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Serious Question To Everyone Who Isn't A Founder...


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As someone who doesn't much care one way or the other, I can only speculate.  One reason I didn't see mentioned (and may be a non issue, given my less than complete understanding of warframe) could be another 12000ish mastery available (Excal prime, Lato prime, Skana prime), perhaps?


Or do you not get extra mastery for ranking up both a prime and a non prime version of something?

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What is it with the obsession of keeping a notoriously blah frame exclusive?


its simple. a reward is something given for something done to standard. You guys who dont have XYZ, didnt do what was needed to get it.


they arent going to give everyone a statue. Deal with it

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My own personal little goal as a collectionist is to get to rank 30 and have all items.


I dont care if they re release founders or any exclusives as that is not what I am interested in.  I have been here for all events except the huge Legendary core exploit event as I was working.


Right now just to have tasted all content I would trade my GM Founder items for Lato and Braton Vandal as those are the only items truly Exclusive and most customers had no way to get them.  Primed Chamber was a dumb idea and it is not cute and the fact that they laugh it off in dev streams show they don't really play their own game and understand why it is popular.


I really wish they would just time limit exclusives, all of them, to 3 months or 6 months so folks who had the misfortune to miss out can eventually catch up their collection.  4 of my friends are done with Warframe not due to any game play, but simply they can't keep up with the content even as paying customers so I just play solo until burnout and then take breaks but always have to keep checking Warframe for the latest exclusive.  I honestly have hope they will rerelease the previous exclusive stuff like lato/braton vandal but if I miss an event due to traveling for work or something I am probably done with Warframe too as collecting it all and achieving 100% is how I enjoy a game.

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What is it with the obsession of getting a notoriously blah frame? And why does everybody seem to ignore the fact that Digital Extremes has stated on multiple occasions that they have no intention on rereleasing founders content? I have no intention of causing a flamewar. This is an honest-to-god question. I bought Grand Master, obviously, when it was out, and I just let the frame gather dust because I never enjoyed Excalibur to begin with, since I was only really interested in Lato and Skana Prime.

But why, besides mastery and collection, WHY is everyone so obsessed with the content? There are so many better options, why beg for the content that you missed out on to be released? You're not really missing much.

lol why not want excal prime


if you dont want him ask DE to transfer him over to my account. thank you 

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Isnt it just annoying that people just keep demanding Excalibur Prime over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ...... 1001920192319 over ands later... over again? 

Just get over it for gods sake, Let the people who supported devs when this game was in such situiation which you wouldnt even stand an hour playing it because of bugs, old and annoying interfaces, bad effects etc etc etc. 

Let the oldies have something exclusive to their time. 

You missed it, It wont be avalible again. Get over it. Stop making threads about it. 

 You don't understand free speech or how to publicly object, public outcry and rejecting and institutions decision, apparently.


It's real written in stone Legal issues that will arise from it. Not just, "would be shady".

And terms can never, ever, ever, be renegotiated. Seriously, get real. This isn't rocket science or celebrity court.

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Serious question to everyone who is a founder.

What is it with the obsession of making threads about a notoriously blah frame? And why does everybody seem to ignore the fact that Digital Extremes has stated on multiple occasions that they have no intention on rereleasing founders content, yet, they keep making threads about said subject.


And yes, i would like to have him, but as you can see, i don't make threads asking for his return. Can we just forget about him and not talk about this anymore?


PD: Also, some of us, are collectionist, and as a collectionist, it's basically something we can't have. But i've not seen any thread about Excalibur until now. So yeah, it's better to not talk about him, basically.


Most of the Excal Prime threads are made by non-Founders wanting to suggestion some "solution" to how they can get Excalibur Prime, and most of the negative, inflammatory comments come from non-Founders who post about how it's not fair to non-Founders to not have that frame.


Anyway, yeah, this thread will be deleted because this is essentially a meta-complaint thread and centered on an issue that has already been decided by DE.

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Well, for me its not really an issue, Im a little bit dispointed that I don;t have it, sure a wee bit, due to I'm an Prime/Orokin Zealot, or an "Orokin Techno-evangelist" (If anyone can guess what Im refinancing from, you gain a golden star) I whuold want to have ALL the Prime stuff, but really I HATE excal. (Mostly cuz I never used him ever, and will only use him until the Hayden Tenno skin comes out)



But like Omega said really, its just human nature to want something we can't have, for example I want a female Stalker, I want an Zanuka as an pet, I want an Orokin tower as an Dojo, etc.

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This topic isn't pointless. It should keep being brought up as long as the dissatisfaction with DE's stance on the matter remains. DE fears a release of founders content, even if modified, would be shady. Many, especially those who have at this point contributed a great deal to the game, would disagree. Its is hard to quantify how important the founders investment was at the time, but as I hear it the Prime Access packs around the release of Warframe on PS4 also pulled DE out of the Fire. 


As things are, the stance on the subject is not acceptable to those invested in the game. We should have the right to voice are disapproval and not be forced out. I have said this as plainly and calmly as I can.


No, it's not acceptable.  It's been brought up in hundreds of threads and it's just the same thing over and over and over.  There is no legitimate excuse or point to creating them.


You are free, however, to keep creating them just to annoy the community if that's what gets you off.


Mods, just nuke this damn thread already.

Edited by FishNeedles
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Well, for me its not really an issue, Im a little bit dispointed that I don;t have it, sure a wee bit, due to I'm an Prime/Orokin Zealot, or an "Orokin Techno-evangelist" (If anyone can guess what Im refinancing from, you gain a golden star) I whuold want to have ALL the Prime stuff, but really I HATE excal. (Mostly cuz I never used him ever, and will only use him until the Hayden Tenno skin comes out)



But like Omega said really, its just human nature to want something we can't have, for example I want a female Stalker, I want an Zanuka as an pet, I want an Orokin tower as an Dojo, etc.


You were my brother till you said you wanted a Zanuka as a pet


Maybe if Alad uses YOU in one ill consider it

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I love our lord and king Excalibur from day one I have spend more than a lot of founders would spend and keep putting money on this game  with that I feel the founders should have Excalibur Prime  and the weapons and tittles as a big thank you from DE for being there from the start  and everyone should get over it ..



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Well when I actually cared about it (I dont anymore) it was because of mastery rank. Thats it. I wanted the highest MR I could get for no other reason then wanting that highest MR and to do that I had to have those items to reach my goal. Its not that I wanted those primes its that I wanted the MR points from them.


Today I really dont care anymore. Im MR 15 right now, Im not to interested in leveling up even more weapons for the sake of higher MR. Lately Ive just been doing a lot of forma to improve the weapons and frames I like rather then level up ones Im most likely going to sell when I hit 30 with them.

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You were my brother till you said you wanted a Zanuka as a pet


Maybe if Alad uses YOU in one ill consider it




Just because I want one of these badass Zanuka things, every Tenno is at my neck about it.


Fine!, I'll just go back to my Cyro-Pod and be alone, or how ABOUT I JOIN THE STALKER AND KILL YOU ALL!?



:( *crosses arms*

Edited by LegionCynex
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No, it's not acceptable.  It's been brought up in hundreds of threads and it's just the same thing over and over and over.  There is no legitimate excuse or point to creating them.


You are free, however, to keep creating them just to annoy the community if that's what gets you off.


Mods, just nuke this damn thread already.


It is DE's forum and they can curate it as they see fit. But as a member of this forum I have the right to express my dissatisfaction with DE decision. Others you agree and don't agree are free to voice their opinion. It is an institutional decision to not challenge or reproach the subject, by DE and it is dissatisfactory to a large number of the community. DE is invested in its Community and so simply being silent isn't an option.

  I believe I have valid reasons for the decision to be reviewed. There is nothing wrong with my voicing that. If it was just one person opinion vs another I would agree, let it be. But its an institution, with censorship power, and must be challenged.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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It is DE's forum and they can curate it as they see fit. But as a member of this forum I have the right to express my dissatisfaction with DE decision. Others you agree and don't agree are free to voice their opinion. It is an institutional decision to not challenge or reproach the subject, by DE and it is dissatisfactory to a large number of the community. DE is invested in its Community and so simply being silent isn't an option.

  I believe I have valid reasons for the decision to be reviewed. There is nothing wrong with my voicing that. If it was just one person opinion vs another I would agree, let it be. But its an institution, with censorship power, and must be challenged.


Like I said, you are free to do that.  It's your right.  It will, however, keep instigating angry responses from people who are annoyed as F*** with all of these pointless threads.  Which is also their right.  These posts do nothing, absolutely nothing, to change the situation, and never will.  Why is it so difficult for people such as yourself to accept that?  Is it because you feel that you are entitled to these items?  So yes, we're all free to be A******s, but that doesn't mean you need to be an A****** just to be an A******.

Edited by FishNeedles
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Like I said, you are free to do that.  It's your right.  It will, however, keep instigating angry responses from people who are annoyed as F*** with all of these pointless threads.  Which is also their right.  These posts do nothing, absolutely nothing, to change the situation, and never will.  Why is it so difficult for people such as yourself to accept that?  Is it because you feel that you are entitled to these items?  So yes, we're all free to be A******s, but that doesn't mean you need to be an A****** just to be an A******.


I have only posted one topic on the subject. I only post to threads on the matter occasionally. I don't think talking about the issue makes anyone a jerk, accept when they behave like one. The act of broaching the topic alone is to challenge DE's stance on the matter. To say it will never change is not a fact.

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Could you, like, stop bringing it up? I swear, it's mainly Founders who try to rekindle this dying flame every time it's nearly gone out. 

"People have stopped talking about my exclusive gear! ....I should bring it up again and ask why so many people want it"



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I think that any topic that incites a discussion about releasing or not releasing or wanting Excalibur Prime should be a moddable offense. DE already said no and many founders and non-founders agree with that.


Topics like this always turn into a pissing contest.

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Could you, like, stop bringing it up? I swear, it's mainly Founders who try to rekindle this dying flame every time it's nearly gone out. 

"People have stopped talking about my exclusive gear! ....I should bring it up again and ask why so many people want it"



That's some industrial strength delusion you got there... Best be careful not to spill it..

We don't bring the topic up much,we respond to the people that do though.

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