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Secura Dera: The Revengeance


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Tonight I played with my trusty old Dera, unmodded and modded to see what could use tweaking if an updated Secura version were to be released. Gathered here are sensible requests, along with reasons for them.


What does the Fox say?
What does the Dera currently do?
The Dera has perfect accuracy, you can shoot enemies through the tiniest holes in cover. Stationary enemies are sitting ducks for multiple headshots. It rapidly fires a stream of "plasma projectiles" which have noticeable travel time. You're going to have to lead targets at mid-range and beyond. The projectiles glow, acting like tracer rounds.

Aside from wicked cool utilitarian looks and accuracy, the Dera doesn't have much else going for it. It's a Corpus grunt rifle designed for killing Grineer with its Puncture damage. Should a Secura version be made, I imagine it would simply be a more badass version that kills Grineer more efficiently. There's no need to radically change its intended purpose.

What improvements should the Secura Dera have?
This is all opinion of course, but for the sake of argument let's take everything I say as gospel lol.

Critical Chance & Critical Multiplier
Clearly this is not what this weapon is designed for. These are abysmally low negligible stats on the Dera, so let's move on.


Projectile Travel Time
Boosting the projectile travel time is essential to make the Secura Dera a skilled marksman's weapon instead of just another spray-and-pray bullet hose. Enemies love to change their running direction on a dime, allowing them to easily dodge the current Dera's sluggish bullets, even at mid-range. It's incredibly frustrating to have a keenly accurate weapon that doesn't hit jack.


Accuracy & Fire Rate
These are the Dera's signature traits. The fire rate is comfortably fast, you may even have ammo issues if you add more. I tend to waste shots on overkill damage with Shred installed.

Reducing Fire Rate May Be A Good Idea
Testing I-Marksman's suggestion, I tried Dera with lower fire rates. I think around -20% fire rate would be the sweet spot for giving the Dera ammo efficiency while maintaining the rapid pew-pew laser appeal. Along with faster projectile speed, this saves ammo by shooting less bullets and wasting less bullets with misses.


To compare, at -36% Fire Rate it loses its rapid laser shooting appeal, it also feels clunkier. I can't quickly move from target to target like before, because I'm spending an extra second or two focusing on one enemy. This translates into a few more seconds getting shot at, more damage taken, and more dead Banshee. :(

At -26% fire rate it was alright, but the gun still lost its identity a bit.

Ammo & Reload
Currently, due to slow projectile travel time and how fast the Dera fires, it's easy to waste ammo. However, you can conserve it (and not need Rifle Ammo Mutation) by firing in short controlled bursts. Who says movies don't teach you nothin'! The aforementioned faster projectiles and reduced fire rate would alleviate the ammo depletion, with no need to increase the ammo reserve.

Increasing the Magazine size, so you aren't reloading so often in the middle of a fight, is a huge benefit. Bigger magazine or shorter reload time, one or the other is fine. I'd rather give the Dera a Heat System like in Mass Effect, instead of an ammo pool, but what can ya do.


Status Chance
The 10% Status Chance turns into around 37% with two Status/Element mods and Split Chamber. At that level procs happen often enough because of the number of bullets being shot. However, not everyone has easy access to those mods, so I don't see a problem raising this to like 15% for the Secura version. It helps newer players and makes the gun a little better for high level missions, so it can proc armor reduction more often or whatever.

Dera's Impact and Slash damage are negligible. I'm guessing they were added to proc Stagger/Slash sometimes. It's a neat idea for a generic rifle like the Karak, however this is a rifle designed to precisely perforate armored enemies, so let's focus it on that.

•Remove Impact damage entirely. The Impact Stagger proc is counter-productive to precision shots, which the Dera excels at. Removing Impact also reduces the Dera's effectiveness against Corpus shields, which makes sense.

•Puncture damage needs boosting by a significant amount, not by some junky 5 points.


•Slash can stay, it doesn't interfere with precise shots. Slash proc damage also ignores armor rating, fitting the armor-hating theme of the weapon.


Tetra is a Puncture/Impact rifle, Secura Dera can be Puncture/Slash. Please see the end of the post to read about Tetra vs Dera.

(Maybe) Innate Punch Through
Considering this thing is made to bore holes in Grineer jerkbags, how about giving it enough PT to pierce 1 body? Then players won't need to use Shred/Metal Auger, freeing up a slot to add damage or utility.

PT also helps with ammo economy, but considering Dera is a precision weapon, favoring headshots/weakpoints instead of spraying mobs, PT may not be vital for it after the damage/projectile speed buff.

Blah blah blah TLDR

Secura Dera stats request:

++Magazine or --Reload Time
This is so we aren't reloading all the time due to the rapid fire nature of the weapon.

-20% Fire Rate
Increases ammo economy without losing the rapid pew pew feel.

+Projectile Speed
Lets us hit enemies more often, increases ammo efficiency.

+5% Status Chance
Because not everyone can get the rare Status/Element mods.

---Impact; +++Puncture
Eliminate Impact, staggering enemies is counter productive to precision shots.

Possibly 1 meter of innate Punch Through
It's a natural fit for an almost purely Puncture plasma spewing weapon. Also eliminates the need for Shred/Metal Auger, freeing up a mod slot.


Other Stuff

What about Tetra?

Though their damage types are distributed similarly, Tetra and Dera are designed to be used differently.


•Tetra is a bruiser, more damage and mag size with less fire rate and accuracy. You can DAKKADAKKA with it all day long thanks to its beefy build and meaty firing sound. The Impact stagger procs and damage reduction from Puncture procs helps against mobs.


•Dera is designed to be a marksman's rifle for precision hits on weak points, for taking out single targets quickly. It absolutely needs way faster travel time for the bullets so it performs well in a sharpshooter's hands, and not just like a weaker Tetra.


As mentioned before, Tetra deals high Puncture and some Impact, no Slash. To contrast, Secura Dera can deal high Puncture and some Slash, no Impact.


Why not Dera Vandal?
Vandals can't be recolored, they also don't have the Radiation Supernova effect from Sequence weapons. Granted, I don't think the Sequence effect is necessary for the Dera, since you're going to be using it to take out enemies before they even get near you, so a Vandal version would be fine...if we can recolor it. :p

Why not Secura Lanka/Tetra/Whatever?
Because Dera is badass and needs the goddamn boost now fool! Now GTFO my planet! D:

Y u no do this other tweak instead?
Secura Dera has a solid platform/design already, it doesn't need a dramatic rework, just minor tweaks to reinforce its strengths.

Please keep the conversation related to the Dera, thanks.

And thanks for the feedback, this post gets updated as ideas come in.

Edited by DarkTails
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I would tweak it like this:

Remove Impact/Slash damage, add Corrosive, 'cause of the soaring hot plasma bolts.
Increase Base Puncture Damage by 40%

Reduce firing speed by 30% to increase ammo efficiency by default.

Increase Projectile Flight Speed by 40%, for compensation.

Decrease Reload Time with 30%.


Edited by Institute-Marksman
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support, mostly because perrin needs SOMETHING to justify asking for a scindo prime blade, which when i asked somebody their going rate the other day they told me to put up EIGHTY PLAT, might as well ask for a primed chamber or some S#&$


meanwhile steel meridian and cephalon suda ask for basic garbage items as their requirements, don't even give me any excuses, you're not paying 80 plat for a frost prime or rhino prime part at their going rarity, much less some random useless stuff like boar prime parts or glaive prime blades


goddamn balance issues

Edited by weirdee
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i'd want the Weapon to have some unique facet(s) to it, just 'muh stats' isn't very interesting.


but i can't really think of anything off the top of my head that Dera is just asking for.

nothing is jumping out at me as a 'Dera totally wants that' feature.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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I would tweak it like this:

Remove Impact/Slash damage, add Corrosive, 'cause of the soaring hot plasma bolts.

Increase Base Puncture Damage by 40%

Reduce firing speed by 30% to increase ammo efficiency by default.

Increase Projectile Flight Speed by 40%, for compensation.

Decrease Reload Time with 30%.



I just tried Dera with -36% Fire Rate (Critical Delay). It loses a lot of its quick laser shooting appeal, feels clunkier. I can't quickly move from target to target like before, because I'm spending an extra second or two focusing on one enemy. This translates into a few more seconds getting shot, more damage taken, more dead Banshee. :(


At -26% fire rate it was alright, still had a snappy feel to it. I think around -20% fire rate would be the sweet spot. Along with faster projectile speed it'd be spiffy. Saves ammo by shooting less bullets and wasting less bullets with misses.


added to first post

Edited by DarkTails
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i'd want the Weapon to have some unique facet(s) to it, just 'muh stats' isn't very interesting.


but i can't really think of anything off the top of my head that Dera is just asking for.

nothing is jumping out at me as a 'Dera totally wants that' feature.

Innate punch through?


Because ludicrously hot plasma that can burn through anything.


Maybe some heat damage?

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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The Dera was my first clan tech weapon.


I still have it, and even today I love it.


Innate punch through?


Because ludicrously hot plasma that can burn through anything.


Maybe some heat damage?

Or how about stick to the same plan as they did with secondary syndicate weapons and simply buff them and give them a native syndicate explosion? I don't see synoid gammacor having punch through, or vaykor marelok with increased zoom, just better stats.

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All of my yes! The Dera is one of my favorite guns in terms of mechanics, but unfortunately it really isn't all that powerful even with multiple forma, so I wouldn't mind seeing an upgraded version available. But in terms of physical damage, I would prefer if they removed impact damage entirely (maybe even on the standard Dera as well). If you're using a Dera you're going for headshots, and having your target stumble around due to impact procs really gets in the way of that.


I also feel like the innate punch through may be a bit superfluous, but otherwise those seem like reasonable stat requests.

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Or how about stick to the same plan as they did with secondary syndicate weapons and simply buff them and give them a native syndicate explosion? I don't see synoid gammacor having punch through, or vaykor marelok with increased zoom, just better stats.

I was simply suggesting a unique aspect to taiiat as he couldn't think of one himself.


If Sechura Dera did receive something like punch through all other weapons would need something similar to compensate.


If anything it would only make the weapon more useful without being OP.

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Or how about stick to the same plan as they did with secondary syndicate weapons and simply buff them and give them a native syndicate explosion? I don't see synoid gammacor having punch through, or vaykor marelok with increased zoom, just better stats.

or maybe instead of just unfounded statcrepe for no reason, we can make all Weapons unique enough to exist simultaneously.


obsolescence makes for a huge waste of game resources.

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Or how about stick to the same plan as they did with secondary syndicate weapons and simply buff them and give them a native syndicate explosion? I don't see synoid gammacor having punch through, or vaykor marelok with increased zoom, just better stats.


Rakta Ballistica simply got its damage type converted. I see Syndicate weapons as ways to give us buffs, but also variants.


That said, Dera doesn't really need Heat damage, the PT works though, considering it's a Puncture weapon and PT is almost essential for ammo eaters like the Dera.



But in terms of physical damage, I would prefer if they removed impact damage entirely (maybe even on the standard Dera as well). If you're using a Dera you're going for headshots, and having your target stumble around due to impact procs really gets in the way of that.


I also feel like the innate punch through may be a bit superfluous, but otherwise those seem like reasonable stat requests.


Good point, Impact Stagger is counter-productive to precision shots. I find it useful, but I'm willing to sacrifice it to play up the weapon's strengths even more.


PT is always useful, and serves to further help with ammo economy. It won't be that useful for headshots, but it's hella useful against mobs, where 1 bullet can do damage 3 times.


I can live without it on the Dera though, because you're right it's a precision weapon not a sprayer, it just seems like a natural fit for a Puncture weapon.



If Sechura Dera did receive something like punch through all other weapons would need something similar to compensate.



I don't know about that, I think of it as just a feature of the weapon, not a game-wide change. I wouldn't mind if Boltor/Bolto had innate PT for example, it fires freaking needle-bolt things that pin enemies to the wall lol.

Edited by DarkTails
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While i'm not a dedicated Dera user (leveled it, kept it for a while but eventualy sold it away again to get the slot back), i think it's a great weapon, that especialy shines at mid to early high level.


It's a bummer that it's clantech because i think if it's as blueprint on the market that it could be a great early expansion choice for players, similar to the Grineer's Karak. The high accurancy paired with the reasonable fast travel time could also teach players on how to lead targets with travel time weapons, which could be beneficial when switching to weapons like Boltor or even Paris.


So i think a Dera Secura is a great idea. Definetly a better choice than the Dual Cestra Secura.

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It's a bummer that it's clantech because i think if it's as blueprint on the market that it could be a great early expansion choice for players, similar to the Grineer's Karak. The high accurancy paired with the reasonable fast travel time could also teach players on how to lead targets with travel time weapons, which could be beneficial when switching to weapons like Boltor or even Paris.


Good point, though there's nothing stopping players from joining a clan and grabbing the BP once they're MR4


Where did you get that pic? I can't find where that's from other than here.


It's my Banshee with a Dera colored to match

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Secura dera.... well, it'd need a pretty decent damage boost to be considered anything other than mastery fodder.


Since it has travel time, it'd need to be comparable to boltor prime to be considered top-tier.  And I personally believe all syndicate weapons should be  top-tier.


That said... I really wish this weapon is better.  Energy guns in particular are awesome in concept, but their stats leave much to be desired.  The obvious exceptions are the syndoid gammacor, amprex, and quanta, which are amazing weapons.


I think the dera should be a bit better than the grakata, being an energy weapon rather than a projectile, but with its current stats it's actually worse.

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I do think Amprex and Quanta are fun to use because of how they work, but Id use them even if they werent grossly OP, like I use Dera and Cestras on high level missions with few problems.

Id rather not have an OP Secura Dera that doesnt even require aiming to be effective though. Id just like one that doesnt get me booted out of games simply for showing up with it, like it happens now.

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Secura dera maybe... braton prime level firepower?  That might be enough for people to not instantly boot you.


Although people like to boot people for the dumbest reasons, "I don't like your frame" being among the top reasons.  A lot of frames are underrated, and it seems that unless you play Nova, Trinity, Loki, Frost (in defense), or Nekros (in survival), you're likely to have someone ask you to change your frame to one of those at some point.  Which kinda sucks, with underrated frames like Volt and severely overpowered (play it if you don't believe me) frames like Mirage being overlooked and asked to change.

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