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2015 Shiny Bug Thread - (Pc Version)


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Welcome To The Shiny Bug Thread!


**Please Provide Concise Reports With Pictures If Possible & Exact Reproduction Steps As Clearly As Possible.  

Thank You So Much In Advance!**




Last Updated:  3/2/2015
Last Version Tested:  PC - U15.16.0 + Tactical Alert  (All bugs and fixes listed are relevant as of this build on 2/26/2015 @ 10:30 AM EST)
A Permanent Link to the "OFFICIAL" Latest Build & Hotfix Notes posted by DE will always be kept here: Update 15.15.0 + Hotfix Notes, Hotfix 15.16 + Tactical Alert Notes, & Hotfix 15.16.1 Notes
A Permanent Link to this awesome thread regarding Syndicate weapon mods and which ones are working/broken will be kept Here!  -  A huge thank you to Somedude1000  for putting this thread together!!  Nice job!
-See Here For a post of alot of different threads detailing specific issues when using a controller or gamepad on the PC version of warframe!  I would list all of these, but it's a bit much to put in the OP!  (Thank you for these dandeloreon!)  See Here for a quicker look at some of the more glaring issues regarding these controller issues! 



Known bugs on PC (as of U15.16.0 + Heavy Blade Tactical Alert)

•  Bug:  Issue when Ragdolling Enemies:   Apparently when you ragdoll enemies that are not reloading or stunned via other means, they can shoot you during the ragdoll etc...  
  Repro Steps:    Jump slam with the Jat Kittag, Pull with mag, and apparently enemies can even shoot you while being ragdolled by Hydroids Tentacles.  Use any of these and see if enemies are shooting you while being ragdolled / recovering from the ragdoll / ability.  See the Report of this Here!  Also, see the link within this post for the original report of this issue.
•  Bug:  Warframe Ability Hitch- Hysteria: Inability to revive others or pick up anything while in / after using Valkyr's Hysteria
  Repro Steps:   Cast Hysteria, and see if you are able to pick things up or revive anyone after several uses of this ability.  Not 100% sure on the exact repro steps, but see a report that contains a picture with proof of the issue Here!
•  Bug:  Possible Warframe ability Hitch- Bladestorm:   While running the tactical alert on PC last night for the new stance mod, at the end of blade storm, I would fall directly below the map.  This resulted in me having to use a revive (Never ending fall to death) 1 time out of the 3 times that it happened.  The other two times I was able to recover by clipping back up through the floor with a directional melee attack, etc...
  Repro Steps:   Use Ash and cast Bladestorm on the Ceres Interception Tileset.... ALOT.. and see if you fall through the map.  Not sure exactly what caused it to be honest!  (Possibly a bit of latency?)
 Note:  I haven't tested this beyond the tactical alert
•  Bug:  Host Migration while on an elevator:   Can cause falling through the map to your death which forces you to use a revive or exit the mission (obviously) and is apparently very reproducable.  -- (In this case, Draco, Ceres)  I am going to assume this is for any Ceres tile/node at least, though!
  Repro Steps:   Be on an elevator and get host migrated, essentially.  See Here for more info with solid repro steps!
•  Bug:  Clipping through maps by using Elevator velocity + Zephyr or Directional Melee:  Clipping through ceilings on to the top of tilesets is 50%-100% reproducable with the proper frame/ melee weapon on almost any tileset or node with an elevator.
  Repro Steps:  Equip Zephyr (Because of her Innate low gravity) or any frame + a melee weapon with really far reaching directional melee attacks (The Silva and Aegis has a unique one that is easy to repro with apparently). Take an elevator UP, Aim upwards, then jump just before it reaches the top and tap melee.  75% of the time or more will result in you being on top of the map and outside of it completely etc...  See a video of a nice repro of this
•  Bug:  Angstrum UI damage # issueWhen equipping the Angstrum and then looking at either your warframe, primary, or melee/ anything else in the arsenal by simply moving to it via your mouse cursor or controller if you are on PS4, then moving back over the angrstrum to view it again, no matter what mods are on the gun, the damage numbers always revert to or show as 0.
  Repro Steps:  Please see my full report, including a screenshot of this on the PC version of Warframe Here! (NOTE: It's happening on PS4 also.) or feel free to skip the report and just see the Picture!
In addition to the above, NinjaSnipe11 was kind enough to make a thread with alot of screenshots reporting several very minor glitches, which are mainly art / Channeling / UI glitches, which has unfortuneately gone unnoticed by me and probably alot of other people.  There is a link to it Right Here!  These are definitely last on the list as far as functionality and over all game quality, but they do deserve to be listed in my opinion!  Please have a look!

Known Archwing Mission bugs on PC (as of U15.16.0 + Heavy Blade Tactical Alert)

• Bug: Various Controller Issues:  (Pulled from my PS4 bug thread, I'm assuming these are the same on PC if using a controller of any type, please let me know if it isn't!!!)


Part 1: L1 is the Default for PS4 for "move down" in archwing and must be rebound each time you log into warframe to "Circle/ X/ Whatever button" on the Dualshock 4 in order for it to work, then you must re-bind Crouch/Slide/Roll to said button once back into the Liset in order for both of these to work on any button other than L1 as they should for "Move down" in Archwing missions, and Crouch/Slide/Roll in a regular missions. 


Part 2: Doing a Barrel Roll is not possible currently in Archwing on PS4 as it will not honor our Crouch/Slide/Roll bind to do the maneuvers in archwing that would be similar to a back handspring in regular missions, or side Barrel - roll dodges while aiming etc...  


 Repro Steps: I know this is a hard report to understand. It is just as hard to explain via text/chatting - so I've made a video of the PC version of Warframe and put it on Youtube with commentary explaining exactly what is going on here and demonstrating exactly what is not possible on PS4 with our current binding options by showing it in action on the PC version. (Both bugs mentioned above (Part 1 and Part 2)  are mentioned in the 6 minute video).  See it


Based on the above bugs, please comment/provide feedback/other bugs you run across in this thread when possible.  I'll also be scouring the forums for other bugs like this to put here.


Fixed Bugs on PC (as of U15.16.0 + Heavy Blade Tactical Alert)

    FIXED:  Several Issues / Hitches regarding mechanics with the Polychrome/Dojo Color research in the Tenno Lab.
    FIXED:  You should no longer become stuck in the Capture animation when / after capturing a target.
    FIXED:  The odd bent peice on the Harkonar Syandana should be fixed! (Woo!)  :-)
    FIXED:  The Stolen Dreams Quest should be free of most if not all hitches now!
    FIXED:  Phorid should now be dropping Nyx parts again as opposed to his current planet's Boss loot table.
    FIXED:  Earth Sabotage Caches should now be working as intended!
    FIXED:  Mirages Total Eclipse ability augment should now be working as intended!
    FIXED:  The Prisma Veritux should now be tradable!
    FIXED:  Due to Frosts snowglobes stacking in health when cast within one another, the issue with them overlapping/mobs not being slowed should be fixed!
    FIXED:  Dragon Keys should now be craftable again!
    FIXED:  You should no longer become stuck when picking up Syndicate medallions / Datamasses / Power cores for Excavation missions etc...

Fixed Archwing Mission Bugs on PC (as of U15.16.0 + Heavy Blade Tactical Alert)

    FIXED:   The Archwing's innate "vacuum" effect should now be working again!
    FIXED:   The Fluctus should now take Elemental Damage mods into consideration for it's total damage! 



Needs more Feedback on PC (as of U15.16.0 + Heavy Blade Tactical Alert)

  Need more Feedback on the following: Are hive mission still bugging out (causing the hive to be un-attackable?)  Or is lech krill still doing wierd things during the boss fight?

Thanks all!  I Really, really appreciate the Feedback/Bug Reports more than you know!! :-)
Also, a HUGE "Thank you" to [DE]DrewLetter13, & (PS4)IIIDevoidIII for helping me streamline this thread with some awesome BBCode to make it easy on the eyes, and also for putting up with me and my continuous questions about it! :-)
Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
Updated(ing)! - 2/26/2015 - added Hotfix 15.16 + Tactical Alert Patch Notes! -- Updated! Will update further this weekend!
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Lech Krill bugging out during his bossfight is a big one; it seems to be caused by certain CC abilities like radial blind.


When I farmed Hydroid some time ago, there was an awful bug with Vay Hek's bossfight that would result in him becoming invincible as well that seemed to be caused by a scripting error triggered when skipping cutscenes.  This was some time ago but I've seen nothing about it in the patchnotes.

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Wow, this has been pinned for all of 10 seconds, and so many replies already!  Awesome!!  I'll get right on it guys! :-)  TY for the reports so quickly!  Will get these up ASAP!-- (tonight while watching primetime probably!)


EDIT:  you will notice I removed alot of what I thought at this point to be Unnecessary clutter at the top of the thread, I hope it looks a little better this time! :-) 


Also, See the Needs more feedback section -- can anyone answer that Q plz?  I almost have nekros on PC, but not yet.. His final peice is building atm

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This will function as the main bug thread for this year I hope >_>


I need to change the links in my thread soon


Thanks!  I will definitely take that as a compliment,  Your thread is amazing with all the spoilers/ dates of things added etc... It's very good man.  Don't get frustrated with it! (I kind of went overkill when I first put these bug threads up and wore myself out a bit) that is the only reason I'm saying that to you! :-)   Your thread is super helpful I am sure!

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Hello Mr. Crackle! (Supposed you're Mr, since your name's Ryan.... :|) Nice new thread, I see your continued effort to minimize/slap down all kinds of bugs in Warframe -


Sadly, one of 'major' bug still bugs me a lot, which is still not fixed/ not even mentioned.... :| I wrote down an essay on 2014 oddball bugs thread, but maybe it's deleted now or something....This bug as persisted over a year as well.


I'll say again. This issue is regarding the settings keep resetting back to default VERY frequently when logged in, this is NOTHING to do with the corrupted file or anything, as I have tried re-installing several times.(and tracing down EVERY. SINGLE file of Warframe and delete them)


This bug stil resets - Chat box arrangement (both in Liset (ship) and in the mission), matchmaking setting, foundry/warframe/weapons/mod center filter (Polarity, Drain, etc....), EMPIES the gear, (this....is....really annoying :|)


OPTION - CONTROLS; Aim sensivitity, multiple on/off toggle options,

                GAMEPLAY; Region, ping limit, multiple on/off toggle options,

                HUD; HUD Margin, multiple on/off toggle options,

                Display; field of view. (possibly more)


Please Mr. Crackle, setting ALL OF THESE everytime I start the game cripples a lot of my gameplay time, could you please make the hotfix for this happen? :( :( :( :(

Edited by --Q--Aaryl
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Hello Mr. Crackle! (Supposed you're Mr, since your name's Ryan.... :|) Nice new thread, I see your continued effort to minimize/slap down all kinds of bugs in Warframe -


Sadly, one of 'major' bug still bugs me a lot, which is still not fixed/ not even mentioned.... :| I wrote down an essay on 2014 oddball bugs thread, but maybe it's deleted now or something....This bug as persisted over a year as well.


I'll say again. This issue is regarding the settings keep resetting back to default VERY frequently when logged in, this is NOTHING to do with the corrupted file or anything, as I have tried re-installing several times.(and tracing down EVERY. SINGLE file of Warframe and delete them)


This bug stil resets - Chat box arrangement (both in Liset (ship) and in the mission), matchmaking setting, foundry/warframe/weapons/mod center filter (Polarity, Drain, etc....), EMPIES the gear, (this....is....really annoying :|)


OPTION - CONTROLS; Aim sensivitity, multiple on/off toggle options,

                GAMEPLAY; Region, ping limit, multiple on/off toggle options,

                HUD; HUD Margin, multiple on/off toggle options,

                Display; field of view. (possibly more)


Please Mr. Crackle, setting ALL OF THESE everytime I start the game cripples a lot of my gameplay time, could you please make the hotfix for this happen? :( :( :( :(


I will list it right now, and I promise you I will do my best to get to the bottom of what could be causing this, because I have never had this happen, not one time on PC.


EDIT:  Also, thank you for the compliment on the thread, it is much appreciated.  I've seen your reports!!  Thank you for continuing to report!!  Sometimes it is impossible to list everything!  Especially when these things are not "widespread" per say.  But, I have seen you list this several different times now, so I will put it in the OP - and I will see if I can find out what could be causing this.


EDIT #2:  Yes it is Mr.   :-) 

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Lech Krill bugging out during his bossfight is a big one; it seems to be caused by certain CC abilities like radial blind.


When I farmed Hydroid some time ago, there was an awful bug with Vay Hek's bossfight that would result in him becoming invincible as well that seemed to be caused by a scripting error triggered when skipping cutscenes.  This was some time ago but I've seen nothing about it in the patchnotes.


I am 99.9999% sure that the "skip cutscene" bug causing the vay hek bug where you could not go back up out of the tunnel after you kill him (this is what you are referring to??)  was fixed.  I will double check on that though!!  Noted about Lech!

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New problem := dragon key can't be crafted, in the print no one void key is see(always 0/1 void keys)

Sorry for my bad english, i'm italian


^yes, the foundry is unable to recognize our void keys in the inventory


In regards to both of these reports, Thank you!!!  


Please see the post about this by DERebecca Here!

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This was probably reported multiple times by now.


For the past 2-3 weeks I have been getting randomly kicked out of the squad.

It was like this. When I got invited to squad and then we all clicked accept and 5 second countdown started. Countdown got stuck sometimes at certain seconds, 5 second countdown started and then it stopped at 3 seconds. After that sometimes the countdown continued and sometimes I got randomly kicked - just like if I left the squad.


Also sometimes when I played void, mission failure appeared at the beginning. Some say it was probably because we loaded before the player with the key.

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this video explains it the best you can get it 



im using salvia & aegis. seemed important to tell you i am using that cus of its different jump melee animation

you can basically clip through walls with enough velocity and the melee/jump animation on salvia & aegis

Edited by Skrotchek
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1) Shadows on void interception tileset are considered light for Mirage's Eclipse, as can be seen on this thread.


2) Energy colors are not the right ones on Ceres tilesets, except when using powers apparently:


This is how it looks like when I'm using Nova Prime's default energy color (a light purple):




This is how it should look like (taken a few seconds after the first screencap):




There have been several threads about this issue, all unanswered.

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this video explains it the best you can get it 



im using salvia & aegis. seemed important to tell you i am using that cus of its different jump melee animation

you can basically clip through walls with enough velocity and the melee/jump animation on salvia & aegis


I've actually had several different instances of being able to clip through the ceiling etc... by using the Velocity of the elevator to boost you with either Zephyr's innate low gravity, and now this.  TY for reporting!

1) Shadows on void interception tileset are considered light for Mirage's Eclipse, as can be seen on this thread.


2) Energy colors are not the right ones on Ceres tilesets, except when using powers apparently:


This is how it looks like when I'm using Nova Prime's default energy color (a light purple):




This is how it should look like (taken a few seconds after the first screencap):




There have been several threads about this issue, all unanswered.


I have noticed other funky color issues on the Ceres tileset here and there on PS4 as well.


Good pics, Really shows what you mean!  thank you!  

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I probably should mention that there are PC edition players that are actually going from PS4 and Xbox One. This means that there should be a little more awareness of the need for full controller support like it exists in the console editions. That said, there is a long list of pc specific feedback in regards to this, and in general there is no mention of changes specifically effecting controller users in the change-logs.


Anyways, I compiled a list of all Gamepad/Controller feedback in regards to the pc edition of the game to help.


Edited by dandeloreon
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@Dandeloreon this is great that you compiled all of these, but this is kind of like putting a bug thread inside of a bug thread, that is already....inside of a bug thread.  I meen.. I cannot list all of that.  Sure some of it are bugs that exist on the current PS4 build as well, some do not.  Some of them are actually preference also.  I will leave it here, and thank you for reporting these!  But to be completely honest with you, a better place to post this would be under Feedback.


With that said, I would never shun some one from my thread who takes the time to compile this amount of info!  


I think it is awesome.  I just don't think it will get much attention here to be honest.  


(If you would like, I can move it for you, and provide a link to it in my OP - but that is the best I can do) -- Just let me know! 


Note: If you were to report one really GLARING issue with a controller on PC concisely, then I would probably list it above, but this kind of report deserves it's own thread, honestly.


:-)  Thank you again for all of this though!  Unless you tell me otherwise, I'll just leave it here to and provide a link or a (Quick jump)  to your post right here in the OP.


I would feel really bad not mentioning it all, as you obviously spent a good amount of time reporting all of this.  I'm just saying, there are probably places on the forums that this would get noticed alot quicker.

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@Dandeloreon this is great that you compiled all of these, but this is kind of like putting a bug thread inside of a bug thread, that is already....inside of a bug thread.  I meen.. I cannot list all of that.  Sure some of it are bugs that exist on the current PS4 build as well, some do not.  Some of them are actually preference also.  I will leave it here, and thank you for reporting these!  But to be completely honest with you, a better place to post this would be under Feedback.


With that said, I would never shun some one from my thread who takes the time to compile this amount of info!  


I think it is awesome.  I just don't think it will get much attention here to be honest.  


(If you would like, I can move it for you, and provide a link to it in my OP - but that is the best I can do) -- Just let me know! 


Yea, well the issue is that these are all already under the PC Specific Feedback section. The issue is that there is so many bugs, and it is difficult to place them all in a singular location. If anything It would involve creating 8 to 10 different threads and guessing at best where to place the threads.



Note: If you were to report one really GLARING issue with a controller on PC concisely, then I would probably list it above, but this kind of report deserves it's own thread, honestly.


:-)  Thank you again for all of this though!  Unless you tell me otherwise, I'll just leave it here to and provide a link or a (Quick jump)  to your post right here in the OP.


I would feel really bad not mentioning it all, as you obviously spent a good amount of time reporting all of this.  I'm just saying, there are probably places on the forums that this would get noticed alot quicker.


There are some GLARING issues with the controller on pc, and it is embedded in the long list of posts themselves. My thread itself is a good start at fixing some of the key issues since it has a really detailed list of these issues. I will go ahead and highlight a few of the issues.



  • The launcher itself requires the user to use a mouse to go and click the "play" button to run the game. This will be a major issue since many users who use Big Desktop mode of Steam.

  • The Market does not gain focus when you walk up to the console and attempt to interact with it with the controller in-game

  • The Foundry does not gain focus when you walk up to the console and attempt to interact with it with the controller in-game.

  • The Kubrow interaction area does not gain focus when you walk up to the console and attempt to interact with it with the controller in-game. ( Or it's difficult to use without gui indicators ).

  • The chat box still has issues with focus in various menus. For example you can go to view one of the monsters in the codex, bring up the chat box, and when you press b it closes the chat box and the current codex page. I believe for intuitive use, the chat box should be closed with the first press of B, and then the codex pages will close with each additional press.

  • The User interface still lacks a lot of important indicators as to how to navigate and operate the menus in the menus in regards to the game pad. ( As a quick tip, Look at the indicators provided on the XBOX one version since these should be used on the pc version when a game pad is present and actively used)

  • It is difficult to leave ( and join/create ) parties when using the game controller.

  • The arsenal modification has numerous issues. it is impossible to modify the gear ring with a gamepad.

  • The Arsenal gear selection screen has no way to modify the equip-able gear. ( stuff like the  Codex Scanner, Team health restore, fomorian disruptor, etc ).

    Reproduction Steps  - Walk up to the arsenal and press the "X" button on the gamepad to open up the Arsenal. Navigate down to "GEAR" using the left analog, and once this is highlighted, Press "A" on the gamepad to open up the Gear selection ring. At this point, i would expect the behavior to match the Xbox One, but i do not have one so i can't confirm which analog should be used, but i would assume that left analog should be used to select which item you want to modify, and the a press of the "A" button on the game pad would be enough to bring up the selection screen to select which gear would be used.

  • In the arsenal, There is no way to modify the pallets of gear using the game pad. The color selector does not accept game pad input.

    Reproduction Steps  - Walk up to the arsenal and press the "X" button on the gamepad to open up the Arsenal. Navigate down to any of the equipment that can have it's appearance modified using the left analog, and once the desired equipment is highlighted, Press "X" on the gamepad to open up the Appearance modification screen. Scroll down to one of the colors, and press "A". At this point the menu grinds to a halt and stops accepting any gamepad input except for "B" Button to go back, and "L" trigger to bring up the chat box. There is actually two key breaks here, and one of those is that the gamepad cannot be used to navigate the color selection screen. The other issue is that once the quick chat is up on this menu, you haft to press "b" on the game pad all the way out of the menu before the chat box will close.

  • In the arsenal, There is no way to modify the mod load out using the controller.

    Reproduction Steps  - Walk up to the arsenal and press the "X" button on the gamepad to open up the Arsenal. Navigate down to any of the equipment that can have it's upgrades modified using the left analog, and once the desired equipment is highlighted, Press "Y" on the gamepad to open up the upgrade modification screen. At this point the menu grinds to a halt and stops accepting any gamepad input except for "B" Button to go back, and "L" trigger to bring up the chat box. There is actually two key breaks here, and one of those is that the gamepad cannot be used to navigate the color selection screen. The other issue is that once the quick chat is up on this menu, you haft to press "b" on the game pad all the way out of the menu before the chat box will close.

I know there is probably more, but this list of issues all appears in the cockpit of the ship ( AKA the main menu ).



1/26/2015 - Added some more documentation about the arsenal not working correctly with game pads and fixed some of the numbering.


1/30/2015 - Added some reproduction steps to a few of the issues.

Edited by dandeloreon
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For 5 days now dark sector conflicts have ended with a black screen at the end of the match.

Rarely if I wait long enough it'll return me to the main menu, most the time however I have to quit warframe and restart.

Multiple other players have reported this issue as well, both in my topic and several other created in this forum.


I'd include a link to my topic but I've never been able to paste stuff into posts on warframe forums and I don't want to manually type the link in.

I've only made 2 topics so it shouldn't be hard to find fortunately.


Seriously why can't I paste anything into the typing box on this forum, I've tried 2 macs with safari and IE11 on windows 8 and I can copy anything I type but I can't paste anything into it?

I had to manually type in the link to the photo in my topic about the black screen and that was a pain.


{E} Fixed

Edited by MJPIA
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Update 15.10.2, date: 22.1.2014.

A new possible bug found. I went into a game and all worked out normally. I returned to the main screen and just as I was about to leave the squad, I was signed out of the game to the point where I need to re-log into the game to play it. However something happened. The password I have been using all this time no longer was a valid password all of a sudden and that when I shut down the game and re-started it, my password still does not work. Failed to log-in message pops out.

This is unusual and although I could always assume that this is some sort of account hijacking attempt possibly or server issue, the timing of it happened in such a succession that this is unlikely and it seems that it is more likely that this is a UI bug of some form. At this very moment I can not access my account or enter the game to play even and I have no idea what is going on. So my best option is of course, report this here and report this issue forward as well.

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Getting a weird bug(?) on doing a T4D. Was moving around to pickup some ammo for my sidearm, but some of the drops seem to do nothing as I pass through them.


Not sure if it's client-side or others are experiencing this.


If it helps, I was using telos akbolto


Edit: Also, void bombard missiles still go through frost's snow globe

Edited by p3z1
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Getting a weird bug(?) on doing a T4D. Was moving around to pickup some ammo for my sidearm, but some of the drops seem to do nothing as I pass through them.


Not sure if it's client-side or others are experiencing this.


If it helps, I was using telos akbolto


Edit: Also, void bombard missiles still go through frost's snow globe

Go through all the way?  Or the explosions go through a bit?  (They've always done this, Not sure if it's intended or not)  If they are passing all the way through, that is new to me, though.

Getting a weird bug(?) on doing a T4D. Was moving around to pickup some ammo for my sidearm, but some of the drops seem to do nothing as I pass through them.


Not sure if it's client-side or others are experiencing this.


If it helps, I was using telos akbolto


Edit: Also, void bombard missiles still go through frost's snow globe

Have you had this happen on anything besides the Telos AkBolto?  Anyone else notice this?

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