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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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So i know you guys are thinking about raids but i want to know will you guys consider multiple main paths with branching paths that force the group to split into smaller groups to progess forward? if so will/can some of these be steath focused and others run and gun? i feel that both of these plays styles should be in all raids to come that way one play style does not be come favored and another punished. i would also like to ask if these raids get implemented that they will be substantial in the amout of time it takes to complete one ie no less then 30 minutes with multiple bosses and sub bosses and some parquar (spl ck) elemints would be nice esp for the stealth legs of the raids.



(to you english nazi's out there i DONT CARE so dont bother that is all)


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oh one last thing will you guys lower syndicate incounters, or at least make a that syndicate weapon parts/bps drop when u kill them (that way we can get weapons from syndicates that hate us) its fine if the drop is super rare but it gives them a purpose rather then just being a dev troll cuz thats what they r now. and the sencond part will u increase stalker/g3 incounters cuz u guys nerfed that WAY too much. it doesnt need to go back to what it was but you should not have to wait WEEKS for one to show up... yes i said weeks thats a little bull... dnt u think?

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Hi there! Big time fan, long time host of the game. There was discussion about hosting dojos on dedicated servers. Is that still under plan? Among that, is there anything else coming to dojos? 

also can we be able to have more then 4 people in our dojos that way we have our own private hubs? oh speaking of hubs the trader i feel needs to be tweeked i think he should be on a 6 day intervle but not for all the hubs at the same time. ie lets say he starts at mars he wont be back at mars for 6 days but he will be at jupiter the next day and each day he moves to a diff hub so when u guys have them finished it will give more reason to continue through the solar system to get to the "higher tier hubs" (when that is implemented) for better stuff

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What are your ideas about making non endless missions as rewarding as the endless ones? Is there the possibility of becoming endless missions, with each objective (ex: capture 2 targets, hack 3 terminals, rescue a hostage) counting as a "wave"? This way, upon selecting extraction, mission could be updated with the extraction point location, as always worked.

Edited by Hoezell
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1. What are your plans regarding the massive, almost over the top difference in difficulty/enemy accuracy between host and clients? As it is now, being host means that all enemies will hit you with merciless pin-point accuracy, while clients get a cake walk in comparison. Most likely due to latency.


Link to a current topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/381733-hosting-causes-drastic-increase-of-enemy-accuracy-please-read-de/


2. There are a number of cosmetic issues that have come up that have not been fixed for quite some time. How do cosmetic fixes fit into your busy schedule? I'm almost getting the feeling that the art team doesn't have time to fix certain things.


A few examples:

White outlines on many, if not all, Immortal skins (issue for 6 months). We recieved a message recently saying this is on the Dev's plate, but it is long over due IMO.


Broken left arm when weilding Opticor - bent in a really awkward angle.


Pyra Prime syandana - many buyers are still miffed about this one and would like to see a major rework.


Harkonar syandana - the bulb at the end has been bugged for ages and is pointing to the side instead of straight down.


A few messy brush strokes on Nova Prime's skin that just makes it feel rushed (no offence, but it is quite a buzz kill when sharp seams are the first things you see due to colors not matching up).


Desert Camo currently broken on some weapons.


Commander teleport "surprised reaction animation" - Warframe's waists extend and become distorted. Also an issue since... forever.


These may not be game breaking issues, but they can annoy players non the less and reflect on the quality of the game as a whole.



Edited by Larsurus
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1. What are your plans regarding the massive, almost over the top difference in difficulty/enemy accuracy between host and clients? As it is now, being host means that all enemies will hit you with merciless pin-point accuracy, while clients get a cake walk in comparison. Most likely due to latency.

Link to a current topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/381733-hosting-causes-drastic-increase-of-enemy-accuracy-please-read-de/


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1. Could it be considered that you add more cephalons to work with the Tenno on their Liset (or/and in the field)?


We only have Orids who has limited quotes and became kinda... boring.


If we can configure his behavior on ship, that would be amazing. Or, augmented him to become combat cephalon (remind you of your shield/hp or one-time map scan) 



I just wish they would introduce different ship cephalons that could be bought in the market. I would fork out good plat for a different one with a different personality.



Those two combined, please. It would be an awesome addition to Warframe *-*



Yeah, I would also find some spare platinum to pay for this ;3


The idea emerged from this topic:






2. Could you also consider adding a cosmetic cat to the Liset as of:



I know, sounds silly, but I love this idea so much, I'd love to hear from you guys, what you think about it :)

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Question 1:


What is the next step in taking Warframe to character definition? The Syndicates provided the first step, and of course need expanding upon, but in mean time and astraddle I assume we will get a new instrument of defining our character. Which is it which is it?


Question 2: 


When will tennable (get it? Tennooo-able) players be awarded their rightful spot in survival runs? Meaning that they shall no be impeded by the awry spawn system which seems to have it hard at keeping up with the pace of the carnage.


Question 3: 


Immersion! Are you looking forward to implementing little meaningful interactions and character control in the game? Like cryo-stasis in the liset, or maybe a personal training room, sitting (meditation style), more liset customizations and maybe even interactable ones? You get the idea.

Edited by Tellakey
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Can you show us any plans you have of doing more with the Syndicates, whether simply adding more Syndicate content, or possibly expanding Syndicates into something more? And, in general, are there any plans to expand Syndicates?

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Accumulation of "Cheap Deaths" especially around lategame content


As of late, we've seen a lot of enemies introduced or changed in ways that effectively have the potential to cheese the player by either dealing kinda unpreventable damage to them (Infested Explosive Runners), or enemies with massive potential to simply one-shot Players even when defensive mods are equipped (Corrupted Bombards, Corrupted Nullifiers).


Are there any plans to lower the amount of enemies with one-shotting potential? It's kinda frustrating to be instantly killed from behind. And no, just because the blast proc sent me to the floor and i TECHNICALLY died to the second rocket, it's not less of a oneshot. Because let's be honest, if i need to specifically cater to a single enemy (Corrupted Bombards) by equipping anti-knockdown mods or bringing an Oberon just to make sure that i dont get knocked down in case the first rocket doesn't kill me outright, it doesn't make it less of a pain in the rear end.


For godlike beings, Tenno have certainly taken quite the beating in the field as of late and i'd like to know if there are any plans to make deaths feel less frustrating again. I don't mind getting gunned down if i find myself without cover against multiple enemies, but getting oneshotted is not a fun experience, especially not in a PvE scenario. I chose Warframe over CoD for a reason afterall >:)


G3 Spawning Mechanics, Spawn Rates (Attractors? ^^)


I have recently maxxed out my mastery rank at 18 and obtained any still available weapons and warframes in the game, except for the Brakk. The Gustrak Three however are very unwilling to provide me with the Brakk Receiver and especially with opportunities to even fight them. most of the time i find myself in hunting squads running around for literally hours, being only able to attract syndicate death squads. Are there any plans to increase their spawnrate or give players tools / missions to go to where they have a higher ratio of spawning?


Also, since they can now spawn in Defense and Interception Missions again, why does losing the original objective still fail the mission? Afterall, panicked Lotus DOES tell us to "scrap the mission", so it's kinda enraging to lose the only receiver they ever dropped because being busy fighting them ment the failure to simultaneously defend Interception Towers. And they've also repeatedly shown up to just blast the crap out of the cryopod i was defending, immediatly cancelling the fight.


If the original mission is scrapped, then killing them should indeed become the sole objective and everything else a Bonus, not an additional handicap. Little more frustrating than them showing up on Earth and the third guy (after two are dead) LITERALLY one-hitting the cryopod, cancelling the mission. Having them show up in a dramatic fashion, crushing the Cryopod and Tenno i was trying to protect? Hell yes, that'd get my blood boiling, it would be atmosspheric as hell, you could even have them throw out a special taunt when they do it ("Oh, was that yours Tenno? SOOORRY"). Cancelation is just anti-climatic


I stumbled across some ominous post about "Assassin Attractors" posted by dataminers on the wiki. I know it's unlikely you'll be able to comment on it, but IF such a thing were to be implemented, how would they function? Are they in a stage of development where statements about them can be made?

Edited by Jukantos
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