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Worst Event In Warframe


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The problem with the event was that we are forced to participate to a degree and the fact that we are all going to be punished if we don't participate enough.


This is unacceptable to a large portion of our community and should be unacceptable to the entirety of this community.



Edited by Awazx
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This is what we need to see for the sake of our community. There should never be "punishment" in a game that affects all parties regardless of their investment in a given feature of a game.


I am loathe to accept the fact that punishment could be a thing to begin with. 

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This way the players that enjoy them can have fun and the players that detest AW can avoid it entirely


Unfortunately, no.


Separation from the main game is one of the biggest problems with Archwing. And from what we've heard, that gap is slowly closing. So you're going to be seeing a lot more of Archwing, like it or not. Archwing is part of the main game now, and it should be (and is) treated as such. 


The fact that you of all people would ask for more separation is actually slightly ridiculous, considering I've seen you complain that Archwing is too separated.

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Unfortunately, no.


Separation from the main game is one of the biggest problems with Archwing. And from what we've heard, that gap is slowly closing. So you're going to be seeing a lot more of Archwing, like it or not. Archwing is part of the main game now, and it should be (and is) treated as such. 


The fact that you of all people would ask for more separation is actually slightly ridiculous, considering I've seen you complain that Archwing is too separated.

The reason that I have complained about it being too separate is because it has no impact on our normal gameplay. The moment that ceases to be and they provide me benefits and rewards for taking part in archwing I will enjoy it more.


However in it's current implementation it has no benefit to carry over to the other side of the coin. Hence why my complaints always ensure that they denote that separation and lack of benefit to core gameplay are always clearly presented.


My point is that so long as AW remains a "minigame", unconnected and devaluing all my hard work up until this point I would be extremely upset if I was forced into it's gameplay.


So nothing about my complaints is ridiculous, you sir simply fail to pay attention to all but the smallest of said posts.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again, I'm just hoping that DE will finally leave the rehashed "Hek and fomorians, farm/build crap to blow 'em up" events in the dirt after this. We've had three now, and atleast in my view, it's a stale recipe.


This one simply combined the worst parts of the previous two; required farming stuff to build a MacGuffin in the foundry like Tethra did, but atleast Tethra was basically a "one and done" event (since only the highest score counted for rewards)...  and also demanded multiple runs to get the rewards like Sling Stone did (which had a much lower barrier for participation, it only required Corruptors, which were a common drop from Infested enemies and no assembly in the foundry was required).


Is this one the absolute worst event I've participated in? Probably not, but it's close. As noted, Cicero probably takes that title, but even with Cicero, atleast that was a quick "one and done" event that you could leave in the rear view once you farmed enough crap on the new tileset. The current one? Not so much.


"For injuries ought to be done all at one time, so that, being tasted less, they offend less" - Nicolo Machiavelli

Edited by Taranis49
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Im just gonna say what im sure many are thinking


Don't like game mode? don't play it, you wont miss the AW mods or Weapon


Only wanna play shooty shooty? go play your standard brainless FPS


The fact that WF has another game mode is excellent, you don't like it? well don't play it, don't take part in event, don't get rewards


Those of us that DO enjoy it, have been doing so, despite the exploiters with ridiculous scores

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Worse event ever was the cicero event.

I'd say that Cicero was better, actually. Yes, scanning for those thrice-damned jadeleaves was horrible. But it was something which I could actually work towards.

I missed 7 Fomorians because I was away. I love Archwing. I've done every single Fomorian I was around for. I wanted the gun.

But I can't get it because there is absolutely nothing I can do to make up for lost time. That, more than anything else, is what makes this event a disaster. I'm stuck at 13/15 and I am utterly powerless to change it.

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I missed 7 Fomorians because I was away. I love Archwing. I've done every single Fomorian I was around for. I wanted the gun.

But I can't get it because there is absolutely nothing I can do to make up for lost time. That, more than anything else, is what makes this event a disaster. I'm stuck at 13/15 and I am utterly powerless to change it.

You and me both. Then when the pluto ship went down, there were no more which was actualy why I playing, in hopes of getting the oportunity to get those points.


87 mill points = no gun.


SM >.<

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Where else in warframe can a player get 50k to 100k credits in one ~5 minute mission?  How many T4 runs on average does it take to get two different mods from Corrupted Vor?  How many missions on average does it take to get even the weakest Prime weapon?  And a potatoe?


Everybody is entitled to their opinion.  If 50k to 100k credits in one mission, if 20 of those in ~10 days, plus the other rewards, does not entertain an individual, or anybody, fine. 


But it is false to say that the event was not rewarding or the least rewarding if we factor in the time or number of missions it took to get the rewards and compare that to what it takes to get other content.

Edited by ThePresident777
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The excavation missions themselves are rewarding. 


They're somewhat rewarding if you need void keys but not particularly fun unless you like that gametype to begin with.


Isotopes were dropping in void even.


Yeah, but only at certain times. I think it was if there was a fomorian on Mercury?

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Worse event ever was the cicero event.


You cant beat the boringness of looking at the floor looking for plants,trying very hard to ignore the enemies who are annoyingly shooting you wile you cheerfully observe that pretty floor, waiting for night and day cycles, going true the pain of RNG not spawning that rare plant, and at the end fail it all cause you didn't had strong enough antitoxins for the defense part.


Before that event I didn't liked scanning, after it, I truly hated scanning.


But yah, Archwing is awesome, but the way it was designed to function, and the way it is designed for us to keep playing is very bad and not enjoyable at all.

Cicero wasn't that bad. At least you could finish it in a reasonable time frame.

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The fact of the matter that was most frustrating and an overall bad implementation was the fact that we were essentially FORCED TO PARTICIPATE to a degree. We were THREATENED with the loss of the relays and by extension Baron.


This caused a need for a certain amount of participation regardless of what we wanted regardless of whether we like AW or not. We either help at least in some small part to ensure that the relays survive or us ground gameplay loving tenno risk getting screwed.


It was wrong in general for them to make it a point to threaten us with consequences if we did not play AW enough to ensure the relays survived.


You should never FORCE someone to take part in something they despise.

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"Are you just mercenaries? Fighting for scraps?"

-General Orokin Ce--Sargus Ruk


It's pretty much the community as of late.

That's right.


DE tried to motivate us offerings scraps (75000 creds for getting to the million, a pointless Vandal for grinding through enough many Fomorians). Some of us bought in. Late last week the forum was littered with thread such as "please extend the event because I have only done 13/15" and "please give us at least one more Fomorian" or "please allow us to collect more than one point on a single Fomorian", because that is how powerful scraps are.


I personally couldn't help with my disgust for AW and didn't make it past 2 matches. However I thought about it and realized that I'm not a mercenary (I can't be bought or compelled to play) and I don't fight for scrap, so I bid farewell to the idea of receiving a badge and an exclusive weapon and I went back to do the things I like. Many other players did the same. Who cares about scraps, badges, exclusive mods and vandals. We play to have fun!


Keep your scraps. I'm happy to having proven Ruk false.

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Part of this is from another post where another player asked what would make us want to fight harder in this whole Balor Formorian archwing event.

We were discussing potential rewards that would up the ante as it were and make us grind it all out, time and again for those runs at the Balors.


The problem with providing incentives for doing things is that they have to be WORTH the trouble of acquiring to more than 75% of the community. In previous events DE has given fantastic rewards that people were happy to grind away to achieve. Where as this event is a reward that appeals to MAYBE (and I'm being quite generous here) 25% of the community (judging from the massive party that was thrown on Strata and the overwhelming amount of feedback disliking archwing gameplay in general).


You cannot implement an event with repercussions based on a gameplay mode that is considered by most as unnecessary and even downright awful by some. That just drives the IDGAF attitude. In addition to that you then offer rewards for that same gameplay mode further alienating the majority of your players.


To further compound that, you make it time sensitive during a season of the year in which time is the one commodity we have too little of to begin with.


If DE further compounds this problem for the community by making Baron show up less frequently, charge more for his items, or have less in stock then they will have wronged the community four times with one event. Which does not bode well for DE's future at all.


So as a point of clarification I myself am ambivalent to archwing and see it as just MR fodder, no more or less. I feel as a long time player that it is nothing more than a distraction to the core gameplay that I love. The basis for my stance is that Archwing provides no benefit what so ever to our general gameplay. There is nothing to be gained from archwing and therefore it is just a rank waste of time. 


In closing, I do realize there are people that like AW but even they must realize they are a small minority and therefore it is not fair in the least to have an event that forces the majority of players to do something they dislike or even hate for a reward that they will not enjoy or utilize. So please DE do not compound this fiasco further by penalizing those that dislike AW for not doing the event.


I do love AW... I disagree with most hatred about rewards being AW things, for an AW event it makes sense...

But I'm thinking this is the most horrible event in warframe and I've did almost all of 'em (missed thetra and spectres).

Why, cause even I the AW lover didn't see any means in saving relays, I understood that the majority of the community won't be doing more then 1 run for each famorian (plus take in account great resource cost of disruptors), cause when community reacted slowly all that was needed just a small fix to adjust famorians HP, cause in this busy holiday weekend I just couldn't find enough time to log in for 8 days(with about 10 real event time days) in different time frames to obtain reward I did wanted to get... I'd better spent one day for farming reses and doing 50 missions (even with the same cost) then what we had in result... Biggest disappointment for me through the whole warframe so far it discouraged me from playing for some time for sure...

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I normally don't bother to post on the forums but this made me actually respond

You have no verifiable data to show that those who like archwing are a small minority, I know many who love and hate it and unless you have some colossal survey asking the vast majority of tenno what they think about it then I am going to call bullS#&$ on your post there

I am (kind of) neutral, and the people who enjoy archwing are definetley in a minority

Edited by pickhead
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