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The Braton's Buff Is Good


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Okay, so I am super done seeing all the people whining about the now AMAZING braton. Everyone who appreciates the buff, and enjoys the weapon. Please up vote this and post on this thread to show DE the appreciation they deserve for finally buffing our favorite weapon! Please Lets show them how happy we are about this. I mean god I am done seeing all the negative stuff, the Braton Prime is amazing now and I love it. Lets show DE that they did the right thing.

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I agree, this is what a buff should be. I can understand why some people might not like the change about ammo capacity, but there obviously must be a little compensation for the damage and fire-rate increase. And as far as negative things on a weapon, I think low ammo is a small issue.

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Ammo nerf aside, the buff is indeed GOOD. Its not op - like Boltor P - but very strong, good DPS, great status chance - can build for crits even or for elements/status. 

Good job, Im surprised even. Well balanced. Glad I kept it, its very fun to use now, will forma. 

Edited by Monolake
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it's not all negative, some people understand what was changed and the playstyles this Weapon has now, and where it resides in the game.

and you don't like people posting about things to say to stop posting about things, so you decided to post about it.



that didnt make u sound as smart as u hope it would did it

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Was thinking of making  a thread but I found this one and figured I'd post here.


Thank you DE for finally giving the braton p. a much needed and requested buff. I will finally shut up constantly asking for a buff in any braton thread that appeared. 


Although the decreased ammo capacity was unexpected, I cannot say I'm unhappy about it. What the gun needed was just a bit of extra damage but with the extra buff it got, it truly can stand with the other primes. While people will not be putting down their boltors, latrons, or soma, it is definitely an alternate weapon that can be used in top tier mission. 


I tried different missions and feels just as fun as before, only now it does acceptable damage. I'm glad for the buff.


PS. also, thanks for not making it op

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Flame-bait thread detected. Also, people are not complaining about the buff, they're complaining about the nerf. Rightfully so might I add. This buff is what Braton Prime should have been like from the get go. On top of it, it got an ammo cap nerf. So in the end, all I see is actually ONE nerf. Nothing else. So I'm very sorry but I can't say "thank you for nerfing Braton Prime". That would be illogical. I would have said "thank you" if the ammo cap hadn't been nerfed. THEN it would have been all sunshine and butterflies on the forums.

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Well, it's better now, that's true. But Braton Prime could honetly deal more damage. Soon Soma Prime will come with that there would be no reason to use Braton Prime anymore.

i dont understand why they couldn't just give the bratton prime a crit buff to go along with the crit dmg buff they gave it you just bumped the status to 25% so we can hit the 100% status chance with it and have it find its nich has a status rifle that actualy feel good to use. Cause the Braton Prime has to be the most feel good assault rifle i have played with.

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It's a solid gun at any missions. It fulfills that "just right" feel of Bratons. This is what it should have been all along: a dependable, balanced, versatile and general-purpose gun. I'm having an absolute blast putting different mods and trying out various builds on it--I have a feeling this is what fun modding should feel like. Thank you so much DE!

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It's a solid gun at any missions. It fulfills that "just right" feel of Bratons. This is what it should have been all along: a dependable, balanced, versatile and general-purpose gun. I'm having an absolute blast putting different mods and trying out various builds on it--I have a feeling this is what fun modding should feel like. Thank you so much DE!

IKR! This gun now feels like the old days when I had just started and I would take my braton EVERYWHERE. Honestly, it is the best 25k creds I have spent. But after getting the primed, it just felt so underpowered that I had no choice but to stop using the braton line. But after this buff, I feel very comfortable using either my latron prime or the braton prime. And it's just as fun as I remembered. Granted, I have to check the ammo constantly, but this makes the gun even more fun to use which is exactly how the vanilla braton played when I was clearing the lower planets.

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