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Am I The Only One That Finds Stances Hard To Compete While In Combat?


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The whole combo system is kind of non-intuitive.  If it used more than the melee key it would be much much better(yes I know some use directional input but that is not what I mean).  During the last devstream they mentioned they are considering bringing back charged melee.  That would be perfect if it was used with a seperate key from normal melee, so E and something else to complete combos rather than holding E.  It would make the whole combo system much easier to use. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Imagine a Devil May Cry depth system in Warframe *drools*


The thing we need is the mobility combos.


We have all the stationary damage combos, we just don't have the combos that let us move around. DmC has loads of moves that let you close gaps easily.

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I only know a couple of stances that I can actually use in combat that are more effective than spamming melee.


The problem with stances and combos is that they're awkward. They lock you in place. Enemies often go slightly out of range and you don't follow them. And if you miss the combo or the enemy moves away a bit or dies, you might find that instead of doing Murderdeath Tornado Armageddon Slash, you're doing some flowery breakdance and serving the enemies instead of killing them.

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The thing we need is the mobility combos.


We have all the stationary damage combos, we just don't have the combos that let us move around. DmC has loads of moves that let you close gaps easily.

Don't mention DmC please, that has 1/10th the depth of Devil May Cry 4.


Then again, maybe it would be more fitting for Warframe I guess, simpler and all.

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Don't mention DmC please, that has 1/10th the depth of Devil May Cry 4.


Then again, maybe it would be more fitting for Warframe I guess, simpler and all.


Eh I just meant the franchise in general. I've been playing those games since the PS2 ones.

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I actually wish they'd take a page from either dynasty warriors or Phantasy star universe for combos.

Dynasty warriors was so simple, and had like 9 different combos on a single weapon, but each one fit a slot so to speak, light attach then heavy attack did a move that blasts the enemy into the air for a juggle, and ALL the characters worked like that, the juggle, aoe, single target super stabby ouchie mcouchie slam, and so forth, but even managing it with different weapons made some combos more unique & functional than others, and pushed for a certain degree of specialization, like a short sword could do a faster juggle combo than a spear, but a spears AOE combo hits a wider area naturally.

Or PSU, which had a just system, don't ask me the Japanese made it, but there was a sound and a slight flash at the end of every weapon swing where you could time it to follow up into another attack for extra damage that would also raise the damage for each timed attack in the weapons combo, it was easy to get the timing down, and really made it matter when you needed to do as much damage as possible.

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For press and hold, just gently hold the button down for a bit between each attack, rather than trying to time anything. 

Similar advice for pauses, instead of smashing the button just tap melee lightly until the desired combo executes. 

If it requires a movement or blocking just hold those throughout the entire combo as well. 

I also wish that we had at least two buttons for melee combat. Trying to do everything with one isn't really intuitive to most people. If charge attacks would give us a "heavy" attack button then the combo system would become significantly better. 

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like the reaping spiral on the reaper prime. the abyssal automation. Its very hard to do in combat since you have to press each button slowly or else it will combo the eternal nocturne. How do i combo right?


Specifically you want to wait until he completes the downward swing with the scythe after spinning with it to hit the button for that combo.


As for the actual combos I feel that some combos sets are way worse than others, most of the Nikana stances are pretty good in that you can reliably do all of the combos but than you have stances like Brutal Tide's pause combo which are far more annoying. one of my favorite stances is High Noon since it lets you slip in gunshots between melee swings which is amazing and all of the combos just involve holding a specific button. Not to mention how your Framerate can make combos literally impossible to perform in certain rooms if you don't have a great PC.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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And there are "tells" in the animation that you can base your button presses off of for the pause combos. They're not practical though.

Now if only there were some reason not to stack Fury(+Berserker on anything that can support it) so I could actually see the tells...

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tbh i never really had trouble pulling combos off, pauses are the easiest to do(next to hold right click) while holds e just take a while to learn but once you get the "tells" down its easy to use. To make it easier try upping attack speed, pause combos are trivially easy to uses with a max fury and berserk build.

as for hold E combos try using a mid ranked fury only. This way its easy to tell when the tells are and from there speed it up. This is the method i use to exicute pole arm moves and now i can execute them on a whim while berserked.


However the usefulness of the stances vary. The (some)older stances cancel your momentum, are too long to execute, and not always worth the effort to preform. However i notice that the newer stances and some of the newly added combos address these problems.


Nikana (only with Blind Justice),The Aegis, Venka, Kronen all have combos that do not destroy your momentum, are fast to execute, have combos for crowds, spike damage, and gap closers, and all are easy to pull off


I really hope DE's combos follow this trend and that the older combos will be reworked to the new standards


(though i would  not be apposed to making the melee system more like a DMC game or a dynasty warriors game, in fact i would prefer it)


if you need any more tips or need identification of when the "tells" are let me know i can try to list them out

Edited by air2ground
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Ql Z ost combos aren't hard to do, once you get the rhythm down.

I still think that we should upgrade to a two button melee system

So you have light melee on standard melee binds, and heavy melee on your reload key. (rebindable)

So you immediately get a huge bump in usability and executability of combos.

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