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Speed Runners Make Me Hate Playing This Game With Public Matchmaking


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With all due respect, it is one of the more fun elements in the game. At present, and in my opinion, the game needs "more" not "less" fun or it will soon have a very limited player base. Maybe you just need to find a new game where all the mechanics are balanced more to your liking?  


It's not fun when it forces everyone else to either play that way or play solo.  Kinda defeats the whole purpose of the game being an MMO.  And again, I would be totally fine with coptoring if it didn't completely eclipse most of the movement mechanics of the game which it is currently doing now. 


Some of the decent runner frames will still be able to rush past everything without a problem. Coptoring being removed won't stop us at all.


You can get tremendous boost from wall running if you just release the jump button the moment you touch the wall. Nova can just portal herself through the map once she get good enough energy.

Map interactions are boring and limited. Most can be ignored with just normal wall running too.


The Devs have stated that they are going to keep coptoring in the game as it's a unique feature like bunny hopping and rocket jump.


For topic starter. Sorry but alerts and such are not worth being bothered with so the quicker the better.


Most of the "rushing" frames still need to go through enemies though, or their methods of rushing come at some sort of cost.


And you are missing the point about map interactions.  Wall running is a means of avoiding certain obstacles in your path.  Many aspects of the maps are designed around parkour and wall running.  That in itself is map interaction.  For areas that you cannot wallrun through, there are ziplines and elevators to help you traverse through the level.  I don't recall any of the devs taking coptoring into account


Coptoring bypasses these aspects completely.  What's the point of including wall running then?  The feature (which you should know was originally a glitch), is contradictory the the very game it is in.  On that note it should be removed.  Coptoring allows you to travel more distance than there is space in a room.  Why even bother making a map in the first place then?  Why don't they just give you a long hallway to coptor through and then give you 10k credits for completing the mission. 


Also no.  The rocket jump analogy doesn't work.  It's already been refuted many times on the forums and trying to bring that up as a defense is total BS.

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If you want to play a certain way, public matchmaking is not for you. Don't try to force others to play like you want.


I hate the slow turtles who seem to be playing halo or cod or some other ship simulator instead of a fast paced space ninja game. Average public games seem to have at least one player who is so slow that I can kill everything, open all lockers and still have to wait three times longer for them to arrive. This is why I play solo. If you don't like how other players play in public games you should too.



Remove coptoring and make all slide attacks behave similarly to the Kogake.


Problem solved.  You no longer have speed runners.


This doesn't solve anything. There are ways to move fast without using melee at all.


Also, rushing/speedrunning is not a problem that needs to be solved.

Edited by Naftal
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I cannot suggest this sincerely enough: Play with friends. PLAY WITH FRIENDS. PLAY WITH FRIENDS.

Your friends will wait for you. Your friends will stay put if you ask them while you charge ahead into the holding cells and stealth-kill all the wardens like a boss. Your friends will alert you when they find a really cool mod and leave a marker so you can find it. Your friends will understand your defense strategy and try their damndest to hold by it.

Your friends will not spam ultimates because they know you thirst for blood as well. Your friends will not BANISH you to prevent you scoring kills. Your friends will not Switch Teleport with you all the time. Your friends understand that a life support pod gives 30% life support and not to freakin' open it until life support falls to 70 or less.

I'm not trying to be like the 30-something trolls here who accuse you of whining like a baby because that's stupid and childish and shows who they are. I'm just telling you don't ignore this advice just because it comes from them.

Find some friends. Forge some Tenno bonds. Play with them. Play with them and Warframe will be twice as amazing a game as it was before.

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Sorry, TC, but no one should slow down because you want to if you're not their friend or you didn't propose that to them. Warframe is grindy, the missions can be long and you run them so much there really isn't anything else to see.


If you want to play on your own pace, do it solo, other people will do whatever they want.

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Yeah, I'm gonna have to stop you right there. The majority of the maps do not favor parkour at all.


The game itself hardly favors parkour, considering that most of the time running up a frame-high wall will launch you 50ft into the air. And that's IF the game decides if you're allowed to run up that wall at the moment.

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Rushtards mostly make capture and exterminate missions intolerable. Which is why I rarely do them and I solo any void mission that features those mission types.


It's pretty simple. These jackhats usually run minimal shields and health (and, boy, did some of them die like dogs in the last tactical alert) and every stamina and speed mod they can cram in. I'm not going to do that. Ever. So there's no way I can really keep up. Ichors/Zorens/whathaveyou won't really make any difference and not all my 'frames are going to run them anyway for reasons.


So. It comes down to if I'm stuck with one or more of these bozos there's no way I can keep up. At that point there's not much to shoot, so the game mode changes to...loot time! Yep, going to hit every stash, chest, locker or anything breakable in search of stuff. Yep, you're going to wait the extra 50 sec at extraction. Oh well.

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 Ppl who try to open lockers, they waste not only my time but also theirs.


You can get rare resources from lockers and crates. I got so many Neural Sensors from bringing Master Thief to Jupiter missions. (side note: master thief is much better on corpus tile sets due much higher lockers density)

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Also no.  The rocket jump analogy doesn't work.  It's already been refuted many times on the forums and trying to bring that up as a defense is total BS.

rocket jump is intended at the beginning, coptering is not intended at the begining but devs kept it

but be reminded that WF is still in beta test (as what they claimed), it is pretty much the same as rocket jump

indeed fixes for coptering are needed, (its own animation or drawbacks like rocket jump)

but removing coptering solves nothing yet only make people use zhephyr in public

"fixes" is what it needs, not "removal"


and parkour and wall-running are just bonuses, not core feature (it was a fan-concept according to fan-concept sub-forum)  (and coptering) 

most maps are not favoring parkour (only 2 in grineer ship and void's secret rooms with bad rewards) and I am pretty sure DE did it intentionally


I have a feel that people will complain about people using parkour/loki/zhephyr to rush so they should be removed after the removal of coptering

so it should provide merits to those who stay and fight together (both rushing together or slowly advance the map)

Edited by akira_him
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Just did the 10k credits allert on Eris (the hive alert). I was on public setting so i joined up with the team of 3 other players. We did the mission (I destroyed 3 hives - the 3 others took down one hive). After all 4 hives were destroyed we all headed to the extraction, but i was considerably further away from it than the rest of the team. Of course the 3 of them get to the extraction and started the extracting countdown. 


Similar situations as this happens to me all the time. You need to learn how to rush OP, I am not saying that you must rush all the time but you need to be able to when it is required.


There are plenty of A-holes in the game that does not care wether you just wasted 2 revives to carry the mission for them or not, they will extract without you regardless. 


Having the skills to get from the start of the map till the end in 59 seconds will save you quite a lot of frustration.


You can not change the behaviour of these kind of people so take the necessary steps to be prepaired for it when it happens.

Edited by VikingoX
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Complaining that a random team is "not what you wanted" is like going on blind dates looking for gorgeous girls. If Warframe players are "that good", they will have mates they play with, and they won't scrub up to random dirty games and try their luck, unless they are bored.


I had two other mates that took break from EvE Online, and we played via Skype all the time. That is how you do it "properly".  You don't rock up to PUGs and start dictating rules. At best, you will just get ignored, and at worse, comments will be made, teams will get dropped.


Either play to adapt to the PUG and learn to play for fun, or go play on your own. You have the tools to make your own team already, so use them.



"In sports, a pick-up game is a game that has been spontaneously started by a group of players. Players are generally invited to show up beforehand, but unlike exhibition games and regular games there is no sense of obligation or commitment to play. Pick-up games usually lack officials and referees, which makes them more disorganized and less structured than regular games but the total number of players in such games globally is likely to be greater than the number playing in formal competitions and leagues."


That pretty much covers it.

Edited by DSpite
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Remove coptoring and make all slide attacks behave similarly to the Kogake.


Problem solved.  You no longer have speed runners.

AND you no longer have any players...


Speed is the name of the game.


Coptering/parkour/fast movement is what got me hooked, you have no idea, put down the controller.

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Just imagine how unpleasant it was for me to see on the mission success summary that I, as a person who did most of the work in that mission

How're we defining "most of the work" here?

Damage totals? Please. On a Hive mission the entire objective is to kill the hives and get out. If you want to screw around with infested spam mobs, go ahead, but very few people will stick around.

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What makes me mad?? Ppl who try to open lockers, they waste not only my time but also theirs.


Also its first time ive heard that not getting into extraction before timer expires resulted in no reward.

If this is the first you've heard of it you're either deaf or new.  This used to be an accepted thing that happened, at least with credits.  People used to say that if you didn't make it to extraction you would lose your credits, Whether this was true or not I don't know, but quite a few people believed it.



How're we defining "most of the work" here?

Damage totals? Please. On a Hive mission the entire objective is to kill the hives and get out. If you want to screw around with infested spam mobs, go ahead, but very few people will stick around.


The OP specifically said he destroyed three out of the four hives.  I would certainly consider that most ofthe work

Edited by xXRampantXx
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Sorry OP,


When I started playing this game almost two years ago it was common for people to take their time exploring and killing enemies in hallway missions. There was less disparity in player power levels and endless mission types hadn't been released yet. It was a fun time. But nowadays it's just not possible to balance the matchmaking experience on hallway missions. And especially in alerts you can expect people to bring some high level gear to just faceroll and finish the mission.


The good news with Spy 2.0 being released it seems DE is working on way to adjust and vary the different mission types so that they take a little more forethought on the players parts. But if the comments on this thread are any indication, always be ready to deal with players who are kind of lame.

Okay so I'm not the only one who feels that the pace isn't so good in PUGs....

Rushers are everywhere. I can understand if everyone is impatient in the team, but you can't do this everytime, else you're just a selfish player,sorry.


The "go with friends or go solo" also applies to rushers, because they'd see slower players as an useless weight attached to their legs.

Don't want to rescue people who fell 2 rooms behind?You can also go private or solo.

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