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Which Syndicates You Trust The Most And The Least


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From the most to the least:


Red Veil - We know these guys for some time. They like to speak through violence, and violence is something we Tenno know the best. One Jackal won't attack another. As long as we're strong, they're our best pals.


Steel Meridian - They're pretty honest and noble. While Tenno's well being isn't of their concern, starting a fight with Tenno would only harm their cause. We're pretty safe with them.


Perrin Sequence - They are trying build a better society through trade and not violence, unlikely that they'll decide to fight the Tenno. However, I suspect that once we have outlived our usefulness, it'll be the Tenno parts that will bring a common prosperity to the galaxy...


New Loka - They're either very "high", or very deceptive. Not someone I'd rely on. Especially when they claim fight for the "true humanity", and we, the Tenno, aren't exactly human ourselves.


Arbiters of Hexis - Goals are unclear. Origins are unknown. Very secretive. Too much focus on the Tenno. Hard to say if they'll be willing to conflict with the Tenno, but never the less, trusting them seems impossible.


Cephalon Suda - Inhuman. We can't comprehend its line of thought. Unpredictable. Dangerous. Should never be trusted.

Edited by Esleyer
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Arbiters of Hexis: We know their goals and they do not wish to let the Tenno devolve into nothing more but savage warriors. 


Red Veil: The Red Veil wish to kill everything they view as Corrupt. What's to say they don't see us as Corrupt once everything else has been eradicated.

Edited by TheErebus
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New Loka: I support this cause the most.


Arbiters of Hexis :i'm interested in those suits they're wearing


Cephalon Suda:i shall never trust , I think their cause is pointless 


Red Veil: I don't support too extreme in their ways


Perrin Sequence:So-so on their cause.


Steel Meridian:I support this together with New Loka.

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Steel meridian, i trust them.


New Loka/Arbiters they are shady to me.


New loka seeks to reclaim the earth meanwhile crying out of human purity, they think human is form of perfection, this can only lead to conflict.


Arbiters: it is good thing that they seek to reclaim the knowledge of the past and seek their own way, i do hope they don't go overboard and establish tenno regime.


Red veil: they are honest about murdering people, not exactly good thing but atleast they are honest.


Suda: pretty "lively" for an A.I, i do like "her".


Perrin: pumping money and making infrastructure is good thing but that alone is not enough.

Edited by Morgax
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Red Veil - I brought your soldiers home and you seem to like violence. Me too.


Steel Meridian - Seems pretty freaking legit. Your protecting regular dudes.


Arbiters of Hexis - I don't trust you guys but you seem to respect the tenno. however your very willing to kill tenno because they don't chill with you.

Perrin Sequence - F*** YOU CORPUS SKUM
New Loka - Bro. We're not exactly pure human.

Cephalon Suda - Your not human. I can't go to you and rip your head off. I'm not trusting you.

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In order of most to least.


Arbiters of Hexis: They seem to operate in the Tenno's best interest, and seem to have no other alignments with anybody else. I trust them. and the main speaker's voice is very soothing. :3


Red Veil: Very honest. "We would like to kill everything, please." Can't really argue with it. They're malicious, but at least they're honest.


Steel Meridian: They seem to work for an honest and noble cause, but somehow im not overly convinced when it comes to trusting Grineer.


Perrin Sequence: Money is corruptible. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys would bail at the first sign of trouble and/or financial instability.


Cephalon Suda: Somehow im unnerved by the concept of trusting a sociopathic computer program. They have good interior design though.


New Loka: Theres something sinister about that lady, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I think New Loka is a cult.

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Honestly, I think your list is the same as mine. I'd maybe swap Loka and Arbiters because why not.


Red Veil and Steel Meridian are frightfully clear on their intentions, and Perrin have a workable idea too. The rest come across as a bit vague.

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Steel Meridian- Help the poor, broken, dying 99% that's left of this war... Even if were not human


Arbiters of Hexis- You, yeah you tenno! well help you become the real you by slaving you around!


Cephalon Suda- Oh... we don't "need" you, we just want whats in your head... at least whats left of it...


Perrin Sequence- Were probably the closest thing to the reason why ww2 started, so yeah... can we get your money now?


Red Veil- We train our assassins to kill their targets beloved ones, and force them to make a sigil out of it. Were just the edgy


New loka- We care for humanity and earth, but the moment you f*** with us expect a horde of infested eximus to hunt your arse down till the end of hek



Me- your all a bunch of nut jobs, besides you steel meridian... you have a real goal

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It's fascinating to me how many people distrust Cephalon Suda. I don't know of any machines that have ever betrayed me. Sometimes they fail, but they fail for reasons purely grounded in hard sciences rather than making a deliberate choice to value their own welfare higher than yours.  That is purely a feature of complex social animals e.g. humans.

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red veil : most efficient way to clear out the baddiest is to kill them

steel meridien: they are honest about their goals



suda: shes a damn robot, robots are evil

loka: shes like a lvl 100 hipster that evolved to something even crazier

Edited by Haldos
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Perrin Sequence - I'm a scientist, and a capitalist. I don't think any other faction suits me this well... except for the Veil.


Red Veil - When they talk, it's either about "fire" or "blood". We can get along well, but they're creeps.


Steel Meridian - I trust them, but I can't help them without conflicting with Perrin - so they hate me, but not as much since they're allied with the Veil. Besides, Corpus > Grineer for me, regardless. I'm sorry Meridian lady.


New Loka - that sugar-coating lady hides something. "My Tenno" this, "my Tenno" that. But their Ancient Healers and Castanas have me, which proves I'm still a greedy Corpus merc at heart. (What is Tenno honour if I'm being supplied, yes? No? Ok.)


Arbiters of Hexis - shady individuals with shady accents. (Am I more than a mute skull-crushing savage? Well can I be it?)


Cephalon Suda - another mad Cephalon. I already have Ordis, and he's more than enough, thank you either way.

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It's fascinating to me how many people distrust Cephalon Suda. I don't know of any machines that have ever betrayed me. Sometimes they fail, but they fail for reasons purely grounded in hard sciences rather than making a deliberate choice to value their own welfare higher than yours.  That is purely a feature of complex social animals e.g. humans.


I wouldn't necessarily categorize Suda as purely a machine - though she is mechanical in nature, she is more than capable of feeling, and I don't think it would be entirely surprising if Suda behaved "out of line", so to speak. I'd even go so far as to say her profile description is misleading - if she abhors destruction, she already can't be classified as emotionless.


Personally I have great respect for Perrin Sequence; as far as businessmen go, they seem somewhat less likely to screw you over, and I'd imagine Darvo would fit right in. The Arbiters of Hexis fulfill the obligatory "Tenno Master Race" role, although Steel Meridian strikes me as a little shortsighted. Sure, you're going to save all the innocents...and then what? Will you attempt to address the underlying structural causes of this conflict? Will you ever attempt to mobilize against the Grineer or establish a formal sanctuary world? They mean well, but seem too isolationist for their own good. Still, backstabbing doesn't seem to be their kind of thing.


Red Veil and New Loka are, of course, the most suspect - if only due to how dogmatic (or in the case of Red Veil, fanatic) they are. Reasons have been listed; I needn't repeat them here.


As for Suda - well, I'm aligned with her, and the "lack of purpose" so many people cite doesn't bother me in the slightest. She collects information for the sake of collecting information - because she wants to know things and greatly enjoys learning. That, in and of itself, is highly commendable. Hell, if nothing else, she's the Wikipedia of the Warframe universe. One does not merely mess with Wikipedia.

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Alright, most at the top, least at the bottom!


Steel Merdian first, they seem pretty honest and have a good goal! But with all syndicates, I don't exactly feel like they're 100% trustworthy, Grineer seem like the type that get out of hand.


Arbiters of Hexis second, I like their idea of improving the Tenno, and with how powerful we already are, I think it is pretty harmless. Creepy though, in that mysterious judging way.


Cephalon Suda third, may be a AI but collecting information doesn't seem that harmful, she seems capable of handling herself and not becoming all insane. I think everyone in this thread states very good reasons to not trust her though.


Red Veil fourth, I like the idea of a tad bit of anarchy and change, so it may be bias, but I  can only partially agree with them- how they're willing to purge anything disturbs me though. Being friends doesn't seem like a bad idea, nonetheless.


Perrin Sequence fifth, I don't trust the money making types, even if it means peace.


And lastly, New Loka, too religious and cult like, I appreciate the dedication to restoring Earth and humanity, but too much 'purity' is involved.

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It all depends on wether DE go the "evil AI" route with Cephalon Suda or not.


As an Asimov fan, I think it's an overdone cliche that I wish would stop, because there are many conflicts that can be written about robots without resorting to the "durrr, they TURNED EVIL!!" story.


But if she DOES turn out to be evil, I don't care. She reminds me of Glados, and I love Glados.


I trust about everybody except New Loka. The only syndicate I'm sad to be enemies with is Perrin Sequence.

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Steel Meridian - The shield to the Red Veil's sword. They're defending the innocents not involved in this war - they proved their trustworthiness when they severed ties with the Grineer and set out to do the opposite of their conquest. I may not have sided with them, but I trust they'll keep the Red Veil to their ideals - killing those who intend to harm the ones with no part in any of all this.


Red Veil - Though I sided with them, they're use of the Infested as a bioweapon... it's dangerous. It's unpredictable, volatile - make one mistake and we might not be able to stop it. My relationship with them is like Harlequin's to the Joker - no matter how dark they become, you stay with them. You've come so far and you can't turn back. Going further forward's the last option.


Perrin Sequence - A Corpus syndicate hoping to spread wealth through the prosperity of colonists. Then why, exactly, are they at war with the Steel Meridian? Surely their interests in the colonists align? Either a mistake was made here, or they have a good reason for fighting each other when their ideals are the same.


Cephalon Suda - A vast AI with the sole purpose of seeking knowledge - yet killing in Suda's name is honoured. Slightly confusing, but then again - there's more to all of these syndicates than we've seen so far. I just hope, well... I've escaped GLaDOS, I've destroyed SHODAN. How, Suda, will you turn out?


New Loka - The Tenno are hardly human, that much we've already established. 'Flawless' or not, I'm not sure we fit into the image of their perfect future with true humanity. It seems like a nice goal at first, one that can hardly be criticised - but they seem more like a pagan cult than an organisation.


Arbiters of Hexis - We don't know what they are, we don't know what they want. They tell us to "become more" and "surpass" the Orokin - how? In what way? What's this "truth" they love so much? They hide too much from us and expect us to follow, assassinating anyone who doesn't stay true to their precious "path". I distrust them entirely. We'll see how good they really are.

Edited by Blackout751
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As part of the Cephelon Suda, our purpose in collecting knowledge is of the purest form, with knowledge comes power and with power comes the ability to change what we see fit. Our friends, the Arbiters understand this and share our ideals. bloodshed will simply lead to more bloodshed.

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Red Veil: I don't really trust them. But with the existence of Tenno, I don't think they will do anything crazy.

Steel Meridian: Their goal is simple. Defend the weak. Joining them makes me feel like I'm actually doing something good. So I trust them the most.

New Loka: Their goal seems noble. But they just looks shady to me. So I can't trust them.

Arbiter of Hexis: They just want to be stronger. Thats all. I think they won't hurt you unless you cross them. I would like to remain neutral with them.

Cephalon Suda: Just a old war Al chilling in space. Again, it seems that they won't hurt you if you leave them alone.

Perrin Sequence: I don't really care about wealth and profit. And a Corporation always have secret. So I don't trust them.

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I trust the Steel Meridian and Red Veil the most. With what we know aside, they remind me of the Brotherhood of Steel and the Blades of the Darkmoon. :s Which just makes me like them more. Protect the innocent and kill the corrupt/sinners. :)


I don't trust the Cephalon. Never trust a robot, it never ends well. >;( She doesn't even have feels.

Edited by Wolfdoge
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