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Allowing Players To Transfer Arcane Helmet's Power


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Why would you think that they even ever think about improving arcane helms system?

It is something that is not supposed to be in game in fist place ...why do you think they do not drop anymore? I would give you hint but use your brain .


My brain told me that Swindle looks ugly as hell on Loki Prime, now what your brain told you?

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Why would you think that they even ever think about improving arcane helms system?

It is something that is not supposed to be in game in fist place ...why do you think they do not drop anymore? I would give you hint but use your brain .

Harsh but true.


Not going to happen.

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I would pay high plat to be able to put the Essence helm effect into the Loki Prime or that new rogue helmet, and to put Ash's scorpion stamina boost at cost of energy efficiency into the plain Ash helmet, as well as a few other examples. For sure.

Same here. It can be even 1000pl. I just hate looking like submarine....

Anyway arcane helmets are relicts of the past. But those items will stay. Why dont allow ppl to change apperience of already had items?


DE dont want plat I want to pay? Arcane helmets will stay anyway...

I wish we could get one Stat transfrering item on anniversaly or as a MR15 reward;p

Edited by Kripion
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It'd be nice but for content that only a few people have, I'd say it should be super low (ie rock bottom) on DEs to do list. I'd rather they work on content/fixes that benefit everyone first. This is coming from someone who owns all of the arcane helms and several of the BPs as well.

Edited by jfhsanseiIII
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I'd honestly like them to just remove the arcane helmets completely and give the stat to the prime counterpart. So Rhino Prime would have even more increased movement speed, Loki Prime better energy efficiency, Trinity (When prime arrives) longer duration etc. That way new players would not be alienated, players who had the helmets would be extremely happy, cause they would get the buff and be able to wear the helmet they want and there would be an even bigger reason to get a prime because they would have some stats that actually mattered, instead of silly plus 25 energy/shield etc.

It wouldn't break the game either since the stats are already in the game. We just look silly right now (Im looking at you Arcane Essence). It's not like they would have to wait for all arcane helmet warframes to get a prime edition as they could just implement it as gradually. Saryn prime not due for 6 months? No problem - that arcane helmet will stay till prime is out. 

But ofc this would make the stats a lot more accessible and it would probably result in less people buying plat which is why the arcane system is the way it is. 

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Into other helmet like default or Prime. The process would destroy the Arcane Helmet while having its power written into the designated helmet.

+1 to OP. And for the haters who don't have Arcanes.. well..

Sucks to be you. Also, this is just a visual tweak, I don't see why they would deny it.


I'd take Swindle's helmet and put it into the original Loki Prime helm

Exactly what I meant to do. I'd still use the ugly Arcane Essence for the Invis build when rushing Capture tho.


I'd honestly like them to just remove the arcane helmets completely and give the stat to the prime counterpart. So Rhino Prime would have even more increased movement speed, Loki Prime better energy efficiency, Trinity (When prime arrives) longer duration etc. That way new players would not be alienated, players who had the helmets would be extremely happy, cause they would get the buff and be able to wear the helmet they want and there would be an even bigger reason to get a prime because they would have some stats that actually mattered, instead of silly plus 25 energy/shield etc.

It wouldn't break the game either since the stats are already in the game. We just look silly right now (Im looking at you Arcane Essence). It's not like they would have to wait for all arcane helmet warframes to get a prime edition as they could just implement it as gradually. Saryn prime not due for 6 months? No problem - that arcane helmet will stay till prime is out. 

But ofc this would make the stats a lot more accessible and it would probably result in less people buying plat which is why the arcane system is the way it is. 

Not gonna happen. Some people spent plat in them, and this is the reason why they were grandfathered in the first place. Wouldn't you be mad if one day you bought a Syandana for plat (= the equivalent of real currency) and then it got removed? It'd be against the rules, I'm sure. 

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