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Worst Warframe Ability


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So in honor of the "Year of quality" what ability would you call the most useless and in need of a re-work/replacement in all of warframe and why? (Ability, not warframe)


I personally think the ability in most need of a replacement is Excalibur's super jump.


After actively playing this game for almost 2 years and owning every single warframe and forma-ing each one at least once, I can honestly say that super jump is the worst ability for reasons both practical and theme based.


When playing as Excalibur I've never once thought, "I'm gonna press 3". I'm in a tight spot and need to run away? Radial blind or Javelin work much better, i would even use slash dash to run away before i tried to super jump away from anything. The tiles in this game aren't exactly made to jump really high and have a reason to do so. I can wall run up any wall I want even if I wanted to ascend vertically.


Super jump doesn't exactly fit Excalibur's theme either. You gain invisibility, but blind does effectively the same thing for much longer, while simultaneously granting a melee bonus without restricting mobility. This combined with the aesthetics of his 1 and 4 along with his name more or less suggests to me that while DE would call him a jack-of-all-trades frame, he is instead a more melee oriented frame (at-least in theme). I don't see how jumping high fits his theme. We have a frame for that now, the Zephyr, who does it much better seeing as it comes with a mid-air mobility use and another ability that works with it, her dive-bomb.


I personally thing that a self-buffing ability would work well with him, It wouldn't have to be something broken for new players but it could be something as simple as a 40s buff that gives melee damage +50% base crit. It would stack nicely with blind and fit with his theme without breaking the game at lower levels when starting players don't have the ability to abuse it *coughIronSkinCough*, and since it is confined to melee, it wouldn't terribly break the end-game but still be useful in it (berserk builds would be really cool). That's what I would give him, but I understand that I'm not DE and there could be better ideas for him.


Honorable mentions: Psychic Bolts (at least it fits her theme), Tentacle Swarm (at least it fits his theme), and Contagion (at least it fits her theme).


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I think that valkyr's paralysis is pretty useless. She has very low base shields anyways and though the power does cost only 5 power and it staggers/knocks down enemies, it leaves her more vulnerable to ranged enemies. Button 3 while using valkyr is pretty much like signing your own death warrant, except while you're in hysteria but that doesn't count because every ability that any frames have can become op when you're invincible.

Ripline: low damage, not really effective when dealing with enemies...but no one uses ripline to kill so this one is fine.


Edit: agreed with op there, contagion and psychic bolts are pretty useless. 

Edited by Kungpaobeef
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I think that valkyr's paralysis is pretty useless. She has very low base shields anyways and though the power does cost only 5 power and it staggers/knocks down enemies, it leaves her more vulnerable to ranged enemies. Button 3 while using valkyr is pretty much like signing your own death warrant, except while you're in hysteria but that doesn't count because every ability that any frames have can become op when you're invincible.

Ripline: low damage, not really effective when dealing with enemies...but no one uses ripline to kill so this one is fine.

Paralysis isn't useless. Paralysis offers a short range stun and opens up enemies for finishers, not to mention Valkyr is extremely tanky and doesn't need those shields.

Edited by Rakshal
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I think that valkyr's paralysis is pretty useless. She has very low base shields anyways and though the power does cost only 5 power and it staggers/knocks down enemies, it leaves her more vulnerable to ranged enemies. Button 3 while using valkyr is pretty much like signing your own death warrant, except while you're in hysteria but that doesn't count because every ability that any frames have can become op when you're invincible.

Ripline: low damage, not really effective when dealing with enemies...but no one uses ripline to kill so this one is fine.



I actually use paralysis more the longer I go in survival. It's a great way to get finishers on heavies while in your ult.

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Super jump for sure. Fun and useful in situations but he needs a better ability and super jump doesn't really fit him. Also Mirage's Slight of hand. It is a pretty neat idea and ability but really situational and more for stealth which doesn't really exist in Wf quite yet.

Edited by nickelshark
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I actually use paralysis more the longer I go in survival. It's a great way to get finishers on heavies while in your ult.

I think I mentioned that paralysis was only useful for me when I'm using hysteria...


Paralysis isn't useless. Paralysis offers a short range stun and opens up enemies for finishers, not to mention she is extremely tanky and doesn't need those shields.

True, true, but I enjoy my shields....

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I don't yet have Excalibur (saving him for last since he's the poster boy :P) but having stared at wiki as much as I have his super jump has been something I thought needs to be completely replaced for some time now. The main problem really does lie in that a good 3/5 tiles minimum are barely above normal jump height tall, there is never any good situation to use Super Jump outside of combo-ing it with Slash Dash to get across an outside tile quickly. I personally think a self buff sounds nice but I'd also love to see a team buff kind of like roar. This would not only make him less of a loner (he is the poster boy after all) but also teach new players who choose him how to work with your team and just how powerful teamwork can make you from the very start.


I would personally love to see Mirage's Sleight of Hand and Eclipse get a rework/buff. They fits her theme very nicely and is are incredibly interesting concepts, but they have some issues. As it is now there is almost no justifiable reason to use Sleight of Hand. Any health/energy orbs it uses would serve you better if simply picked up, and especially late game ammo would be better loaded into your probably OP gun and being duplicated with HoM. Eclipse is nice for a damage buff but alternatively when you want to get the damage reduction buff it's incredibly difficult and impractical. Even when I stand in shadows most of the time the game doesn't consider that area "dark" so I still just have the "light" damage buff. When i first got Mirage I wanted to run a Sleight of Hand/Eclipse Assassin build, but due to the impracticality of Sleight of Hands and the issues with Eclipse it's just not plausible.


As well as those. I'd also love to see them desecrate Desecrate. I personally want to see the ability completely removed and changed into a passive whenever we eventually (and hopefully) get special passives on each frame that makes them unique. As he is now even with his shiny new buffs his only real use is in survival or resource grinds. I just feel that Bone Daddy deserves to have a USEFUL combat skill replace his current Desecrate that if you're not spamming all the time, you lose his main quality. It keeps you from helping your team through actual work and leaves you vulnerable doing something that you really shouldn't have to.

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What if they gave him a sizable buff while in the air and or shortly after he lands? Something like one or more of: damage/accuracy/fire-rate/reload-speed buff.  He'd be like, Space Ninja Max Payne.


Might make it more useable depending on how good a buff it is, but I still don't think it would fit his theme. And even then, you'd be using it for the buff, not the jump. The jump would just be an annoying tack on you have to endure to get a buff.

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"Cannot be used while in the air" <--- Super Jump would probably be more fun and useful if there weren't heavy restrictions on its use, regular movement skills outperform this ability in most cases. Remove the invisibility, allow the use of it while airborne and have it synergize with the inertia of regular movement. (When the ability is used in the air, you have to land before you can use it again)

Edited by KyrosQF
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Well of Life


It was bad before the rework of multiplying mob hp by 10, now it varies between trollish (because 10x boss hp) and situational when paired with a fast ticking EV (specific build which gimps Blessing and Link).  Plus Trinity can just push 4 to heal the entire group's health AND shields.  It's not like she's energy starved.

Edited by Falchoin
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Superjump - should be castable while airbourbe (infinite jumping) and it should scale with duration not Power strength. (Slash Dash mobility is Duration, Radial Blind utility is duration...Super Jump should be duration.)

Sleight of Hand : needs a rework. It sounded awesome but does not really come across as practical.

Rift Surge*: the extra damage should be removed from this ability and made a trait to the rift plane. Rift Surge: should Surge the dimensions allowing Limbo and or allies to attack enemies in the other realm. (Shorten base duration to match 15sec WarCry base at Rank 3)

Well of Life should be changed for Quality of Life on Trinity's abilities.

I think that Valkyr's paralysis is pretty useless. She has very low base shields anyways and though the power does cost only 5 power and it staggers/knocks down enemies, it leaves her more vulnerable to ranged enemies. Button 3 while using valkyr is pretty much like signing your own death warrant, except while you're in hysteria but that doesn't count because every ability that any frames have can become op when you're invincible.

Ripline: low damage, not really effective when dealing with enemies...but no one uses ripline to kill so this one is fine.

Edit: agreed with op there, contagion and psychic bolts are pretty useless.

This hurts as I almost exclusively use Valkyr for Run'n'gun based around Paralysis. Her low shields are sort-of compensated for by her high Armor and Paralysis has a decently high damage multiplier.
-Paralysis besides stun is very useful for Cameras, Grinder Magnetic door sensors, Sabotage Objective tubes- oddly Paralysis kills count as silent even though Valkyr audibly screams...
-I think it is her only ability that really fits the common Berserker mind set of trading survivability for damage. It is also balanced against spamming for damage as sequential casts lower shield value.
-The non-augment normal Paralysis is a great 400% melee bonus on fast weapon attacks that avoid the finisher prompt activation or Ranged melee weapon attacks like Glaive thrown weapons or Redeemer shots. (Prolonged Paralysis removes this 400% melee bonus...sad face BUT as the stun duration on Prolonged Paralysis scales off Power Strength instead of duration, and Paralysis has such a cheap energy cost, max Power Strength grants an AoE 20sec stun for 8 energy on most enemies.)

430 shields with Max Power strength yields 2137 AoE (4274 with body-part multiplier)*

On PS4, so unsure if Overshields damage with Paralysis calculation adds normal shields plus Overshields. (Would be the easiest to have coded if Shield Osprey and Sequence only add to normal shield strength and do not extend Overshields past 1200) Or if only Overshields are used for Paralysis calculation.

So if it allows 1200 to be added to her 430 shields (455 w/Sequence or 630 with Shield Osprey/Drone or 655 w/both) you can use 1630 shields for damage calculation to yield 8101 AoE damage or 16202 with body part multiplier.(1655 shields would give 8225 & 16450; 1830 shields would grant 9095 & 1820; max potential of 1855 shields would calculate to 9219 AoE damage and 18438 with Body-part multipliers.)**Hypothetical shield values as apparently no one on PC uses Paralysis for damage to see if Overshields apply to Paralysis damage calculation, so I'll test when PS4 receives update.**

Overshields being used for Paralysis are neat addition as you can choose when you want extra damage or just use Paralysis for the utility.

On the Subject of Valkyr: I would greatly appreciate Ripline's mobility pull being affected by duration mods.
-More duration means she stays on line longer able to pull herself all the way to the hooks location. Much like how Slash Dash, Turbulence, Tidal Surge, and Rhino Charge behave. (Maybe Parkour 2.0 would allow that to be used to Wall-Cling based on duration...)
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You guys are not thinking in terms of totally useless now. Excalibur's super jump can at least be amusing! Freeze can be useful in boss fights or against the heaviest enemies. Avalanche and Ice Wave have minimal CC and they do get enemies effectively killed in early stages; Definitely not end-tier level, but if all non-end-game abilities are "most useless", then over half of all abilities would be most useless.




+1 for Psychic Bolt. =D


You just never ever use it for any reason at all. It's not flashy, fun or amusing so there's no show-off potential. It doesn't really rid you of even low-level enemies with the too low amount of bolts and damage. It has absolutely no CC whatsoever, not even for half a second. It's a pure waste of Energy! Even an ability that just damaged you and your allies would be more useful, since Trinity could take advantage from it. But NO. Psychic Bolts is completely useless.

Edited by tzaeru
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