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D.e I Don't Know What To Say Here. On One Hand I Want To Voice My Opinion And On The Other Hand It Feels Like You People Don't Listen Anymore


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Firstly i wanna say i'm not against taxes. sure if a clan worked hard to acquire a rail they deserve a little reward at the end , that's the whole point , BUT this is just outrageous.




Really? 100% tax on resources and 100% tax on credits? Out of pure spite? 


DE you have left Darksectors abandoned too long , what will it take for you to review this sham of a system? Why was Darksectors even made if barely a handful of people play it?


At the top of my head here are some proposed changes i hope will occur in the future :


1. A hard cap should be set on taxes , 100% should not be a thing. This kills any desire to play it whatsoever.


2. A clan should only be able to own 1-2 active rails at a time.



Players please be constructive about feedback.

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There's a 0 that blurb missed:

0 non-alliance players playing Sechura.  :p


(I'd love to know whether that's actually true, though.)


@ OP:

I understand what you're saying, but honestly? /care.

Dark Sectors haven't been a thing since about a week after the PvP Conflicts' release, to me.

Edited by Chroia
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They worked in order to be able to control the node. They have the right to tax whatever they want even if that tax is unreasonable. My clan is in the ICE alliance and even so I'm not happy with this change. A different tax was promised and they went back on their word. It's a really sh!tty thing to do but being able to tax whatever you want is one of the only incentives to owning a dark sector. 


I do not agree with either of your suggestions. They're too limiting. 

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Clan/Alliance Leaders are called Warlords.
Also there is the Rumor that ICE crashes the Warframe Servers when they fear to lose a rail.

Who will be with me to bring down ICE in their Dark Sector Business?


Edited by NinjaDog
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I think the title should be edited for clarity. 

But more to your point, I agree that taxes should have a hard cap. But in general, the is very little reason to play dark sectors in the first place. Like the rest of the system map, there just isn't enough incentive, at least for most players. I'd play dark sectors a lot more often as a more fun way of gathering rarer resources and gaining xp. But farming bosses appears more time efficient and running void usually awards more xp, reputation, and gives a reward. 

DE needs to do something about how the most valuable items of the game are obtained, or the entire system map will be deserted. The mass exodus into the void will finally be complete.

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Clan/Alliance Leaders are called Warlords.

Also there is the Rumor that ICE crashes the Warframe Servers when they fear to lose a rail.


Who will be with me to bring done ICE in their Dark Sector Business?


Won't work, people tried before. In fact we had talks in the council chat, it simply won't work. It would literally require at least 2 weeks of preparation to gather everyone on one side and even then we hold the rail for what 2-3 days? :/

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No one cares to challenge them, and they know it. But their comment on "more zeros to choose from" is just stupidly cruel. Guess their life revolves around one node in a game, rather than something off the screen. The issue is that they have plenty of people they can call on to run conflicts in defense all day long. Good luck putting them down.


At this point, only the devs can do something about this, because ICE just has too much power to be brought down by other tenno. Plus, it is as if they are trying to make a conflict so they can pvp some more.


In the meantime, just dodge Sechura. There are plenty of other ways to rank up fast.

Edited by R34LM
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There are alternatives. Sechura isn't the exp place anymore nor for credits. You want exp? Go to Pluto, Cerberus or Uranus, Stephano (both intercept), which are good for exp + syndicate rep. You want credits? Void. T4 gives a minimum of about 25-26k credits. Usually around 30k and exterminates, captures, mobile defenses are pretty quick. I haven't done a Sechura runs for quite a while, still have credits thanks to void. Only time i use a dark sector mission, is sometimes for neurals farming on Jupiter, but Alad V is also good if the taxes ever get higher.

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I know the feeling of what you are saying - it does feel like it's a bit out of control, but I also remember when they first started and everybody was putting out their rails on a clan-by-clan basis, slathering the glory of super-low or non-existent taxes all over our faces so we could superbly expedite our leveling and resource gains in the most timely fashion.


I loved those times - although players were constantly complaining about how it was pointless, because "who cares about fighting over it if there's no point?"

Now, I just do normal survivals for the same reasons, because what most the alliances forget is that if I'm not turning a benefit because I'm losing more resources and cash than I'm gaining in a normal mission - there's no point in me paying them for their "generosity." I have my own rail built, I could try and rise up and "stick it to the man", but I'm not dumb enough to think that it would ever work.

As for your counterpoints: A hard cap would limit it a bit much- from the "overlords of taxation's" standpoint - and would also end up needing to have a lower limit installed as well. An active rail count would also kind of limit things - I mean, if there was a clan who lowered it back down to 0%, would you really want them to only be able to have 2 active rails? If it's not fair for one, it's not fair for the other either.

Really though, there is one thing we all gain from the Dark Sectors: 

   We all get to learn which alliances are the ones that should be called "troll", and at least personally for me, it tells me who deserves my respect and who I'd rather laugh at.

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I'm just a shadow clan warlord with alot of resources, but me and my clanmates are preparing to take on the tyrannical taxation of the rails. It'll be a little while yet, but it's our long term goal x)

Surely if someone contests them all those who oppose them will rally behind that opposing rail.

That's what I hope anyway.

Edited by MrNonApplicable
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I just don't bother with dark sectors anymore. .....DE's original plan for dark sectors failed. 


I feel the same way. I've only played a few conflicts when it was just sabotages, then left after they added real pvp (which I'm personally against in this game for many reasons). Haven't played a dark sector (infested) since I started utilizing interceptions, which started a long time ago.

Edited by R34LM
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This is kinda the point of the system. "Monopolies rise and fall".



1) Don't play on the node as not to give those guys resources.

2) Attempt to contest the node (although I don't think enough people actually care about DSs to be successful in this).

Depending on the size of the alliance, it could be it's in the area of, "So big, I can pay for myself."

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