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Frost Post U15.13 Will The Duration Stack Like How Globe Health Does Now?


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From testing, it's a bit of a mixed bag. It's harder to adjust the size of the 'snow globe field' now.


It appears to refresh absorption period just from how it seems to work (old globe gone, and new globe comes out), but I can't tell for sure. Snow Globe duration, however is refreshed but not stacked.

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How is it a nerf to be able to create a massively stronger SG? The only question is if it refreshes the absorption period

The duration doesn't stack(which is not very significant),  area covered can't be adjusted (which can be crucial) and worst of all you get no 4 sec invul/absorb period. Frost is non-viable for high levels now. Thanks, DE! Frost sure needed more nerfs, last year wasn't enough. 

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How is it a nerf to be able to create a massively stronger SG? The only question is if it refreshes the absorption period

The second or so after globe are used to create a buffer between cast. Since the globe health is not display, we have absolutely no idea how long it will last under heavy fire. That's why we cast a second globe, if the first globe depleted we still have time to cast another one, or when we too caught up with the combat and neglected the duration. Now, it seem that DE want us to keep spamming globe till energy depleted. Keep in mind, I talking about high level defense. Low level mission, the globe will usually last for the whole duration.

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The duration doesn't stack(which is not very significant),  area covered can't be adjusted (which can be crucial) and worst of all you get no 4 sec invul/absorb period. Frost is non-viable for high levels now. Thanks, DE! Frost sure needed more nerfs, last year wasn't enough. 

 holy S#&$, now he is useless. the 4 second invul on a new globe was the key for high level defenses.


EDIT: I see myself spamming 3 until wave 39, just to see the objective getting destroyed in wave 40, because you cannot cover up the massive damage you recieve in lategame without the invulnerability of a new casted globe. Screw Frost in defense. It's only Loki and Vauban from now on...

Edited by monodrones
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Lol this thread "it's a nerf its a nerf!! I have no evidence of it being a nerf, but since I have no evidence of it NOT being a nerf it is therefore a nerf!"


Maybe read the title 1st before being annoying?


i asked if duration stacked then after if a health meter could be displayed.

Edited by UndeadGhostWarrior
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The invulnerable phase at the start still exists; if you're seeing something that disputes that, can you add some details?


Snow globe on initial cast pulses to indicate its invulnerable absorb phase...  With the new mechanic, "replacement" snow globe does NOT pulse.  This is ... confusing.


But yeah, having an actual numerical display for globe health would be great and is something that has been asked for previously.

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Snow globe on initial cast pulses to indicate its invulnerable absorb phase

Oh yeah, would be very neat for it to be like.. during invulnerability the globe would be gists of strong wind frying around and then it solidifies into an ice globe.

I think that would be a great indicator.

Edited by Agilaskas
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I think if you ask for number bar, they'll just cap it like they did with mag... So don't.

The potential seems a lot better now, because late game, the globe will absorb damage(a ton) and that is preserved within the refreshed globe every three seconds. Get screwed in reward screen if duration is bad but, that's still a lot of stacking damage.

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