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Why I Find The Majority Hate Towards Archwing Amusing


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I'm just going to compare the current state of Archwing to the early Kubrow days.


In both cases, I was fairly excited to get my hands on them. When I found my first egg and started the incubation process, I went looking for mods. After three days I didn't find much. Scavenger, Link Health and Link Shield was all I found. After my first Kubrow matured and I got her out in the field, I couldn't fuse the mods as fast as I found them. Bite, Maul, Loyal Companion, Pack Leader all dropped the first time I took her to Earth, as well as another egg. My Kubrow was only rank 3 or 4 at the time, so I couldn't even equip all of them even unranked.


I have been playing Archwing off and on since it's release and even though most of my gear is rank 10 or higher, I have found 3 different mods and duplicates of them. Glacial Edge, Parallax Scope and the Armor mod(the name escapes me). I have played Archwing missions through Saturn and all I have to show for it is 3 mods. This is my biggest complaint and I feel that it needs to change. How are we supposed to survive/fight against enemies that are higher level than our Archwings without the mods?


Perhaps one could say that it's just good luck vs. bad luck, but after playing dozens of missions, including a few for the event, I feel that I should be swimming in Arch-mods.


Then there's the huge disconnect between ground operations and Archwing. I haven't seen the dev stream, but I hear that there will be some integration in the future. This is a good thing.


I understand completely that this is still the early days of this game mode and there is plenty of work to be done, but compared to the Kubrow release, the drop rates are pathetic.


Edit: Forgot something...

Edited by DCypherThis13
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I would agree with you, but most players didn't see this game back in Update 1/2. Even I have to admit as to not seeing the first handful of updates when they were around.


Still, it is really stupid that people are hating on a new feature. Guess what people, DE ARE NOT GODS (Apart from Kickbot, he is a God)! They cannot release a new feature and make it fully renovated and fulfilling in one update! Give them some damn time to add features already! I've been here since near the beginning (like stated above, not the absolute beginning, but I was there for most of it) and the progress the Devs have made is amazing! DE are great devs, give them a break!

So just because DE can make mistake, it's okay for us not to say anything about their mistakes and just hoping for the best for the future? What a &!$$-poor argument.


Archwing boring mechanics, I can live with, since it takes time and a lot of feedbacks to probably get the combat mechanic that we want (something that's not mashing E over and over and over again). Still, it doesn't excuse DE terribad decisions to make a &!$$-poor mod that's underwhelming yet costs gazillion to max (i.e Hyperion Thrusters, System Reroute) or rakta-ballistica-kohm tier weapons such as Dual Decurion. It doesn't take a genius or a pro to find it at first glance that there's something WRONG with these things.


EDIT:FYI, if it weren't for people complaining, we would've still got the old syndicate system. That's why your argument is bad.

Edited by xyLoneZ
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I would prefer that the repercussions of this event didn't impact anything outside of Archwing missions. Instead, the hubs are mostly decidely NOT Archwing-related. So, people are punished in the regular game for not playing Archwing. That's bullS#&$.

Well hubs are in space and archwings take place in space. Plus Tenno don't currently have any battleship. And even if they did, going by the corpus wrecks; probably not to good idea. I dunno, Story wise at least it makes since.

I don't think pressing E over and over again is anyhow enjoyable.

It can be. Hack n slash and arcade games are pretty fun and they tend ti involve press one or two buttons. Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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I'm not sure where all the hate for Archwing comes from. The scanner is almost completely useless in 3d, but aside from that it's still a good addition to Warframe. It's a part of the game, not the whole game.


Warframe is a beta. I know it looks and plays like a finished triple-A game, but it is a beta. People say it's not, but just remember mods 2.0, melee 2.0, damage 2.0, ui 2.0. I could go on... Nothing in this game is constant, everything is up for change and review. Personally, I hope it stays that way and the devs keep on modernising and improving it until I'm old, grey, wrinkly and my mind has gone to the point that I play the game entirely from muscle memory.


If people don't like Archwing, they should post feedback then avoid it until Archwing 2.0. I'm seriously thinking how Archwing 2.0 will be awesome, but it's likely to be well over a year, possibly 2 years. People should take it for what it is... The first iteration of a very recent addition to a massive game that is always changing. Fun in small doses, in need of refinement, but far from the whole game.

Edited by FractalMind
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For those of you who haven't had luck finding Archwing mods, try transmutation. 

I've gotten most of my Archwing mods this way.

If you've got credits and spare mods to burn, give it a try. 

Bad idea, because all archwing mods can be gotten from rewards.

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I like AW


It is a nice change of pace from running T4 Survivals all day erry day.


Archwing is an extension of the mobility that you get in game, but cranked up to 11.



I wouldn't play it as my main focus of the game, but flying through space with the greatest of ease is a great change of pace from just mowing people down all day erry day.


Might also have something to do with me having all the archwing mods =P

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I don't understand why people are comparing Arch-Mods to regular ones. I mean, why compare these things when they don't have a direct effect on each other?


Archwings get smaller benefits from mods than infantry. Deal with it. Mods are the main shortfall of this game, in my opinion. They let us get too powerful.

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Expecting people to have patience and foresight? What madness is this?


I would call it heresy., not madness. After all, these people's religion is hate, so they MUST fan the hate.


No matter if the hate is SMART or JUSTIFIED or not... Not important.



Bad idea, because all archwing mods can be gotten from rewards.


Not sure.


I have never gotten Hyperion Thrusters as a reward. Everything else.

Edited by Kalenath
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Bad idea, because all archwing mods can be gotten from rewards.

If you have credits and mods to spare, why not?


Got my Hyperion Thrusters that way, so not as much as a bad idea, but more of 'test your luck for a small bit' (because that is what Transmutation is, to a very large extent). 

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lets speak from the "haters" site why i dont like archwing is lets see a normal mission i can parkour trhoguh that ding and murder what i want,


archwing i sit behind my shield fly foards back wards side front role and maybe shoot but mostlikly melee.


and for what the hypetrain offert and what we gained why you wonder ppl are that upset? 


free flying ninja in space with uber speed  camping a intercaption point.. uhway >.>


and the event must say the event missions ARE OKAY its finally something you dont have in normal type like that but , and yes i know im self one of those, pugs i try my best i surv i get to the middle and finish the mission and my team mates with better lvled stuff fail to surv >.> thats really danm anoying if you stand alone cause they tr to catch there own syndana in space ... 

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I can understand the majority of the playerbase's dislike of archwing, it is very barren atm compared to the base game. However, you know what else was barren? This game back in Update 1. Has everyone forgotten how far Warframe has come since then? Archwing has a lot of potential as long as they continue to build upon it and tweak it. The devs already confirmed they will be integrating archwings into regular missions as well, as a sort of normal/archwing hybrid mission. Dont forget the new Archwing boss J3 golem which will most likely drop parts for the next new frame. Maybe we should reconsider our IMMEDIATE rejection of a fresh idea that has barely been given time to bloom!

This is all a great point, so please don't get me wrong here.


I'm not disappointed that Archwing exists.  I'm disappointed in its current state.  I'm disappointed that in its current state, it just ate up our precious holiday event slot.  I'm disappointed that we have a full bloom, mature game that could have had something done with it, and instead we've got this foisted on us en-masse as our big to-do.


It's not that I think it lacks potential if I did, I wouldn't bother with the points, I'm essentially showing faith that I'll actually want those mods someday by bothering to get them.  It's that we've got a great game that we could have had a great event for, and instead we're guinea pigging something that isn't great yet.  Would have been much better to do this in the dead, boring depths of February, IMO.  If I started this game off a holiday sale in Steam last year and the event running was this thing, I wouldn't be here today to be disappointed by it.

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Am i the ONLY one that loves archwing?


ffs you get to pilot a space jetpack with rockets in xyz plane and destroy deathstar-ish fomorians (and annoy the living hell out of Vay Hek too)



Archwing is  NEW, it will become better - you cant make a 11/10 game mode from the very base

hell.....look at warframe. at beggining we were killing all factions without story or what so ever. but now? its amazing, we even have a story now (its not huge yet but atleast we have 1)more ninja stuff, tilesets, even super overhyped katanas......we have katanas.


bosses are having character development....

Archwing will become better, it JUST TAKES TIME.

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I can understand the majority of the playerbase's dislike of archwing, it is very barren atm compared to the base game. However, you know what else was barren? This game back in Update 1. Has everyone forgotten how far Warframe has come since then? Archwing has a lot of potential as long as they continue to build upon it and tweak it. The devs already confirmed they will be integrating archwings into regular missions as well, as a sort of normal/archwing hybrid mission. Dont forget the new Archwing boss J3 golem which will most likely drop parts for the next new frame. Maybe we should reconsider our IMMEDIATE rejection of a fresh idea that has barely been given time to bloom!

DE need to stop hiding behind the "ITS BETA" excuse. 


I never played this game back in Update 1. I started at like 13 or 14. So ya, I expect a little bit of polish on new game modes, especially if they are trying to bump up popularity with events.

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Not sure.


I have never gotten Hyperion Thrusters as a reward. Everything else.

I got a few from earth interception while trying to get onorix blade. Same with Efficient Transferral, despite the wiki saying that it doesn't drop anywhere as rewards.

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So, did Warframe have an event in Update 1? No, first event was post U7.

Did Warframe take away something unrelated to the game mode if you didn't want to kill the Fusion MOAs in it's first event? No.

Did Warframe launch with only one frame? No, it launched with 3 and had many more when the first event hit.

Was Warframe's HUD a mess for the type of gameplay it proposed? No, it was fitting for a TPS, while Archwing uses a TPS HUD for a space combat gameplay,

Was there as many players during U1 or even U7 as during U10? No? That's because many people don't want to play barebones stuff over and over again.


Strawman topic is strawman.

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Archwing isn't fun. It isn't fun because it takes all the interesting stuff that warframe does (powers, parkour, guns and melee together, modding) and throws it out in favor of dorito shooting and screen shake flight. Even the melee is on super-autopilot, and it probably wouldn't work if it wasn't so there's not a way out of that. Maybe the new stealth archwing changes that (not yet on console), but looking at the abilities on the wiki doesn't give me that impression.


And now I see this upcoming (for us) event that's focused on archwing, that requires everyone to grind resources for disruptors, then grind disruptor-consuming missions, and nether option--missing the event rewards and accepting defeat, or slogging through the event to get rewards for a mode I don't find entertaining--is something I want to do.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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Bad idea, because all archwing mods can be gotten from rewards.


Well, I *did* say "if you got the credits and spare mods to burn" XD

More specifically, I would recommend not bothering with transmutation unless you have more than 2 million credits and more than 1000 duplicate mods. That way you can do all your transmutation all in one go, forget the crap that turns up, and keep going until you get some good stuff. 

That may sound like a lot of credits and mods, but if you play a lot of endless defense and survivals, it's not that hard to get there. 

Archwing mods turn up quite often in transmutation, so if you have trouble finding them in-mission, or just don't want to grind AW missions too much, it is a viable (and pretty fast) way to get them. 


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This is all a great point, so please don't get me wrong here.


I'm not disappointed that Archwing exists.  I'm disappointed in its current state.  I'm disappointed that in its current state, it just ate up our precious holiday event slot.  I'm disappointed that we have a full bloom, mature game that could have had something done with it, and instead we've got this foisted on us en-masse as our big to-do.


It's not that I think it lacks potential if I did, I wouldn't bother with the points, I'm essentially showing faith that I'll actually want those mods someday by bothering to get them.  It's that we've got a great game that we could have had a great event for, and instead we're guinea pigging something that isn't great yet.  Would have been much better to do this in the dead, boring depths of February, IMO.  If I started this game off a holiday sale in Steam last year and the event running was this thing, I wouldn't be here today to be disappointed by it.

I totally agree. The event does feel like it was rushed out
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You may be right OP, but...

Was there an event that relied upon us replaying a "barren gamemode" during Updates 1 to 6?

Too soon to be relying on a "barren game mode"?

I only joined in U7 when compared to now the game was very different, but I enjoyed the core gameplay of shooting things in the face.

I don't enjoy the core gameplay of AW.

I'm sure it will get better, but unless there is an overhaul of the "fly, stop, shoot" gameplay, I doubt my opinion will change much.

Anyway, sure DE have plans for the mode.

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