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A Warframe Concept: The Dragon [2.0] — Final Update 2/09/2015


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I very much like the concept of the melee oriented version. What had me sold to the idea was the art, especially the Winged Lancer. While essentially a more flashy and area of effect Slash Dash, I like on how it was explained further in the concept art. The lore and stats could use a little bit of work, but that's just me (and the fact that you need to multiply the health and shield capacity by 3 for its base max at rank 30, and add at the very least 3 of 1/3 of the base power to get the base max power capacity at rank 30. According to the wiki anyway >.>) In any case, you have my support.

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i love the whole hovering concept. I think thats definatly a unique ability that could have many advantages, and disadvantages. But if they make this warframe, they DEFINATLY need to have a new melee type added to the game, spear.

They already have a spear. The Orthos and its Prime variant. While its used more as a slashing kind of weapon, its normal fourth attack is a stab. Perhaps a new spear, but my point is, the weapon type already exists. Sorry friend.

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They already have a spear. The Orthos and its Prime variant. While its used more as a slashing kind of weapon, its normal fourth attack is a stab. Perhaps a new spear, but my point is, the weapon type already exists. Sorry friend.

actually thats not a spear. a double bladed staff. The blades on the end are added to it so it does give a spear like quaility. But go get the bo staff and their attacks are similar, the orthos just has more slash damage, as it had blades. A spear would be used much diffrently. its made to attack at range, limited range but still. It tends to have only a SINGLE blade on it, and while the blunt end is normally used, the spear head is the primary focus of the attacks of a spear. Stabbing sweeping strikes etc. i really should find the old attack pictures i had. showed the diffrent styles of staff's spears scythes etc.

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They already have a spear. The Orthos and its Prime variant. While its used more as a slashing kind of weapon, its normal fourth attack is a stab. Perhaps a new spear, but my point is, the weapon type already exists. Sorry friend.



actually thats not a spear. a double bladed staff. The blades on the end are added to it so it does give a spear like quaility. But go get the bo staff and their attacks are similar, the orthos just has more slash damage, as it had blades. A spear would be used much diffrently. its made to attack at range, limited range but still. It tends to have only a SINGLE blade on it, and while the blunt end is normally used, the spear head is the primary focus of the attacks of a spear. Stabbing sweeping strikes etc. i really should find the old attack pictures i had. showed the diffrent styles of staff's spears scythes etc.


I would also like a spear with a blade (or blades)at one end. Sadly, DE can get away with calling it a spear or polearm (which spears are grouped into) because of its behavior. Orthos admittedly acts more like a double-ended naginata than a spear (though naginata could easily fill that role), if such a weapon (a pole with multi-purpose blades at both ends) ever existed. If anyone could enlighten me of knowledge of such a weapon, that is to say, a large pole weapon with blades at each end easily capable of both slicing and stabbing, I would be grateful.

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I would also like a spear with a blade (or blades)at one end. Sadly, DE can get away with calling it a spear or polearm (which spears are grouped into) because of its behavior. Orthos admittedly acts more like a double-ended naginata than a spear (though naginata could easily fill that role), if such a weapon (a pole with multi-purpose blades at both ends) ever existed. If anyone could enlighten me of knowledge of such a weapon, that is to say, a large pole weapon with blades at each end easily capable of both slicing and stabbing, I would be grateful.

a blade staff IS such a weapon lol. The orthos IS a blade staff. Essentially from what little i know of the lore of this type of weapon, it was made to be a more lethal form of combat then the standard bo staff. thats about it.

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a blade staff IS such a weapon lol. The orthos IS a blade staff. Essentially from what little i know of the lore of this type of weapon, it was made to be a more lethal form of combat then the standard bo staff. thats about it.

   I meant a real life weapon with an actual name and usage. Actual proof instead of conjecture and not using the same thing to explain similarities would be quite nice. Photos of said staff with blades at both ends intended for combat in real life and facts would really help convince me (and quite possibly others) to agree with you. You know, evidence? And no, the one I found on deviantart by Trunar doesn't count, as it is not intended for any sort of combat. What could have been your saving grace was the fact that at the same page is a link to a Live Action Role Play weapon. Sadly, that is a double bladed sword, as said by the creator. 

   While the lore/description of the Orthos does in fact state that it IS a double-bladed staff, no such thing has been implemented in real life to my knowledge and therefore, to me, without actual evidence, does not exist. If you're going to make a point, don't be stupid and simply back up your wild theories with words, use examples that exist and use facts to further support what you're saying, otherwise you look like an idiot. Which, as anyone who is familiar with the internet can attest to, is practically a no-no.

Edited by FellArtorias
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   I meant a real life weapon with an actual name and usage. Actual proof instead of conjecture and not using the same thing to explain similarities would be quite nice. Photos of said staff with blades at both ends intended for combat in real life and facts would really help convince me (and quite possibly others) to agree with you. You know, evidence? And no, the one I found on deviantart by Trunar doesn't count, as it is not intended for any sort of combat. What could have been your saving grace was the fact that at the same page is a link to a Live Action Role Play weapon. Sadly, that is a double bladed sword, as said by the creator. 

   While the lore/description of the Orthos does in fact state that it IS a double-bladed staff, no such thing has been implemented in real life to my knowledge and therefore, to me, without actual evidence, does not exist. If you're going to make a point, don't be stupid and simply back up your wild theories with words, use examples that exist and use facts to further support what you're saying, otherwise you look like an idiot. Which, as anyone who is familiar with the internet can attest to, is practically a no-no.

....wow your life must suck if you can't believe in anything without complete and total proof. And evidence IS words, the pictures and physical items are to help give more weight to the words used in teh first place but fine. here's a better explination of it http://www.santharia.com/weapons/blade_staff.htm

though the picture on that one ins't quite right, still a bladstaff, but only one sided.

here is a combineable two sided blade staff. http://www.realswordmaster.com/product_images/y/316/2_in_1_Black_Double_Bladed_Ninja_Sword_Staff_Spear_6__94303_zoom.jpg

here's a futuristic blade staffhttps://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_cedWAs1MWf0/TF6YIJSpPaI/AAAAAAAAAbo/hAU2zEVFK9A/IMG_0817.JPG

sorry couldn't help it :)


these are the best ones i cna find. The last one was listed as a sword/spear a common change name for the bladed staff but their all polearms so doesn't make that much diffrence what you call them. I used to own one about six feet long from tip to tip, but i had to sell it, apparently i couldn't transfer it across state lines or something without a permit. anways teh staff does exist it's just hard to find, and normally requires custom orders. i only know of two dojo's one up in newyork and i forget where the other is....so make that one, that even does the training to use one anymore. Just because you dont' know about something doesn't mean it isn't true.

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This frame looks... boring. And somewhat "plasma" fixated. It doesn't feel new and fresh to me. If Warframe needs another warframe, it should be somewhat more unique.

And with boring I mean the main concept, not the artworks which are quite nice. But i fear that most of the reception originates in the artworks, which is sad.

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This frame looks... boring. And somewhat "plasma" fixated. It doesn't feel new and fresh to me. If Warframe needs another warframe, it should be somewhat more unique.

And with boring I mean the main concept, not the artworks which are quite nice. But i fear that most of the reception originates in the artworks, which is sad.

how is it boring? the levitation ability at least is unique. They could turn this guy into a more wind based dragon looking type if plasma is all your fixated on. for that matter could make him more offensive with actually creating a new version of ability combat. activate yoru ability, you put your weapons up etc. But the concept is sound and unique enough to varry from the other warframes, at least they are if you've read all the comments. The abilities have changed quite a bit since the main post.

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this could be the rhino equivalent to zephyr as rhino is to excalaber. heavier wind themed elemental, obviosuly male now XP and focus's more on hovering and striking from above, could make a spear his ability, like throwing or 'calling down' spears of wind, visible spears, that pin enemies to teh ground and do damage, possibly exploding into a gale force wind upon exspireing?

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Agreed. I imagine the concept board is full of potentials, and these things take time.

Besides, at some point I wonder if we wont get specialized frames and powers as Proxy Wars and future Quests and Focus becomes a reality.

I think though, a concept of this with some typical warframe suit components would be really great.

As it is now I love the look, but picture it more like a magic fantasy warrior, not a alien sci-fi ninja.

See my point?

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