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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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1. When/if are we getting a Ash Prime?

2. Are there going to be any new mods for the Kubrows?

3. Are we getting any new warframes, and if so what will they be like? Are there going to be infected versions of the warframes that are currently avaible?

4. Are you going to add more of a Story to the game?

5. What kind of new weapons are you going to add to the game?

6. Why is there a puncture mod for melee weapons when there isn't a melee weapon that does puncture damage?

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Will the Riot MOA shown in one of last year's streams make an appearance soon? Would it start appearing in a quest? It's made me thought of that for some time after first seeing it if it was it only made just for fun or does it have upcoming plans in the future?


I'm really shy about things like this, sorry.

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False choices. Fleeting Expertise, Heavy Caliber, Split Chamber. Why shouldn't I use these mods? Marathon, Diamond Skin, Warm Coat. Why should I use these mods?



What made you decide on the Ember changes listed in the Ember: Surviving Canadian Winters thread? 


Would be interesting to see the reasoning for this, and thus get a more solid answer on how you all see Ember as. 


Also, in general: Knowing how Scott the Devs involved think something should be

(i.e. is Rhino "intended" as a tank? Support? You can argue for either, though I feel his main purpose post mlvl ~25 is supposed to be support)

would help a lot in setting the bar for player expectations.


How far is a well-modded (I'd say 'and well geared', but with weapons being tiered both through base stats and Damage 2.0 requirements, there's only a certain amount of choices with both reasonable TTK and sustainable ammo efficiency before a multi Formatato treatment) squad intended to be able to go in a T4 endless mission (actually, I'll narrow that down, since Tower Defense has the lasers) Survival or Interception?

For that matter, is the greater threat in Survival intended to be enemies or life support?

(Though this is obvious with the recent-ish changes that have been made (THANK YOU for that, btw) to spawns and Life Support drops, but you get the idea.)



* Is Natural Talent supposed to drop from every reward pool in Interception? Including 'assured T4 key' Medium & Hard Rot C? Edit: Just went back and checked the Prime Drop Location list. No mention of assured T4 keys. No mention of T4 keys at all, actually.


* Is there the intention of adding more tiers to the Towers? (FWIW I truly hope the answer is 'not under the current paradigm'.)


* Intention of giving the important resources some distinct visual?


* Intention of easing finding drops in Archwing?


Speaking of 'coordinating expectations', what are 'your' intentions for Warframe regarding

Where it will fall on the 'importance of  player skill vs. gear stats' scale.

Where it will fall on the 'open vs. "this tall to ride" gated content' scale.

Where it will fall on the 'RNG-gate to becoming "this tall"'. (Also, why the ^!($ are even damaged mods drops instead of being scripted rewards?! (unless this's been changed since I last ran through the NPE).)

Where it will fall on the 'player choice matters vs. 'build it like this or you better have someone to carry you''...

Regarding Endless modes, what content should be easy to complete, what should be challenging, what should be hard, and what should be impossible, and then balance player power accordingly. (I remember struggling at ~17 minutes (i.e. before Rot C) in T3S. Now I can do 50+ minutes in T4S (i.e. 2.5 Rot C rewards) with no problems, barring the odd screwup. Is that really supposed to be how it works?)

Edited by Chroia
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We have lockers for the color blind. Yay!! How bout doors too?

My friend (from my other colorblind posts last year) came back to see how that changed his gameplay experience, and I watched as he ran into locked door after locked door waiting for them to open. Is there any chance we can get a model and/or lighting change for doors too? That way our color blind players can differentiate between doors they can go through and doors they cannot.

*Edited for punctuation.

Edited by Keyse
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Question #1: When will the Frost rework happen? I'm sure you've heard him called a one trick pony for a number of months. Do you have any ideas to balance him out as defensive frame?


Question #2: When will we have more planets to explore? One of my favorite things to do in this game was to complete the star map. Are there any plans for the future to include more difficult levels to beat? This would help dilute the drop tables, as you could have the higher tiered gear drop from some insanely difficult bosses. (I was thinking when you get the 8 man teams finally going)


Question #3: I disliked the ability augment idea. I'm sorry. I've always felt like Mastery Rank should be the deciding factor for whether or not you could upgrade your powers. Will you be doing anything to tie MR to our Warframes abilities in the future? If not why?


Question #4: Play style Customization? Right now, it feels like every person I play with, more or less, is running the same gear...I feel like the mod slot issue needs to be addressed and looked at in more detail. More slots for more customization. More mods for different play styles. Give us the tools to get creative and we will!


Thank you!

Edited by dibpwnt
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Map/ Minimap info.


The minimap sytem is limited given that we're moving on a 3D enviroment and the minimap just gives 2D information. This is most noticeable when playing Archwing missions.


instead of talking of XYZ axis lets talk direction relatively to players point of view:


[F/B]]forward / backwards

[L/R]left / right

[u/D]up / down


On regular Map/Minimap we only have "accurate" [F/B] and [L/R] data. The arrows over mobs don't show relative distance towards player.

Sometimes your objective can be just in front of you (1m on [F/B] axis) but a few dozens or hundres of meters above you. Causing that some confusion and lots of frustrations. (A certain map in Eris comes to my mind...u_U¡)


What I suggest is adding a single vertical line that adds info on the [u/D] axis giving the same kind of relative data distance to player.



Edited by kirune
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Looting as a whole has been fundamentally the same for quite some time, are there any plans to improve and change looting soon? This is especially important because warframe has been said to be a "loot driven" game, there has to be more to the loot system than "equip carrier"


i.e, perhaps one player picking up a drop registers the item foe he whole team, or perhaps the dependence on carrier to loot is remedied


Yes please, we need that loot system ^^

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Syndicate Death Squads

Other than replacing the eximus brigades, what other plans do you have for syndicate death squads? Such as possible rewards and drops?

An idea:

Obtaining enemy sigils;

I always wanted to try to collect every sigil available in the game (no luck with Stalker/G3/Zanuka sadly). So what if each member in the death squad can drop fragments/tokens that can be traded in, maybe a black market trader on relays, for enemy sigils. These sigils may appear "broken" and serve as trophies (could give bonus exp on scale for the enemy syndicate for that sigil).

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Question : Can you guys comment on the enemy accuracy disparity between Hosts / Clients. Mainly that while solo or hosting, enemies are much more accurate and able to track wild movements - jumps, rolls, strafing, etc where if you are the client these maneuvers offer significant damage mitigation.


If this is not a known issue (I've seen it mentioned in various threads before) let me know and I'll toss together a video to show off what I(we) are talking about. :)

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Will we get more lore concerning the prime warframes next update?


What's the next frame :D?



Will we ever get an intro cinematic?(login screen cinematic?)


Status on the mios sword?


How's the juggernaut coming?


Any plans on releasing another fan designed warframe ? Like zephyr?( and no not typhus , there are other concepts that don't have art but have great ideas)





Will event weapons be tradeable someday?


Any plans on opening "the vault" anytime soon? 

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Looking Forward to the Devstream. :D


My Questions:



1) do you plan on making more elemental based sword/shield weapons like the silva and aegis?


2) will we see different types of corpus based melee weapons and pistols? (corpus longsword and a corpus semi auto pistol for example)


3) Do you ever plan on having the warframe agile and noble animations work on equipped melee weapons?


4) do you plan on adding any whole new types of cosmetics and accessories for warframes that haven't been in the game before? 


5) In regards to the Kestrel: do you plan on altering it's animations to suit the actual grip of a boomerang? (holding it by one of it's fins rather than the center of the kestrel)

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What about rotation C??


Why not make it: 


Rotation A: 5 mins, 25 mins... 

Rotation B: 10 mins, 30 mins...

Rotation C: 15 mins, 35 mins... 

Rotation D: 20 mins, 40 mins... 


Please add a new rotation. that way you can spread the reward table and reduce the chance of getting the same item within every 20 min. That way players still spend the same amount of time grinding for things but have a higher chance of getting what they want. The tables wont be clustered with rewards if more rotations are introduced.


pls DE... 

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Q-The Relay which is comming to ps4,will it be allowed to players who have mastery rank like more than 10/12 or it will be open to all?

Q-As you know console have very few players compared to pc so is it possible that the relays are same for all the region??? I mean whether you are from Europe or asia whatever,you will meet with each other on relay which should be one server per relay.

Q-Also when the carrier(vacuum) will be fixed?i cant activate life support or revive teammates when the objects keep hovering on my vacuum.

Q-Is it possible to have dedicated servers for missions?because the game doesnt run smoothly on console either because of lag or not good optimization.

Q-So the next warframew will be defensive or offensive?

Q-Why there is no pvp like 12v12 or well 6v6 with maps like it should like other games?If u can do pvp in Dark sector then why not like in a normal way?You can create weapons which will only work on pvp not pve or like different warframes only for pvp??

Q-Why do vaults dont drop NARROW minded and BLIND rage anymore?


Edited by (PS4)crackychainsaw
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Here a my questions:



Some of the Syandanas look's broken. For example Hakonars lower end, the wings of the Iliac Syandana and can we talk about position problems with the Pyra Prime Syandana on nearly all Warframes?



The Sugatras on many weapons are way to small. Best example. Look on the image for the Loki Prime Prime Access and then on the current Sugatra size on Bo Prime. How about a size slider or bring back the old sizes?



How about more stuff for Kubrows? Like an armor and commands for the Kubrow. Maybe a evolution system for Kubrows with some optical gimmicks.



I would like to see the Liset on some missions. I know: "I'm a stealth ship, not a combat pot." but hey some nice supply drops or something like this would be awesome. Maybe we can get other ships in the future?


Thx DE! Keep up the great work.

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I'm puzzled about the lore on Ordis ( and yes, it me seem boring)

here me out at my one thread: Ordis and ships.


I have a theory that there's more liset types then a stealth ship then Ordis


so the question is, is there going to be different types of list's in the near future or is it on the back burner to think about?


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Hello, i am first time here and first time asking a question.
I am a russian from Ireland =) my question is @ is there will be some weapons like dragon nikana? maybe a big dual handed nikana ? or some upgrades for it? or a mod like syndicate one for it? something ? at least a skin pack for that weapon ? (sorry, i am a big katana fan)


Oh.. and another one... Any chances get Excalibur Prime ? 

And there is a lag with Rhino warframe, the dragon nikana goes inside his body when its equiped.






Thank You for a great game, and so much pleasure playing it.

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Here a my questions:



Some of the Syandanas look's broken. For example Hakonars lower end, the wings of the Iliac Syandana and can we talk about position problems with the Pyra Prime Syandana on nearly all Warframes?



The Sugatras on many weapons are way to small. Best example. Look on the image for the Loki Prime Prime Access and then on the current Sugatra size on Bo Prime. How about a size slider or bring back the old sizes?



How about more stuff for Kubrows? Like an armor and commands for the Kubrow. Maybe a evolution system for Kubrows with some optical gimmicks.



I would like to see the Liset on some missions. I know: "I'm a stealth ship, not a combat pot." but hey some nice supply drops or something like this would be awesome. Maybe we can get other ships in the future?


Thx DE! Keep up the great work.

Idea about Kubrow is great man, the armor on kubrow.... mmmm will be super awesome and will give a kubrows a new breath !!!

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