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Boycott! This Is An Outrage! (Grineer Stuff)


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I'll stand beside you and comment, but not stand in complete agreeance. :)
Tyl is probably the most under appreciated Grineer in their entire army. He needs love too lol. After seeing his new concept art, I think fighting him as the newly appointed Grineer Commander could be interesting. Vor got fired, Hek went bonkers, we already know what Ruk does (let's face it... it's not really Commander-like), Kril has had his plugs pulled too many times, and Kela is a woman (no offence, The Queens need balance). Tyl Regor is a good choice for an aspiring leader. Totally my opinion tho! :)

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Well, Ruk is a substantially less annoying boss to fight, sooooo....





I think Ruk's kinda dead....


As far as I can tell, Warframe logic dictates that either:


(a) They cloned him


(b) The rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated

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Well, Ruk is a substantially less annoying boss to fight, sooooo....






As far as I can tell, Warframe logic dictates that either:


(a) They cloned him


(b) The rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated


Because you can fight him multiple times over?


That's game mechanics - same reason I could go into WoW right now and stab Deathwing in the face for the 20th time.


If anything, the fact he has done NOTHING in the lore up to this point may cement him as the ONLY canonically DEAD Warframe villain thus far.

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Because you can fight him multiple times over?


That's game mechanics - same reason I could go into WoW right now and stab Deathwing in the face for the 20th time.


If anything, the fact he has done NOTHING in the lore up to this point may cement him as the ONLY canonically DEAD Warframe villain thus far.


You could say the same about Kela de Thaym - oh wait, she's getting a rework.

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I think Ruk's kinda dead....


We've killed Vay Hek countless times before the last event, yet he seems to still be alive. Seeing as the only event Ruk's been in did not have us actually fighting him means that there's even less of a chance that he's been "killed" in the story thus far.

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We've killed Vay Hek countless times before the last event, yet he seems to still be alive. Seeing as the only event Ruk's been in did not have us actually fighting him means that there's even less of a chance that he's been "killed" in the story thus far.


Never kill him. Watch the fight; you defeat his Terra and then he rockets off into the sky laughing.

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Never kill him. Watch the fight; you defeat his Terra and then he rockets off into the sky laughing.


Okay then. There's Alad V, who's lifeless corpse crumples to the ground after you've killed him, and yet he somehow is still alive enough to send Zanuka after you over and over as well as escape and join with the Infested.


Long story short: since this is a game, it's hard to say who is actually still alive and who isn't unless DE/Lotus officially reports of said enemy's demise. 

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Okay then. There's Alad V, who's lifeless corpse crumples to the ground after you've killed him, and yet he somehow is still alive enough to send Zanuka after you over and over as well as escape and join with the Infested.


Long story short: since this is a game, it's hard to say who is actually still alive and who isn't unless DE/Lotus officially reports of said enemy's demise. 


Yeah, that Zanuka thing IS weird - especially given the Mutalist business. Best I can figure is that it's meant to be like the bosses - a one-time thing that happens before the boss attached to him goes down, but DE ought clarify that a little.


Still, I argue the absence of Ruk doing anything post-boss kill when even Alad "came back from the dead" to do a new thing is sign of his total demise.

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Yeah, that Zanuka thing IS weird - especially given the Mutalist business. Best I can figure is that it's meant to be like the bosses - a one-time thing that happens before the boss attached to him goes down, but DE ought clarify that a little.


Still, I argue the absence of Ruk doing anything post-boss kill when even Alad "came back from the dead" to do a new thing is sign of his total demise.


I disagree. There are many other bosses currently ingame that have been absent in events as well as dialogue, yet they may still be alive and kicking. For instance, let's look at Vor and Lech Kril. While we know Vor eventually heads into the Void, there doesn't really seem to be any sort of lore reason as to why he's on Phobos with Lech Kril before his "ascendence". Frankly, Vor is just a straight up paradox. He's the first boss of the game and was cut in half. Obviously in Phobos, he seems perfectly fine. So either Phobos is in Warframe's past or this is a video game with re-occurring bosses.He's just kind of there; same with Lech Kril.


In fact, Lech Kril is one of the first bosses that got a full on makeover, and yet he has been given no events or new lore. He's just chillin in Ceres and Phobos, getting "killed" over and over. I can imagine that eventually Kril will get more lore/his own event/join in on an upcoming Grineer event at some point. It'd be kind of dumb to let him go to waste.

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Points, aye - only thing I could think to dispute is that pulling himself together with the key he went back to the Grineer, and after a second death he headed for the Void (which seems to have been the original intent - or Phobos bosses are placeholder, I prefer that idea). As for Kril: yeah, hasn't been much done with him either, can't speak on that. However, since he also HASN'T had a spotlight yet, unlike Ruk.


I'll admit, there's room and potential to for him to show up again, maybe, but as it stands I don't see him as making a return anytime soon. And, thus, death is likely pretty canon for him.

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Points, aye - only thing I could think to dispute is that pulling himself together with the key he went back to the Grineer, and after a second death he headed for the Void (which seems to have been the original intent - or Phobos bosses are placeholder, I prefer that idea). As for Kril: yeah, hasn't been much done with him either, can't speak on that. However, since he also HASN'T had a spotlight yet, unlike Ruk.


I'll admit, there's room and potential to for him to show up again, maybe, but as it stands I don't see him as making a return anytime soon. And, thus, death is likely pretty canon for him.


I'll only call it canon when DE/Lotus states as thus, since boss death in this game doesn't seem to always be finite.

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It has come to my attention Tyl Regor will take Vay Hek's Space...

I believe as fellow Tenno that Sargus Ruk should take his place...

In fact he also isn't getting the attention he deserves...

In fact I think he should be every boss...

Sargus Ruk for Grineer Councilor!...

His tough, succulent, smooth voice should be heard across the galaxy...

I can guaranty that if Sargus Ruk was Councilor during the Eyes of Blight event our relays wouldn't exist...

For everyone who wants to stand beside me in this fight to get "Councilor" Sargus Ruk noticed comment...

We need to fight back for what is right...


Ruk believes in honor. I believe he can be swayed to our side. But we have to stop fighting for scraps and acting like mercenaries, or he'll crush the greedy milk from our skulls.

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