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So What Do You Tell People Who Didnt Get Excal Proto Skin 3Rd Year?


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So those of us who were here the whole year, but didn't have enough plat at


According to the Wiki it was Thursday March 27th to Wednesday April 2nd.

PS4 was a little different because i joined on April 11th, but still got the Dex Furis


Scratch that, my PS Plus Starter Pack was bought on March 30th meaning that was my actual FIRST day. April 11th was my first post on the Forums

Edited by (PS4)kiddplay13
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But in the end, Excalibur is a weapon, while proto-armor is cosmetic. Giving one set of players a weapon that others cannot access is not making gameplay fair.


Why are you trying to derail this thread and either get it locked or "cleaned"?


If you want to talk about Excal Prime that much, make a new thread about it.


Anyway, I would be fine with Proto skin coming back, it was advertised as "limited time" not "exclusive" and even if it wasn't its an anniversary item like the day of the dead skins, they came back along with a new pack of skins, same should be done with the proto skin. Not sure about the Dex Furis, I guess you could make the weapons a sort of one a year thing as in, first anniversary your here for, you get Dex Furis, next one, you get another Dex item, then another the next year and so on.

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But in the end, Excalibur is a weapon, while proto-armor is cosmetic. Giving one set of players a weapon that others cannot access is not making gameplay fair.

That point is moot as to the fact that Excalibur Prime has nothing over the original Excalibur. Henceforth, he may as well be a cosmetic. He has the same damage, same abilities, same stats (health armor shields energy etc...) The only true difference is the fact that he has a different skin. 

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That point is moot as to the fact that Excalibur Prime has nothing over the original Excalibur. Henceforth, he may as well be a cosmetic. He has the same damage, same abilities, same stats (health armor shields energy etc...) The only true difference is the fact that he has a different skin. 

So then, why should they re-release Proto Excal when they are not re-releasing Excalibur Prime? If both of them are truly just skins, then Proto should remain unique as well.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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So then, why should they re-release Proto Excal when they are not re-releasing Excalibur Prime? If both of them are truly just skins, then Proto should remain unique as well.

Because of legal issues and how it was presented. 

Excalibur Prime was presented, so I heard, as Exclusive to those who had obtained a Hunter or Greater Founder's pack. If they were to release Excalibur Prime again, they'd have voided what was advertised and would be sued. Which would kill DE. 

Excalibur Proto armor, however, was presented as a limited-time offer, and it wasn't said to be exclusive to anyone, it was just a buyable cosmetic. 


Infact, it even says it on the wiki, and it links you to the page that says... 

The Founders Program for Warframe is ending November 1st, including the ability to upgrade your Founders level.

This is your last chance to get your hands on the Exclusive Founders Only Prime gear -- Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime and Lato Prime -- Plus, show off your support with an in-game Founders Badge. And, don't forget the great discount on Platinum!

None of these in-game items will be available again. So don't miss out, add them to your collection today!


As unfair as it is, and all of Warframe, Heaven, Hell and Earth may know what I want Excalibur Prime, He will most likely never be available again. Unless, you know... All the Founders suddenly become cool with that and like protest or something... 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Because of legal issues and how it was presented. 

Excalibur Prime was presented, so I heard, as Exclusive to those who had obtained a Hunter or Greater Founder's pack. If they were to release Excalibur Prime again, they'd have voided what was advertised and would be sued. Which would kill DE. 

Excalibur Proto armor, however, was presented as a limited-time offer, and it wasn't said to be exclusive to anyone, it was just a buyable cosmetic. 


Infact, it even says it on the wiki, and it links you to the page that says... 

The Founders Program for Warframe is ending November 1st, including the ability to upgrade your Founders level.

This is your last chance to get your hands on the Exclusive Founders Only Prime gear -- Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime and Lato Prime -- Plus, show off your support with an in-game Founders Badge. And, don't forget the great discount on Platinum!

None of these in-game items will be available again. So don't miss out, add them to your collection today!


As unfair as it is, and all of Warframe, Heaven, Hell and Earth may know what I want Excalibur Prime, He will most likely never be available again. Unless, you know... All the Founders suddenly become cool with that and like protest or something... 



you can blame me directly if you like, for my answer for all time is NO

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I used to feel this way about the proto-armor and bought it, only to find out you can't use Arcane Pendragon Helmet along with that awesome skin.

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Exclusives suck. Let everything be available. I don't need to feel like some special snowflake.

I do somehow agree with you; as an Excalibur Prime user and lover I have to admit I'd like it to be available to everyone.


Regarding the Proto Armor, I don't see why we couldn't have that AND something new, making everyone happy. Third year? Well same, old and new together!


It's a game, what's the point of exclusives, really?? 

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I do somehow agree with you; as an Excalibur Prime user and lover I have to admit I'd like it to be available to everyone.


Regarding the Proto Armor, I don't see why we couldn't have that AND something new, making everyone happy. Third year? Well same, old and new together!


It's a game, what's the point of exclusives, really?? 

The only exclusive anniversary item should be the anniversary weapon (you know - because it's free), really. No point in making cosmetics exclusive, since you can get money out of them. Also if they re-release proto-Excal skin, I hope they release it with the possibility to put other helmets on it

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Exclusives suck. Let everything be available. I don't need to feel like some special snowflake.


Exactly. I don't get why some people don't want other people to have what they have. I've bought plenty of limited time things, and I think it would be great if they were always available. If people like it, they'll buy it. Saying an item will be exclusive doesn't make me want it.


I'm fine with the proto-armor being a reoccurring thing, as long as it doesn't get in the way of new stuff being released. Even the dex furis, release it to the public, I don't care, it was free anyway.

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Exactly. I don't get why some people don't want other people to have what they have. I've bought plenty of limited time things, and I think it would be great if they were always available. If people like it, they'll buy it. Saying an item will be exclusive doesn't make me want it.


I'm fine with the proto-armor being a reoccurring thing, as long as it doesn't get in the way of new stuff being released. Even the dex furis, release it to the public, I don't care, it was free anyway.

^ This. If I have it, why should I want other players not to? Really, I don't get it, especially in a PvE game...

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