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Do Nekros's Still Have To Do Damage?


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Did I simply not know this, or do nekros's not have to do damage as well as desecrate? I feel like they should still have to shoot and not just run around and hide behind the other players. 


EDIT: I prefer it when they do a mix, shooting in between desecrates.



Edited by cocoapebbles10
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If they are there for long survival and desecrate and the team can kill stuff fast they just need to hang back and desecrate all day. But if having a bad team who is strugling killing mobs they can help but it wont be that long survival that way.

Edited by Aratir
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No, definitely needs to provide enough kills to make the Survival viable enough in the first place. Doesn't matter how much you want to desecrate, enemies still need to die for them to drop anything long before desecrate is necessary. 


Obviously opinions will differ amongst public groups, but using desecrate only helps if a whole bunch of enemies died within your given radius.

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Do what you want, and what you think is fun. If they think you aren't playing proper because they need your help dealing damage, then I guess they aren't skilled enough to be the damage dealer now are they? 

Jokes aside, if the mission was successful, there is no reason to believe you aren't carrying your weight. Just because the end of mission overview doesn't say how much ammo, energy, health, and loot you provided doesn't mean you aren't an asset.

In other words, you needn't give a damn, but you should have to complain about it on the forums. Be confident in who you are and how you play.

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Nekros can be rather squidgy, so he does rely on his teammates a little, especially if you've dedicated your mods slots entirely for Desecrate-Spam. However bringing a slash-based weapon (in my case, it's a Soma and an Orthos Prime for dire emergencies) and helping make enemies dead AND in pieces will help alleviate the pressure, especially as the Survival goes on; four guns are better than three when you're tackling a high level threat with more HP Yiazmat from FFXII.


But xyLoneZ is right, how he plays is ultimately his choice and although you can ask them to commit to more damage, they are not required to do so.

Edited by Tyrala
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If there are more live bodies around you than dead ones, I say start shooting, Nekros.  Are people still requiring Nekros in survivals?  Cause you don't really need him for air anymore.  You can do 100 minutes in a corrosive projection party without a Nekros.  I make no guarantees beyond that, though.

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If the Nekros has kills, they're doing it wrong. Nekros's only job is to desecrate endlessly. Any corpse that goes undesecrated is a corpse that proves the team has a terrible Nekros.


You should have been mad at the team for allowing the Nekros to get 6% damage. How did you let the Nekros do that much damage!?

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I don't really care how someone plays Nekros and personally I don't approve of this 'Desecrate Botting', but if you want a Desecrate Bot don't expect him to do that much damage. He's going to be stuck in casting Desecrate for ages, especially if the team is good at piling bodies. But it is also the Nekros' job to decide when to use Desecrate or not because one corpse isn't worth that much compared to the millions in the room beside or he could just add one more to the total corpse count and then desecrate for maximum efficiency so don't even berate him for using his guns for the case of self-defense. Sometimes desecrating is even pointless because people tend to split up.


A good Nekros is one who knows what he's doing and contributing to the team objective, not a Nekros that desecrates everything or deals damage.

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Anyone ever tried to focus Nekros gameplay on ability 1, 2 and 4, nobody?

Right I'll go hide in my grave... ;)

I've tried 4, which goes hand in hand with 2, almost. Trick is to balance range and duration and strength. Equilibrium and Despoil helps out so Fleeting Expertise is not needed. The extra bodies on the field don't deal much damage unless they're all Moas or Bombards, but they sure are a good source of extra defense.

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I play Nekros. With the exception of an Excalibur EXP farm (where anyone shooting anything is pointless, Trinity is supplying energy, and Desecrate AOE overlaps Radial Javelin) I always contribute kills... Partly because S. Gammacor kills allow me to desecrate more aggressively due to energy regen.


If you are constantly dying as Nekros you are either a bad player and/or your team has terrible CC.


If you actively reject the notion of killing anything in typical Defense/Survival maps you are just lazy.


Addendum: This is ESPECIALLY since you guys apparently had to extract due to not having enough kills. I don't see anything wrong with calling out a lazy and incompetent Nekros for refusing to participate.


If they shoot and kill things, players will berate them for not "doing their job". 

If they don't shoot things, all they'll do be is a desecrate monkey.


Pick one or the other.

With the exception of specific farm groups (like Radial Javelin once again) this hasn't happened to me. I just do both.


If the Nekros has kills, they're doing it wrong. Nekros's only job is to desecrate endlessly. Any corpse that goes undesecrated is a corpse that proves the team has a terrible Nekros.


You should have been mad at the team for allowing the Nekros to get 6% damage. How did you let the Nekros do that much damage!?

With the exception of power spam (Most obviously Radial Javelin and Peacemaker) most damage is going to be coming from weapons. Nekros doesn't have any disadvantage in weapon usage.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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Has it occured to anyone that you dont need a Nekros to run 40 mins in T4S?


Why take a lootbot when you can take some extra CC?


You don't need him at all anymore for survival, even to go for several hours.  Banshee + nova = win.  He does have decent CC though which most nekros never even use.  As if spamming desecrate endlessly while collecting a ridiculous amount of life support is more important than killing and providing defense. That's what usually happens every nekros group I play in.  There's 10+ pods we haven't activated, while we get overwhelmed by enemies and have to leave anyways.


For resource farming though of course he's better off just spamming desecrate.

Edited by SleepingSentry
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You can't compare Frost, that simply drops a snow globe every 1 min, with Nekros that uses desecrate every second.

If the Nekros is spamming desecrate non-stop, then no, he doesn't have to worry about dealing damage. It's not like he "drops" desecrate and just stands there for a whole minute doing nothing.


If Nekros does not spam it non-stop, then it simply means the team is bad at killing enemies fast enough or the team has already reached a point (lvl 70+ usually) where enemies don't go down that easily. In this case, yes, rather than standing and waiting for his team to kill the guys, Nekros could help with the killing.

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If they shoot and kill things, players will berate them for not "doing their job". 

If they don't shoot things, all they'll do be is a desecrate monkey.


Pick one or the other.

A true warrior will take Nekros from his path of going through bodies to massacring the enemy! I never use my Nekros for desecrating. I only use him as a defending warrior. His shadows make good living, and  offensive shields. So ignore the players who have a limited view of how the game "CAN" be played, and do what you wish. You can do both thanks to the whole we have all four abilities active now not that hard, but I still prefer using energy to soul punch, scare, and summon the dead instead.

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