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Coming Soon: Devstream #44!


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Hi  ,


warframe is a "Space Ninjas" based game ,and yes we've seen a lot of sapce contents and i personally really enjoyed it in fact 

i've been playing this game for so long , over +1500 hours , but the problem is there is not Enough stealth or Ninjas contents.

i'm really excited to see in the near future something different than : shoot , smash , boom .


as always thanks for the hotfixs .

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Many frames are still in dire need of rebalancing, Excalibur (whose changes were mostly negligible), Ember, Nekros, etc. When are we going to see changes and who's next on the list?

When will the abilities bug with certain Kubrow breeds will be fixed and when will the pet system be reviewed overall?

Will any rebalancing or anything be done in regards to situations where a weapon gets a straight upgrade variant, yet it is easier to obtain than the inferior version? (For example Detron and Mara Detron)

Any hints on which prime will be coming after Nova?

Augment mods should not be or feel necesary in order to make an ability usable, yet it feels like this is the cases with augments such as Pacyfing Bolts lr the fire blast augment where it feels those should be inherent to the power.

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Will you be applying PBR to all Warframes, normal and Prime?  If so, is it possible to redesign the paint schemes so that every color is changeable?  Several Warframes have a dark grey (Excalibur Prime, Nova, Nekros) or white (Oberon) portions of their bodies that are not affected by color choice.

Edited by BrobZulu
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I'VE BEEN REQUESTING IT FOR AGES NOW: Can we have an event that's similar to the scale and magnitude of the Gradivus Dilemma, for Syndicates? Sadly, I wasn't here when this event took place, and as the community has grown quite a lot moving onto the Xbox One in the past months, I would venture a lot of other tenno have not as well. The reward for the winning side(s) doesn't necessarily need to be anything as crucial as GD's was, but a little friendly competition within the game's community is always something worth looking into.

Edited by YepShesDead
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I loved the relays. But they feel too much like a fancy space mall. As all the syndicates are within the same shopping mall with each other, it makes their rivalries feel really petty. Could each syndicate alliance get their own Relay? Hexis/Suda, Steel/Veil, Perrin/Loka. Maybe at some point, they can have a more dominate decorative theme over their respective relays?

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Can we expect future improvements to the chat system.  


Problems I've noticed are any communications with your newly formed squad have to be typed in during combat.  The mission entry and exit screens will cut out any input and erase anything put in.  


If someone quits the squad there is no longer any reference to who you just played with or what was just said.  This require going to a buried recent list, which doesn't discern the last squad from any previous ones.


I'm sure that there are other things, but I can't remember them now.

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1. Will archwing get more game modes to get more people interested? (my suggestions,A new mission type like space rock excavation, fuel survival, or eximus enemies for exp purposes would help a lot in terms of getting people more interested. )

2.scythe melee stance love please?

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I'd like an answer to this as well.  I ran a T4 survival yesterday and got fusion cores at 20 and 40 minutes.  What happened to guaranteed prime drops on rotation C of all endless type missions. 


And its not just Void, rotation C is screwed on normal missions too.  The chance of getting a key rather than natural talent is so much lower than it was before. 


As for other things:


Are we getting new archwing missions soon?  And how is the progress in combining normal missions with archwing missions?


Can we get Archwing changed to 6 degrees of freedom style of control rather than how it is now with a clearly defined up and down, and not being able to move the camera beyond vertical +/- 90degrees?  It is supposed to be space combat, this is something that really should be done. 


How is the new Spy 2.0 coming along?  We saw a teaser a while back on one of the streams it looked kind of interesting. 


How are sniper rifle reworks going?  And what about Warframe passives? 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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The only language a Nekros player understands is 333, 3333, 33. The metagame rewards of Desecrate relegate him completely to standing in the back of the group, churning out rare loot for his teammates, often not even getting a chance to fight. When are you going to fix this?


The targeting system for direct-aimed abilities like Soul Punch, Teleport and Banish is rather exacting – you often need to see both a health bar and an arbitrary amount of your target’s body in order to cast, even if the target is in your reticule and at point-blank. It slows players down significantly to cast these abilities, which can make them frustrating to deploy (and not worthwhile, as most are single-target). Will targeting for these types of abilities be revisited?


When it comes to melee, your current build choices are quick comboing/Berserker weapons, heavier Channeling-efficient weapons or exotic weapons with high range. What about weapon types which don’t fall into either of these categories and (barring aesthetics) lack defined gameplay identities, such as daggers, scythes, the sword’n’board, etc?


Several Augments for damage-focused abilities like Fire Blast and Ice Wave have upset the playerbase; these abilities had no scaling features, and now there is a reputation barrier to add some to them. As a result, arguments have been made that Augments are becoming less about adding flare to abilities, and more about forcing players to grind for bandaid fixes to problematic skills. Do you see these complaints as justified?

Edited by Archwizard
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The Eyes of Blight event was the first one to have actual consequences on players for not completing objectives; now PC Tenno are down 4 relays. What next – any hope of rebuilding?

It actually wasn't the first event to have actual consequences, it has just been awhile.  But it was the first with we the player base not successfully preventing said consequences. 

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How is the progress on U15.6 for the PS4 going?

Is there a specific date when the Relays will be tested on the PlayStation servers?

Will the PS4 be getting an up to date selection of Primed mods and Armor from the Void Trader when U15.6 is released?

Will we be getting the new Archwing event with the next update? Or are we going to have to wait until mid February?

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Will we be able to cover behind walls or objects? 

Can we have a strafing mechanic to have more strategic gameplay.

Will there be any fictional planets added to the game?


When will Nightmare mode get some love, it needs more mods and needs some rework IMO.


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Are there any (concrete) plans to:

* Add energy bars to team UI? Having been playing Trinity a lot recently, I find myself sorely lacking that.

* Parkour Movement 2.0 (1.5? Whatever)? (About time I address that correctly. I've said 'Parkour 2.0'. I've meant 'Movement 2.0')

* Decide whether or not Warframe intends to be vertical progression centric or not, how vertical progression-centric Warframe intends to be; and have weapons (re-)organized accordingly?

* Ember review?

* Nekros review? (Though his Augments are a good start.)

* Differentiate Relays from each other?

* Add UI elements to the various new buffs (mostly the Syndicate augs honestly, but there are a couple base skills that could use some kind of indicator)?

* 'Ignore'ed players avoided by matchmaking?

* Add non-murderfest exp rewards? (Exploration, stealth, pacifist, etc.)

* Add a 'Gauntlet' / timed trench-run (prefer the former, but hey! Why not both?) Archwing game mode? (please please say yes :P )

* New Immortal Skin pack?

* Mod and Conclave rating (for Tac alerts) rebalance?

Speaking of: *Conclave-per-item limits (with or without a total-limit as well) in Tac alerts?

* Resource drop review, as per Drasiel's excellent post.

* Increase the visibility of drops in Archwing (oh GOD please. Running Interceptions for Tellurium (now that I have a reasonably maxed out Elytron) is an exercise in tedium and eye-strain. Partially that's my doing for using the Elytron, but...).

Don't get me wrong, I'm enormously grateful for your adding the vacuum effect... but I need to see that there's something there to pick up to begin with.

* Differentiating 'canister' icons for different rarity resources? (If not per-resource. That'd be excessive, I think)

* Allowing Sigils to be shrunk to half the current minimum per side (i.e. possible 1/4 total current size)?

* New Ordis lines, or decreased frequency option? Or both.

* Support for a keyshare mechanic? (i.e. everyone contributes a key up front, and gains +4 '<X key keyshare> points. Each run reduces a point as it would consume a key normally. This solves 'scammers' and disconnects.)

* Removing the sound-muting from Loki's invisibility? (As per here.)

* Add further tiers to the Tower? (please say no please say no.)



I think that'll do for a start.

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I have a few questions:


1) Is the Stalker & G3 appearance table going to get updated?


2) Will there will be an actual backstory for this game that is not vauge and makes sense?


3)  Will the upcoming event be balanced for PS4/Xbox one?


4) Is there going to be some improvements to the Archwing Mission tile sets? (It is difficult to find and get to dropped items/mods in the missions and the mapping feature seems to be broken.) 

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