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Coming Soon: Devstream #46!


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A common critique about the Nekros "buff" has been that it did nothing to affect Desecrate spam. The metagame rewards of Desecrate create expectations that he will simply stand in the back of the group, churning out rare loot for his teammates, often not even getting a chance to fight. It has also created a misconception that Desecrate is an essential part of both item grinding and Survival. Do you plan to address this?

The targeting system for direct-aimed abilities like Soul Punch, Energy Vampire, Teleport, etc. is rather exacting – you often can’t cast even if the target is in your reticule and could be hit by pinpoint accurate weapons. It slows players down significantly to use these abilities, which can make them frustrating to deploy (and not worthwhile, as most are single-target). Will targeting for these types of abilities be revisited?

The sword and board is the least stamina-efficient melee for blocking, while daggers are more difficult to use in stealth (due to their short range and low finished multiplier) for less reward than hammers (which have the biggest stealth finisher multiplier). A number of exotic weapons like scythes or the tonfa are regarded as noncompetitive or middle of the pack, as they do not always excel in Channeling or Berserker builds. Do you have any plans to open up additional melee playstyles for these weapons to have their own gameplay identities beyond aesthetics?

Several Augments for damage-focused abilities like Psychic Bolts and Ice Wave have upset the playerbase; these abilities had no scaling features, and now there is a reputation barrier to add some to them. As a result, there is some consensus that Augments are becoming less about adding flair to abilities, and more about forcing players to grind for bandaid fixes to problematic skills. Do you see these complaints as justified?

And finally, with Update 16 fast approaching, can you confirm the upcoming frame’s theme?

Calling it now, Dragon.

Edited by Archwizard
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I have many questions, but I will narrow it down to the 2 that really need the most attention. 

Will there ever be a system in place for creating matches, based on warframes you want people to join with, mastery rank minimum, must have X amount of conclave, kubrow equipped players only, etc? The recruitment channel is a mess and it is sometimes very hard to find players of a high caliber. I think it would be great if you could select a mission, designate specific desires for the match, and then people can see that match and the stipulations you require. 

More importantly, though I do feel like the biggest issue with the game is the terrible matchmaking. I want to know, is there any future plan to balance out nullifiers? I find(and I know I am not alone in this) that they are far too overpowered, with their long range and bubble that does not seem to decrease based on damage. Potentially, give him a melee weapon instead and make him more of a support enemy for the other troops he is with? I had some great ideas one night about how you could solve two big problems, both with the issue of Nullifiers being too disruptive to the flow of the game(which it is), and also the lack of certain frames in end game content. Rarely do I see a Volt in T4 defense/survival, but I thought of a way to make it beneficial to refresh Warframes that are just not powerful or useful enough. How would I go about submitting my ideas? I would really rather not post it on the forums for it to go unnoticed and then a week later someone reposts the idea and takes the credit for it. 

Thanks and hope you are all staying warm over there. B.C., at least where I am right now, is warm and sunny. :P 

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What will be the element of the new frame.


as mentioned in the previous devstream

The element is based on the color set to the warframe 'energy' option

so it is not 1 element in particular.. but can be all (not at the same time of course)

Edited by BaIthazar
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Personally I love how blind justice changes not only the melee combos the Nikanna can do, but the quick melee it does when you have a weapon equiped. Is there a posibility of seeing this added to both new and existing stances?

Edited by Regulus1990
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Will there be a new Factions in the future? I mean except Grineer, Corpus, Infested or Orokin. Perhaps a new playable fraktion to the Tenno. They can also use the Warframes but have another moveset and ship as the Liset if they were playable. They can either be ally or enemy of the Tenno. If you want to know more sent me a personal message or an e-mail. 

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 - How do you plan to solve the forced funnel issue with T4 as the only place to make any headlong progression through the R5 core packs?


 - How do you plan to make Archwing more relevant to players? As of now, there's nothing significant resulting from Archwing missions that would transfer to normal Frame and weapon play. Addition of Fusion Core pack rewards scaling through the level ranges would be my suggestion. High level missions give more cores. COres fuel everything in this game because mods are everything. Cores are the easiest way to link relevance of multiple venues in Warframe. Even bumping the relevancy of Star Map missions in general.


 - How will our current P2P style affect the Raids? Or will Raids get their own server?


 - DE Steve talks a lot about the pressure to release new shinies and weapons to entertain the player base and because of that it puts holds on the addition of depth or substance content such as Lore, Quests, and other things that would add immersion more than "toys", and basically better Warframe as a game and project. Are there ways we the Playerbase/Community can help alleviate this and further the development of the Depth of Warframe?


 - PVP reworks are nice, but Conclave matches are still just a side thing like Archwing is at the moment. However, Dark Sector conflicts are now PvP with relevancy. How does DE see the current states of Dark Sector Conflicts, trends, and tactics? Are there any upcoming changes in the works?


 - How about Clans and Alliance systems? How is their state being viewed currently? Are their usage and social aspects topics of discussion? How about their influence on the current Dark Sector system?


 - Warframe seems to be slowly moving to a much more social focus with the relays and raid additions. Should players be expecting more of a social focus in Warframe leaning it more towards and MMORPG feeling?


 - Is DE Rebecca still reading my questions at this point or has she gotten bored by now?


 - The Trade chat has been spoken about on Dev Streams and is certainly a huge QoL topic. How is that coming along?


 - Has the new addition of Primed Mods highlighted the funneling issue of Fusion Core progression in Warframe?


 - Will the Raid have mechanics that will utilize and require fully stacked Loadouts of Primary, Secondary, and Melee weapons of decent progression? Will the current T4 trend of only needing 1 good weapon be enough for this raid?


 - How do you feel Team Restores sit at this point? Do you feel they are relevant enough? Will the Raid push usage of these gears?


 - Could I have some plat? I would love some plat.


 - Can we expected further depth and development of the Syndicates? Will our Syndicate choices begin to effect a wider range of things in the world? Will more benefits and consequences arise to make our gameplay more dynamic?


 - The Vazarin Polarity. How is that being viewed at this time? What are the chances of the Cold Mods being changed to Naramon to be inline with the rest of the elements just has the Dual Event mods are all Madurai.


 - Lore. Warframe is in a beautiful creative position with the number of plotline venues it can take hold of. Tenno, Corpus, Infested, Syndicates, Grineer, Void, Orokin, Sentients, Cephalons, Lotus. The list is extensive and getting longer by the month. How do you plan to tackle the huge universe you've created (from the sound of the dev streams quite possibly on accident)? Is there a Lore/Writing team dedicated to these depth/immersion enhancements? As Creative Director what does DE Steve have to say about this?



Did you get to the end of my questions? Surprise me please ;P 

Edited by (PS4)SilverKarasu
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question 1: can we get a node, that when started the mission will pick 2 bosses at random and place them in the room with the tenno, they could drop there normal loot or totally different things, like a ignis converted to a pistol or a few corrupted mods, this could add a nice challenge to the game and maybe help spread the load of the loot tables


question 2:  any chance we can get a new tank warframe? one that taunts enemies and such, as it is now we only have valk and rhino, and they are not that good with the tanking, having a purely tanking frame would be nice with the raids coming and increase the way we play as a team in a boss fight or just general slaughter.

Edited by Teophic
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There is nothing that concerns true tennos more than maintaining the BALANCE of the origin system aka the game, and their instruments should be no exception. Are there any plans for upcoming changes to the following weapons and frames?

1. Rakta ballistica, the odd, weak one out of the bunch of syndicate weapons.  Above all else, we should at least make this assassin's weapon of choice silent to enemies.

2. Old Prime items with obsolete stats, such as Burston Prime, Sicarus Prime and Reaper Prime. 


3.Recent Ember changes: what do you think of the player feedbacks and suggestions, such as removing the duration on  world on fire?

4. The sniper and shotgun balancing. What are the current plans to make them more appealing to players?

Edited by Seafood4U
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Dear Rebecca and other goofers,


My questions to thee are the following:



Will archwing get a unique type of mission or shall it remain 'broken' for the remainder of the year?


Cause ,flying in space is all fun and cool but after a few weeks it becomes 'repetetive'!!!!


So challenge us


Yours trully


A tenno supporter named GunGhosty

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will we ever see t4 defense being re-worked? any map/node/mission type that absolutely demands you bring a specific frame doesnt seem very balanced. as it is basically impossible to survive without a frost, or a seriously skilled limbo. seems we can do any combination of frames for every other mission/mode in the game, except t4 defense which is suicide without a frost. im not knocking frost, just saying t4 defense could easily be re-named "t4 snowglobe". im not asking for easier, just more balanced mechanics.

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Question 1. Can something be done about server hoping for rails to keep the attacking force from moving around servers to find one that has no or few defending players?

Question 2. Can a AI faction or factions launch rails and take dark sectors to keep clans or alliances and everyone on their toes?

Question 3. Why is there a wall attack on Archwing Melee weapons?

Question 4. is there any possibility of at sometime being able to change the polarity of mod cards or finding mod cards with different polarities?

Edited by (XB1)SliferTheSkyDgn
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Kubrow questions:

1: Will kubrow path-finding/Movement be fixed in the future? Wallrunning as shown in the early preview for kubrows

hasn't seem to have been implemented yet, When do you think this will be looked at further?




2: Any thoughts on ingame commands for kubrows? Commands like: Stay, Attack, Guard, Sneak, Go to waypoint, Retrieve

etc. Having commands would add more utility to kubrows and make them more manageable, It would also be nice to call

them back from fighting before getting themselves killed.




3: Are kubrows getting more customization options soon? Something to make them more unique to each player? Such as

scars, alert/mission unlockable colors/patterns, armor, or maybe even Syandanas for kubrows? It would be nice to

have more customization options available that aren't platinum-bought or RNG picked.




4: Will ever be able to interact with our kubrows outside of the liset? Maybe emotes that include your kubrow?

I think it would interesting to see what different emotes could be made with kubrows in mind.

( Something like a fetch emote would be awesome :D )




5: If the upkeep/cost of kubrows was ever changed what do you think would replace it?


Gameplay questions:

1: Any word on the status of parkour 2.0? any thoughts/concepts for parkour 2.0 from you guys?



2: Will parrying be improved? As of now it seems blocking only mitigates damage for a short time with no other 

uses and parrying enemy attacks only seems possible with the parry mod equipped, any thoughts on improving this 

system? While blocking/parrying isnt broken in my opinion I think it isn't very rewarding to block or parry other 

then looking cool or blocking damage to get behind cover. ( I've been playing too much Metal gear rising ).



3: Will syndicate hit-squads get a more personalized design instead of having copy-paste enemy specters? It would 

be awesome to see specific themed hit-squads for each syndicate, Say if you get attacked by the Steel meridian, the

hit squad would be a mix of grineer and colony rebels outfitted with a mix of grineer armor and weapons, it would

be nice to see some more syndicate-specific designs.



4: Will we ever be able to call an ally syndicate to aid us during a mission? say if you are a high rank in a

syndicate you can purchase an item to call down a squad from a specific syndicate to help you during your mission,

but syndicate squads will not attack their own troops: if you are attacked by new loka and call down a new loka

squad they will not attack each other.




5: Melee 2.5 Aka: Melee charge attacks being revived? Any new status?


Hub question:

1: Will we get more options to enter missions from hubs? As much as hubs where talked about for being a place to

gather a squad and head out to missions it doesn't really seem to do its job that efficiently, I usually end up

having to go back to my liset because I either forgot to change to a specific weapon, Or left my game on solo mode,

Or forgot my sentinel etc etc. Basically will you be able to change your load-out and change your matchmaking options

from hubs anytime soon? I know that you can change your load-out to a preset from the hub but with so many weapons

and warframes to choose from I can't seem to fit them all into presets.



Tileset questions:

1: Will we see a tileset that isn't based on a specific faction? It seems like every tileset has to be based around

a specific faction, Be it Grineer, Corpus, Or infested which uses both, I think it would be nice to have a pure 

themed tileset with very few corpus/grineer buildings or themes in them, Corpus and grineer ships would be an

acception though just so it specify's who you are actually fighting in the tile, Something like that would be neat.




2: Will treasure rooms get more rewarding? Maybe add a point system of some sort to actually finding hidden rooms

and areas? It might even be cool if you find artifacts in the treasure rooms and they can be traded in to the void

trader for large amounts of ducats or a special item, Any thoughts?



Misc questions:


1: Since the last devstream it has been stated that we will be using our archwing in the new underwater missions, 

this is kind of disappointing.. I know it would probably be needed in the deep ocean to get places faster and such 

but will swimming ever become a mechanic in the future without the use of archwing? I think it would be fun to 

swim around some sections of tilesets with just our warframe.




2: Will we get more weapon skins that change the entire look of the weapon? Like the Manticore skin? It seems most

of the new skins are only texture changes for the same old weapon, It would be nice to have more unique looking

skins that actually change the whole look of the weapon.

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Any news on Grineer weapons? Compared to the corpus and Tenno the Grineer have very low variety for a gun based army, So will there be any new Grineer weapons?

Also passives on old frames? Would like to see passives on some of the older frames, IMO passives would add more character to the warframes, showing how each warframe prefers to fight (Like how the messa gets more hp when not equipping a melee weapon because she is a gun-fighter) but because they are passive you can just ignore them in favor of your own personal play style (I.E, Most people still have the melee weapon on the messa)


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