a challenging threat to fight.


I think it's clear where I stand on the matter.

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Are you saying she isnt?


Though seriously, she is an infusion of Warframe Technocyte and Corpus Machinery, so i have no idea what she will become if the Virus continues its usual thing.

Perhaps the Corpus Tech has been assimilated into the warframe. And Hysteria is mearly focused, her rage is not all consuming... but laser guided. Think of a Beserker that is in complete control to the inhuman rage that flipping the **** out gives them.

This control, this will, keeps the original valkyr, and users of the altered valkyr frame in check.


heck, its possibly the only frame that Tenno with emotional tramua can safely pilot.


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Even IF they had the Chargers and Runner's choke out "h-help" "killlllll meeeee" when you're around them, after two dozen or so runs your thoughts'll go from "F*** that's creepy" to "okay okay, I'll kill you!" to "What do you think I'm here for! HA HA! Genocide is fun!" to "god damnit these lines are annoying". It's the same problem we see ourselves experiencing with.. anytime the Lotus speaks really - which is why we gravitate so much towards the idea of alternate Announcers.


As a joke a while ago i made a thing called The RNG Tower which was a silly jab at RNG as a whole.

But i tied it into the neural sentry. And played with the notion that the Neural Sentry is the last will of the orokin empire.

And that is was furious that we still exist.

||́|̷|͢ ̵ Wè T̢ru͠sted ́Y͝O̧ų ̨w̴ith ҉.̀||||͡.̡ ̶e̸ve͠ryo͏n̕e's Fu͠tuŔE͘. ͟Y̡ou ͝|||͟| ̶DAr̵E͡ s̵ho̢w͘ ͠Y͘our̡s̵e҉l̕f to҉ ͞U͟S̸?̵


̴|͘|͜| ͜TR̨Ato̷R͝!!̷ ̡|̷|͡|͠ DEF͘I͠L̨ER̀ |̕|́|̨ ̕L͞eaVE a͝t ̡O͞NC̵E҉!̀! ̶|̧|̸|̢


|̷|̧| YO̧Ù ̨ca͠rrìe͢d |||̵ Our ̛Ho͢p̕es.͝.̵. ͝|̶|͢| ̢OUR͜,̷ ̕De̡A҉MS ̡|||͜ Y̵our̢ ͢V͢ERY̸ ́pr͢scenc҉e |̕|̵|͠ M̛o̸c͜ks ͏U͜Ş |||


|͠||̴ BEG̢ON͜E ̧TRA͡T̶ORS͏ |||͟


|̢||͏ ̸Ano̵th́e̸r̵ Retu҉r͘ns ̛||̶| TO ͘US ̕|||͢ t̴o͘ t͘h͏e ͏V͝ƠI͜D̛ ̡|||


|͟|͜|́ y͏ou̕ ͠t̢hi͜ņk ̨SH̴E͝ |̢|| Ca͞n ̢S͢A̡VE͟ |͢|̧|́ YƠU!? ͘||͘|͝ ͢f͞r҉óm̛ OU̶R |̀|̨| W̧RAT͝H͠!͠? ̡|͝|̵|


Fa̢ll͏ ́TE̕N̴NO҉ ̴|||͢ ̕As͢ ỳo҉U |||̴ b̶U̷Rn̶Èd u͟s̛,̸ WÈ R͜èp͟AY̸ ̸in ͠K҉IND͡ ||҉|


|||̵ E͢V̷E͘N ̵NO̢W!?͝ |͢|́| ̸Ev̢en i͠n DE͠AT͜H ̴||| S̵t̛ill̕ y̛o̧u͘ S̀C̸OR҉N us̨ ||| H̷OUND͞ ͞u̵s͢ ͠|||̢


|̕|̶| Ou͢r ͏A͢g͘ent W͝I͜LL C̵OME |̧|͢ ͢FOR ͢yo͟u ||́ ̸YOU̶R͘ ̡D́E̸áth͢ ̧w͏i̕ĺl͢ ̛B̢E̵ ̴şwi͝ft |͏||̕


|̀| ͠Y̧o͢u̢ s͢e͜e̢k ̀th̡e҉ |͟|͝| ̀p͝o͟w̸e̸r҉ ͝OF ͜<Insert Prime-thingy that player has yet to get Here> T̢ra͝ÍTOR̵? ̨|͝|͝|̨ You ̢WI̧LL n̡E̸V̡er C̕L̨AIM ̴I͜T!͘! ̵||̛|́ns̸er̶t>


|͟|͡|̨ ͡St̨il͟l̴ ̸Y̴OƯ ̛FAIL͟ to ̀S̷TE͟ĄL ||| T͢H͝E <insert- incompleted prime item here> fr͟om̷ ̷US ͠|͘|͝| ̢We̢ REJOICE at̡ ͜i̕t̷s̸ ̶F̡AI͠LU҉R̨E


That Text, would be AWESOME in current tower missions to add another level of immersion and story to the missions themselves.


And to add onto your bit about infested begging for release... have tenno, who have an obvious connection to the Virus, starting hearing Things


In my oppinion, the Music on Eris was the best thing Ever. The faction needs more NOPE.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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As a joke a while ago i made a thing called The RNG Tower[/ung] which was a silly jab at RNG as a whole.

But i tied it into the neural sentry. And played with the notion that the Neural Sentry is the last will of the orokin empire.

And that is was furious that we still exist.

||́|̷|͢ ̵ Wè T̢ru͠sted ́Y͝O̧ų ̨w̴ith ҉.̀||||͡.̡ ̶e̸ve͠ryo͏n̕e's Fu͠tuŔE͘. ͟Y̡ou ͝|||͟| ̶DAr̵E͡ s̵ho̢w͘ ͠Y͘our̡s̵e҉l̕f to҉ ͞U͟S̸?̵


̴|͘|͜| ͜TR̨Ato̷R͝!!̷ ̡|̷|͡|͠ DEF͘I͠L̨ER̀ |̕|́|̨ ̕L͞eaVE a͝t ̡O͞NC̵E҉!̀! ̶|̧|̸|̢


|̷|̧| YO̧Ù ̨ca͠rrìe͢d |||̵ Our ̛Ho͢p̕es.͝.̵. ͝|̶|͢| ̢OUR͜,̷ ̕De̡A҉MS ̡|||͜ Y̵our̢ ͢V͢ERY̸ ́pr͢scenc҉e |̕|̵|͠ M̛o̸c͜ks ͏U͜Ş |||


|͠||̴ BEG̢ON͜E ̧TRA͡T̶ORS͏ |||͟


|̢||͏ ̸Ano̵th́e̸r̵ Retu҉r͘ns ̛||̶| TO ͘US ̕|||͢ t̴o͘ t͘h͏e ͏V͝ƠI͜D̛ ̡|||


|͟|͜|́ y͏ou̕ ͠t̢hi͜ņk ̨SH̴E͝ |̢|| Ca͞n ̢S͢A̡VE͟ |͢|̧|́ YƠU!? ͘||͘|͝ ͢f͞r҉óm̛ OU̶R |̀|̨| W̧RAT͝H͠!͠? ̡|͝|̵|


Fa̢ll͏ ́TE̕N̴NO҉ ̴|||͢ ̕As͢ ỳo҉U |||̴ b̶U̷Rn̶Èd u͟s̛,̸ WÈ R͜èp͟AY̸ ̸in ͠K҉IND͡ ||҉|


|||̵ E͢V̷E͘N ̵NO̢W!?͝ |͢|́| ̸Ev̢en i͠n DE͠AT͜H ̴||| S̵t̛ill̕ y̛o̧u͘ S̀C̸OR҉N us̨ ||| H̷OUND͞ ͞u̵s͢ ͠|||̢


|̕|̶| Ou͢r ͏A͢g͘ent W͝I͜LL C̵OME |̧|͢ ͢FOR ͢yo͟u ||́ ̸YOU̶R͘ ̡D́E̸áth͢ ̧w͏i̕ĺl͢ ̛B̢E̵ ̴şwi͝ft |͏||̕


|̀| ͠Y̧o͢u̢ s͢e͜e̢k ̀th̡e҉ |͟|͝| ̀p͝o͟w̸e̸r҉ ͝OF ͜<Insert Prime-thingy that player has yet to get Here> T̢ra͝ÍTOR̵? ̨|͝|͝|̨ You ̢WI̧LL n̡E̸V̡er C̕L̨AIM ̴I͜T!͘! ̵||̛|́ns̸er̶t>


|͟|͡|̨ ͡St̨il͟l̴ ̸Y̴OƯ ̛FAIL͟ to ̀S̷TE͟ĄL ||| T͢H͝E <insert- incompleted prime item here> fr͟om̷ ̷US ͠|͘|͝| ̢We̢ REJOICE at̡ ͜i̕t̷s̸ ̶F̡AI͠LU҉R̨E


That Text, would be AWESOME in current tower missions to add another level of immersion and story to the missions themselves.


And to add onto your bit about infested begging for release... have tenno, who have an obvious connection to the Virus, starting hearing Things


In my oppinion, the Music on Eris was the best thing Ever. The faction needs more NOPE.


Psst, your link doesn't work.  That being said, I'd like to have more atmosphere in the game, it would be more immersive.

Edited by hijinks_the_turtle
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Well I don't really think that's DE's fault. Familiarity breeds contempt, and this goes doubly so for horror, which relies primarily on the weird or unusual. The moment you look at something for tho 100th+ time, it stops being weird and unusual, it's just "oh, there's that again."


Even IF they had the Chargers and Runner's choke out "h-help" "killlllll meeeee" when you're around them, after two dozen or so runs your thoughts'll go from "F*** that's creepy" to "okay okay, I'll kill you!" to "What do you think I'm here for! HA HA! Genocide is fun!" to "god damnit these lines are annoying". It's the same problem we see ourselves experiencing with.. anytime the Lotus speaks really - which is why we gravitate so much towards the idea of alternate Announcers.


So, DE COULD throw a lot of resources and stuff into trying to make the Infested scary and demonic and change it up after free weeks or so JUST for the sake of horror - OR DE could maintain that "this is an action game, and you're here to kill stuff" and maintain a moderate level of grotesqueness to the Infested via body horror and mutation while also making them more of a challenging threat to fight.


I think it's clear where I stand on the matter.


Yeah, I understand why the Infested aren't scary anymore. I still think that's a problem. I think it's fairly safe to say that there are some instances of horror that never completely lose their aversion factors. Things like... watching someone eat someone else's brain while that person is still alive. As it is now, I think that the Infestation has been made a little too alien, and a little too cartoonish. It's too easy to disconnect from them as anything outside of a conventional threat. I remember when I started playing Warframe. The Infested were creepy for about six or seven missions. 


Reintroducing the Infested as a legitimate threat is an absolute must, and I'd like to emphasize that that can be done without turning them into a punishment-rich toxin extravaganza. As ensignvidiot mentioned, even things as simple as musical scores can really up the ante on the immersion factor, bringing us into much closer mental proximity with the horror that the Infestation should be. 


I just feel that while Warframe is an action game and should stay an action game, it is in a prime position to capitalize on the relative uniqueness of its art style, coupled with the implicit mood of the entire game universe. It's got the potential to become something very gritty and engrossing without crossing the line into campiness a la Warhammer 40k. I want Warframes being made of Infestation to mean something beyond "Oh, I'm filled with Charger flesh." We need background information. We need atmospheric improvements for Infested (and Grineer and Corpus, too,) missions. 

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Yeah, I understand why the Infested aren't scary anymore. I still think that's a problem. I think it's fairly safe to say that there are some instances of horror that never completely lose their aversion factors. Things like... watching someone eat someone else's brain while that person is still alive. As it is now, I think that the Infestation has been made a little too alien, and a little too cartoonish. It's too easy to disconnect from them as anything outside of a conventional threat. I remember when I started playing Warframe. The Infested were creepy for about six or seven missions. 


Reintroducing the Infested as a legitimate threat is an absolute must, and I'd like to emphasize that that can be done without turning them into a punishment-rich toxin extravaganza. As ensignvidiot mentioned, even things as simple as musical scores can really up the ante on the immersion factor, bringing us into much closer mental proximity with the horror that the Infestation should be. 


I just feel that while Warframe is an action game and should stay an action game, it is in a prime position to capitalize on the relative uniqueness of its art style, coupled with the implicit mood of the entire game universe. It's got the potential to become something very gritty and engrossing without crossing the line into campiness a la Warhammer 40k. I want Warframes being made of Infestation to mean something beyond "Oh, I'm filled with Charger flesh." We need background information. We need atmospheric improvements for Infested (and Grineer and Corpus, too,) missions. 


That's just a problem that you can't really fix out of a sci fi setting like the one Warframe's using - things are GOING to be alien, unnatural to us. Horror comes to the perversion of the familiar in a way we forsee as scary - in the Warframe universe, NOTHING is familiar. Not to mention we're built up as warrior gods with magical powers, which means there's not even a vulnerability to play off of.


I know what you mean about scarry - when the new Infested Ancients were introduce to me (I came in a bit after the event that they showed up in) they TERRIFIED ME. I don't know why, but they did. Sadly, that affect is LONG lost now.


Infusing a horror theme just isn't plausible, which is why I stick to my guns that the Infestation need to embody more of the violent mutation aspect. We need WEIRDER infested, WEIRDER looking (and of course more power) enemies from them). We need to see MORE enemy types, each with a different take on what may happen to a Grineer or Corpus that fall victim to the disease. Each thing needs to be all the more menacing, violent, and inhuman.


It wont be scary, but it WILL be wrong.

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after skimming this thread, and reading it in full afterwards..... im even more confused as to what a tenno is, however it has given me a fan theory about the Warframes:


Basically their like Life Fiber clothing in Kill-La-Kill (only seen first 12 episodes of it currently...), they feed off our void energy, are alive, and possibly sentient? they allow us to wear them and give us access to super-human reflexes, strength, wizard powers, etc.-in exchange for them to leach off our void energy.


the orokin tried to make the infested into weapons-and failed horribly, but when the experiments came in contact with the tenno they saw them as their masters and reshaped themselves into forms more.... appropriate for their operators. thus began the Proto-Warframes


Orokin saw this bond and infused the warframes with cybernetics so that they don't go into berserker rages (like the one Proto-Rhino went on) while also locking the genetic structure of the frame so it cannot alter it's form after being manipulated into a preset (exception for helmet blueprints...). however after a while the tenno discovered that these cybernetics can be modified to increase shield output, hardness of "skin", and ability to divert some void energy the frame consumes to operate into the energy tank for ability's (Energy Siphon). but all of this causes strain on the frame (mod cap) which can be reduced by an Orokin reactor that takes some of the strain off a lot of the implants so more modding can continue.



and soooo-that's my 10cents imma go farm Faction XP until the devs come out and say what we are, and what our fames are in regards of wtf are they, what is their connection to us, and how do they do what they do!? and in the meantime this is what i'll believe :P

Edited by McDuffMan
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Very good Morec0. You sum up the multitude of ideas into one cohesive train of thought.

Well put together and certainly worth to consider.

I like most of it, mostly about the tc predating the warframes by a long time. I agree *something* to do with warframes is taking place in the codex, but I cant see what.

I am really not a fan of the Tenno being energy, not really them being kids on ice remoting a monster either.

The warframes we use have a spine that may or may not be a part of the Tenno pilot. This... beast seem mostly to me like... a alien creature being experimented upon.

The timeline keep bugging me. The crew from the Zariman vanished, but came back. A military ship but only children were found hiding *days later*.

The Zariman is clearly known as "The ship that never came back." Even though this Codex can't be too far into the future, enough time passed for a facility to keep the returnees in a "Cell".

Countless specimens gave been made and disposed of, clearly failures.

They cut open their "shell" to get to the humanoid creature beneath. This sound like the Dark Sector infection to me.

Remember the words in Excalibur codex?



They only turned to the Void during the War. This is the Void Era, like Pre-warp in Star Trek.

The infestation have broken out twice right? On anscient Earth and when the Tenno woke from Cryospleep.

So they had the tc and were probably experimenting, building biotech with it for a long time.

So the stuff had a high likely hood being aboard the Zariman when it got stranded in the Void for several days.

Now, imagine that something came back on that ship. Something not human. Imagine the void caused the tc present to mutate. It in turn gave birth to a new form of life. Out there? This is pretty in sci-fi.

This new form of life being a child if three parents (human, technicyte, void energy) took ok a childlike form.

Extremely unstable and dangerous these rejects were isolated, and cloned as they matured and evolved.

Tested like animals for signs of emotion, communication and so on.

They tried to control them. They failed again and again.

What if the reason the Rhino stops in front of Davis, is that it suddenly gains Sentience? It has a I think therefore I am, moment. It remembers where it came from.

The orokin proceed to create soldiers and weapons based on what Davis have discivered.

Orokin golden age follows.

Ok major timegap. The war took place many years later, and at first the Orokin did not posess warframes or Tenno.

They were dying, only then did they reopen the Zariman case.

Finally the punchline.

The Zariman allso eventually led to the confrontation of the enemy, these Sentient beings that the Orokin in fact had created long ago.

The enemy can use Orokin tech. They seem biotechnological.

They can only be defeated using new soldiers to match them, new monsters.

Figth fire with fire.

Could there be something there? Or am I just rambling like usual XD ?

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Has anyone put forth that theory that Tenno are actually just a Brain and a Spinal Cord inserted into whatever Warframe the Tenno feels like piloting at the time?


EDIT: Could explain Alad V's little snark about seeing eye to eye with Tennos.

Edited by The_Aoi_Effect
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In darkSector Robert Mezner was able to control the technocyte virus. Hayden's arm was transformed by the virus into some living metal thing. Therefore there can be some connection, some control over infestation (which is clearly there in infested weapons and so on).

My entry for the infested enemy competition was based on the same idea, I wanted the infested swarm (the particle like effect on infested maps) to have some meaning: to be the extended awareness for the infested units. You can't kill it, but you can keep it in bay with warframe powers or with some elemental damage.

Edited by tmtke
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the amount of - ! - in your post. i don't even know.


i would like to add an idea on Warframe design in relation to them being obvious representations of Animals etc.


they were children, right? so a child would dream of being a Cat(Valkyr), that's plausible, it gets kidnapped and shoved into the Void, comes back all messed up and Cat like cos that's what it was dreaming about but it gets shoved into a Rhinoceros(Rhino) frame and sorry it doesn't work time to expire.


then one day they shove a Rhino kid into a Rhino frame and bam, Warframes.


at least that's one way to explain how in this future of space travel and lasers there is a frame that is wearing a Top Hat and Tails, or a Gunslinger from the 1600's, a Clown, or a frame that looks like Hayden Tenno, some sort of hero from centuries ago, they're all physical representations of these kids favourite animals/characters.


us on the other hand, we're just copies of the originals, so we carry the themes-see Mirage Codex.

Edited by d1sc1p1e
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I'm gonna go with the theory that Tenno are made of energy, but conscious. They were children, but children will mature into adults in mind and body. Warframes are what contain us and are the surrogates in which we interact with the physical world. We are not any physical manifestation but a part of the Void itself. So maybe the way to kill a Tenno is to find a way to lock us in our Warframes, and then deactivate them, leaving us to disappear with it. The Ascaris probably targets that section of us where we are vulnerable to loss of control and stability.

Edited by wtrmlnjuc
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Very convincing, however its very unprofessionally delivered. STOP USING CAPS PLEASE.




I'm not writing an English paper - and I wanted to get this idea out as quickly as possible before it rotted in my head - so forgive me if I didn't use impersonal pronouns or whatever...


Naaaha, I'm kiddin': you're prob right, could been worded A LOT better at some points.

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I'm not writing an English paper - and I wanted to get this idea out as quickly as possible before it rotted in my head - so forgive me if I didn't use impersonal pronouns or whatever...

Naaaha, I'm kiddin': you're prob right, could been worded A LOT better at some points.

Exclamation points, italicized text

Ironic hypocrisy? And emphasis on excitement has to come from somewhere, You know. @_@

Using the irony of the situation to make my point all that more valid :P subliminal things. Regardless its not a big deal... Just the only thing I really had to say because I agree with the majority of the theory.

Edited by Phyrosite
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