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Who Is Your Least Used Frame?


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I still have around 10 that I haven't even built yet. Out of the ones I've built, Mag Prime, built her, 30'd and haven't touched her since... Yesterday, when she finished building. But I don't plan on using her again, only keeping her so when I finally get that Frost Prime bp, I can say "I have all the Primes."

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Frames I've never used: Excalibur prime and Hydriod ( because I don't own either them.

For those I barely use: ash and banshee. I know a lot of people really like ash but his ultimate is just too intrusive and nauseating at times.

Banshee... I guess its just not my style.

Limbo is probably the next 3rd least used, though probably because he's intrusive to other people sometimes and I basically play him solo.

After that, probably mag. Though she is my go to girl against normal salad v.

Edited by 321agemo
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Trinity, save for an EV here and there her kit isn't even worth worth using up until enemies start OHKO'ing people, and by then they die before I even get a chance to cast blessing.


I know she's not actually useless, and wonky enemy scaling is more to blame for her issue than anything, but she's just not the frame for me.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Ironically, Excalibur Prime. I haven't even bothered leveling him to 30.


I use Vanilla Excal all the time though, I like his aesthetics more.

Well you could always give him to me. ^^ Who cares if it's impossible, we can make it work in my dreams!


Oh and, the frame I dislike the most is Valkyr, and the funny thing is, I have no idea why! Oh and Hydroid is awesome just for teh luls! Try playing a public session with him while playing Captain Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island...

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As soon as i get my mirage to lvl30 from that forma , ( regreting it atm) ill probably wont use her again. Dont get me wrong , shes a good frame but her images sh1tsss me . Some people say its translucent , yes it is but no its not fully translucent to see through her and the object behind it . Also the sigils not translucent . Its just getting way too annoying.

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