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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Just popping in to say we should see how he plays out before crying out. DE can always release skins and whatnot. Personally I think he looks awesome, likea shaman wearing a pelt. A Dragon pelt.

What in the seven hells makes you people think "dragon pelt" when you look at Chroma. State why please because I really don't see it.

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I did a 360, i used to hate the guy for being a "dragon". After thorough examination of the model though while trying to find dragon references and hints i realised that i was looking at Chroma wrong.


Now that i see him in a different way i am 100% fine with the design.


He is a dragon knight wearing dragon skin over his shiny full plate armor. Even the head, his helmet is like Tengu zephyr, but covered with dragon's head on top of it.


Yet you supporters of that theory forget one simple thing. The pelt still looks like infested flesh, not a dragon pelt.

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there is just one thing i cant figure out about chroma


we know now officially chroma is a dude


yet (something which im not allowed to mention) makes mention of a "her" in relation to chroma somehow


for all we know,there in lies hints to the next frame after chroma


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Yet you supporters of that theory forget one simple thing. The pelt still looks like infested flesh, not a dragon pelt.


Maybe that is because this is Warframe and not Skyrim? Dragons do not exist in the Warframe universe and if they did, DE could decide that they look like Lephantis without the infested grineer and corpus head on it.

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What in the seven hells makes you people think "dragon pelt" when you look at Chroma. State why please because I really don't see it.

Why the seven hells? I suggest you read Kiteohatto's post and carefully go over the design while comparing it to shamans wearing beast pelts. 


You'll see.

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Maybe that is because this is Warframe and not Skyrim? Dragons do not exist in the Warframe universe and if they did, DE could decide that they look like Lephantis without the infested grineer and corpus head on it.

But see here. This is a frame the community has wanted for quite some time. They should have known exactly what we wanted. Instead they decided to make whatever the hell chroma is supposed to be. It is quite simple. Dragons have a scaled look. Chroma does not. Dragons from all cultures I know of do not have a beaver tail. Dragons from almost all cultures inspire some form of awe or intimidation. Chroma does not. 


I know this is DE's game, but even so we are the people that play this game. We have a say in this game too and we should use that to make this a better game. Not just aesthetically, but mechanically as well. 

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Why the seven hells? I suggest you read Kiteohatto's post and carefully go over the design while comparing it to shamans wearing beast pelts. 


You'll see.


"When carefully go over the design" That's the point ;] It doesn't strike me as dragon theme. And If I carefully go Over Excalibur design I can see a Pelican in there on alt helmet :P Ppl tend to see what they want.

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Yet you supporters of that theory forget one simple thing. The pelt still looks like infested flesh, not a dragon pelt.

I did try to find scales on multiple images with some photoshop exposure tweaks and whatnot, but there are just some parts that we can't see.

Yes, normally dragons would have scales but that's assuming dragons are normal/healthy dragons in warframe universe. Maybe what we have here is an infested dragon-like creature(just from the shape of it when it was alive) that breathes fire.


Judging by the size of the dragon head(over the helmet) the dragon wasn't an epic large beast, it was as big as a lion probably.


The leathery appearance of the pelt could just mean that the dragon wasn't 100% covered in scales and there "might" still be scales on parts that were cut off or parts that we can't see.


TBH, i think this dragon is closer to a basilisk(which is closer to eastern dragons than western).


 The fire-breathing creature was most likely a lot like this. DO take note that this frame comes with a water tileset and lack of scales eliminate water resistance(thats why eels and the like are so slimy and smooth).


Edited by kiteohatto
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I did try to find scales on multiple images with some photoshop exposure tweaks and whatnot, but there are just some parts that we can't see.

Yes, normally dragons would have scales but that's assuming dragons are normal/healthy dragons in warframe universe. Maybe what we have here is an infested dragon-like creature(just from the shape of it when it was alive) that breathes fire.


Judging by the size of the dragon head(over the helmet) the dragon wasn't an epic large beast, it was as big as a lion probably.


The leathery appearance of the pelt could just mean that the dragon wasn't 100% covered in scales and there "might" still be scales on parts that were cut off or parts that we can't see.

 The fire-breathing creature was most likely a lot like this.



It looks more like Wolf pelt that's covering him than that of a Dragon. We can asume all we want. on what is available to us to see, there is no sign of him having any scales.

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I did try to find scales on multiple images with some photoshop exposure tweaks and whatnot, but there are just some parts that we can't see.

Yes, normally dragons would have scales but that's assuming dragons are normal/healthy dragons in warframe universe. Maybe what we have here is an infested dragon-like creature(just from the shape of it when it was alive) that breathes fire.


Judging by the size of the dragon head(over the helmet) the dragon wasn't an epic large beast, it was as big as a lion probably.


The leathery appearance of the pelt could just mean that the dragon wasn't 100% covered in scales and there "might" still be scales on parts that were cut off or parts that we can't see.

 The fire-breathing creature was most likely a lot like this. DO take note that this frame comes with a water tileset and lack of scales eliminate water resistance(thats why eels and the like are so slimy and smooth).


That dragon still had scales that you could plainly see. Note that this is not a water themed warframe. This is a dragon themed warframe. If it's design gives off the impression of anything else then it is not what many people wanted or were led to believe.  I don't care what kind of tileset they are making. If it is an underwater tileset we already have a hydroid, we don't need another water themed frame. Note that all of the other frames have not been based off of a certain tileset. That should give you another clue.

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That dragon still had scales that you could plainly see. Note that this is not a water themed warframe. This is a dragon themed warframe. If it's design gives off the impression of anything else then it is not what many people wanted or were led to believe.  I don't care what kind of tileset they are making. If it is an underwater tileset we already have a hydroid, we don't need another water themed frame. Note that all of the other frames have not been based off of a certain tileset. That should give you another clue.

Oberon is pretty woodsy and he was released with the earth tiles.

Also worth mentioning that since the tail is part of the pelt, the flatness can be explained by the flaying of the skin.

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That dragon still had scales that you could plainly see. Note that this is not a water themed warframe. This is a dragon themed warframe. If it's design gives off the impression of anything else then it is not what many people wanted or were led to believe.  I don't care what kind of tileset they are making. If it is an underwater tileset we already have a hydroid, we don't need another water themed frame. Note that all of the other frames have not been based off of a certain tileset. That should give you another clue.

If we are going this way then alright.


Land dragons(the ones you are talking about) almost always have scales, they were designed this way to protect them from projectiles such as arrows and "magic" and slashing attacks from swords or w/e. They are almost like land dinosaurs...that breathe fire, they have a lot in common with reptiles.


However, underwater creatures don't have these types of scales because of water resistance, it's better to be smooth and slimy for them.

A dragon is still a dragon in DE's eyes, so a sea dragon doesn't need scales, instead they have these long lines across their underbellies(i don't know the name of it) which do look like the "bbq ribs" that people see.


Sorry, but there are too many "coincidences" in this frame that makes it look like a knight with a pelt.


Edited by kiteohatto
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You mean the guy who always dies in Fate Zero and Fate Stay/Night?

Chroma's placeholder name was Lancer.


I did a 360, i used to hate the guy for being a "dragon". After thorough examination of the model while trying to find dragon references and hints i realised that i was looking at Chroma wrong.


Now that i see him in a different way i am 100% fine with the design.


He is a dragon knight wearing dragon skin over his shiny full plate armor. Even the head, his helmet is like Tengu zephyr, but covered with dragon's head on top of it.


something went wrong and theres all this green.

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Well i seriously don't like the look of Chroma -- but doesn't matter anyway he's worth playing/testing because of the skillset thats able to adapt the different elements so you can use him in many different ways.


Just hope that they make a really good looking alternative helmet to complete the badass Dragon Theme everyone has expectet.

Edited by Nakimato
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If we are going this way then alright.


Land dragons(the ones you are talking about) almost always have scales, they were designed this way to protect them from projectiles such as arrows and "magic" and slashing attacks from swords or w/e. They are almost like land dinosaurs...that breathe fire, they have a lot in common with reptiles.


However, underwater creatures don't have these types of scales because of water resistance, it's better to be smooth and slimy for them.

A dragon is still a dragon in DE's eyes, so a sea dragon doesn't need scales, instead they have these long lines across their underbellies(i don't know the name of it) which do look like the "bbq ribs" that people see.


Sorry, but there are too many "coincidences" in this frame that makes it look like a knight with a pelt.



Yes but that pelt still looks like something off an infested rather than a dragon.

Guess what, that dragon pic you posted? It has scales.

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I'll reiterate what I said a few days ago, with some more elaborated opinions.

I think DE made at least one mistake here: hyping this frame as a "dragon frame" instead of as a "dragon-inspired frame" (and there is a difference; "dragon" would purely fit only the dragon archetype that the community largely expected, while "dragon-inspired" would point to just that: a frame which was inspired by the dragon archetype but with a more freeform design).

As I mentioned in my earlier post (page 108 I believe), Chroma's initial unveiling as a "dragon frame" is unlike that of virtually any other frame before it -- instead of being themed around a flexible, abstract concept (like electricity, fire, water, ice, etc) whose initial design slate could have been open to much interpretation, Chroma was based around one specific type of mythological creature, which (relative to the abstract concepts mentioned) is NOT open to a wealth of interpretation since it has a "defined" physical form. Yes, there are many "types" of dragons from different cultures (and that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of dragon-related inspiration if you count cultural influences) but no matter how you slice it, since dragons have a physical form that is so rooted into popular culture, there will always be large chunks of the community expecting something at least mildly "dragon-like" in a specifically "dragon" frame if it is advertised to them in that way.

The only other frame I can think of that even comes close to this dilemma is Oberon, who was originally let out as a "paladin/druid-inspired frame". Even then, note that DE specifically said that he was inspired by paladins and druids, not necessarily themed off of them to the letter. Unlike with Chroma (so far) DE mentioned on behalf of Oberon that they took inspiration for him from the archetypical paladin and druid and then gave it their own spin.

Logically, based on what DE has been doing with their new frame designs over the past year or so (taking some kind of motif or unifying idea ("gunslinger" "berserker", "water", "light" etc. and expanding on it with a physical warframe which can be looked at), it actually makes sense that DE would do this with Chroma, the purported "dragon frame"... just not in the way much of the community expected. What I'm trying to say is that, in keeping with all of my above thoughts about abstract versus concrete themes, Chroma was NOT a "pure dragon frame" in DE's eyes. Instead, he was inspired by dragons and/or dragon-related concepts, and DE gave the theme their own spin. They treated his theme just like any other before it -- as an abstract one. We just didn't get the message this time, and many of us treated it literally.

The point of all this talk? DE did NOT hype this frame correctly. As a result, if I was to ask DE to do anything right now (instead of outright asking them to redesign/tweak Chroma), it would be to speak more about their inspiration for Chroma (instead of just saying "dragon") and to apologize for misleading us about Chroma's design itself in the above way. This would calm down all the rabble and encourage constructive feedback on the looks of Chroma as they relate to DE's NEW talk about his actual design inspiration, which would contain FAR more information to think about (and argue for hours about) than simply the word "dragon".

TL;DR: I think DE hyped Chroma wrong, giving us zero information about his inspiration other than the word "dragon". This thread is a complete mess right now, and a good fix for that would be to have DE apologize for misleading our weary souls and have them give some insight about Chroma's design so we can more easily talk about it constructively and civilly.

Thanks for your time; I hope DE at least skims over this.

EDIT: Formatting.

Edited by Endoxo_Kynigos
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Gotta say I'm loving how that dragon looks :D

on a side not and less random:I remember someone finding a water serpent/dragon looking thing in Orokin derelict( at least I think it looked like it) hidden in a window to a big aquarium but can't find a pic for the life of me @_@.Could be its pelt ahaha? (I hope not I kinda dislike the pelt idea)

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I'll reiterate what I said a few days ago, with some more elaborated opinions.

I think DE made at least one mistake here: hyping this frame as a "dragon frame" instead of as a "dragon-inspired frame" (and there is a difference; "dragon" would purely fit only the dragon archetype that the community largely expected, while "dragon-inspired" would point to just that: a frame which was inspired by the dragon archetype but with a more freeform design).

As I mentioned in my earlier post (page 108 I believe), Chroma's initial unveiling as a "dragon frame" is unlike that of virtually any other frame before it -- instead of being themed around a flexible, abstract concept (like electricity, fire, water, ice, etc) whose initial design slate could have been open to much interpretation, Chroma was based around one specific type of mythological creature, which (relative to the abstract concepts mentioned) is NOT open to a wealth of interpretation since it has a "defined" physical form. Yes, there are many "types" of dragons from different cultures (and that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of dragon-related inspiration if you count cultural influences) but no matter how you slice it, since dragons have a physical form that is so rooted into popular culture, there will always be large chunks of the community expecting something at least mildly "dragon-like" in a specifically "dragon" frame if it is advertised to them in that way.

The only other frame I can think of that even comes close to this dilemma is Oberon, who was originally let out as a "paladin/druid-inspired frame". Even then, note that DE specifically said that he was inspired by paladins and druids, not necessarily themed off of them to the letter. Unlike with Chroma (so far) DE mentioned on behalf of Oberon that they took inspiration for him from the archetypical paladin and druid and then gave it their own spin.

Logically, based on what DE has been doing with their new frame designs over the past year or so (taking some kind of motif or unifying idea ("gunslinger" "berserker", "water", "light" etc. and expanding on it with a physical warframe which can be looked at), it actually makes sense that DE would do this with Chroma, the purported "dragon frame"... just not in the way much of the community expected. What I'm trying to say is that, in keeping with all of my above thoughts about abstract versus concrete themes, Chroma was NOT a "pure dragon frame" in DE's eyes. Instead, he was inspired by dragons and/or dragon-related concepts, and DE gave the theme their own spin. They treated his theme just like any other before it -- as an abstract one. We just didn't get the message this time, and many of us treated it literally.

The point of all this talk? DE did NOT hype this frame correctly. As a result, if I was to ask DE to do anything right now (instead of outright asking them to redesign/tweak Chroma), it would be to speak more about their inspiration for Chroma (instead of just saying "dragon") and to apologize for misleading us about Chroma's design itself in the above way. This would calm down all the rabble and encourage constructive feedback on the looks of Chroma as they relate to DE's NEW talk about his actual design inspiration, which would contain FAR more information to think about (and argue for hours about) than simply the word "dragon".

TL;DR: I think DE hyped Chroma wrong, giving us zero information about his inspiration other than the word "dragon". This thread is a complete mess right now, and a good fix for that would be to have DE apologize for misleading our weary souls and have them give some insight about Chroma's design so we can more easily talk about it constructively and civilly.

Thanks for your time; I hope DE at least skims over this.

EDIT: Formatting.


Well said.

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The complaints about his lack of scales are absolutely hilarious. Not all dragons have scales and Chroma will have scales in some form.


dataminers proved this

PM me a link to your proof. I am suspicious of that method of acquiring information and I will not treat it as fact unless I can see it's validity. 


No, not all dragons have scales. Just like not all lizards have scales. Still, most people don't think "scaleless" when they think of a dragon. Just like we don't think of a dragon as chroma's theme, we think of the infested.

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PM me a link to your proof. I am suspicious of that method of acquiring information and I will not treat it as fact unless I can see it's validity. 


No, not all dragons have scales. Just like not all lizards have scales. Still, most people don't think "scaleless" when they think of a dragon. Just like we don't think of a dragon as chroma's theme, we think of the infested.

Here's a question.  How many lizards have we seen in Warframe?  Or for that matter, how many scaled things have we seen in warframe?  While Infested flesh is ugly [apparently warframe is a fashion show, fashion frame! :D] is it that improper a replacement when considering the warframe universe?

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