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Mesa Op(In Tower Defense)


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Not really.

You can spam peacemaker all day but eventually dmg drops off and you can't keep it up for ever.

The only way I have seen made Mesa obscenely effective in defence is with team support. And by that I mean keeping her covered and keeping her dmg boosted with embers fireball augment which boosted peacemaker to over 10k dmg per shot in T4.


I still had to keep everything CC'd as booben otherwise we couldn't have relied on Mesa all the way up to wave 55.


I wouldn't say she's OP in anycase and if the issue is her being OP then spamming peacemaker is probably why.

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Yeah when I last tested you could fire peacemakers out of the rift because you aren't technically shooting a gun but rather using a power

Not sure if they will change it but I hope not, they already nerfed the worst offenders ( energy restore while channelling ) but removing things like Limbo's rift invlun which is as far as I have seen his only real use in team feels bad to me

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 Max duration Nova utterly broke void def before Nullifiers turned up. Really saying something that me and one other guy were going 30 waves of T4D for weapon ranking.


Even after Nullifiers turned up, Nova can still shut down most of the map.


Go onto T4D, put Mesa on the cryopod and then keep cataclysming these two at the same time. Profit. We're yet to see when it'll stop working.


Edited by Dualstar
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Can Mesa shoot outside the Rift while she's in the Rift?


Yes it can, tested on Mesa with my Limbo. Provided her with both invulnerability as well as increase energy regen. Downsides are only her peacemaker can deal damage and she cant pick up loots.

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Yup Mesa can shoot while in the rift/being banished. helps a lot with energy. And shes really good until the armor scaling gets ridicolous. the heavy gunners can take too many hits while everything else gets mowed down.If youre only goin for 40 waves ish and got limbo and mirage id say, yea, combo op

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You can just get her debanished to pick up drops and then banish her back.

Now Banish can be cancel by perform a roll action.

Just cast Banish on Mesa when she begin the gun show is OK, but I wonder how many guys know they can cancel Banish by themself.

Edited by Zealos0413
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