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Question To The Community : Should Event Weapons ( Wraith/vandal) Be Tradeable ?


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No they shouldnt be tradable because than why would someone do event for it ? 

Swag and mastery



tradabe? no  

dropping like brakk and detron from hunters? i think it will happen soon

If by dropping from hunters you mean never drop I'm gonna have to say no. Last time I let the G3 was 3 months ago....

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It's a finicky thing. There are pretty much two schools of thought to this whole issue.


Reasons for - No:


1.) The receiver of the item likely did not participate/complete the event in which it was given, and therefore does not deserve it.

2.) Event rewards are 'trophies' that represent event participation.

3.) The items have likely already been used, which by current standards of weapon trading makes them 'ineligible.' Thus, trading of event rewards would only cater to a very, very small population of players who have not used their event rewards since obtaining them.

4.) Adding items that are unobtainable into the Trade economy often creates rifts which end with a miniscule supply to a skyrocketing demand. (see: Primed Chamber, Arcane Helmets)

5.) Players who own event rewards are subject to harassment by players seeking their items. (This has been reported to happen to players in other games when similar scenarios take place)

6.) Some event rewards were retired for reasons not related to the event, and thus should not return. (ie. Snipetron [Vandal])

7.) Many event rewards have been confirmed to return at a later date and possibly become permanent additions to the game, therefore the option to trade them is unnecessary. 


Reasons for - Yes:


1.) Event rewards are just items with no special properties and the owner of said item should have the choice to sell or not sell as they see fit.

2.) Many event rewards are already tradable, such as event mods.

3.) The framework to trade weapons is already in place.

4.) Players currently do not have access to obtain them in any other fashion.

5.) Many players who participated in event and received rewards have multiples and/or have not used the items they received, meaning a useable and sought after item that owner does not need/want is sitting idle in their inventory and cannot be given to another player who wants it and would use it.

6.) Many event rewards have been confirmed to return at a later date and possibly become permanent additions to the game, therefore the option to trade them should be irrelevant because any prior exclusivity or event related participation restriction will later become void any way.



Note - none of the opinions above necessarily represent my own, these are purely observational. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I was gonna play devils advocate, but LordOdScrugging brings up an interesting alternative. I'd heard that DE was looking to bring back events as quests, but nothing about rewarding the weapon from it. I'd much rather see that. No one can complain about people not earning it, because they'll have done the same thing as everyone else. You have the badges to show off that you actually participated in the live event (I don't want the badges rewarded from quests), so can't complain about exclusivity.

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There was a post recently about this


Event Weapons trading NO NO and ehm NOOOO

Why see  below....




Recently i got my hands on Grogon and realized that this is a weapon of my dreams. But then i found out that a better version of Gorgon exists - Gorgon Wrath. And i started to spam market channel with WTB Gorgon Wrath...

And some guys started to convo me and say that i can't buy it because event prizes are untradable.


Why is that?


I don't really understand.


First: tradable prizes are good for players because some of them don't really need the stuff and wish to get some money dolla money cash for them (like me and the recent fomorian event, i dont know why i got these prizes because i never really play archwing missions and this stuff will now just gather dust, lying in my inventory)


Second: tradable prizes are good for developers )) because i will buy platinum for trade.


And third: i have a slight feel of butthurt because i will never get some stuff



Well sorry but i don't like the idea of making Event Weapons Tradable


1. It was an Event you had to participate to get it so it is your price

    Why should you have access to a Weapon you did not even participate for?


2. The Event Weapons have alway's a Potato in it so it is modified and like Syndicate Weapons it would have to be unmodified

     to enable trading


3. We don't know if they maybe come back in the future

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I want to say YES, but i don't want to see MR2 or in other words ppl with 50 hours and 1100 of PL with a braton vandal or another vandal/wraith weapon -.-


I want more events where we can win that weapons again or something

I don't really see why it matters. They don't really correlate to your play time or mastery rank as it requires you to play the event when the event is on.


Maybe making them tradeable is no, but surely, there's nothing wrong about making it available again in the game (via quest or something). With MR affecting daily cap (and possibly more in the future), I would say it's a good reason to bring all the exclusive items (minus the Founder items) in the game.

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I don't really see why it matters. They don't really correlate to your play time or mastery rank as it requires you to play the event when the event is on.


Maybe making them tradeable is no, but surely, there's nothing wrong about making it available again in the game (via quest or something). With MR affecting daily cap (and possibly more in the future), I would say it's a good reason to bring all the exclusive items (minus the Founder items) in the game.


While this is true, some of these weapons were from events that happened over 8 months ago. Yea, all you would need to do is participate, but that participation happened while the game was still very young. They were there way back then to participate. It shows seniority.

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It's an event weapon. Did you do the event and fulfill the requirement necessary to get said weapon? No? Then no.


This, and this is coming from someone who's bitter he didn't just get the damn Hunter pack (and thus Excal Prime) when he still could, no, neither event weapons nor founder stuff should suddenly become available to all.


I felt the same way about my poor Brakk, that shouldn't have become available to all either.

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I was dedicated and I did it. So why cant they.

Erm maybe people have other things to do


even if you're  a dedicated player you can't be logged on 24/7 , some have , jobs , other kids ,some are exams.


Or just can't because they're staying somewhere without their regular gaming gear or without internet ,


OOOR , their PC is broken


the list goes on.


Events aren't about being dedicated , they're about being at the right place at the right time.

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Erm maybe people have other things to do


even if you're  a dedicated player you can't be logged on 24/7 , some have , jobs , other kids ,some are exams.


Or just can't because they're staying somewhere without their regular gaming gear or without internet ,


OOOR , their PC is broken


the list goes on.


Events aren't about being dedicated , they're about being at the right place at the right time.

Hey, Im a highschool kid with a job. I can rarely get on But if there is a event, you bet your damn &#! I'll be farming the hell out of it.


As for the other reasons, it sucks to be them.

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Hey, Im a highschool kid with a job. I can rarely get on But if there is a event, you bet your damn ! I'll be farming the hell out of it.


As for the other reasons, it sucks to be them.

 that's....not very nice or considerate at all....


priorities man some people have them

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I both support and do not support tradeable event weapons/weapons I've missed...


I mean burnout is a real thing...I can't be on all the time even though I am disabled and have all the free time in the world...Sometimes it isn't possible to even LOOK at the login screen without turning WF right back off.

BUT at the same time I am the only one to blame for missing certain things...so yeah,there's that.

 I wouldn't mind if they implemented it and it COULD be done easily (simply restore it to rank 0 upon trading)...problem is it would lead to people asking for MORE things to be tradeable.

I can all but guarantee that the DAY a Braton Vandal becomes tradeable there will be 100 threads asking to do the same with Excal Prime and everything else from founder packs.

So yeah, I'd LOVE a chance to get the Braton Vandal or Gorgon Wraith,or Latron Wraith...but once you start going that direction there's going to be all kinds of flaming,begging,and even harassment. No need to make the forums and the game any more ugly than they already are..

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Nay, Those weapons are not obtainable now and probably they wont be ever. + you can trade only unrancked and unused weapon, I dont think that any player has event weapon that was not used. Also I think that those weapons are untradeble just because of that. Even if you did not ever used it DE preinstalled it with catalist...

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Nay, Those weapons are not obtainable now and probably they wont be ever. + you can trade only unrancked and unused weapon, I dont think that any player has event weapon that was not used. Also I think that those weapons are untradeble just because of that. Even if you did not ever used it DE preinstalled it with catalist...

Few of the vandals are pretty much unaccessable, but most event rewards are actually considered "in the vault", i.e. not locked up permamately, meaning they might see the light of day once more.

I mean, I wouldn't mind this, but it wouldn't affect me, since I ain't buying that latron wraith I missed for the crazy asking price that these event weapons are inevitably going to sell for. And no way in hell am I selling my event weapons anyway.

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