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What Are The Orokin And The Sentients?


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We know from Ember's codex they made the tenno and we know the orokin made the tenno... 


And nothing about the description of the emperors implies they weren't human. I don't see why we need to come up with a new species that has never been talked about.


No, we don't know that from the Ember codex. That's one of many possible assumptions.


The interviewer in the Ember codex could easily be non-Orokin member of an Orokin-controlled military or secret-service-alike who was simply following orders. Also we still don't know for sure that the Zariman children ended up as Tenno, they could have been rendered down into DNA and used to seed Warframes after the Rhino Prime codex entry for all we know. All we do know is that Warframe powers have some origin with those children.


I'm not arguing that the Emperors weren't human (personally I think they were) I'm simply stating that we don't know if everyone in the Orokin Empire was considered "Orokin" or whether only a limited, ruling few were. And that limited few may have been radically different to humanity at large in the Empire.


Think on this:


If all the humans during the Orokin Era were "Orokin" and the Tenno eliminated "The Orokin" who are the predecessors of the Grineer, Corpus and Colonists?


Also, if the Grineer, Corpus and Colonists were direct decedents of humans who were considered Orokin, why don't these groups claim actual lineage, given how much the Corpus love Orokin Tech why wouldn't they be spouting lines like "We are the only true Inheritors of the Orokin Empire"


To me this strongly suggests that:

a) The Orokin were distinct from the rest of the (Human Vassals of the) Empire (Literally Oro=Gold Kin=People) and were the leaders

b) The Orokin controlled the secrets of their technology, hence it was lost when they died.

c) The Tenno only wiped out the leaders/Orokin and the remaining humans were simply the vassals of a now non-existent Empire, hence the Empire fell.


Now, I'm not going to claim this is anything other than a supposition but my point is that there is no requirement of anyone in the codex so far to be actually Orokin, they could simply be "Non-Orokin members of the Orokin Empire". And while I'm sure that the actual Orokin _were_ of human stock, I think by the Orokin Era they were something much stranger.

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All good points.

If DE wants to they can tie the Emprerors to the survivors from Dark Sector (the game).


As I understand it Earth bas basically lost to the Infestation. Humanity fled, but took the secrets of the Technocyte with them. Who is to say they did not use it to mutate themselves like with Hayden Tenno, but in a controlled way of couse, no madness or mass mutations.


But golden like the Corrupted in the Towers who no doubt uses nano-bots to modify them.


It´s would not be the first Mount Olympus and not the first time a small group of humans descide they have the right to rule everyone else.

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No, we don't know that from the Ember codex. That's one of many possible assumptions.


The interviewer in the Ember codex could easily be non-Orokin member of an Orokin-controlled military or secret-service-alike who was simply following orders. Also we still don't know for sure that the Zariman children ended up as Tenno, they could have been rendered down into DNA and used to seed Warframes after the Rhino Prime codex entry for all we know. All we do know is that Warframe powers have some origin with those children.


I'm not arguing that the Emperors weren't human (personally I think they were) I'm simply stating that we don't know if everyone in the Orokin Empire was considered "Orokin" or whether only a limited, ruling few were. And that limited few may have been radically different to humanity at large in the Empire.


Think on this:


If all the humans during the Orokin Era were "Orokin" and the Tenno eliminated "The Orokin" who are the predecessors of the Grineer, Corpus and Colonists?


Also, if the Grineer, Corpus and Colonists were direct decedents of humans who were considered Orokin, why don't these groups claim actual lineage, given how much the Corpus love Orokin Tech why wouldn't they be spouting lines like "We are the only true Inheritors of the Orokin Empire"


To me this strongly suggests that:

a) The Orokin were distinct from the rest of the (Human Vassals of the) Empire (Literally Oro=Gold Kin=People) and were the leaders

b) The Orokin controlled the secrets of their technology, hence it was lost when they died.

c) The Tenno only wiped out the leaders/Orokin and the remaining humans were simply the vassals of a now non-existent Empire, hence the Empire fell.


Now, I'm not going to claim this is anything other than a supposition but my point is that there is no requirement of anyone in the codex so far to be actually Orokin, they could simply be "Non-Orokin members of the Orokin Empire". And while I'm sure that the actual Orokin _were_ of human stock, I think by the Orokin Era they were something much stranger.


So far we know of 3 different sentient species. Humanoids (grineer, corpus, the people in lore, and who the tenno used to be), infested, and sentients.


It makes more sense that the orokin were humanoids than that they were an entirely separate species. There is no evidence that the Orokin was anything BUT humanoid and that Orokin isn't just the name of their faction like corpus or grineer. Eliminating the Orokin doesn't mean the Tenno killed every single person, just as how if the Tenno eliminated the grineer they wouldn't kill every humanoid or even that they would kill everyone who is part of the grineer faction, just the leadership. 


I feel like we could thing of the Orokins as romans, their empire fell and Rome was destroyed, but that doesn't mean all Roman citizens were killed or that they didn't form a new government later.


Sure they COULD be non-humanoid but there is not evidence of such a thing existing. I'm just saying there is no evidence that the Orokins were a different species.

Edited by immolator1001
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 My opinion?


 Orokin = Absolute pinnacle of Humanity as a species. Able to expand rapidly across the stars and even, eventually, invent Void travel technology.


 Sentients = A form of life the Orokin never learned the true name of, hence just calling them 'Sentients' - almost like it was surprising enough they could be life in the first place. Sentients were, apparently, nearly completely immune to everything the Orokin had to throw at it. The war was going very poorly until the Orokin invented the process that created the Tenno. Something about the Tenno renders them immune to whatever the Sentients could do to wreck the Orokin. It is safe to assume that the Sentients are a form of life that the Orokin only met because they started using Void travel. It is possible that the Sentients come from the Void or somewhere beyond the Void. The Tenno are made from the Void. This is probably going to be significant.

Sums it up pretty good. I was expecting 2 pages of idk and was going to add this. Thank you.

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Orokin: Most likely humans, since Tenno where created by Orokin. (that is confirmed) Or they are humanlike or a evolved form of Humans.


The Orokin empire is probably similar to the Roman empire, a strong force that is the pinical of its technology, system is based on its empire, and was destroyed by pirates (random terrorist like attacks) (tenno)


Sentients: Some type of alien species that can easily copy technology, copy battle strategies, and adapt. I would think they would be Buglike since on planet earth bugs are the most adaptable creatures (adapt quickly)


Tenno: Corrupted Orokin which have the power of over a thousand Sentients/Orokin able to commit genocide on both of the most powerful beings in our universes. 


Summed up as monsters that lives inside a Orokin suite of armor. (Monster doesn't mean a ugly hunk of flesh, humans can be seen as monster (Hitler, Kim john Un, Nepolien, etc.) So when i say monster i mean it as a cold hearted merciless being that has no feelings for others)

Edited by Feallike
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I believe the Orokin to have been winged spiderfolk because of the awkward places they put their treasure/storage rooms.

And, just think of how much a pain in the rear it would be to have to jump down a pit of lasers, fly up into the air and avoid more lasers, slide over some freezing ice panels and dodge under a descending door just to get a box of crackers? Surely it would be for humanoids, but not for winged spiders.

They all had jet boots. What the Corpus will end up reverse engineering and using to rollerblade around with.

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I certainly believe that Orokin is not a reference to the biology of the emperors, but instead a reference to the Empire and the way in which it is portrayed, specifically its architecture, apparel, etc - arrayed with gold, therefore Orokin - People of Gold or Gold People. I do believe that they were human, as is everyone we see, specifically because of the way in which they are personified in the Codex, the fact that the Tenno-as-Warrior mythology refers to the Tenno being descended from an ancient warrior culture during the Orokin era on Earth. So, I believe that the Orokin started out from Earth and expanded outward. I believe that the Sentients are aliens from outside the Origin System.

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I certainly believe that Orokin is not a reference to the biology of the emperors, but instead a reference to the Empire and the way in which it is portrayed, specifically its architecture, apparel, etc - arrayed with gold, therefore Orokin - People of Gold or Gold People. I do believe that they were human, as is everyone we see, specifically because of the way in which they are personified in the Codex, the fact that the Tenno-as-Warrior mythology refers to the Tenno being descended from an ancient warrior culture during the Orokin era on Earth. So, I believe that the Orokin started out from Earth and expanded outward. I believe that the Sentients are aliens from outside the Origin System.


Here's why we know their humans.



Greneer and Corpus decended from them.



Tenno decended from them.



all 3 of these have human biology. So GG anyone who doesn't agree. Sorry but your chances of being right is a 1% chance. If their not human they are very very humanlike.

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Whats all this about the Orokin Emperors being non-human or non-humanoid?

That is not the case here. But the Tenno is clearly not human anymore, and the Emperors may very well have been genetically and cybernetically improved.

No, I think they ruled much like the Pharao, The Ceasar, The Emperor of China; borderline gods.

Why would killing them result in the fall of the entire Empire? Unless they were so diffent, so central for the function of the society, that removing them meant a total crash.

Sure the guardians probably fought for the Empire, but no one was able to assume command as far as we know.

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I think the Orokin are just humans most likely with who knows what done to there DNA over time to make them better. 


The Sentients on the other hand i am fairly sure do NOT come form the void as the Orokin made the Void towers to hide form them so it makes sense there unable for what ever reason to enter the void. The reason could be there just inable to get there or maybe its deadly to them and that would make sense as to why only the Tenno was able to fight them.


The Sentient could be any thing all we know about them is the giant eye like heat weapon and worm ships apart form that could be any thing.

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So far we know of 3 different sentient species. Humanoids (grineer, corpus, the people in lore, and who the tenno used to be), infested, and sentients.


It makes more sense that the orokin were humanoids than that they were an entirely separate species.


Sure they COULD be non-humanoid but there is not evidence of such a thing existing. I'm just saying there is no evidence that the Orokins were a different species.


I'm not saying a different species, nor non-humanoid. I'd saying "distinct" from the rank and file of humanity. Because IMHO everything we have suggests that and we have _nothing_ suggesting that anyone we have knowledge of is "Orokin"


Lets look at what we know:


Orokin are "Cold and gold"

Forma is golden

Forma is a "shape altering" substance that can interface with seemingly everything.

DE have talked about the "living metal" of the dark sector era technocyte virus and what would be the "societal implications" of a shape changing, energy channeling metal like that being turned into a technology (Livestream 10)

The Orokin Empire is the main unexplained "sociatial implication" that is the focus of everything that comes after.

The Orokin created the Infestation however the technocyte virus existed long before that. (pre-codex entry on the Infestation)


IMHO the Orokin were ancient humans who augmented themselves with prototype forma to survive and are literally golden beings. Who ruled due to technological superiority that they withheld from their vassals (hence the tech dark-age after the fall) and near-immortality.


IMHO they were the remains of the Agency futurist Enclave that Mezner was a rogue member of.


Hence the mad and anachronistic designs of the Warframes, half remembered aspects of a culture forgotten by everyone other than a few, cold and gold rulers.


Hence why the infestation couldn't consume technology/metal, because the Orokin engineered it out them, to keep them somewhat controllable. It took Alad V messing with them to restore that ability.

Edited by SilentMobius
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 Screw that. I'm kinda sick of evil AI in games. I'd prefer an Alien species if I had to pick my poison.


If my "they are called Sentients because they are the only Sentient alien life humanity encountered" theory is right, they may be. I hope so too, personally. Making them machines would be... kinda boring.

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My baseless assumptions:


The Orokin are what humanity ultimately turns into. Or more specifically, they are the ruling class of what humanity eventually turns into. The Sentients are a bunch of their AI creations that have gone rogue. I mean, it's in the name: "sentient" means capable of feeling and responding to stimuli. You wouldn't call them Sentient as a proper noun to delineate them unless there was something similar to them which was not.

This is the opinion that I've been theorizing off of for quite some time now too, it would make the most sense. Sort of, Matrix story line thing's going on. Human's (Orokin) coming to their pinnacle, creating AI's to assist in the continuation of their race and survival, eventually the AI leading to as you said becoming rogue, realizing there's no point in keeping such insignificant and non efficient life forms around. Which then breaks out into a War. Bringing in the Old War, etc.

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well considering it said in the codex that the Sentients use the orokins technology agents them. Kinda tells me that they need to be able to hack into the tech. Make more sense for them if they are able to hack and take over a ship or robots, or what ever lol. so the most sense if they are AI that take over tech.


Anyone seen Star Gate SG1? if not then google stars gate SG1 replicators.


just what I think.

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well considering it said in the codex that the Sentients use the orokins technology agents them. Kinda tells me that they need to be able to hack into the tech. Make more sense for them if they are able to hack and take over a ship or robots, or what ever lol. so the most sense if they are AI that take over tech.


Anyone seen Star Gate SG1? if not then google stars gate SG1 replicators.


just what I think.


Maybe. I know they swarm. So they might be like the Replicators. Remember those small Ori bugs? What if they're mechanical versions of those?

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well considering it said in the codex that the Sentients use the orokins technology agents them. Kinda tells me that they need to be able to hack into the tech. Make more sense for them if they are able to hack and take over a ship or robots, or what ever lol. so the most sense if they are AI that take over tech.


Anyone seen Star Gate SG1? if not then google stars gate SG1 replicators.


just what I think.

As we've seen from the infested and corpus proxies, you don't need to be able to "hack" to control it.

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The Orokin were but the ruling empire of their era. Think the Grineer, but not clones, more advanced, and not as driven towards war. They ruled over the planets, whose people could not be called Orokin. Under the fear of extinction by the Sentients, the Orokin experimented with the void to invoke the creation of the Tenno, and used the Technocyte to craft armor for them, using the rest of the Technocyte as a bio-weapon we know now as the Infestation. They were ended by the Tenno upon their return from battling the Sentients, either a result of how poorly they were treated by the Orokin or to enact their philosophy of balance.


The Sentients are either machine or alien, though my preference is toward the latter. Having the capability to convert the very technology the Orokin used to equip their armies, enforce their state, and give comfort to their regulated citizens, the Sentients used the Orokin's own tools to slaughter them. They descended upon us in swarms and vast worm-ships. It was until the Tenno were created during the war that we were finally able to take the fight to them. Their conclusion is unknown, but we can assume the Tenno dealt a devastating blow against them, enough to end that war, or at least so we thought.


At least, these are my interpretations of these two enigmatic factions. I did draw the way I interpret the design of the Sentients, though:


Edited by Krion112
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The Orokin were but the ruling empire of their era. Think the Grineer, but not clones, more advanced, and not as driven towards war. They ruled over the planets, whose people could not be called Orokin. Under the fear of extinction by the Sentients, the Orokin experimented with the void to invoke the creation of the Tenno, and used the Technocyte to craft armor for them, using the rest of the Technocyte as a bio-weapon we know now as the Infestation. They were ended by the Tenno upon their return from battling the Sentients, either a result of how poorly they were treated by the Orokin or to enact their philosophy of balance.


The Sentients are either machine or alien, though my preference is toward the latter. Capable of convert the very technology the Orokin used to equip their armies, enforce their state, and give comfort their regulated citizens, the Sentients used the Orokin's own tools to slaughter them. They descended upon us in swarms and vast worm-ships. It was until the Tenno were created during the war that we were finally able to take the fight to them. Their conclusion is unknown, but we can assume the Tenno dealt a devastating blow against them, enough to end that war, or at least so we thought.


At least, these are my interpretations of these two enigmatic factions. I did draw the way I interpret the design of the Sentients, though:



I would imagine that everyone could be called Orokin, as much as citizens living in the Roman Empire could be called Romans. At the same time, often in foreign policy, when the US says "The Russians did this" or the Russians say "The Americans did that", we know that they are referring to the Russian and American leaders, yet that doesn't mean that their citizens aren't Russians or Americans. In the same way, I think that we absolutely can say that the citizens, the people in the Orokin empire can be called Orokin, while at the same time, when the Lotus refers to the Orokin, she's talking about the leadership.


Rhino Prime's Codex entry reveals that the Tenno were infected with Technocyte well before the creation of the Warframes, during the Void era where the Infested were also created. The Infested were abandoned, because it got out of hand - the Orokin couldn't control it, so they abandoned the project. During the Orokin-Sentient war, the Orokin took the kids from the Zariman out of storage, built Warframes around them, gave them gun and blade, created a warrior-culture for them, turning them into new warriors - Tenno, after Hayden Tenno's namesake (the Tenno symbol actually says "Hayden Tenno". This can even been seen over doors in the Void). The Tenno defeated the Sentients (and they retreated, obviously, waiting to return), and then they turned on the Orokin emperors.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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The Ori as a concept actually feel damn close to the Orokin.


It's the "Or" part of their name, isn't it? Sigh. I miss Stargate... Not looking forward to Roland Emmerich's dumb reboot.

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