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Akjagara Crafting Requirements - No Need For Akboltos, Just Use Two Boltos (Feedback)


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Hello all,


Seeing the crafting requirements for the Akjagara, then looking at past patterns of akimbo weapons and combination weapons, there is a pattern that making akimbo versions of weapons from singular weapons take only one Orokin Cell (to link up the modding configuration to each other), and combining weapons to make a new weapon also takes one Orokin Cell (to facilitate the combination by giving it power to do so). This makes using the Akboltos for crafting the Akjagara a little bit redundant, as the Akboltos already use an Orokin Cell to link up the modding configuration to each other, and that since the Akjagara uses two Orokin Cells, that means one of them can be used for linking up the Boltos to be Akboltos, and then powering up the process for combining both the Dual Skana and the intermediate product Akboltos. 


And so, would it be possible and desirable to have the crafting requirements of the Akjagara be such that instead of an Akbolto, it would need two Boltos? That would still fit with the pattern I have mentioned above, as well as making the weapon be slightly less tedious to obtain, without forcing as much on players to craft too much just to get the weapon without using Platinum, and still fitting what DE(L) wants with weapon obtaining (i.e.: Taking a bit of time to get it). 


Please discuss civilly in this thread.



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it would be nice if they looked symmetrical like the redeemer and the tigris the 1 blade on the top and the other on the bottom ruins the theme.


to fix this delete the model with the blade on top and cut and paste the one with the blade on bottom and symmetry is restored.

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I don't think DE cares much for the logic behind their recent progression in weapon creation, just purely that it saps more time or something of the like. But kudos on making a logical argument against some of the time sapping that is de's new direction in weaponry, your reasoning is pretty sound. Unfortunately being reasonable is at the bottom of this game's priority list.

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unless they buff it's damage for some reason...


the crafting requirements are bit much for this weapon.

Buff the weapon, keep the crafting requirements.


If they buff the weapon, then it's worth the time and resources.

Edited by DarkLordX2
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I agree with the second paragraph, it's extremely tedious as it is, I'm kind of glad I can simply buy Akskana instead of crafting 2 skanas into it - whilst waiting for the secondary to build at the same time which is also good, having to wait for one bolto before starting to another bolto is a tad too much in this particular case where you also have to craft an akbolto and the actual gun that you're working/waiting for. It'd be ideal to keep the required weapons to a minimum...



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Actually I like this idea.  It does make sense really though I would add one change.  Let it be crafted using either an Akbolto or just two Bolto's.  This way those who kept their Akbolto after getting it to 30 can still craft it without having to make two new Bolto's and those who don't have any of the weapons don't have as much crafting to do.

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it would be nice if they looked symmetrical like the redeemer and the tigris the 1 blade on the top and the other on the bottom ruins the theme.


to fix this delete the model with the blade on top and cut and paste the one with the blade on bottom and symmetry is restored.

Are you, by any chance, related to or are friends with Death kid? (Soul Eater reference)


Back to the OP: I think the Akbolto was for the base gun (being able to dual wield them) and then the two boltos are just for the barrels to put them ontop of the original akboltos.


I don't remember the other ingredients, but that's how I make sense of some of the stupid shiz DE does.


[insert R5 core removal logic]

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Are you, by any chance, related to or are friends with Death kid? (Soul Eater reference)


Back to the OP: I think the Akbolto was for the base gun (being able to dual wield them) and then the two boltos are just for the barrels to put them ontop of the original akboltos.


I don't remember the other ingredients, but that's how I make sense of some of the stupid shiz DE does.


[insert R5 core removal logic]

Except the gun doesn't really require two boltos, but the Akbolto does, Akjagara only uses the Akbolto which is essentially the same one bolto in each hand "built" in our imagination.


[DE logic all the way] :P

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The logic behind this seems to be that the player upgrades his weapons along an increasingly more powerful chain.


you start with the crappy Lato. You upgrade that into a Bolto, you craft a 2nd Bolto and make the AkBolto. You picked up a dual skana long the way and combine these into the AkJagara.

A new player went through, and upgraded 4 weapons before ending up with a brand spanking new AkJagara. THAT is the path that seems to me the devs envisioned.


It is not balanced around the idea you already level'd and trashed everything and now need to repurchase and recraft everything, it's designed for newer players to give them a more sensible path of progression. Where older weapons don't get relegated to vendor trash but end up being upgraded into something more powerful.

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But it'd actualy make sense, for newer players, to have the akjagara from the akbolotos. Think about it: Build two boltos for the akbolto, then the akjagara, or build four boltos for the akbolto and the akjagara. 




Best option though: don't use weapons at all.


Though to my understanding, they're essentialy just akvastos with some tweaking.  

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Let's see what I need to Crafting AKJagara :


Gun parts (2 Slots needed)

Lato 1 : 10,000 C, 0s

-Bolto 1 : 35,000C + 12h

Lato 2 : 10,000 C, 0s

-Bolto 2 : 35,000C + 12h (you cannot craft 2 bolto inthe same time)

AK Bolto : 35,000C + 12h


Blade parts (1 slot)

Dual Skana : 45,000 + (12h but you can craft it during AKbolto crafting)


AKJagara : 40,000 C + 12h


So it will take something like 220,000 C + 48h and 2 free slots and for me who make craft during the night.... 4 nights almost as long as a warframe for these tiny things



The last question, is it worth it ??? do no know because I don't have enough free slot and haven't start crafting it ! XD
















AND finally HAVE :

250px-TnoBladedPistols.png = 6 Weapons ??? = 220,000 C + 48h and 2 free slots


In the END, I'm pretty sure to have a big surprise : terribly bad one or ... a good one ?


My Personal Conclusion : I Won't craft it NOW because, it cost too much time, money, rooms and I'll wait seeing it in action and decide in 2-3 weeks


Want to know all ressources need :

Bolto x2


Manufacturing Requirements 26px-Credits64.png
20,000 Lato
1 32px-PolymerBundle64.png
800 32px-OrokinCell64.png
2 32px-Neurode64.png
2 Time: 12 hr   Market Price: 20px-Platinum64.png 175 Blueprint Price: 22px-Credits64.png 15,000




Requirements 26px-Credits64.png
20,000 Bolto
1 Bolto
1 32px-OrokinCell64.png
1   Time: 12 hr   Market Price: 20px-Platinum64.png 225 Blueprint Price: 22px-Credits64.png 15,000









Dual Skana


Requirements 26px-Credits64.png
20,000 32px-Morphics64.png
2 32px-PolymerBundle64.png
300 32px-Ferrite64.png
850 32px-AlloyPlate64.png
300 Time: 12 hr   Market Price: 20px-Platinum64.png 130 Blueprint Price: 22px-Credits64.png 25,000





Requirements 26px-Credits64.png
20,000 Akbolto
1 Dual Skana
1 32px-OrokinCell64.png
2   Time: 12 hrs   Market Price: 20px-Platinum64.png 235 Blueprint Price: 22px-Credits64.png 20,000

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