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The 100 Things I Hate About Warframe


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On the forums i've noticed a lot of ideas being repeated over and over  to the point where i just started writing down stuff as it annoys me . 


i figured  i would pre-pub this  and we all could add  #  of things in Warframe that really annoy us as players  so agree / disagree - read down the list and add the next # and add /  edit latter  ,


disclaimer-  ( this is intended as a list for stuff that DE needs to fix as added by the community  , not just bashing ) 


so without ado -  


1. the 2 man doors - there always going to be a faster player  in the game - means that he 's going to be bored and the slower player(s) are going to be annoyed by his ringing the door bell over and over 


2.  air rng / life support pods - IN survivals it sucks that some times i'm limited  how far i can go due to something i can't control


3. charge attacks removed - i like doing them - alot of people did


4. quick block  being removed  and being melee mode only  ,  when  all your weapons should work together  


5. delay between switching between weapons  - speed aura doesn't fix it 


6.  Energy siphon is a needed aura  no other aura even comes close 


 7. nekros desecrate spam  being needed in most survivals  and nekros needing to press 3 - 100s to 1000s of times 


8 . ammo inequality  of the machine pistes - burn all your ammo in 2 clips , and spent the next 5 mins refilling ammo  before firing again 


9. shotgun ammo - just take it out - i shouldn't have to burn a slot for a avg weapon to function normally 


10 .overheat -  accelate is better with it's buff/  blind built in - but i  liked using her as a tank  


11. degen of argon cells 


12. degen of Kurbrow 


13  stasis of kubrow and the 3 hour wait switching between them 


14 . The pathfinding on Kubrows is horrible 


15 arch traps - they makes no sense , have no lore and are way too hard hitting and hard to target 


16  T1 rewards  where you get  - keys  for keys  esp. in  single reward missions ( non surivival / def / interception  ) in the void - no one is running void to get more void keys  on those 


17. dojo obstacle course  - i hate the pillars , only place that even  there and it's just frustrating and boring 


18  phase bosses


19. concave scailing bosses - makes it impossible for new players to help when playing with old players


20. stances /mods  that only drop off bosses 


21 . proced to death-  posion . bleed i'm looking at you - really punishes the lighter frames  


22 .  green lazer doors -  tripping over them  - breaks the flow of the game , shows  that it's better to be a rhino and just ignore them - one of the main rhino's are faster than everyone else in the game 


23.  delerict keys  - no point to these just mean that every del group needs to be premade and every one hates the map we only go there for vaults 


24. vay hek keys 


25. weapons that poorly copter 


26. falling out side the map happens occ. 


27 . excavation limit  of  2 excavators  at a time  it weirdly  wrecks excavation for me 


28. getting my weapons knocked from my hands -  " why don't sam and dean  just attach a teather to them "


29. grineer - door locks - these always take too long to do , aren't challenging / fun  and  with any lag become impossible ;

they have become   an auto use cipher 


30  the shiva - shield doesn't block 


31. interceptions being inherently boring  with 4 people you  just stand there and occannly kill mobs 


32. shared ammo pool weapons 


33. extermas mobs  only dropping oberon parts - alot of work for no reward - i have more than 60 full sets of oberon(s)



34.  No Arch-wing parkour  just a stun/ bang into wall and try again 


35. Scaling - apologizes for not putting this as number 1 but after a year and a half of this omni-present issue little hope on this one


36.  Arch-wing interception leaving the map cause your went 50 m in to empty space - happens a lot 


37. Multu - navs / keys , for Eris - Alad V  boss are all horrible waiting  for just one key


38. Multi - Alad V   mind controlling is massively anti player agency


39. Mesa ult - is just watching  the game play it's self with a holding click as a  "your not sleeping are u ? " check 


40. New maps - being anti parkour - we can't climb most  objects/ walls in the newer tile sets 

edit  1 *


41- Ordis - the microsoft paper clip that just won't stop  he never helps 


42 - Lotus  reusing lines alot  "  somethings wrong , this is taking longer that i thought "  and ect ...


43. auto roll -  this one personally makes some mastery test nigh impossible - personal victim of this one 


44. direction melee - it doesn't really improve  directional air attacks , and still unable to target ait units ,it seems to have  certain bugs / randomness built into it  , all it ends up doing is tripping me up / making my ground slam harder  to do  while in battle 


45 .  Commanders teleports  making me  unable to move / do anythign for too long   - annoying at low levels,  instant death at high levels


46. Dark sectors bait and switching  - the dark sectors have always been  a mess , but it doesn't seem all that hard to credit lock the people that join in .  So bait and switching shouldn't happen 


47 . Rng frustration -  we all had 20 + runs where that part that we need  is just not dropping  and seems never to drop -  i've given up  on  specific parts till the next hot fix / patch . 


48 . secondary fire weapons  inability to aim -  the quanta  is one of those long range weapons rifles that needs to have the secondary fire ie the firing the  boxes  via  my thumb button on my mouse  or by clicking  my scroll wheel 


49. Uranus Archwing wave 4 keys - it's 20-30 mins all for a arching part , not for  a t4 key ! - feels like  a slap to the face.


50 .  the old universe UI map - it connected the whole universe together  now it just feels like floating separate planets  


51- min map is soo messed up - right now 


52 - arch wing mini - this is almost a joke - after running the maps a few times you learn to ignore it  in sabotage / exterminate  vent maps  , and really need a 3d element 


53.  there so many weapons that are just useless if counted i bet they would number over 100 


54. 50 plat  for other warframe animations on  your warframe  - this one just confuses me - why so much  for so little 


55. Extractor drones caped at 3 , it was  1 every 5 levels  but they didn't keep up with the mastery levels - this one just feel like a broken promise  



special thanks to  -Arunafeltz - 41 , Akkerusia-43 , Darkslayer220-47 ,  SnakeCZR-48 ,  -  for adding there voice to this 


and a sound off to those that  took time to go down the list-  perfectStranger, ensignvidiot

Edited by Ravel7
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Not gonna respond to all of these, but as far as Excavation goes...it WAS 3 during Cryotic Front, but because people in general are idiots it was brought down to 2 (someone said that apparently people were being dumb and activating all 3 at once and leaving them alone running around like headless chickens and drills were dying and they were whining cause they screwed up but they want to blame everyone but themselves, and because of this DE brought it down to 2. I like the mechanic as 2 a bit more, easier to split people up for defending - 2 and 2).

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43: That there's only 40 reasons instead of 100.


Thought the same^^


and about the "here are things i hate! Change it DE!!"


...no... thats not how it works.... this is pointless.

Megan said in another thread (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/361312-things-that-are-wrong-with-this-game/?p=4008421  ,not a long time ago) this


As [player name] stated a couple posts up, feedback is just one side of the coin. Why don't you like A and B? What would you change about C?


We can only do so much with 'I don't like this or that'. Help us improve by giving some insight as to WHY you don't like it and what you would recommend!

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My top 3...

#1... Those that can't count.

#2... Those that can't spell.

#3... Those that misspell in game items.



Eurgh me too. Liek when I was looking for the barrel, stock, and receiver, all those four parts, for my Bolter Prime.

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And how would you solve #2 on your list?

If we didn't have life support it would be far too easy to sit in a place that AI can't hurt you and either wait for all the rewards you would ever want or kill them without any fear of retaliation until you get what you want.
No fear of dieing or ever failing that type of game play....

Life support is needed in survivals to keep players active and give an actual fail condition.

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On the forums i've noticed a lot of ideas being repeated over and over  to the point where i just started writing down stuff as it annoys me . 
i figured  i would pre-pub this  and we all could add  #  of things in Warframe that really annoy us as players  so agree / disagree - read down the list and add the next # and add /  edit latter  ,
disclaimer-  ( this is intended as a list for stuff that DE needs to fix as added by the community  , not just bashing ) 
so without ado -  
1. the 2 man doors - there always going to be a faster player  in the game - means that he 's going to be bored and the slower player(s) are going to be annoyed by his ringing the door bell over and over 

Actually it could be even better if it was a puzzle game like locks, but to be played in 2 :)

2.  air rng / life support pods - IN survivals it sucks that some times i'm limited  how far i can go due to something i can't control
 ... but they are trying to make it better and also endless missions are not supposed to be endless anyway. Now the good things that they need to do is to remove the REQUIREMENT of having a nekros in the team for desecrate
3. charge attacks removed - i like doing them - alot of people did
I'm Still hoping they are going back to a mixed fight mode like in melee 1.0 but with 2 buttons for melee: 1 for light attack and one for strong attack and then to have the combos reworked to be used with those 2 keys combinations
4. quick block  being removed  and being melee mode only  ,  when  all your weapons should work together  
5. delay between switching between weapons  - speed aura doesn't fix it
6.  Energy siphon is a needed aura  no other aura even comes close
Not true, but others are really underwhelming, say Physique for example :)
 7. nekros desecrate spam  being needed in most survivals  and nekros needing to press 3 - 100s to 1000s of times 
Agree. Many times have been suggesting to either remove Desecrate as best case scenario, or at least to make quality of life improvements, like have it to cast only once on alive enemies (ala Radial Disarm or Sonar) then marked enemies will 100% chance benefit of desecrate effect
8 . ammo inequality  of the machine pistes - burn all your ammo in 2 clips , and spent the next 5 mins refilling ammo  before firing again 
9. shotgun ammo - just take it out 
10 .overheat -  accelate is better with it's buff/  blind built in - but i  liked using her as a tank  
11. degen of argon cells 
It is a game mechanic, live with it
12. degen of Kurbrow 
Agree, this really makes me avoid using kubrows
13  stasis of kubrow and the 3 hour wait switching between them
Agree, see 12
14 . The pathfinding on Kubrows is horrible 
Minor problem, hopefully soon to be fixed, one beautiful day
15 arch traps - they makes no sense , have no lore and are way too hard hitting and hard to target 
It is a game mechanic, live with it
16  T1 rewards  where you get  - keys  for keys  esp. in  single reward missions ( non surivival / def / interception  ) in the void - no one is running void to get more void keys  on those 
17. dojo obstacle course  i hate the pillars , only place that even  there and it's just frustrating and boring 
18  phase bosses
19. concave scailing bosses - makes it impossible for new players to help when playing with old players
Indifferent, i feel it is correct, but maybe is better to scale the boss to the average conclave of the whole squad instead of the highest one; maybe using a geometric average so it is biased for giving higher CC than a linear average
20. stances /mods  that only drop off bosses 
It is a game mechanic, live with it
21 . proced to death-  posion . bleed i'm looking at you 
It is a game mechanic, live with it
22 .  green lazier door tripping over them  - breaks the flow of the game , shows  that it's better to be a rhino and just ignore  them
23.  delerict keys  - no point to these just mean that every del group needs to be premade and every one hates the map we only go there for vaults 
"Derelict". Implementing a fully automated matchmaking for void is desiderable, yet difficult, and could be disappointing if you lost one key for a bad group composition
24. vay hek keys 
It is a game mechanic, live with it
25. weapons that poorly copter 
It is a game mechanic, live with it
26. falling out side the map happens occ. 
It is a game mechanic, live with it... wait no, just some bugs
27 . excavation limit  of  2 excavators  at a time  it weirdly  wrecks excavation for me 
It is a game mechanic, live with it, and with random pugs is better because if the team is not coordinated you can get people wandering off the map just to die and then screaming in chat at you for the reason you didn't revive them in time
28. getting my weapons knocked from my hands -  " why don't sam and dean  just attach a teather to them "
It is a game mechanic, live with it
29. grineer - door locks - these always take too long to do , aren't challenging / fun  and  with any lag become impossible ;
they have become   an auto use cipher 
It is a game mechanic, live with it, and they are very fun for me
30  the shiva - shield doesn't block 
Agree, it could benefit of some parry chance proc since the lack in damage performance
31. interceptions being inherently boring  with 4 people you  just stand there and occannly kill mobs 
minor problem, spawn need to get tuned better, some are broken even
32. shared ammo pool weapons 
Minor annoyance
33. extermas mobs  only dropping oberon parts - alot of work for no reward - i have more than 60 full sets of oberon(s)
Sell them
34.  No Arch-wing parkour  just a stun/ bang into wall and try again 
Agree. I like the idea of archwing, but the action is still not developed fully, like you said we could need some additional effect else than the stun bang one, like a slide against a surface, but not necessarily ending up in a bang, it just ruin the experience and it gives me thet "outrun" effect when you crashed your car into something ->
35. Scaling - apologizes for not putting this as number 1 but after a year and a half of this omni-present issue little hope on this one
Scaling what?
36.  Arch-wing interception leaving the map cause your went 50 m in to empty space - happens a lot 
37. Multu - navs / keys , for Eris - Alad V  boss are all horrible waiting  for just one key
It is a game mechanic, live with it. it will be better after they introduce some new warframe and the mesa fever is gonna be over
38. Multi - Alad V   mind controlling is massively anti player agency
39. Mesa ult - is just watching  the game play it's self with a holding click as a  "your not sleeping are u ? " check 
40. New maps - being anti parkour - we can't climb most  objects/ walls in the newer tile sets 
Agree, got the same feeling like being in an archwing trench run

wow...done :)

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DE refusing to acknowledge that Nullifiers made any small mag, low ROF weapons completely useless.

I am not even mad for losing the 4 spam but allowing a single ability to make an entire line up of underused weapons even more underused (except Brakk and Marelok).


Yes you can walk in to shoot him.

Yes you can slide melee.

Works great until level 45 and if you are tanky.


But after that just spray him with Boltor Prime and move on.

Probably because the Soma Prime is coming and we can't have more weapons to outshine it I guess.

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wow...done :)


Okay, Ill do it too!

Yay Positive Feedback!



1. the 2 man doors - there always going to be a faster player  in the game - means that he 's going to be bored and the slower player(s) are going to be annoyed by his ringing the door bell over and over 
Friendship doors are a good idea to keep the team together. I hate the slow of it, but then I kick myself for shooting so far ahead of other players that arent as skilled as i am.
2.  air rng / life support pods - IN survivals it sucks that some times i'm limited  how far i can go due to something i can't control
True, however it is still possible to stay at least one full rotation of rewards (20 minutes) without the use of a Nekros. RNG as an enemy isnt an extremely flawed idea, it ads a layer of difficulty to the mission. I'd be more angry if i couldnt make it to 20 minutes without a nekros in the party
3. charge attacks removed - i like doing them - alot of people did
I agree. But i like channeling+Combos. While different, ive grown to enjoy the increased damage output and consistance of the damage instead. Charge builds used to win games, now its Channeling builds. YAY PROGRESS
4. quick block  being removed  and being melee mode only  ,  when  all your weapons should work together  
I agree
5. delay between switching between weapons  - speed aura doesn't fix it 
I agree as well. I would like faster frames and low armor frames would be quicker on the draw, since it matters most to them
6.  Energy siphon is a needed aura  no other aura even comes close 
I use auras on different frames for different situations:
Energy siphon  IS most common.
Rejuvination is on Trinity (for additional healing), Frost Prime (default polarity), and Saryn (ditto, and i build health because of high armor).
Corrosive Projection is on Nekros, as high level survival enemies are quite resilient
Steel Charge is on my Valkyr because Hysteria
I will forma Mesa for Rifle Amp, because Ultimate
Loki (and soon Mirage) will get a Dead-Eye, because they are my sniper frames.
its a PERSONAL CHOICE to be energy-reliant. You can sidestep it with weapons, or building energy drops
 7. nekros desecrate spam  being needed in most survivals  and nekros needing to press 3 - 100s to 1000s of times 
Again, this is a personal Choice.
​I only do it once an ally pushes '4', as the bodycount warrants a huge desecrate sweep
8 . ammo inequality  of the machine pistes - burn all your ammo in 2 clips , and spent the next 5 mins refilling ammo  before firing again 
Ammo Economy - its what balances out slowfiring to fastfiring weapons.
Its up to you to mod the weapon's built-in weakness. As DE putting horrible ammo economy is the balance for that weapon's pluses.
If you hate mods, you could build ammo drops
9. shotgun ammo - just take it out 
Actually, Why not?
Primary Ammo, Secondary Ammo, Specialty Ammo (launchers and Arrows)
10 .overheat -  accelate is better with it's buff/  blind built in - but i  liked using her as a tank  
I never had ember when overheat existed. But again, Accelerant is a nice damage boost.
11. degen of argon cells 
Its to hurt Veterans.
We have huge piles of resources, so... for Tenno reinforcements we would log in, build the thing. Come in the next day and rank it up in a day or two.
12. degen of Kurbrow 
Im with you here.
It would make Ordis usefull
13  stasis of kubrow and the 3 hour wait switching between them 
Hate this too.
14 . The pathfinding on Kubrows is horrible 
Eh, my Huras seems to follow me well and good.
I cant take him into derelicts, as she likes to splash in deadly electro-water
15 arch traps - they makes no sense , have no lore and are way too hard hitting and hard to target 
Makes sense to me.
Grineer are faced with warriors that move faster than most of their grunts can aim. So theyneed traps to even the playingfield
Arctraps zap out sheilds and may get us to stop moving to shoot them, and Mag-Screens stops us from using our Grineer-killing powers.
16  T1 rewards  where you get  - keys  for keys  esp. in  single reward missions ( non surivival / def / interception  ) in the void - no one is running void to get more void keys  on those 
with you there.
ive gotten more keys than hikou parts from t1 captures
17. dojo obstacle course  i hate the pillars , only place that even  there and it's just frustrating and boring 
18  phase bosses
I love Phase Bosses, it gives me a sense of progression, and shows boss design intellegence and ads more flavor to what would have been an otherwise boring fight.
19. concave scailing bosses - makes it impossible for new players to help when playing with old players
Do you have proof of this? I was aware that bosses only scaled to the average level of the current frames/gear. I didnt know anything about conclave
20. stances /mods  that only drop off bosses 
im indifferent
21 . proced to death-  posion . bleed i'm looking at you 
Enemies have to kill the super-sayin ninjas SOMEHOW
22 .  green lazier door tripping over them  - breaks the flow of the game , shows  that it's better to be a rhino and just ignore  them
Corpus need to counter us: see grineer note above
23.  delerict keys  - no point to these just mean that every del group needs to be premade and every one hates the map we only go there for vaults 
They are DAMN GOOD for Mutagen, Neurode, and O Cell Farming. Also: Lephantis has a high chance to drop up to  4 Cells in one fight! I love running Derelicts when im low on raw potatoes.
Recruitment is good for getting people. There is always a few people that need to run whatever
24. vay hek keys 
While a pain, i dont mind them. I can just farm Ceres for them... MESA on the other hand...
25. weapons that poorly copter 
If you have a proper copter/rush build, dont use the,
26. falling out side the map happens occ. 
those are bugs, report them and then they get fixed!
27 . excavation limit  of  2 excavators  at a time  it weirdly  wrecks excavation for me 
thats ALSO a bug, you should report and submit your Error Log so they can fix it! I often have 3 drills up if they are in the same tileset
28. getting my weapons knocked from my hands -  " why don't sam and dean  just attach a teather to them "
Adds depth and intelegence to our enemies: see grineer note above. Note that melee weapons can NOT be disarmed, and a waypoint is spawned on your weapn
29. grineer - door locks - these always take too long to do , aren't challenging / fun  and  with any lag become impossible ;
they have become   an auto use cipher 
I disagree, but you infact mentioned that you can sidestep them with ciphers! or let allies do them
30  the shiva - shield doesn't block 
Yeah, where is that Fix? They DID have a poll on it!
31. interceptions being inherently boring  with 4 people you  just stand there and occannly kill mobs 
Play high-level or Void interceptions. After round 2-3, i have a hard time keeping points without dying.
Or... you could NOT use your 100% overpowered Win-At-All-Costs build! I do it from time to time to give me a challenge, Ill take a powerful frame with crappy weapons to level, or a forma'd frame with high level weapons!
32. shared ammo pool weapons 
Never cared much
33. extermas mobs  only dropping oberon parts - alot of work for no reward - i have more than 60 full sets of oberon(s)
makes him the easiest frame to get. which means a lot of new players can build Broberon. Which means a lot more supportframes in Pug matches.
Though, i would like it if Eximi mobs had a 25% chance of dropping a node's rare resource
34.  No Arch-wing parkour  just a stun/ bang into wall and try again 
35. Scaling - apologizes for not putting this as number 1 but after a year and a half of this omni-present issue little hope on this one
Yes. Weapon-Teirs and more direct upgrades (like latron to tiberon) need to happen
36.  Arch-wing interception leaving the map cause your went 50 m in to empty space - happens a lot 
I hate it too, needs to just port you to start
37. Multu - navs / keys , for Eris - Alad V  boss are all horrible waiting  for just one key
seriously. I hate mesa. I dont even want to see mesa in my game. its a reminder that a frame exists that i WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO GET BECAUSE I HAVE A LIFE AND CANT WAIT FOR INVASIONS
I feel your pain on this one
38. Multi - Alad V   mind controlling is massively anti player agency
Oh hey, a boss mechanic that makes the boss dangerous and scary. We need more of these
39. Mesa ult - is just watching  the game play it's self with a holding click as a  "your not sleeping are u ? " check 
sorry, i'd be having too much fun pretending to be a Grammiton Cleric to care.
40. New maps - being anti parkour - we can't climb most  objects/ walls in the newer tile sets 
Agree, we are starting to feel less like ninjas
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