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Toxins That Last 24-25 Seconds


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Has anyone seen this? The opponent lands one hit and runs away. During that time you get a Toxin DOT that lasts for 24-25 seconds - which WILL kill you (at least me, I have 70% fiber plus 990 hp). I haven't watched exactly how much it tics away at your hp when it hits, but I can say it's very strong. It completely ignores your shield obviously, but that's not the best part. Besides the 24-25 second effect it gives you, it also carries over when you die. IE. you get hit at 300hp. When you die, because it tics quick and strong, you will respawn with the Toxin DOT effect, and die again (most likely).


Please let me know what your thoughts are, or if you've seen this as well. 

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Toxin DoT, which deals 50% of your weapon or power's base damage per tick (9 ticks in 8 seconds)

Continuous Misery 100% status duration for rifles.


So you got smacked with a high power, high status gun. You might be exaggerating the time but 16 sec is still a really long time.


Definitely a bad bug if it carries though death.

Edited by Firetempest
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whole slot for one weapon. Is that ideal? For everyone that pvps in case they encounter this weapon? or should you lower the weapon so people don't have to dedicate a whole slot for 1/154 weapons?

Once people realize how this weapon works, they're going to equip it. Like me

Edited by SlickGhost
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Acrid with Toxic Sequence and Continuous Misery is the longest status duration in the game; I think it comes as close to 30 seconds of toxin proc. Acrid should be rebalanced for PvP, and the proc definitely shouldn't carry over after death. PvP is sadly all about who can shoot first and copter away :/

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Again, why should I have to use a warframe for every pvp conflict just to beat 1 weapon?


Well because this PVP game is class-based and you're supposed to use one class to counter another? 


Like in every class-based PVP game. 

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Well because this PVP game is class-based and you're supposed to use one class to counter another? 


Like in every class-based PVP game. 

Except that isn't what is happening. You are not using a frame to counter another. You are using a frame to counter a completely unfair toxic proc made by a weapon. 

So if everyone carried the weapon, everyone should use the same 'class', which is the opposite of what you are saying.


Every classed based PvP game gives you the ability to somehow in someway fight an adversary with any weapon and any class, with moderate to minor disadvantages between them. Not a 'do this or go home' which can be found when an attacking side has a Limbo and you don't. You can't fight the Limbo as he walks about destroying all your generators and activating all consoles.

Again, it is an example of the same class needing to fight the same class. If you are not that god-tiered class, you are a lesser class who will, more or less, lose nearly every time you encounter them.


An Excalibur who knows what he is doing vs a Limbo who knows what he is doing, unless you perform cheap one-shots from over-modded weaponry, Limbo wins, nearly every time. 


That is not what I call balanced play with class advantages and disadvantages.

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Except that isn't what is happening. You are not using a frame to counter another. You are using a frame to counter a completely unfair toxic proc made by a weapon. 

So if everyone carried the weapon, everyone should use the same 'class', which is the opposite of what you are saying.


Don't know how that's different from, say, Battlefield. If player A uses a helicopter, then player B has no choice but to use an anti-air weapon. If everyone uses helicopters, everyone would use those same anti-air weapons. 


As for OP frames with no counter, well I hate them as much as anyone else. But at least Acrid has one or two counter so I'm kinda OK with it. 

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Don't know how that's different from, say, Battlefield. If player A uses a helicopter, then player B has no choice but to use an anti-air weapon. If everyone uses helicopters, everyone would use those same anti-air weapons.

As for OP frames with no counter, well I hate them as much as anyone else. But at least Acrid has one or two counter so I'm kinda OK with it.

However, in Battlefield, you have the ability to destroy a helicopter with every class, and be able to switch classes and weaponry on the fly. Almost any other vehicle is capable in doing this.

This can't be done in Warframe PvP.

It's not a situation of team oriented play like Battlefield. It's unbalanced on many points, that is unarguable. Imbalance is fine, it's actually quite good, but only if you can balance the imbalance. Tanks are powerful, but relatively slow, imprecise, and at a danger close up.

Jeeps are mobile, but weak.

That's the type of trend that needs follow. You should always be able to counter something somehow. In this game, if you are stuck in an imbalance, there is no way to counter. That is what makes the imbalance bad, not being imbalanced in the first place.

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You could invest a slot for Rapid Resilience. -75% status durations on yourself.

Yes, it's pretty usefull against all types of proc builds (boar prime, marelok, acrid ... what ever :D ) and is able to safe you from random ice procs. That 1 slot is totally worth :) .

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I swear I've seen more ppl running around with Acrid after this thread was posted. Maybe 3 out of 5 DS players who are not completely new to the game are using an Acrid. 


I'm completely traumatized by the constant wet farting sound the Acrid makes. The horror!

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Ah I remember this.


I think it's a bug that it's still in effect after you die though.


Also, I think that's why we have Tidal Immunity Impunity or whatever that ability's called.


Warframe gave you stuff.

Use it.


Also, ~vulkar~

Edited by jjpdn
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Also, I think that's why we have Tidal Immunity or whatever that ability's called.


Warframe gave you stuff.

Use it.


You mean Hydroid's puddle? But you can't shoot while you're a puddle. 


Also I mainly use Saryn and Latron P so if I keep my distance I'm usually not killed by Acrid. It's still annoying seeing everyone using Acrid though. 


Like before they nerfed (thank god!) Ash's BS, everyone and his mom were spamming Ash's BS. 

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