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Has Anyone Ever Seen Any Of The New Helmets On The Alerts?


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For PC,  yes I've seen and collected most of the new ones, aside from Zephyr's Tengu helm.


As for PS4 and XBone, Probably a later update? Bad RNG?




Either way, it's a cosmetic item, being patient should be totally reasonable approach... oh right internet.

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Ahh, fortune has smiled on you then... however, that helmet has never appeared as an alert on PS4.

Last i heard for alerts Its weighted RNG. So if it is properly on the PS4 rotation (which might not happen tell u16 as the newer helmets started dropping after pc u16), it will increase the chance on awards it hasn't used over ones it has tell they are all used and the cycle repeats.

Edited by Firetempest
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It's been nearly 3 months since the last activity in this thread, and there STILL have been no alerts for the:




...and now I suppose we can add Drac Chroma Helmet to the list, as well.  :-(



//Mandatory "Console peasants" comment


Only Longhorn and Tengu weren't on PC alerts yet.

Don't expect Drac in the near future, Chroma's still hot(duh).

Edited by Vistha-Kai
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I'm so jealous you guys have had a slipsteam alert. I've been watching alerts like a freaking hawk with no luck yet on PS4. slipstream and keytos on PS4 please, RNGesus. 


Use this app, configure to: PS4 only, to alert you when what you want comes, it will warn you a few minutes before.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Loki Enigma and Nova Steamline have never been in the alerts. Any attempts to find reference to them across all the history of all the alert trackers brings up 0 findings.

Theoretically it's so that more people will buy the cosmetics from the market, and DE will make more money.

And you are speaking bullcrap. My inventory says they were both on alerts in last 2 weeks, and i have seen both of them for the second time in the last 4 days.

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