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Further Syndicates Customization Please?


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Hello tenno,


Getting sigils from our proxy war pals is all fun & games, but do you really feel that you belong to a sub-faction? Why couldn't we have other signs that we are part of them & they consider us like their esteemed members?


I got that idea the day I saw them, and was a little bit disappointed that it wasn't something already planned (I'm also disappointed that syndicate missions aren't lead by the...syndicate leader, but it's another topic) :


Here's the deal : how about adding syndicate accessories based on their appearance?


To better understand, look at this :


Steel Meridian



The hood from the Steel Meridian or other stuff.*




Red Veil



The Rakta syandana or other stuff.*


Cephalon Suda


Phased skin & other stuff. (suggested by AandOE)*


New Loka



Forest camo skin for frames.* And other stuff.



Same with Arbiters of Hexis or Perrin Sequence. You get the idea : something more than just their logo. (even armor sets,as suggested by Innocent Flower!)


Thoughts? :)


*Acquirable with high rep, of course. They'd give it as a symbol of big gratefulness...

Edited by unknow99
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If Steel Meridian got a beat up scarf (w/ hood being even cooler, but probably much more complicated to implement), I would be extremely giddy. I just hope that PBR allows them to make frames and accessories stop looking like they are made of rubber. Syandanas would be more appealing if they looked more like actual fabric.

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Yup, developers have confirmed that Syndicate-specific cosmetics will be a thing. It's not known when or of what variety we're looking at, but it'll happen. I personally look forward to it. Can never have too many cosmetics. 

Glad developers will go in this direction.  :)


Bring these accessories, and I'll grind rep all day errday for it!

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I just want a badge personally, i hate Sigils in general... ghastly things which break the aesthetic look i like in my frames.

Aren't some sorts of "medallions" coming in a near future? I even think we can see a stack of them in syndicates hubs...

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Huge potential for future Syndicate accessories! 


Loving some of these ideas.  



Megan replied to one of my threads?! Ohmagad whatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo


Hm Hm...Glad my idea has been acknowledged. I'll try to make more customization accessories as soon as I get other ideas.



Edited by unknow99
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Syandanas would be more appealing if they looked more like actual fabric.


Problem is, DE really thinks they are not made of fabric. Take a look at this collar. There are words "worn plastic" which, I guess, is a name of used material/texture.



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Cephy Suda could give out more of those Phased skins, like the one Booben has. ^_^ I've always wanted to see my Trinity in a glowy void type o' way. With so many warframes and weapons, there could be a simple 'Phased skin' option that pops up another window for someone to select which specific one to choose. There are Rubedo skins, as well, if I remember correctly, so that takes care of another syndicate. 4 more cool looking, generalized skins for others, and now we've expanded the options for syndicates by many, many folds. (not even talking about future content, to boot!)

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Cephy Suda could give out more of those Phased skins, like the one Booben has. ^_^ I've always wanted to see my Trinity in a glowy void type o' way. With so many warframes and weapons, there could be a simple 'Phased skin' option that pops up another window for someone to select which specific one to choose. There are Rubedo skins, as well, if I remember correctly, so that takes care of another syndicate. 4 more cool looking, generalized skins for others, and now we've expanded the options for syndicates by many, many folds. (not even talking about future content, to boot!)

Ooooh that is also nice! I'll add this to the original post.

You're a genius!

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