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Veterans: How Many Still Play?


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I'll be honest, here: I've stopped playing this game. It is still fun to me, I think, yes. I have spent hundreds of hours in the game. I have spent hundreds of dollars on the game, following and worshipping DE to the letter. I've enjoyed this game many, many times over, and hated it many times over due to the grindfest; trying to get everything maxed and then forma my favorites.


But now... I don't play.


So many other games have caught my attention over the past month, rather, WEEK, and now, sadly, Warframe... is not one of them.


Am I alone here? Does anyone else feel this way, too?


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say I'd be leaving the game, but... it just doesn't have my attention span or interest right now.

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Been around since February 2013, played quite a bit back during closed beta, then the game sort of fell off my radar for several months. Came back after open beta started and have been a big fan ever since. I do sometimes take breaks from playing, but that's more because my job takes me away from reliable net access for weeks at a time. Even then, I try to at least log in every day and maybe get some solo play in.

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I still play Warframe. Only difference is now i mix in other games with my time spent playing warframe so i dont end up getting bored of the game. And even if i do get bored, i stop playing for a week or two, or closer to when a major update is close to being released, and then come back when its out, making playing the game all the more fun and the grind tolerable. ^.^ 

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I keep playing. There always seem to be a new awesome move to pull off, and of course, more stuff to grind and level.
It's also really interresting to be a part of the community, and to see how the game evolves with each update.

I'm also about to burst with anticipation for more lore, but it seems to be taking it's sweet old time getting here...

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Been waiting a while for that Halberd. Two years is nothing.


It's all on and off, I tend to just hope on and see what's new with updates, unfortunately A-Wing isn't my thing and nor have the Syndicates really caught my attention. I feel less and less attached to WF each and every day. :(

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I take breaks often to play other games, but whenever there's a new update i come back and play until my eyes burn out.

Either way I still worship the game and the community, it's just too good to quit even if it gets a bit repetitive after a while, you wait a bit for new content and then nolife again! 

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I tend to spend more time in the forums than playing... :p


I also have a On/Off activity,and play events when the price is attractive enough. Otherwise I visit the new tilesets and do stealth missions.


Sleepovers to complete an event are far away now...


DE, why don't you polish Parkour,Stealth,Nekros,Ember,AI (& its diversity),Void enemies,challenge for vets more?

Edited by unknow99
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