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The Rakta Balistica Buff


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Careful DE it that 5% crit on charged attacks might have pushed an already very powerful weapon over the top. Please consider balance when you are making such crazy buffs, I mean it's not like there is a hitscan weapon that doesn't need charging and does 60% more dmg per shot in another syndicate.

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Yeah... they've been good about buffing weapons recently but this was an extremely weak buff overall. For some reason DE is convinced that the Rakta Ballistica is an enormously powerful weapon that might be way OP if it's buffed any more than it was.


I like the change from Impact to Puncture but that really doesn't affect the weapon significantly.

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This "buff" feels like DEs way of saying "No, this gun is just fine. Its just YOU that dont know how to use it".

Steve was saying something about the AoE proc in the devstream, but youre gonna be heavily relying on your teammates to charge up the bar. 


They should atleast remove that crazy horizontal recoil and give some actual damage buffs to it.

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Rakta Ballistica Changes:


The following changes have been made to the Rakta Ballistica.  Future adjustments may continue to be made, and feedback on any weapon are encouraged to be posted in the appropriate subforum.


  • Rakta Ballistica’s crit chance has been buffed from 15 to 20 on charge.
  • Ratka Ballistica’s damage on charge has been changed to 5 Slash, 5 Impact, 90 Puncture.

While I certainly agree that it's a mini buff, I'm still happy that DE has taken the first step on considering this weapon.

I have polarized mine 4 times and will provide a feedback once I tested it on a T4 mission. ^_^

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The Rakta Ballistica still needs a buff instead of a mostly lateral change. Maybe something like, at least a 2.0 multiplier for the crit damage to justify the tiny buff to crit chance. It's still the same amount of base damage right now, just not impact. 


However, this is a step in the right direction, but they are responding to this at about the speed Fema responded to Katrina. I don't want it to be left in the dust if it's to be such a prestigious weapon.

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I appreciate the fact they buffed the Rakta Ballistica, but we agree to say the only buff on crit is far from being sufficient. I don't even speak of the damage swapping in stats ; on this point, things have come back the way they should have been.


A few buffs I thought about that the Rakta should benefit are :

- the reduction of horizontal recoil, and a good one. AND even change it to vertical (like any other weapon...). It ruins the weapons by wasting your ammos and making your shots miss.

- a straight buff on damages, especially the normal damages (because the situations rarely let us take the time to actually aim, and we need to fire quickly)

- a bigger magazine ? When using the normal burst shots, the magazine is empty in no time and reloading isn't fast enough to make up for.

- a SIGNIFICANT buff on crits damage and multiplier, and add chances in normal shots.

- the fire rate and charge speed are fine the way they are in my opinion.


I don't want to come back to comparing to other Syndicates Weapons, but Rakta Ballistica is STILL inferior to others.


EDIT : I've just tried on Cerberus (Pluto). Many things :

- About 75% were wasted (due to recoil)

- I ran out of ammo (with a secondary...), consequence of above.

- My charged shots can't oneshoot Tech (my modding includes only maxed damage mods such as Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, etc.). It took SEVERAL shots to kill them. Any other Syndicates with the same modding takes 2-3 shots in the worst case to kill those Tech.

- No difference before/after buff...

Hopefully, DE seems to keep an eye on feedback. So, let's hope !

Edited by Yesardrahin
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hehe. i am done. i'd rather rakta ballistica remain super bad than de trying to fool us with meaningless buffs.

it's fine we still have many good weapons. DE you can stop trying. I konw you dont want rakta be good. i get it now, ok?

Edited by Eric1738
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I wonder what'd happen if I went rep farming using a Trinity, Kohm and Rakta Ballistica...


I might end up with some decent rep, a good support warframe, a shotgun that will stay the same for 2 hotfixes in a row, and a reliable secondary by the time I finish.

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I went to think about it, but rather than how balanced is the Rakta Ballistica, I am sure the choice of Ballistica as the Red Veil's Weapon was a bad idea, considering the chosen weapons for the other Syndicates... But in another hand, which weapon could it have been ? Akzani ? Nukor ?

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well I hope that when they said "Future adjustments may continue to be made" they mean it.

I'm happy that the damage focus was changed.... but +5% to crit chance.... on a weapon with 1.5x crit damage..... come on...


all I want is a flat increase to damage, silent projectiles, and the ability TO CHANGE THE BLOODY COLORS!!



on a side note though.

I thought it was kinda funny that the burst fire still has it's main damage type as impact.

Edited by RIOTx
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Alright, I am going to just post it again. If DE's reason for not buffing its stats is the proc, just change it to fire. Then...


For those that have been viewing the Rakta Ballistica threads, this will look similar. I have been a long time Ballistica fan, so both of the Ballisticas being so bad is really bugging me. I shall continue to post the following because it is the most logical solution.
It would not be that hard to fix, just tweak its damage stats.
When Ballstica first came out, its stats were identical to Paris'. However, Ballistica was not buffed when the Bows were. Thus, would it not be logical to simply buff it to the point that the Bows were buffed to?
Also, I do not understand the switch from puncture to impact damage. When taking out high priority targets, I would think that puncturing them would be more useful than punching them. It seems that DE wants to change the damage type though, so slash would make more sense. Red Veil wants to purge and Slash damage will make the victims suffer.
I think it would be really cool if all of the Syndicate weapons were equivalently powered and all end game tier weapons.
Basically, I think Ballistica should be equivalent to Paris and Rakta Ballistica should be equivalent to Paris Prime (or Dread).
I also think that burst fire should be a viable alternative to charged fire (unlike bows). It should not be as powerful, but at least decent.
Thus the stats would be...
40 (burst) damage (per arrow)
150 (charge) damage
20% crit chance (burst)
50% crit chance (charged)
2x crit multiplier
(everything else the same)
1 second charge time 
Rakta Ballistica
50 (burst) damage (per arrow)
200 (charge) damage
20% crit chance (burst)
60% crit chance (charged)
2x crit multiplier
1 second charge time 
As for the 50% and 60% crit chances, 50% is the minimum (pretty number) crit chance for secondarys to obtain 100% crit chance due to secondarys crit chance mod being weaker (120% versus rifles 150%). I gave the Rakta 60% so that it would be able to occasionally hit some red crits. And for those who say "the better pistol mods would make it OP", go look at the secondary crit damage mod... it is only 60%.
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Ballistica needs to be buffed to the same level as Paris (or Attica)


Rakta ballistica needs to be buffed to the same level as Dread (or a similar buff to Attica)

Nah it's fine as it is. Don't forget that the Rakta Balistica has the syndicate AoE effect. Listen to Steve. 

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This weapon could be so much more bada$$, taking into account it is meant for stealth, goes very good with bows, but yeah it could benefit from I would say 25% critical chance , and 150 damage overall (25 slash, 25 impact, 90 puncture). I think that would be bada$$.

The next post has all it needs :D

Then it would my go to secondary for solo stealth Loki runs.

Edited by gvidzix
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Alright, I am going to just post it again. If DE's reason for not buffing its stats is the proc, just change it to fire. Then...


For those that have been viewing the Rakta Ballistica threads, this will look similar. I have been a long time Ballistica fan, so both of the Ballisticas being so bad is really bugging me. I shall continue to post the following because it is the most logical solution.
It would not be that hard to fix, just tweak its damage stats.
When Ballstica first came out, its stats were identical to Paris'. However, Ballistica was not buffed when the Bows were. Thus, would it not be logical to simply buff it to the point that the Bows were buffed to?
Also, I do not understand the switch from puncture to impact damage. When taking out high priority targets, I would think that puncturing them would be more useful than punching them. It seems that DE wants to change the damage type though, so slash would make more sense. Red Veil wants to purge and Slash damage will make the victims suffer.
I think it would be really cool if all of the Syndicate weapons were equivalently powered and all end game tier weapons.
Basically, I think Ballistica should be equivalent to Paris and Rakta Ballistica should be equivalent to Paris Prime (or Dread).
I also think that burst fire should be a viable alternative to charged fire (unlike bows). It should not be as powerful, but at least decent.
Thus the stats would be...
40 (burst) damage (per arrow)
150 (charge) damage
20% crit chance (burst)
50% crit chance (charged)
2x crit multiplier
(everything else the same)
1 second charge time 
Rakta Ballistica
50 (burst) damage (per arrow)
200 (charge) damage
20% crit chance (burst)
60% crit chance (charged)
2x crit multiplier
1 second charge time 
As for the 50% and 60% crit chances, 50% is the minimum (pretty number) crit chance for secondarys to obtain 100% crit chance due to secondarys crit chance mod being weaker (120% versus rifles 150%). I gave the Rakta 60% so that it would be able to occasionally hit some red crits. And for those who say "the better pistol mods would make it OP", go look at the secondary crit damage mod... it is only 60%.



This would be perfect.

Edited by gvidzix
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I think DE overrates the value of Syndicate procs for both weapons and weapon mods.  Don't get me wrong, they can be good, but the fact is you don't have total control over when they trigger, the damage falls off against high level enemies, and it becomes harder to proc it as enemy levels and armor go up in endless missions, which is when you really need it to proc after all. It's especially a problem for the weapon mods that have a crappy bonus (like the status chance on the Sobek) since you're giving up a mod slot.

Edited by ArbitUHM
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