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"high Value Alerts" Wat?


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40 waves T4d, 4 or maybe 5 formas. Yes not common at all, thats basically whole weeks worth of formas in less than an hour, but its not common -_-.

The consoles didn't start when PC started, the player base in general is 'younger' and less developed.  The devs mentioned having to account for that once or twice.


The number of groups able to do T4D to 40 waves on the consoles is likely just a fraction of the PC player base capable of doing that.


In addition, most are on console controls, etc.

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1. Is wrong especially with all the new rank 10 mods

2. I beg to differn I dont think ill use half of the bp I have

3. End game isnt difficult a max serration with a decent weapon will get you through capture exterminate and sabotage the rest of the end game is supposed to be team based

1. from what I hear most people are lacking cores. (still have near 1,000,000 credits). and credits are easy to obtain: farm blueprints to sell, run some capture for rewards (bought tons T4 cap from syndicate), farm them on some maps or buy a booster. Cores are the tings we need for rank 10 mods!


2. ... I was not serious about this. They really throw forma's at your head when doing void.


3. Things like the right rare stances, usefull aura mods and some other rare (corrupted) mods sometimes take ages to obtain. Sure I could do T3 in a team but you don't wanna feel the weakest link because you don't have that QT on your trinity for example. Soloing T3/4 was just scuicide...

also in high planets many nodes are empty (almost all spy nodes for example) there was not a real other option then trying to solo them.

(now I have many mods and I do T4 solo.)

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The consoles didn't start when PC started, the player base in general is 'younger' and less developed.  The devs mentioned having to account for that once or twice.


The number of groups able to do T4D to 40 waves on the consoles is likely just a fraction of the PC player base capable of doing that.


In addition, most are on console controls, etc.

Keyboard master race! There are actually a lot of pc players who use controllers

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The consoles didn't start when PC started, the player base in general is 'younger' and less developed.  The devs mentioned having to account for that once or twice.


The number of groups able to do T4D to 40 waves on the consoles is likely just a fraction of the PC player base capable of doing that.


In addition, most are on console controls, etc.

They have syndicates, they could get t4 keys. Forma drops like candies from any void missions, be it exterminate mobile defense or anything. T4D tends to drop forma on AAB which is wave 5 10 15. Blind monkey with a pad could do it so they can to.

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Not everybody is sitting around with a bunch of void keys and the patience/time to run them a lot, guys.  A guaranteed set of this stuff in an alert is probably very welcome for console players, who are, in general, a newer group.



The consoles didn't start when PC started, the player base in general is 'younger' and less developed.  The devs mentioned having to account for that once or twice.


The number of groups able to do T4D to 40 waves on the consoles is likely just a fraction of the PC player base capable of doing that.


In addition, most are on console controls, etc.

Oh please, here we go again.

Well then, im pretty sure even for majority of us "peasants" would call those rewards, well not good. Sure new players like those, as they would on every platform.


As for "THEY CANT HANDLE T4D 40waves, etc" I have ran multiple T4 def, survivals and with lot of different ppl, with variety MR5-17 and i assure you getting far wasnt problem at all, the will go as far was. There is difference between capable to doing something than wanting to do it.


Way i see these rewards, good for new players, sure pc new recruits would want them too, but for those who have chosen stay around long, yeah not so great. Aside catalyst, of course.

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1. from what I hear most people are lacking cores. (still have near 1,000,000 credits). and credits are easy to obtain: farm blueprints to sell, run some capture for rewards (bought tons T4 cap from syndicate), farm them on some maps or buy a booster. Cores are the tings we need for rank 10 mods!


2. ... I was not serious about this. They really throw forma's at your head when doing void.


3. Things like the right rare stances, usefull aura mods and some other rare (corrupted) mods sometimes take ages to obtain. Sure I could do T3 in a team but you don't wanna feel the weakest link because you don't have that QT on your trinity for example. Soloing T3/4 was just scuicide...

also in high planets many nodes are empty (almost all spy nodes for example) there was not a real other option then trying to solo them.

(now I have many mods and I do T4 solo.)

well when I personally grind cores its with a clan group and in a few t4s(5-6 we normally sit down one day a week and do this some times more often) I'll get around 100 r5s and the credits normally go hand in hand with grinding the cores but ill always end up needing more credits because ill buy energy restores and other stuff of the sort and I guess I can say ive been lucky with stances but normally if you have a friend or clan they have extra auras to give out to mewr players
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I never used that phrase or anything close to it.


That's not what I said either.


There's definitely people on the PC version that can't handle 40-wave T4D, if that helps.

No you didnt, but you sure did implied to. I never said there isnt ppl who cant handle 40 T4D on consoles....  However, this is end of discussion about it.

Edited by (PS4)SofeSNBR
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No you didnt, but you sure did implied to. I never said there isnt ppl who cant handle 40 T4D on consoles....  However, this is end of discussion about it.


What he implied was that there weren't as many high-level PS4 players as there were high-level PC players who can handle T4D, He didn't even say "majority", just that there are more PC players who have been playing longer so there are more high-level PC players than there are high-level PS4 players. That's all he's saying. He's not implying that all or even most PC players can handle T4D and that all or most PS4 players can't, just that, in his opinion, there are simply more veteran PC players than there are veteran PS4 players, so that there's a justification for these alerts being marketed towards new-medium level players.

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I have a use for those Forma's although I could understand your pain. The reason I have a use for the Formas is I stopped doing Void missions a long time ago unless I have absolute necessity of doing them because I did not come to Warframe to play " The virtual waiting/recruiting simulator " that these things are. It is just heck of a boring wait and as embarrassed as I am to admit is that I suck in solo mode but excel at co-operative mode. Wish I could just get matched up like I normally could...

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I always love these threads.


"Oh no, these free things aren't good enough! Give me better free things! DE is so out of touch!"


Get over it. No, seriously. Get over it. Not everyone is a high-MR vet who only needs three specific items.

Edited by vaugahn
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I always love these threads.


"Oh no, these free things aren't good enough! Give me better free things! DE is so out of touch!"


Get over it. No, seriously. Get over it. Not everyone is a high-MR vet who only needs three specific items.


Honestly, people need to stop talking about themselves. If it's such an issue, then don't even bother with it.

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New players certainly benefit from a forma, considering dojos, and weapons they may want to craft that require one. I was looking for forma at MR2, not even able to properly get past Jupiter yet.

Credit reward is meh, but compared to anything else, that's the most amount of credits new players will see in a match.

Forum users will hardly benefit, but sure will a majority of the new players.

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IMO high value would be


1. Orokin reactor (with the kind of recent additions of kubrows and archwing Im struggling to get enough reactors for every frame plus 4 kubrow breeds, and 3 archwing types)

2. Orokin catalyst (I get it, you guys think theyre more valuable because you like to get a larger variety of weapons while Im the kind of player that can contend with a few different weapon types)

3. A legendary fusion core (yeah lets get those new prime mods leveled up)


I would also include wraith/vandal or similar weapons


What is not high value IMO includes


Credit amounts under 100,000


Prime parts

Corrupted mods

Nightmare mods

In general any rare mod


Those are still good regular alert rewards but I do not consider them high value

Edited by kuri99
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