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Hosting Causes Drastic Increase Of Enemy Accuracy - Please Read, De


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This post is regarding the incredible accuracy and ability to lead shots the Grineer and Corpus have when firing at you when hosting a multiplayer game.


I've read a few patch notes from the devs about the increase of enemy accuracy. That they wouldn't 'Shoot like stormtroopers' anymore. I agree 100% with this because before the changes I could stand still and not get hit.


Enemies just don't ever really seem to miss anymore.


Now, I remember reading something from the devs that they introduced a new accuracy algorithm for enemies. Enemy accuracy would lower depending on the speed you're traveling and the maneuvers you use.

So sprinting, sliding, rolling, flipping etc would make it harder for them to hit you. As a host, this just isn't the case.

None of these moves seem to reduce enemy accuracy at all.

Corpus troops lead their shots incredibly well, hitting you almost every time, especially Elite Crewmen and their Flux Rifles.

Grineer and their hitscan weapons make it borderline impossible to avoid getting hit.


They are literally aimbotting.


This is incredibly problematic as I am forced to stay in cover or face the 99.99% accurate hellstorm raging outside of cover. It makes squishier frames such as Loki and Mirage (both very quick frames) or frames with a low health pool incredibly vulnerable, especially to Grineer who will proc slash on you a LOT more thanks to their astonishing accuracy. It makes slow frames vulnerable too because slow targets make easier targets, making tanking or just hiding in cover almost all of the time with hitscan weapons the only viable tactics.


With Corpus the fight is a lot more dangerous but nowhere near as difficult against Grineer providing you keep your distance so you have time to dodge their laser shots. They still travel pretty fast but they can still be avoided. Unfortunately, enemies with continuous weapons such as Elite Crewmen and their Flux Rifles will keep their lasers trained on you 100% of the time should you enter their range and line of sight.


Please do something about this, DE, because while an increase of accuracy WAS necessary something has gone wrong and caused this catastrophe for hosts.

I'm just glad I haven't gone up against the Stalker yet because I would not like to fight him right now for the reasons in this post.


tl;dr An increase of accuracy was 100% necessary but DE dun goofed and now enemies aimbot hosts.




                Pathetic                                           Just Right                                  AIM-FLIPPING-BOT

                                                                                                                                        ^ Where it currently is

                                             Where it needs to be ^





Like that one time with Mirage and her entourage of doppelgangers. Dem red crits though

Edited by Keybopsef
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IDK I find that I can roll, jump, and slide all over the place and they usually can't hit me. I've noticed this even in high end missions like T4, though they still do hit me occasionally. The Elite Crewmen are BS with their Flux Rifles, cause once they hit you with it they'll keep hitting you until you die/ run out of their range.

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IDK I find that I can roll, jump, and slide all over the place and they usually can't hit me. I've noticed this even in high end missions like T4, though they still do hit me occasionally. The Elite Crewmen are BS with their Flux Rifles, cause once they hit you with it they'll keep hitting you until you die/ run out of their range.


Elite Crewmen seem to follow the same aiming mechanics as the other enemies; they just seem to be better at hitting you because you have to be quite close for them to even attempt an attack. You can tell that their accuracy is indeed being affected by your motion because the beam wavers like crazy as they shoot you, and the wavering gets worse and worse the faster you move. The same goes for Fusion MOAs and such.


They're just more accurate than other Corpus enemies because their attacks are hitscan. Provided that I'm in their range, the Elite Crewmen seem to be hitting me about as consistently as a typical Grineer Lancer, which is to be expected.




What is even more annoying is that their accuracy is even better when you are host. Clients get easy mode in comparison.


This is definitely true. When you're not hosting, the latency causes enemies to shoot at where you just were rather than where you currently are (as it appears on your screen, not everyone else's), making it easy to avoid nearly all damage in a typical run if you just keep moving.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I agree, ever since the change in enemy AI accuracy for archwing, the higher level content is just brutal when playing a normal(non-archwing) mode.


Also, OP I was expecting to see this meme here in your post, however I ended up slightly disappointed.


But I couldn't resist posting it myself so here, for everyone's enjoyment:



Edit: Edited to better clarify emotions.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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Enemies have perfect aimbot accuracy against whoever the host of the game is, connected players get the intended accuracy.


This includes solo play, so they get aimbot accuracy there too. This is a pretty gamebreaking bug and its egregious it was not fixed in recent update.

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IDK I find that I can roll, jump, and slide all over the place and they usually can't hit me. I've noticed this even in high end missions like T4, though they still do hit me occasionally. The Elite Crewmen are BS with their Flux Rifles, cause once they hit you with it they'll keep hitting you until you die/ run out of their range.

Grineer or Corpus?


From earlier patch notes, enemy accuracy is directly affected by your mobility. The more you move, the less accurate they are.

Well I've been running around with a Nyx with a maxed Rush. Still constantly hit by Grineer no matter what. Sprinting, rolling no matter what.

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IDK I find that I can roll, jump, and slide all over the place and they usually can't hit me. I've noticed this even in high end missions like T4, though they still do hit me occasionally. The Elite Crewmen are BS with their Flux Rifles, cause once they hit you with it they'll keep hitting you until you die/ run out of their range.

I find the same, but when you spend all your time sprinting and bouncing off all the walls, it gets a bit tricky to shoot back ;)


Anyway, yeah. It'd be nice if you could take more than two steps into a room without getting 25 slash procs from Grakatas 50m away.

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Grineer or Corpus?


Well I've been running around with a Nyx with a maxed Rush. Still constantly hit by Grineer no matter what. Sprinting, rolling no matter what.


Frankly, if you could avoid all damage by simply running perpendicular to the enemy' line of sight, this game would be WAY too easy. XD

The accuracy reduction with movement speed isn't to magically negate all damage if you're moving fast enough (if you're hosting/soloing, anyways), it's to merely decrease the sustained damage to your health by making fewer bullets hit you.

Don't rely on your speed alone to prevent enemies from whittling your health down, or stopping Nullifiers/Ballista/Seekers from two-shotting you. Just like in any other shooting game, you're going to have to make a bit more effort than that if you want to consistently avoid all bullets.

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What is even more annoying is that their accuracy is even better when you are host. Clients get easy mode in comparison.

Well thanks to some weird issue that prevents me from playing multiplayer I have to play solo all the time


I agree, ever since the change in enemy AI accuracy for archwing, the higher level content is just brutal when playing a normal(non-archwing) mode.


Also, OP I was expecting to see this meme here in your post, however I ended up disappointed.


But I couldn't resist posting it myself so here, for everyone's enjoyment:


Heard of it but didn't cross my mind.


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Frankly, if you could avoid all damage by simply running perpendicular to the enemy' line of sight, this game would be WAY too easy. XD

The accuracy reduction with movement speed isn't to magically negate all damage if you're moving fast enough (if you're hosting/soloing, anyways), it's to merely decrease the sustained damage to your health by making fewer bullets hit you.

Don't rely on your speed alone to prevent enemies from whittling your health down, or stopping Nullifiers/Ballista/Seekers from two-shotting you. Just like in any other shooting game, you're going to have to make a bit more effort than that if you want to consistently avoid all bullets.

I hear what you're saying but that's not the problem. I'm hit way too much despite anything. Before I was hardly hit and it was hardly a challenge. Now I can't even roll without taking damage. Or flip. Or anything!

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Frankly, if you could avoid all damage by simply running perpendicular to the enemy' line of sight, this game would be WAY too easy. XD

The accuracy reduction with movement speed isn't to magically negate all damage if you're moving fast enough (if you're hosting/soloing, anyways), it's to merely decrease the sustained damage to your health by making fewer bullets hit you.

Don't rely on your speed alone to prevent enemies from whittling your health down, or stopping Nullifiers/Ballista/Seekers from two-shotting you. Just like in any other shooting game, you're going to have to make a bit more effort than that if you want to consistently avoid all bullets.


Pretty hard when the enemies have 16x higher reaction speed than a human being, which basically results in them starting to shoot the millisecond any of your hotbox, not model, hitbox, rounds the corner, which ends up seeming like they started shooting before you were in sight.


Combined with the bug of their accuracy not being reduced by movement at all for the host of the mission, which again includes solo play, and the ridiculous damage that higher level enemies do (in comparison to how much effective HP the player has), and the bugged slash procs that can outright kill you out of nowhere through your shields, please tell all of us obviously inferior players how to deal with this.


Maybe, just maybe though, DE should fix their game?

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Grineer or Corpus?


Well I've been running around with a Nyx with a maxed Rush. Still constantly hit by Grineer no matter what. Sprinting, rolling no matter what.

Against any Faction. The grineer do have a tendency to hit me every now and then when I'm parkouring around them, but other than that I can usually avoid fire just by being mobile

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Against any Faction. The grineer do have a tendency to hit me every now and then when I'm parkouring around them, but other than that I can usually avoid fire just by being mobile

Well after reading what many other people have been saying I'm gonna take a guess and say you were a client in a multiplayer game?

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I hear what you're saying but that's not the problem. I'm hit way too much despite anything. Before I was hardly hit and it was hardly a challenge. Now I can't even roll without taking damage. Or flip. Or anything!


The whole host/client thing might be part of it. If you're not hosting, then you're playing easy-mode; if you're hosting or soloing, then you're experiencing the enemy accuracy as it's intended to be.


The way I see it, if you're in a nearby enemy's line of sight, then you're risking getting peppered with bullets no matter what parkour tricks you do. I can totally understand how annoying this can get, but the problem with making the system more lenient is that it can potentially make the game too easy. When you can avoid most bullets by simply running and flipping, then there's no need to adapt to new situations; just run sideways and flip away and you're all set. I think the game would get very stale this way, since there's no push to take advantage of your surroundings or do anything but apply a bit of muscle memory to cheese your way through the game.


I do think, though, that it would be pretty sweet if enemies' accuracy also decreased slightly when we do "unexpected" motions of sorts. Very-sharp turns, wallruns, copters, Slash Dash-type abilities, stuff like that. Stuff that typical Grineer soldiers don't get hands-on experience with in training.




Pretty hard when the enemies have 16x higher reaction speed than a human being, which basically results in them starting to shoot the millisecond any of your hotbox, not model, hitbox, rounds the corner, which ends up seeming like they started shooting before you were in sight.


Combined with the bug of their accuracy not being reduced by movement at all for the host of the mission, which again includes solo play, and the ridiculous damage that higher level enemies do (in comparison to how much effective HP the player has), and the bugged slash procs that can outright kill you out of nowhere through your shields, please tell all of us obviously inferior players how to deal with this.


Maybe, just maybe though, DE should fix their game?


Yeah, the whole "they-know-your-exact-location-no-matter-how-big-your-cover-is" needs changing for sure. That's been a major complaint right from the start of this game. Bugged slash procs are obviously in need of some fixing as well, there's no denying that. And as for the high-leveled enemies dealing way too much damage (T4 Nullifiers are the absolute worst with this), a couple of changes need to be made as well; but to be completely fair, at this point you should have built your Frame enough to be able to tank a few hits and/or avoid damage through the use of abilities or flat-out "kill everything before they have a chance to shoot".


The "bug of their accuracy not being reduced by movement at all for the host of the mission" isn't a bug; that's actually their accuracy working as the devs intended. You can test this by fighting Elite Crewmen or Fusion MOAs on solo; notice how the beams will waver more drastically as you move faster.

When you're not hosting but every enemy bullet seems to miss you as you wallrun in a straight line, it's just a symptom of latency combined with client-sided hit detection. It's not intentional.



I'm not trying to be all cocky-elitist-"lrn2playscrub" or anything like that, I'm just saying that the enemy accuracy is working at what I feel is a perfectly acceptable level. Reducing enemy accuracy too much will run the risk of making this game far too easy, which is really the last thing we need at this point.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Well after reading what many other people have been saying I'm gonna take a guess and say you were a client in a multiplayer game?

Generally I'm a client yeah, but ATM I'm hosting a game against the grineer, and they hit me more often, but so long as I stay mobile it isn't too bad.

Actually scratch that, I noticed I was taking a lot more damage as the host than I do when I'm the client

Edited by NyxCrab
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The whole host/client thing might be part of it. If you're not hosting, then you're playing easy-mode; if you're hosting or soloing, then you're experiencing the enemy accuracy as it's intended to be.


The way I see it, if you're in a nearby enemy's line of sight, then you're risking getting peppered with bullets no matter what parkour tricks you do. I can totally understand how annoying this can get, but the problem with making the system more lenient is that it can potentially make the game too easy. When you can avoid most bullets by simply running and flipping, then there's no need to adapt to new situations; just run sideways and flip away and you're all set. I think the game would get very stale this way, since there's no push to take advantage of your surroundings or do anything but apply a bit of muscle memory to cheese your way through the game.


I do think, though, that it would be pretty sweet if enemies' accuracy also decreased slightly when we do "unexpected" motions of sorts. Very-sharp turns, wallruns, copters, Slash Dash-type abilities, stuff like that. Stuff that typical Grineer soldiers don't get hands-on experience with in training.





Yeah, the whole "they-know-your-exact-location-no-matter-how-big-your-cover-is" needs changing for sure. That's been a major complaint right from the start of this game. Bugged slash procs are obviously in need of some fixing as well, there's no denying that. And as for the high-leveled enemies dealing way too much damage (T4 Nullifiers are the absolute worst with this), a couple of changes need to be made as well; but to be completely fair, at this point you should have built your Frame enough to be able to tank a few hits and/or avoid damage through the use of abilities or flat-out "kill everything before they have a chance to shoot".


The "bug of their accuracy not being reduced by movement at all for the host of the mission" isn't a bug; that's actually their accuracy working as the devs intended. You can test this by fighting Elite Crewmen or Fusion MOAs on solo; notice how the beams will waver more drastically as you move faster.

When you're not hosting but every enemy bullet seems to miss you as you wallrun in a straight line, it's just a symptom of latency combined with client-sided hit detection. It's not intentional.



I'm not trying to be all cocky-elitist-"lrn2playscrub" or anything like that, I'm just saying that the enemy accuracy is working at what I feel is a perfectly acceptable level. Reducing enemy accuracy too much will run the risk of making this game far too easy, which is really the last thing we need at this point.

I'm sorry but there is no way aimbot level accuracy is intentional or how the game is meant to be played. Absolutely not.

DE need to reduce it slightly. Not back down to where it was but somewhere in the middle of where it was and where it currently is.

If I can stand still and not get hit there's a problem. If I can do every last evasion move I have and still get hit there's a problem and that's what's wrong now.

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The accuracy is too high for the amount of damage they do, if you actually want to fight/kill the enemies instead of shoot yourself past them, you will probably be engaging at close range, as that is the MAIN range of this game, and that is where the enemies do not miss a single shot if you are the host.


You can't mod a frame to take the damage with stats, the stats don't go high enough, enemy DPS starts to outscale your health before you even leave DE's "approved" content, armor is a useless stat for all but 1 frame.


Wanting difficulty is one thing, but this isn't real difficulty, its "artificial" difficulty. It's not hard, but its way too easy to die. Its simply tedious.

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The accuracy is too high for the amount of damage they do, if you actually want to fight/kill the enemies instead of shoot yourself past them, you will probably be engaging at close range, as that is the MAIN range of this game, and that is where the enemies do not miss a single shot if you are the host.


You can't mod a frame to take the damage with stats, the stats don't go high enough, enemy DPS starts to outscale your health before you even leave DE's "approved" content, armor is a useless stat for all but 1 frame.


Wanting difficulty is one thing, but this isn't real difficulty, its "artificial" difficulty. It's not hard, but its way too easy to die. Its simply tedious.

Pretty much. DE needs to chose between one or the other and because enemy damage scales lowering damage instead of accuracy is only viable to a certain point. They should just lower the accuracy a bit so that it's actually worth doing anything other than face-tanking.

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If I can stand still and not get hit there's a problem. If I can do every last evasion move I have and still get hit there's a problem and that's what's wrong now.


And here's where I disagree completely. If you can avoid every single bullet on your Nyx by simply flipping and bouncing off walls, then imagine what people can do by just sprinting with a Strength-built Volt. If simply performing maneuvers can negate every last bit of damage, then there's nearly no reason to use defensive abilities or health-boosting mods in any situation, which should absolutely never be the case in any game at all.


Moving quickly and erratically should substantially decrease the number of bullets that hit you. It should not, however, reduce the number of bullets to zero (at least not from common fodder rifle units that can't potentially one-shot you).

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And here's where I disagree completely. If you can avoid every single bullet on your Nyx by simply flipping and bouncing off walls, then imagine what people can do by just sprinting with a Strength-built Volt. If simply performing maneuvers can negate every last bit of damage, then there's nearly no reason to use defensive abilities or health-boosting mods in any situation, which should absolutely never be the case in any game at all.


Moving quickly and erratically should substantially decrease the number of bullets that hit you. It should not, under any circumstances, reduce the number of bullets to zero.

I think you may have misunderstood me a little, through no fault of your own. By no means do I want evasive maneuvers to completely avoid all bullets as that would put the game back to the level at which is was when DE decided to increase accuracy.

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And here's where I disagree completely. If you can avoid every single bullet on your Nyx by simply flipping and bouncing off walls, then imagine what people can do by just sprinting with a Strength-built Volt. If simply performing maneuvers can negate every last bit of damage, then there's nearly no reason to use defensive abilities or health-boosting mods in any situation, which should absolutely never be the case in any game at all.


Moving quickly and erratically should substantially decrease the number of bullets that hit you. It should not, however, reduce the number of bullets to zero (at least not from common fodder rifle units that can't potentially one-shot you).


The game should reward skill, guess what, it doesn't. Please tell me why dodging shouldn't dodge everything? You will still get hit via player error, and, shouldn't that be the case? Why do you want the game to be dumbed down and out of your own hands?

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