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Castana/launcher Ammo Max Is Ridiculous


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Back in the day people used launcher weapons. Then you nerfed the max ammo to a ridiculous degree. now virtually no one uses them. Great job?

I just got the Sancti Castanas and was extremely dissapointed to see that the max ammo is 30, This is absurd. Ammo maxes for all of these weapons should be AT LEAST doubled if you expect anyone to use them In remotely high level areas. 

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Yep, it's quite ridiculous that we have weapons with a worthless amount of max ammunition and a type that barely drops. So that in a regular mission it won't last past the half way point.


I've seen exactly 1 explosive weapon since the nerf.

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Back in the day people used launcher weapons. Then you nerfed the max ammo to a ridiculous degree. now virtually no one uses them. Great job?

I just got the Sancti Castanas and was extremely dissapointed to see that the max ammo is 30, This is absurd. Ammo maxes for all of these weapons should be AT LEAST doubled if you expect anyone to use them In remotely high level areas. 


Have you actually used these things? It seems to me that many people got upset when the nerfs were announced and vowed not to use their launchers until it was reverted. 30 ammo seems small until you consider its actual in-game application.


These are launchers with huge AoE's. When used properly as anti-crowd weapons, they can easily kill four or five or six enemies per shot. Unless luck's really not on your side, you'll probably get more ammo by your fourth or fifth Castana.


Launchers in their old form were broken. You're not going to see a launcher with the ammo capacity of a machine gun again.

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If you're really upset about the ammo change, use mutation. Sacrificing a teensy bit of damage or whatever it is so as to have virtually unlimited ammunition doesn't seem so bad, now does it?


I mean, they're not bad weapons by any means, I still go back and use them on occasion if I feel like being thematic.

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You're not going to see a launcher with the ammo capacity of a machine gun again.

I would like to point you in the direction of the Opticor. Technically not a launcher, but it charges up and does AOE if you hit the ground with it. Close enough.

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Ammo 2.0 needs to happen. Not only talking about launcher weapons. ALL weapons need their ammo maximum and their ammo picked up amount adjusted depending on weapon. It's not just simply "Pistol, Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun and Launcher".


For example Marelok =/= Twin Viper. Opticor =/= Karak. The current ammo system is completely ridiculous and need a complete overhaul. At the same time DE could easily pull out the new ammo type for the energy weapons.


I think people should talk about an "Ammo 2.0" rework a lot more. At least I think the current ammo system should be a "hot-topic".

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I have to admit, launchers are nowhere to be seen now. I NEVER see anyone use them, even in Defense maps... Sadness, how an overboard nerf can litteraly kill an entire weapon category...

I stopped playing odd quite before ammo nerf, but honestly everyone who dumped launchers probably didnt even bother to test them.


I still have 0 problem maintaining ammo and im using 0 forma penta, even if it was a problem you could just skip 1 dmg mod and its not like penta is too weak without it and still maintain endless ammo, but it isnt a problem.


Seriously ppl are number @#&*(s, if rhino were to be nerfed next month all these "i main rhino" guys would instantly switch to other frame, boltor nerf?? everyone goes to soma, synoid nerf?? guess its time for akbolto.


Really few ppl actually dedicate their time and efforts and even fewer can truly say they main anything.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Seriously ppl are number @#&*(s, if rhino were to be nerfed next month all these "i main rhino" guys would instantly switch to other frame, boltor nerf?? everyone goes to soma, synoid nerf?? guess its time for akbolto.


Really few ppl actually dedicate their time and efforts and even fewer can truly say they main anything.



I main weapons that I actually like. Reason why my most used weapons are Kestrel, Akstiletto and Braton Prime. I never choose a weapon based on its stats. I like that the weapon looks cool and handles like I want it to.

Edited by Judqment8
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I main weapons that I actually like. Reason why my most used weapons are Kestrel, Akstiletto and Braton Prime. I never choose a weapon based on its stats. I like that the weapon looks cool and handles like I want it to.

Good for you, nobody cares. How is this relevant to the OP at all? If you're trying to say something about people who use launchers, what if they like the way launchers handle?

I feel like in everyone of these topics, there has to be one guy who says he uses underrated weapons and thus he is better than the scrubs who use launchers.

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I would like to point you in the direction of the Opticor. Technically not a launcher, but it charges up and does AOE if you hit the ground with it. Close enough.


Fair enough. My point though is that launchers still rarely run out of ammo (I've heard the Angstrum is a special case but I don't have that one), and that they don't need the additional ammo they had before.

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Good for you, nobody cares. How is this relevant to the OP at all? If you're trying to say something about people who use launchers, what if they like the way launchers handle?

I feel like in everyone of these topics, there has to be one guy who says he uses underrated weapons and thus he is better than the scrubs who use launchers.


Ehrm what? I was replying to the guy who posted above me obviously.


I wasn't bad mouthing launcher users at all. I guess I should have quoted the post to avoid misunderstandings. Gonna fix now.

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Seriously ppl are number @#&*(s, if rhino were to be nerfed next month all these "i main rhino" guys would instantly switch to other frame, boltor nerf?? everyone goes to soma, synoid nerf?? guess its time for akbolto.


Really few ppl actually dedicate their time and efforts and even fewer can truly say they main anything.


There is a difference between being number ****** and being a whining little baby when something gets nerfed, under performs, or just outright is useless. While the casual players may enjoy just beating each section of every planet and then maxing their warframes and forma's on weapons, there are others who enjoy the bigger picture.


Defenses (such as ODD) are the ultimate test of how good you really are. They not only test how good your warframe and weapon choices are, but they also test how good you are at actually utilizing these tools and managing both your energy and ammo. I have personally made it to wave 100 solo in ODD, how far have you made it? This is where the so called number ****** elevate themselves above those who think they are actually good or "better". Its one thing to clear these easy missions for a 20 minute period at the most and think you are good because you succeeded, its another thing to jump in an ODD and see your team fail before wave 30 because not only are you bad at the game, but so is your entire team. 


Just in case you are wondering I made it to wave 100 on my vauban and my nova using a stug and torid with 5 formas and my scindo primo occasionally for fun.


I have to admit, launchers are nowhere to be seen now. I NEVER see anyone use them, even in Defense maps... Sadness, how an overboard nerf can literally kill an entire weapon category...

I don't know who you play with (pc maybe) but on PS3/4 players still use penta / ogris in ODD at least almost every single game I play. I personally use the torid because with 5 formas and event mods you can get over 90% status chance and you can't kill yourself with it. As such I usually just shoot at my feet and things die. Not to mention you can solo defenses by just shooting torid ammo on the ground. Add in a vauban and an stug for a secondary and you can ODD to 100 with practice (you can actually solo to wave 100 with just the stug alone).
Edited by (PS4)DWROWLA
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There is a difference between being number ****** and being a whining little baby when something gets nerfed, under performs, or just outright is useless. While the casual players may enjoy just beating each section of every planet and then maxing their warframes and forma's on weapons, there are others who enjoy the bigger picture.


Defenses (such as ODD) are the ultimate test of how good you really are. They not only test how good your warframe and weapon choices are, but they also test how good you are at actually utilizing these tools and managing both your energy and ammo. I have personally made it to wave 100 solo in ODD, how far have you made it? This is where the so called number ****** elevate themselves above those who think they are actually good or "better". Its one thing to clear these easy missions for a 20 minute period at the most and think you are good because you succeeded, its another thing to jump in an ODD and see your team fail before wave 30 because not only are you bad at the game, but so is your entire team. 


Just in case you are wondering I made it to wave 100 on my vauban and my nova using a stug and torid with 5 formas and my scindo primo occasionally for fun.

Gr8, i made it to wave 200 on star chart defense, before forma was in game, before we had team energy restores, before dmg2.0, before we had corrupted and dual mods, even before we actually had full arsenal of maxed mods, with weapons that reached at best 4k dps.


What does it prove?? that i wasted 8hours of my life to abuse cc and spam single button press, yea thats it, cause skill simply doesnt exist there. You know what i realised after that?? its completely pointless, im not elitist enough to pretend it was marvelous feat.

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I stopped playing odd quite before ammo nerf, but honestly everyone who dumped launchers probably didnt even bother to test them.


I still have 0 problem maintaining ammo and im using 0 forma penta, even if it was a problem you could just skip 1 dmg mod and its not like penta is too weak without it and still maintain endless ammo, but it isnt a problem.


Seriously ppl are number @#&*(s, if rhino were to be nerfed next month all these "i main rhino" guys would instantly switch to other frame, boltor nerf?? everyone goes to soma, synoid nerf?? guess its time for akbolto.


Really few ppl actually dedicate their time and efforts and even fewer can truly say they main anything.

The issue here is that launcher aren't "ODD/Defense exclusive" weapons. ALWAYS tying launcher to these TWO mission types proves that the ammo nerf was too harsh, it had too much of a negative effect. A VERY negative effect. Whether the launchers are still "viable", "ammo efficient", or whatever, DOES NOT matter here. The EFFECT is still quantifiable. The amount of players using launchers is much closer to 0 than that of any other weapon category. You still use it and have no issue? Good for you, here's a cookie.^^'




I don't know who you play with (pc maybe) but on PS3/4 players still use penta / ogris in ODD at least almost every single game I play.


AGAIN, the "ODD syndrom". I play on PC yes, with anyone that uses matchmaking. And I haven't seen a launcher since the nerf in any other mission types. What does that tell you? That everything is fine? Or that maybe, just maybe, this was too much for the "masses" who thought "thanks for nothing devs" and moved on (understandably so)?


Just get ammo mutation and fire away.

Bandaids. ALWAYS bandaids. If a weapon needs crutches to be self sufficient, it's not worth the time/potato/forma. That's the average Joe's mentality in Warframe. And I am inclined to agree with them, at least partially. I stopped using launchers because I hate having my arm twisted into using mods that IMHO are just another symptom of the ammo efficiency sickness that has hit this game. Just because some have no problem using these mods doesn't mean everyone should just bend over and enjoy it as well.


Are launchers still viable? Who cares in the end. That's not where the issue lies. The ammo nerf had a very detrimental effect, that's an undeniable fact. Blaming players doesn't help either. I'm pretty sure that if tomorrow launchers got the same ammo pool the Torid has, you'd see a lot more players using them. It's psychological, not logical.

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