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Serious Question To Everyone Who Isn't A Founder...


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I think that any topic that incites a discussion about releasing or not releasing or wanting Excalibur Prime should be a moddable offense. DE already said no and many founders and non-founders agree with that.


Topics like this always turn into a &!$$ing contest.


DE is not a person it is a business and institution. It doesn't get to just ignore its customers. It can, but that isn't good business, and as an institution it doesn't get to just let bygones be bygones. It has to be challenged when people see it is in the wrong. As to wether that is true or not needs to be hashed out, and many don't feel like that is the case. What is the case is the door keeps getting slammed shut.

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I have only posted one topic on the subject. I only post to threads on the matter occasionally. I don't think talking about the issue makes anyone a jerk, accept when they behave like one. The act of broaching the topic alone is to challenge DE's stance on the matter. To say it will never change is not a fact.


Yes. It is. It's already been stated, quoted, etc etc etc that it's never coming back. Done. Final. Fact. Too late. Sorry.


Also, do you not search for threads before posting one?  It may be your first, but it is brought up constantly.  If you want to see every justification and rebuke possible regarding the subject, just pore through one of the other threads.

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Yes. It is. It's already been stated, quoted, etc etc etc that it's never coming back. Done. Final. Fact. Too late. Sorry.


Also, do you not search for threads before posting one?  It may be your first, but it is brought up constantly.  If you want to see every justification and rebuke possible regarding the subject, just pore through one of the other threads.


This isn't my threat. And the fact that DE says it doesn't want to do anything shady tells me that they aren't in an ironclad agreement with founders. So, amenable terms could be explored for all parties. That is a fact.

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What is it with the obsession of getting a notoriously blah frame? And why does everybody seem to ignore the fact that Digital Extremes has stated on multiple occasions that they have no intention on rereleasing founders content? I have no intention of causing a flamewar. This is an honest-to-god question. I bought Grand Master, obviously, when it was out, and I just let the frame gather dust because I never enjoyed Excalibur to begin with, since I was only really interested in Lato and Skana Prime.

But why, besides mastery and collection, WHY is everyone so obsessed with the content? There are so many better options, why beg for the content that you missed out on to be released? You're not really missing much.


I want the mastery exp from them, simple as that.


Same goes for the event weapons I missed. It's not fair to put some players at an advantage over others when it comes to mastery rank. If these 'exclusives' didn't yield mastery exp I could care less about who lords what over players heads. I have what I want and that's all that matters. ;) (Ember Prime & Braton Prime)

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This isn't my threat. And the fact that DE says it doesn't want to do anything shady tells me that they aren't in an ironclad agreement with founders. So, amenable terms could be explored for all parties. That is a fact.


Explain why, then, that this thread needs to exist.  Do you think they are unaware of how many entitled children are crying for it based on the other 500 threads and undoubtedly countless emails?


Do you need this to live?  Is that why you're so adamant?  Is the game unplayable without it?  Does life revolve around collecting everything there is in Warframe?


Just to be clear, I don't have it, and wouldn't have dropped $250 to get it when it was available (which it was when I started playing).  The idea of paying that much money for something so minuscule would be absurd for me.  His head looks different, MUST HAVE!

Edited by FishNeedles
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This isn't my threat. And the fact that DE says it doesn't want to do anything shady tells me that they aren't in an ironclad agreement with founders. So, amenable terms could be explored for all parties. That is a fact.

Honestly, I don't know that DE ever used the word "shady".


Also, this is from the Wiki.

With 207 missions and every mission having 30-34 Solar Landmarks (as of 9-30-2014).


That means that there are currently. That means that there are currently 186,300+ Grand Masters. And that is not including the other three tiers. Can you imagine the massive undertaking it would take to contact each and every one of these founders to get the terms amended. It is likely not worth it., and I can guarantee that there would be founders that would not agree to this, unless it was a very sweet deal


Also, I would like to state that I would be fine with the rerelease of these items as long as they led to a dual Skana Prime and an AK Lato Prime. Just pointing out some facts.

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Explain why, then, that this thread needs to exist.  Do you think they are unaware of how many entitled children are crying for it based on the other 500 threads and undoubtedly countless emails?


Do you need this to live?  Is that why you're so adamant?  Is the game unplayable without it?  Does life revolve around collecting everything there is in Warframe?


Just to be clear, I don't have it, and wouldn't have dropped $250 to get it when it was available (which it was when I started playing).  The idea of paying that much money for something so minuscule would be absurd for me.  His head looks different, MUST HAVE!

Hyperbole and false equavency aside, I and many other have a legitimate grievance and are ability to voice it is obstructed. No serious arbitration is considered. This bordering on offensive as I feel I have arguably contributed as much and at a critical juncture to DE. That access to the Founder Primes should no longer be exclusive, also that items that have master rank associated to them are not appropriate exclusives in general.

Amiable terms for all parties should be explored. Only then will the matter be put to rest.

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Hyperbole and false equavency aside, I and many other have a legitimate grievance and are ability to voice it is obstructed. No serious arbitration is considered. This bordering on offensive as I feel I have arguably contributed as much and at a critical juncture to DE. That access to the Founder Primes should no longer be exclusive, also that items that have master rank associated to them are not appropriate exclusives in general.

Amiable terms for all parties should be explored. Only then will the matter be put to rest.

limited time offers have been around for a lot longer than just the warframe founders package


people only needed to spend iirc 50 to get him... then 150 and 250 or w/e for the two upgrades for extra weapons and dc access.. the dc access is imho more valuable with the voting, behind the scenes, and previews we get occasionally.


there is really no need for anyone to have him. 


de was very simple and direct about it. if you want the exclusive shiny, you had till nov 2013 to get it. starting after that means its not available to you.

you dont see people flooding walmarts and targets the day after black friday going 'no i want that saaalleee nowwww!!! i waant itttt!! hnnnggg!!!' 


and if you do you look at them like theyre crazy and walk away slowly

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I'm somewhat ashamed to admit this - (not really) but I have grown so weary of the entitlement crowd thinking that life just HAS to get fair at some point and DE just HAS to give them an Excalibro Prime, that when I go into the relays I almost always slap Excalibro on to tweak their noses.  I know - not nice. but i do it.  probably keep doing it.  :)

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limited time offers have been around for a lot longer than just the warframe founders package

people only needed to spend iirc 50 to get him... then 150 and 250 or w/e for the two upgrades for extra weapons and dc access.. the dc access is imho more valuable with the voting, behind the scenes, and previews we get occasionally.

there is really no need for anyone to have him.

de was very simple and direct about it. if you want the exclusive shiny, you had till nov 2013 to get it. starting after that means its not available to you.

you dont see people flooding walmarts and targets the day after black friday going 'no i want that saaalleee nowwww!!! i waant itttt!! hnnnggg!!!'

and if you do you look at them like theyre crazy and walk away slowly

If enough consumers rejected a limited sale markets would react. And they have intact. Online sales have extended sales and brick and mortar. Are having to respond.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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um... there is a huge difference between the limited time offer and expanding your sales beyond brick and mortar.  your reference is just to distant to apply - that's simple market pressure.  You get outsold you find a way to become competitive again.  The difference here is Warframe is a closed market, there is NO competition and that original sales offer for the Founder packs was done with text stating that the items were going to always be found exclusives.  The renegotiation you desire so badly would never succeed, as I, as a founder would have a say in it and I would say No.  Call me a jerk if you want to - but your not entitled to everything that can be had in the world. hard work will get you a lot but just like everything else, opportunity and chance play heavily into it.


As far as people rejecting a limited sale.. seriously... supply and demand man.  DE has to make money and limited sale items compel people to buy because they gotta have that new thing. Your desire for something you cant have is proof of it!  The ecenomics of scarcity have been around since the dawn of time - and your not going to change it with Warframe.

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um... there is a huge difference between the limited time offer and expanding your sales beyond brick and mortar.  your reference is just to distant to apply - that's simple market pressure.  You get outsold you find a way to become competitive again.  The difference here is Warframe is a closed market, there is NO competition and that original sales offer for the Founder packs was done with text stating that the items were going to always be found exclusives.  The renegotiation you desire so badly would never succeed, as I, as a founder would have a say in it and I would say No.  Call me a jerk if you want to - but your not entitled to everything that can be had in the world. hard work will get you a lot but just like everything else, opportunity and chance play heavily into it.


As far as people rejecting a limited sale.. seriously... supply and demand man.  DE has to make money and limited sale items compel people to buy because they gotta have that new thing. Your desire for something you cant have is proof of it!  The ecenomics of scarcity have been around since the dawn of time - and your not going to change it with Warframe.

I was only alluding to how market pressure over rules common practices, like limited time offers.

also I suspect your say isn't as great as you make it out to be And terms could be met that would be satisfactory, up to and including refunding those to stuanchly firm on keeping exclusivity. I am not a lawyer or market profession but I know these issues are resolved on bigger figure topics on almost a daily basis.

It was a error to offer MR gear. Understand me mistake and one DE has never made agian. They should reapproach the matter and seek a final resolution. Or this will continue.

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Honestly, I don't know that DE ever used the word "shady".


Also, this is from the Wiki.

With 207 missions and every mission having 30-34 Solar Landmarks (as of 9-30-2014).


That means that there are currently. That means that there are currently 186,300+ Grand Masters. And that is not including the other three tiers. Can you imagine the massive undertaking it would take to contact each and every one of these founders to get the terms amended. It is likely not worth it., and I can guarantee that there would be founders that would not agree to this, unless it was a very sweet deal


Also, I would like to state that I would be fine with the rerelease of these items as long as they led to a dual Skana Prime and an AK Lato Prime. Just pointing out some facts.


I will never agree to any change on this. no matter what is offered. its not about that

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I will never agree to any change on this. no matter what is offered. its not about that

Which is valid, and definitely within your rights, and why the renegotiating option would not work.


On a side note I always wondered how an AKLato and dual Skana Prime would fit into the terms of the Founders pack.

Edited by xRufus7x
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What is it with the obsession of getting a notoriously blah frame? And why does everybody seem to ignore the fact that Digital Extremes has stated on multiple occasions that they have no intention on rereleasing founders content? I have no intention of causing a flamewar. This is an honest-to-god question. I bought Grand Master, obviously, when it was out, and I just let the frame gather dust because I never enjoyed Excalibur to begin with, since I was only really interested in Lato and Skana Prime.

But why, besides mastery and collection, WHY is everyone so obsessed with the content? There are so many better options, why beg for the content that you missed out on to be released? You're not really missing much.

It's called...

A. I really like Excalibur

B. I like Prime frames

C. I like collecting stuff

D. I want the mastery

E. I really like Excalibur

F. I really like collecting prime gear


Edited by NocturneOfSolace
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