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Flora, The Life and Death Plant Warframe|New Art[3/26/2018]


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1 hour ago, Sictanpc said:

Oberon in game has nothing to do with plants unless you're connecting radiation to plants, he is however underplayed. As a matter of fact Oberon and Titania come from the same mythology where they are both fairies, which again are not plants but can loosely be connected. So I can see how people get that kind of impression but it is like saying a car and a mechanic are the same thing.

you, me, and many others.


and now on to Mrpigman

Hey, how is it going? I can't tell you how glad I am to see you're still sticking with it. I've been moving in and out of warframe the past couple of years. My own warframe concept died when harrow came along as he was almost the exact same frame and I can't lie I'm kind of glad it did because harrow looks fun. I'm very happy the same hasn't happened to flora she's just so well done and you've put so much work into it. Please do me a favor and never stop, flora has her own fanbase and from what I can see it is only growing. Really hope she gets in game sooner rather than later I wanna see an army of Flora out just hanging around Cetus.

hey sictan! long time no see. 

I have to admit ive been pretty much the same, kinda just wobbling in and out of playing, havent been anywhere near as active on the forums, although PoE did kinda rekindle some interest to play, so ive been playing again for that. 

Harrow is indeed fun, got him like a few weeks ago and hes been a blast. While i would feel hugely honored and just absolutely ecstatic if Flora was implemented as is, i would be more than happy to simply get ALMOST ANY plant frame at this point. with as much optimism as i can muster maybe she will follow typhus's release (or im assuming that nidus was basically typhus) then maybe we will see a flora-esque warframe next year?? although i have noticed gara shares some similar design elements that flora followed which is pretty pleasing to me. maybe time for another remodel? :P

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A plant-themed frame would be fantastic to try out. I'm all for it; tangling enemies up in vines, striking a target with a thorny vine whip, or even some kind of "solar beam" attack (yes I was a Pokemon fan once, but it's more to do with photosynthesis than Venusaur's attack).

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I would like to have a separated application which function as a model viewer and some basic movement and sets so we can test the models in "action". I would like to have flora already because that forgotten's model was very awesome. Also would like to see more fan based fleshed out models there and maybe that can give an inspiration to the devs to use directly these models.

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9 hours ago, Sictanpc said:

Oberon in game has nothing to do with plants unless you're connecting radiation to plants, he is however underplayed. As a matter of fact Oberon and Titania come from the same mythology where they are both fairies, which again are not plants but can loosely be connected. So I can see how people get that kind of impression but it is like saying a car and a mechanic are the same thing.

It was a joke but okay...

I guess it more because we already have Oberon and he is connected with plants, so it would be unlikely that it would make it. Unless it's another Ember/Nezha case. That would be cool. I do like you concept though.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone, long time no see.

sorry for the lack of anything on the forums, just honestly felt pretty burnt out on the game, so havent felt like doing anything in the community.

I have been working on a new design for flora which are inspired by 1920's mobsters. it looks pretty cool so far, but the design needs a bit of touching up still.

I want to take another look at her kit to give her a different feel. I want her to retain the buffing focus, but allow her to have even more interactivity in her kit.

Thanks for all the support guys!

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On 1/31/2018 at 11:39 PM, MrPigman said:

Hey everyone, long time no see.

sorry for the lack of anything on the forums, just honestly felt pretty burnt out on the game, so havent felt like doing anything in the community.

I have been working on a new design for flora which are inspired by 1920's mobsters. it looks pretty cool so far, but the design needs a bit of touching up still.

I want to take another look at her kit to give her a different feel. I want her to retain the buffing focus, but allow her to have even more interactivity in her kit.

Thanks for all the support guys!

Woot! Looking forward to all the future concepts!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like this idea, and if some people are thinking that we already have a plant based frame, (which would be Titania) that is not true Titania isnt really a nature frame, the quest you get her from is what has to do with nature. I think that the second and fourth abilities are both similar to Octavias third ability so might need a bit of tweeking but overall its a good idea, The frame looks nice and the artwork looks nice!

7.87 Argon crystals

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21 hours ago, FadedLocus said:

I like this idea, and if some people are thinking that we already have a plant based frame, (which would be Titania) that is not true Titania isnt really a nature frame, the quest you get her from is what has to do with nature. I think that the second and fourth abilities are both similar to Octavias third ability so might need a bit of tweeking but overall its a good idea, The frame looks nice and the artwork looks nice!

7.87 Argon crystals

yes, i actually have plans to release new art and a rework for her kit!

very strange that i keep seeing stuff similar to flora and her abilities popping up in the game... is DE watching??

Her rework will blend a fusion of plants and the cycle of life, from birth to death to new life.

unfortunately the mobster themed idea wasnt panning out so i took a new direction, although i may show it later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Flora's update is here! i dont have the art ready just yet, but it will be here in the coming week!

The aim of this rework was to make flora more mobile and interactive.

Flora will now be focused on managing the cycles of her plants and striving to keep as many as possible rebirthing. Flora should be a great buffing support.

She has also seen some statistical buffs and one nerf to her health.


this new iteration is something that will be truly unique to warframe with team interaction, pickups, and the ability to bring her buffs with her or at least relocate them without losing them!


Thank you to all of you who have kept this thread alive and continued support, you guys are the best!

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22 hours ago, MrPigman said:

Flora's update is here! i dont have the art ready just yet, but it will be here in the coming week!

The aim of this rework was to make flora more mobile and interactive.

Flora will now be focused on managing the cycles of her plants and striving to keep as many as possible rebirthing. Flora should be a great buffing support.

She has also seen some statistical buffs and one nerf to her health.


this new iteration is something that will be truly unique to warframe with team interaction, pickups, and the ability to bring her buffs with her or at least relocate them without losing them!


Thank you to all of you who have kept this thread alive and continued support, you guys are the best!

always nice to see you man.  

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On 10/19/2017 at 12:10 AM, Sictanpc said:

Oberon in game has nothing to do with plants unless you're connecting radiation to plants, he is however underplayed. As a matter of fact Oberon and Titania come from the same mythology where they are both fairies, which again are not plants but can loosely be connected. So I can see how people get that kind of impression but it is like saying a car and a mechanic are the same thing.

He never said Oberon was a plant based frame, I think what art prince was getting at is Oberons the healer frame, well technically paladin but still I'd say that'd fall under the "life" part of the title. Then we have nekros as death. Saryn although being a "Toxic" frame gives off the vibe of perhaps a Venus fly trap. Therefore being a plant.

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4 hours ago, lettrehaben said:

plant warframe is saryn, do we need another one?

how so? Saryn literally has an ability that is described as "like a snake." Other than a few cosmetics she isnt plant based as much as she is just poison based. at that rate we have 3 fire frames, 2 ice frames, 2 electric frames, 2 Sound frames, 2 god frames, 2 (maybe) rock frames, 2-3 animal frames, 3 healer frames, 2 fairy frames, and 2 stealth frames.

i dont think saryn has ENOUGH plant motifs to stop us from getting a full on plant frame.

2 hours ago, lettrehaben said:

good gracious, one day someone is gon' make frame based on a fruit i hope. i want to see how it goes

well i mean that is in it's essence part of a plant frame. plants are not restricted to just venus fly traps and toxic flowers. an ability that drops fruits that heal or buff allies when they pick them up could be pretty cool. I think youre inhibiting your imagination by saying it can only be aggressive things.

19 hours ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

always nice to see you man.  

feels nice to be back after that long hiatus :)

2 hours ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

He never said Oberon was a plant based frame, I think what art prince was getting at is Oberons the healer frame, well technically paladin but still I'd say that'd fall under the "life" part of the title. Then we have nekros as death. Saryn although being a "Toxic" frame gives off the vibe of perhaps a Venus fly trap. Therefore being a plant.

while oberon and nekros may be life and death respectively, Flora is more so the combination of the two, the endless cycle that never ends. From life comes death, and from deaths brings new life.

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Would be nice if the model creator of this beautiful frame concept come back from the long hiatus. I instantly loved this concept when I saw it first and this would be really nice to keep just everything from her. Also welcome back MrPigman!

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16 hours ago, YunnaAoki said:

Would be nice if the model creator of this beautiful frame concept come back from the long hiatus. I instantly loved this concept when I saw it first and this would be really nice to keep just everything from her. Also welcome back MrPigman!

i agree. unfortunately even in my attempts to contact him i couldnt seem to reach him. Maybe i'll pick up 3d modeling again. it's been years lol.

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8 hours ago, MrPigman said:

New art is up! let me know what you think!


edit: sorry for double post :(

The colors and the artstyle is nice but I liked the old art better. Not because it is bad but that latest art of her is fit more to her. This is nice also and can imafine as a deluxe skin or spare skin for her. The problem with most of the frames the deluxe skins not really match with the originals and instead those looks a different frame. This skin is could be good deluxe skin but as main not bad either. I find the helmet style appealing and the energy color of her (hair) is nice aswell. Feels like a little hennya inspiration there.

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I like the new art too but that high heel a little bit weird on her. I would like if you put all of the concepts to the page and make some comparation or voting option which design likely more. All of these looks cool so I hope this frame will see the "green light" and could join to the league of warframes :).

I checked forgottenlord's page and he last logged in 2016 so not likely he will come back or just after a longer hiatus. Sad because that 3d model looked cool and unfortunately he not shared with the public so his work is could not be reused in that way but the picture is mostly enough to remake a 3d model but that one is really detailed and almost ready to implementation. 

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